Can 500 law professors be wrong?

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He's never had a black out, he only fell asleep. That's tantamount to, "I never had sex with that women". An attempt to mislead the Senate Committee.
Who gives a fuck? You're just mad because you and your commie ilk don't get to control the supreme court as you have for the past 80 years.

This is a significant swing on the Court to constitutional preservation and away from deliberate communist misinterpretation and hijack.

Yep, they'll be morning the loss of their super legislature for decades. And I'll be rubbing it in their faces for as long as I live. Hopefully RGB will depart the court soon so Trump will get another nomination. :5_1_12024:

The Conspiracy Theory is that Brett Kavanaugh is a gang rapist and a paedophile. That he is the VICTIM of heinous accusations from the Unhinged Left is not a Conspiracy Theory, this is a political hit job. The other thing is that Brett Kavanaugh is a very Moderate Conservative he's not a Right-Winger, he is more Anthony Kennedy than Antonin Scalia but that the Unhinged Left don't care they want a Leftist Leftist and if they cannot have one they are happy to destroy a man's entire life.

He sited conspiracy theories along with crying and lying at his confirmation hearing. That's not even mentioning his lies from his previous confirmation hearings that only recently came to light. Just admit that you want a hard core right winger on the court, and things like integrity and honesty don't count.

Brett Kavanaugh is a Moderate Conservative, the only Conspiracy Theories are from the Unhinged Left that he is a gang rapist and a paedophile.

I suppose by your far far right leanings he is moderate, to you. Moderate conservatives lie and lie; the far far right are damn liars and prodigious hypocrites.

Hmmmm, it seems Kavanaugh is far to the right. He should be impeached and removed from the court of appeals. Bigots with the biases he expressed do not deserve to don the robe.

"He should be impeached and removed from the court of appeals. Bigots with the biases he expressed do not deserve to don the robe."

Brett Kavanaugh is a bigot how exactly? Post links to illustrate anything bigoted Brett Kavanaugh has ever commented. Or to you one of the Unhinged Left is he a bigot because he's a WHITE CHRISTIAN, we know that the Unhinged Left thinks that WHITE CHRISTIAN = Bigot.
conservative is worth death to them. just know that. their behavior was because they have absolutely no respect for our lives.

"conservative is worth death to them. just know that. their behavior was because they have absolutely no respect for our lives."

Yes that's why I commented the other things about they are basic Marxists and their ideal situation is that given the opportunity all Conservatives and ANYONE who dares to dissent from The Leftist Agenda aka Communism they would think NOTHING of rounding up and murdering, when they comment that they would NOT support that it's horsecrap, every day it is illustrated across Social Media these violent and psychotic demands to murder ANYONE who dares to disagree with them, this IS the Unhinged Left and NOBODY from even the Left EVER disagrees with these violent and psychotic demands, what they do is either but but but or deliberately derail to change the topic.
Indictment of a President seems a much less clear Constitutional question than some seem to hold. This demonstrates how what the Constitution does or does not say can only be couched in words, and words are part of living language. Anyone applying the Constitution does so according to what the words mean to him/her.
Does anyone wish to propose that the Constitution be expressed in other than words?
He sited conspiracy theories along with crying and lying at his confirmation hearing. That's not even mentioning his lies from his previous confirmation hearings that only recently came to light. Just admit that you want a hard core right winger on the court, and things like integrity and honesty don't count.

Brett Kavanaugh is a Moderate Conservative, the only Conspiracy Theories are from the Unhinged Left that he is a gang rapist and a paedophile.

I suppose by your far far right leanings he is moderate, to you. Moderate conservatives lie and lie; the far far right are damn liars and prodigious hypocrites.

Hmmmm, it seems Kavanaugh is far to the right. He should be impeached and removed from the court of appeals. Bigots with the biases he expressed do not deserve to don the robe.

"He should be impeached and removed from the court of appeals. Bigots with the biases he expressed do not deserve to don the robe."

Brett Kavanaugh is a bigot how exactly? Post links to illustrate anything bigoted Brett Kavanaugh has ever commented. Or to you one of the Unhinged Left is he a bigot because he's a WHITE CHRISTIAN, we know that the Unhinged Left thinks that WHITE CHRISTIAN = Bigot.
conservative is worth death to them. just know that. their behavior was because they have absolutely no respect for our lives.

"conservative is worth death to them. just know that. their behavior was because they have absolutely no respect for our lives."

Yes that's why I commented the other things about they are basic Marxists and their ideal situation is that given the opportunity all Conservatives and ANYONE who dares to dissent from The Leftist Agenda aka Communism they would think NOTHING of rounding up and murdering, when they comment that they would NOT support that it's horsecrap, every day it is illustrated across Social Media these violent and psychotic demands to murder ANYONE who dares to disagree with them, this IS the Unhinged Left and NOBODY from even the Left EVER disagrees with these violent and psychotic demands, what they do is either but but but or deliberately derail to change the topic.
isn't that what the nazis did as well? projecting is their one true talent remember.
Judge Kavanaugh is an uninspiring offering for the Supreme Court.
And by "uninspiring" you mean he will not interpret the constitution to make it mean something it doesn't in a fraudulent circumvention of the amendment process, which we have endured as a nation for decades?
no it means he's a hit man for trump ,,,saving trumps ass because asshole doesn't believe you can indict a sitting president

You're aware there will be 8 other judges voting, right? He can't do a damn thing single handedly.:right:

Brett Kavanaugh is a Moderate Conservative, the only Conspiracy Theories are from the Unhinged Left that he is a gang rapist and a paedophile.

I suppose by your far far right leanings he is moderate, to you. Moderate conservatives lie and lie; the far far right are damn liars and prodigious hypocrites.

Hmmmm, it seems Kavanaugh is far to the right. He should be impeached and removed from the court of appeals. Bigots with the biases he expressed do not deserve to don the robe.

"He should be impeached and removed from the court of appeals. Bigots with the biases he expressed do not deserve to don the robe."

Brett Kavanaugh is a bigot how exactly? Post links to illustrate anything bigoted Brett Kavanaugh has ever commented. Or to you one of the Unhinged Left is he a bigot because he's a WHITE CHRISTIAN, we know that the Unhinged Left thinks that WHITE CHRISTIAN = Bigot.
conservative is worth death to them. just know that. their behavior was because they have absolutely no respect for our lives.

"conservative is worth death to them. just know that. their behavior was because they have absolutely no respect for our lives."

Yes that's why I commented the other things about they are basic Marxists and their ideal situation is that given the opportunity all Conservatives and ANYONE who dares to dissent from The Leftist Agenda aka Communism they would think NOTHING of rounding up and murdering, when they comment that they would NOT support that it's horsecrap, every day it is illustrated across Social Media these violent and psychotic demands to murder ANYONE who dares to disagree with them, this IS the Unhinged Left and NOBODY from even the Left EVER disagrees with these violent and psychotic demands, what they do is either but but but or deliberately derail to change the topic.
isn't that what the nazis did as well? projecting is their one true talent remember.

Well which side is more Fascist Conservative or Leftist? It's the Leftists who do NOT tolerate ANY difference of opinion, it's the Leftists who scream SHUT IT DOWN, it's the Leftists who are threatening and committing acts of violence against ANYONE who does not support The Leftist Agenda of LGBTQ, Abortion used as a means of Contraception, Political Correctness insanity, it's the Leftists who are the purest Racists with their HATE of WHITES, it's the Leftists who are the purest Bigots with their HATE of Christians, so the Unhinged Left are THE Fascists.
Judge Kavanaugh is an uninspiring offering for the Supreme Court.
And by "uninspiring" you mean he will not interpret the constitution to make it mean something it doesn't in a fraudulent circumvention of the amendment process, which we have endured as a nation for decades?
no it means he's a hit man for trump ,,,saving trumps ass because asshole doesn't believe you can indict a sitting president

You're aware there will be 8 other judges voting, right? He can't do a damn thing single handedly.:right:

And you know Roberts,Alito,Thomas, and Gorsuch will vote however it benefits Trump

The only one of that bunch with an ounce of anything remotely looking like respect for the Constitution is Roberts...and that's only barely
Judge Kavanaugh is an uninspiring offering for the Supreme Court.
And by "uninspiring" you mean he will not interpret the constitution to make it mean something it doesn't in a fraudulent circumvention of the amendment process, which we have endured as a nation for decades?
no it means he's a hit man for trump ,,,saving trumps ass because asshole doesn't believe you can indict a sitting president

You're aware there will be 8 other judges voting, right? He can't do a damn thing single handedly.:right:

And you know Roberts,Alito,Thomas, and Gorsuch will vote however it benefits Trump

The only one of that bunch with an ounce of anything remotely looking like respect for the Constitution is Roberts...and that's only barely
why won't ginsburg or the other three liberal judges vote with trump? so they're not bias, only the ones you choose are? get a life.
Judge Kavanaugh is an uninspiring offering for the Supreme Court.
And by "uninspiring" you mean he will not interpret the constitution to make it mean something it doesn't in a fraudulent circumvention of the amendment process, which we have endured as a nation for decades?
no it means he's a hit man for trump ,,,saving trumps ass because asshole doesn't believe you can indict a sitting president

You're aware there will be 8 other judges voting, right? He can't do a damn thing single handedly.:right:

And you know Roberts,Alito,Thomas, and Gorsuch will vote however it benefits Trump

The only one of that bunch with an ounce of anything remotely looking like respect for the Constitution is Roberts...and that's only barely
They will vote according to rule of law.
Just a question how the fuck did these guys become law professor''s when they deny it was an obvious political hit by the democrats?

The legal experts fault Kavanaugh for failing to remain open to the necessary search for truth after being accused of sexually assaulting a girl when he was a teen and instead becoming “repeatedly aggressive with questioners.” The signees also criticize the judge for indicating that he believes allegations made by professor Christine Blasey Ford and other women are “a calculated and orchestrated political hit” by members of the Democratic Party rather than acknowledging that the Senate must try to understand and investigate the facts surrounding the allegations.

Only biddable people claim Dr. Ford's testimony was a political hit. Of course being a misogynist seems par on course for you, as well as being one of the sheep who believes everything Trump says or tweets is why you lack credibility.
so let me ask you a question, hopefully you'll answer sincerely,

What was the purpose of ms ford giving Feinstein her letter if she did not wish to have it and her identity anonymous?

She may have wanted to expose Grassley, Graham and Trump as misogynists and dishonest hacks, who would put their party, their power and their ambitions before the good of the county.

If so, she was spot on correct.

Totally unbelievable fantasy stories, spot on? Only in the regressive commie world. With any luck you'll be the target of a very similar fantasy.

in a leftist world the sky isn't blue.
/——/ Or if the sky is blue it’s because of global warming
Judge Kavanaugh is an uninspiring offering for the Supreme Court.
And by "uninspiring" you mean he will not interpret the constitution to make it mean something it doesn't in a fraudulent circumvention of the amendment process, which we have endured as a nation for decades?
no it means he's a hit man for trump ,,,saving trumps ass because asshole doesn't believe you can indict a sitting president

You're aware there will be 8 other judges voting, right? He can't do a damn thing single handedly.:right:

And you know Roberts,Alito,Thomas, and Gorsuch will vote however it benefits Trump

The only one of that bunch with an ounce of anything remotely looking like respect for the Constitution is Roberts...and that's only barely
They will vote according to rule of law.
but the liberal judges won't.
10/02/2018 09:02 pm ET Updated 55 minutes ago
More Than 500 Law Professors Condemn Kavanaugh For ‘Lack Of Judicial Temperament’
Eight of the signatures in the letter to the Senate were from professors at Yale, where the Supreme Court nominee obtained his law degree.

By Matt Ferner

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh speaks at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday.

More than 500 law professors from nearly 100 law schools around the nation have signed a letter to the U.S. Senate to say that the volatile temperament Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh displayed on Thursday as he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee disqualifies him from sitting on the nation’s highest court.

“We regret that we feel compelled to write to you to provide our views that at the Senate hearings on Thursday, September 27, 2018, the Honorable Brett Kavanaugh displayed a lack of judicial temperament that would be disqualifying for any court, and certainly for elevation to the highest court of this land,” the letter says.

The letter is signed by many high-profile law professors, including eight from Yale Law School, where Kavanaugh obtained his law degree. The letter remains open for additional signatures through Thursday, when it will be presented to the Senate.

The legal experts fault Kavanaugh for failing to remain open to the necessary search for truth after being accused of sexually assaulting a girl when he was a teen and instead becoming “repeatedly aggressive with questioners.” The signees also criticize the judge for indicating that he believes allegations made by professor Christine Blasey Ford and other women are “a calculated and orchestrated political hit” by members of the Democratic Party rather than acknowledging that the Senate must try to understand and investigate the facts surrounding the allegations.

“Instead of trying to sort out with reason and care the allegations that were raised, Judge Kavanaugh responded in an intemperate, inflammatory, and partial manner, as he interrupted and, at times, was discourteous to questioners,” the letter reads. The law professors cite two statutes, governing bias and recusal, that require a judge to step aside if he or she is at risk of being perceived as being unfair.

Here’s a copy of their letter:

Signed Law Prof Kavanaugh L... by on Scribd
/——-/ Yes they can. Batter up, next stupid question
Judge Kavanaugh is an uninspiring offering for the Supreme Court.
And by "uninspiring" you mean he will not interpret the constitution to make it mean something it doesn't in a fraudulent circumvention of the amendment process, which we have endured as a nation for decades?
no it means he's a hit man for trump ,,,saving trumps ass because asshole doesn't believe you can indict a sitting president

So the Moderate Conservative Brett Kavanaugh is now a gang rapist, a paedophile, Far Far Right, a Bigot AND a hit man for Trump :rolleyes-41:
And by "uninspiring" you mean he will not interpret the constitution to make it mean something it doesn't in a fraudulent circumvention of the amendment process, which we have endured as a nation for decades?
no it means he's a hit man for trump ,,,saving trumps ass because asshole doesn't believe you can indict a sitting president

You're aware there will be 8 other judges voting, right? He can't do a damn thing single handedly.:right:

And you know Roberts,Alito,Thomas, and Gorsuch will vote however it benefits Trump

The only one of that bunch with an ounce of anything remotely looking like respect for the Constitution is Roberts...and that's only barely
They will vote according to rule of law.
but the liberal judges won't.
Which is why we need the majority, right?
no it means he's a hit man for trump ,,,saving trumps ass because asshole doesn't believe you can indict a sitting president

You're aware there will be 8 other judges voting, right? He can't do a damn thing single handedly.:right:

And you know Roberts,Alito,Thomas, and Gorsuch will vote however it benefits Trump

The only one of that bunch with an ounce of anything remotely looking like respect for the Constitution is Roberts...and that's only barely
They will vote according to rule of law.
but the liberal judges won't.
Which is why we need the majority, right?
I want all of the seats.
Judge Kavanaugh is an uninspiring offering for the Supreme Court.
And by "uninspiring" you mean he will not interpret the constitution to make it mean something it doesn't in a fraudulent circumvention of the amendment process, which we have endured as a nation for decades?
no it means he's a hit man for trump ,,,saving trumps ass because asshole doesn't believe you can indict a sitting president

So the Moderate Conservative Brett Kavanaugh is now a gang rapist, a paedophile, Far Far Right, a Bigot AND a hit man for Trump :rolleyes-41:
/——/ Kav was also the grassy knoll shooter
You're aware there will be 8 other judges voting, right? He can't do a damn thing single handedly.:right:

And you know Roberts,Alito,Thomas, and Gorsuch will vote however it benefits Trump

The only one of that bunch with an ounce of anything remotely looking like respect for the Constitution is Roberts...and that's only barely
They will vote according to rule of law.
but the liberal judges won't.
Which is why we need the majority, right?
I want all of the seats.
That would be a major blow to the stains, wouldn't it?
Judge Kavanaugh is an uninspiring offering for the Supreme Court.
And by "uninspiring" you mean he will not interpret the constitution to make it mean something it doesn't in a fraudulent circumvention of the amendment process, which we have endured as a nation for decades?
no it means he's a hit man for trump ,,,saving trumps ass because asshole doesn't believe you can indict a sitting president

So the Moderate Conservative Brett Kavanaugh is now a gang rapist, a paedophile, Far Far Right, a Bigot AND a hit man for Trump :rolleyes-41:
/——/ Kav was also the grassy knoll shooter
I heard he was a robot built by Hitler and sent to the future.
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