Can a orthodox or catholic be a born again Christian?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
Can a orthodox or catholic be a born again Christian?
I think they can if they have a personal relationship with christ and are born out of water and spirit. I have friends who are in free church and they told me a Catholic can be a christian if he has a personal relationship with christ. But not all catholics are christians. And we talked about the Pope and my friend said he is not sure if he is a christian I mean the Pope but that a Catholic can be christian.
Can a orthodox or catholic be a born again Christian?
I think they can if they have a personal relationship with christ and are born out of water and spirit. I have friends who are in free church and they told me a Catholic can be a christian if he has a personal relationship with christ. But not all catholics are christians. And we talked about the Pope and my friend said he is not sure if he is a christian I mean the Pope but that a Catholic can be christian.

It depends on what you mean by Orthodox. There are Jewish Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, etc.
Can a orthodox or catholic be a born again Christian?
I think they can if they have a personal relationship with christ and are born out of water and spirit. I have friends who are in free church and they told me a Catholic can be a christian if he has a personal relationship with christ. But not all catholics are christians. And we talked about the Pope and my friend said he is not sure if he is a christian I mean the Pope but that a Catholic can be christian.

Of course, anyone can believe any theological system they want. Even if an organization banned them from that religion, it can't change ones personal relationship with God.
Can a orthodox or catholic be a born again Christian?
I think they can if they have a personal relationship with christ and are born out of water and spirit. I have friends who are in free church and they told me a Catholic can be a christian if he has a personal relationship with christ. But not all catholics are christians. And we talked about the Pope and my friend said he is not sure if he is a christian I mean the Pope but that a Catholic can be christian.

It depends on what you mean by Orthodox. There are Jewish Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, etc.

Christian Orthodox. Greek, Russian, Serbian etc. Not jewish. Im Serbian-Orthodox but I accepted Jesus as my saviour. I went to free church, they introduced me to their circle and online I did a bible Course. Part of that Bible Course was to say a Prayer that Jesus Christ Comes into your life. Also I have Friends who are in free church, I read bible etc.
Can a orthodox or catholic be a born again Christian?
I think they can if they have a personal relationship with christ and are born out of water and spirit. I have friends who are in free church and they told me a Catholic can be a christian if he has a personal relationship with christ. But not all catholics are christians. And we talked about the Pope and my friend said he is not sure if he is a christian I mean the Pope but that a Catholic can be christian.

It depends on what you mean by Orthodox. There are Jewish Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, etc.

Christian Orthodox. Greek, Russian, Serbian etc. Not jewish. Im Serbian-Orthodox but I accepted Jesus as my saviour. I went to free church, they introduced me to their circle and online I did a bible Course. Part of that Bible Course was to say a Prayer that Jesus Christ Comes into your life. Also I have Friends who are in free church, I read bible etc.
You didn't change religions. You just changed denominations.
The Catholic conception of redemption, being "saved," and forgiveness of sins is DIFFERENT from that of the "Born-Again's."

Catholics are "Confirmed," not "saved." For Catholics, every day is a new day, and salvation is not established until the moment of death. The idea of being "saved" in mid-life is bizarre and ignores human frailties. Our sins are forgiven after confession, under power granted directly by Christ to his Apostles, and to today's priests tracing a direct line back to Peter.

We have a "personal relationship with Jesus" that a "Born Again" cannot even imagine. We re-enact the Last Supper ("Do this in remembrance of me!") every day, with the same experience as those Disciples who ate at that table. We commune with the living representatives of Christ on earth, who are Priests not Ministers. There is a huge difference.

I don't see how a Catholic can be a "Born-Again Christian." There isn't a Born Again in the world who accepts the Pope as the true successor of Peter, with the power to - under very limited and rare circumstances - speak for the Holy Spirit infallibly on matters of faith and morals.

It's almost like asking whether a Jew can be a Christian. It's difficult to imagine.
John 3 says it all. You must be born again. Jesus repeats that 2 or 3 times, and states it emphatically. Most Catholics I know (and I was raised Catholic, so I have a Catholic mom + relatives) don't understand salvation and some even seem opposed to the idea of being born again. Which boggles my mind, as Jesus clearly stated it is absolutely necessary.
Can a orthodox or catholic be a born again Christian?
I think they can if they have a personal relationship with christ and are born out of water and spirit. I have friends who are in free church and they told me a Catholic can be a christian if he has a personal relationship with christ. But not all catholics are christians. And we talked about the Pope and my friend said he is not sure if he is a christian I mean the Pope but that a Catholic can be christian.
Catholics and Orthodox ARE "Born again" through Baptism and Confirmation. Seems mostly non-Christians are confused about that.

John 3 says it all. You must be born again. Jesus repeats that 2 or 3 times, and states it emphatically. Most Catholics I know (and I was raised Catholic, so I have a Catholic mom + relatives) don't understand salvation and some even seem opposed to the idea of being born again. Which boggles my mind, as Jesus clearly stated it is absolutely necessary.

Huh? Like toes and feet "Salvation" is just a fact of life; one is not ASSURED of course (at the risk of committing the sin of presumption) until Judgement is passed after death. Can't fool God even if we can fool ourselves.

John 3 says it all. You must be born again. Jesus repeats that 2 or 3 times, and states it emphatically. Most Catholics I know (and I was raised Catholic, so I have a Catholic mom + relatives) don't understand salvation and some even seem opposed to the idea of being born again. Which boggles my mind, as Jesus clearly stated it is absolutely necessary.

Huh? Like toes and feet "Salvation" is just a fact of life; one is not ASSURED of course (at the risk of committing the sin of presumption) until Judgement is passed after death. Can't fool God even if we can fool ourselves.


Your first sentence "is just a fact of life" almost sounds like you believe everyone gets saved...that is not biblical. I'm sorry but I disagree with your beliefs. No religious ceremony is going to save someone. Especially an infant being baptized, who has zero idea what is going on. Being born again is not a church ceremony, where many people at that age (confirmation) are just going through the motions because their parents dragged them to church. It's infinitely more than that.

I did a video having to do with this topic, maybe I'll share it here if anyone wants to see it.
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