Cambridge Yesterday: "We defend free-speech", Cambridge Today: "You are fired!"


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
As most here probably know by now, Cambridge promoted a professor after the words "White Lives Don't Matter" were spoken. They went on to a rampage detailing how very important it is that free speech is respected. This was a week or two ago.

Enter in new Cambridge. Speaking facts gets you fired.

Historian David Starkey could lose his University of Cambridge fellowship after he claimed 'slavery was not genocide' because 'so many damn blacks live in Africa and Britain.'

Dr Starkey, 75, was accused of racism following an interview with BeLeave founder Darren Grimes, during which he argued the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is 'wholly and entirely a product of white colonisation'.

Speaking via video link from his home, the historian said 'the only reason that these young black protestors are here' is 'because of slavery'.

He added: 'What has happened of course is that the only reason that these young black protestors are here - isn't it slavery?

'It's only because of the great African diaspora, the compulsory diaspora, because of slavery. What of course that brings you up to confronting is of course slavery was not the equivalent of the Holocaust.

'Slavery was not genocide, otherwise there wouldn't be so many damn blacks in Africa or in Britain, would there? An awful lot of them survived.

'And again, there's no point in arguing against globalisation or Western civilisation: they are all products of it. We are all products of it.

Defund the Universities.
I support the unrestricted freedom of speech ...


... just as long as that speech agrees with me!
As most here probably know by now, Cambridge promoted a professor after the words "White Lives Don't Matter" were spoken. They went on to a rampage detailing how very important it is that free speech is respected. This was a week or two ago.

Enter in new Cambridge. Speaking facts gets you fired.

Historian David Starkey could lose his University of Cambridge fellowship after he claimed 'slavery was not genocide' because 'so many damn blacks live in Africa and Britain.'

Dr Starkey, 75, was accused of racism following an interview with BeLeave founder Darren Grimes, during which he argued the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is 'wholly and entirely a product of white colonisation'.

Speaking via video link from his home, the historian said 'the only reason that these young black protestors are here' is 'because of slavery'.

He added: 'What has happened of course is that the only reason that these young black protestors are here - isn't it slavery?

'It's only because of the great African diaspora, the compulsory diaspora, because of slavery. What of course that brings you up to confronting is of course slavery was not the equivalent of the Holocaust.

'Slavery was not genocide, otherwise there wouldn't be so many damn blacks in Africa or in Britain, would there? An awful lot of them survived.

'And again, there's no point in arguing against globalisation or Western civilisation: they are all products of it. We are all products of it.

Defund the Universities.
/——/ Proving once again, free speech ain’t free.
As most here probably know by now, Cambridge promoted a professor after the words "White Lives Don't Matter" were spoken. They went on to a rampage detailing how very important it is that free speech is respected. This was a week or two ago.

Enter in new Cambridge. Speaking facts gets you fired.

Historian David Starkey could lose his University of Cambridge fellowship after he claimed 'slavery was not genocide' because 'so many damn blacks live in Africa and Britain.'

Dr Starkey, 75, was accused of racism following an interview with BeLeave founder Darren Grimes, during which he argued the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is 'wholly and entirely a product of white colonisation'.

Speaking via video link from his home, the historian said 'the only reason that these young black protestors are here' is 'because of slavery'.

He added: 'What has happened of course is that the only reason that these young black protestors are here - isn't it slavery?

'It's only because of the great African diaspora, the compulsory diaspora, because of slavery. What of course that brings you up to confronting is of course slavery was not the equivalent of the Holocaust.

'Slavery was not genocide, otherwise there wouldn't be so many damn blacks in Africa or in Britain, would there? An awful lot of them survived.

'And again, there's no point in arguing against globalisation or Western civilisation: they are all products of it. We are all products of it.

Defund the Universities.
Yeah...not very rigorous academic is he? Slavery was cultural genocide--his remarks were not entirely accurate and in poor taste. I'd not fire him..but it's his bad luck to live
in 2020..and patience is limited. He is correct that we are all products of Western civilization..that being said...the process was neither equal nor fair--that, in fact, is the issue being addressed.
As most here probably know by now, Cambridge promoted a professor after the words "White Lives Don't Matter" were spoken. They went on to a rampage detailing how very important it is that free speech is respected. This was a week or two ago.

Enter in new Cambridge. Speaking facts gets you fired.

Historian David Starkey could lose his University of Cambridge fellowship after he claimed 'slavery was not genocide' because 'so many damn blacks live in Africa and Britain.'

Dr Starkey, 75, was accused of racism following an interview with BeLeave founder Darren Grimes, during which he argued the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is 'wholly and entirely a product of white colonisation'.

Speaking via video link from his home, the historian said 'the only reason that these young black protestors are here' is 'because of slavery'.

He added: 'What has happened of course is that the only reason that these young black protestors are here - isn't it slavery?

'It's only because of the great African diaspora, the compulsory diaspora, because of slavery. What of course that brings you up to confronting is of course slavery was not the equivalent of the Holocaust.

'Slavery was not genocide, otherwise there wouldn't be so many damn blacks in Africa or in Britain, would there? An awful lot of them survived.

'And again, there's no point in arguing against globalisation or Western civilisation: they are all products of it. We are all products of it.

Defund the Universities.
Universities have long become the fount of political and social fascism. Instead of advancing free thinking, instead, progressive radical left wing professors hold you back for free thinking. You will not graduate, get your degree and good grades if you clash with their agenda or views. Then the progressive fascists in the workplace will see you so marked as a "trouble-maker," nonconformist and label you unhirable or unqualified and discriminate against you. You won't get the good job, nor rise to a position of influence and power.

Thus, progressives are like a virus feeding on society and there is only one thing you can do with a virus.
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As most here probably know by now, Cambridge promoted a professor after the words "White Lives Don't Matter" were spoken. They went on to a rampage detailing how very important it is that free speech is respected. This was a week or two ago.

Enter in new Cambridge. Speaking facts gets you fired.

Historian David Starkey could lose his University of Cambridge fellowship after he claimed 'slavery was not genocide' because 'so many damn blacks live in Africa and Britain.'

Dr Starkey, 75, was accused of racism following an interview with BeLeave founder Darren Grimes, during which he argued the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is 'wholly and entirely a product of white colonisation'.

Speaking via video link from his home, the historian said 'the only reason that these young black protestors are here' is 'because of slavery'.

He added: 'What has happened of course is that the only reason that these young black protestors are here - isn't it slavery?

'It's only because of the great African diaspora, the compulsory diaspora, because of slavery. What of course that brings you up to confronting is of course slavery was not the equivalent of the Holocaust.

'Slavery was not genocide, otherwise there wouldn't be so many damn blacks in Africa or in Britain, would there? An awful lot of them survived.

'And again, there's no point in arguing against globalisation or Western civilisation: they are all products of it. We are all products of it.

Defund the Universities.
Yeah...not very rigorous academic is he? Slavery was cultural genocide--his remarks were not entirely accurate and in poor taste. I'd not fire him..but it's his bad luck to live
in 2020..and patience is limited. He is correct that we are all products of Western civilization..that being said...the process was neither equal nor fair--that, in fact, is the issue being addressed.

Slavery was not genocide in any way. It is an opposite of genocide - the blacks got to procreate and are now part of American society - with their own culture also.

You are a moron.
As most here probably know by now, Cambridge promoted a professor after the words "White Lives Don't Matter" were spoken. They went on to a rampage detailing how very important it is that free speech is respected. This was a week or two ago.

Enter in new Cambridge. Speaking facts gets you fired.

Historian David Starkey could lose his University of Cambridge fellowship after he claimed 'slavery was not genocide' because 'so many damn blacks live in Africa and Britain.'

Dr Starkey, 75, was accused of racism following an interview with BeLeave founder Darren Grimes, during which he argued the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is 'wholly and entirely a product of white colonisation'.

Speaking via video link from his home, the historian said 'the only reason that these young black protestors are here' is 'because of slavery'.

He added: 'What has happened of course is that the only reason that these young black protestors are here - isn't it slavery?

'It's only because of the great African diaspora, the compulsory diaspora, because of slavery. What of course that brings you up to confronting is of course slavery was not the equivalent of the Holocaust.

'Slavery was not genocide, otherwise there wouldn't be so many damn blacks in Africa or in Britain, would there? An awful lot of them survived.

'And again, there's no point in arguing against globalisation or Western civilisation: they are all products of it. We are all products of it.

Defund the Universities.
Yeah...not very rigorous academic is he? Slavery was cultural genocide--his remarks were not entirely accurate and in poor taste. I'd not fire him..but it's his bad luck to live
in 2020..and patience is limited. He is correct that we are all products of Western civilization..that being said...the process was neither equal nor fair--that, in fact, is the issue being addressed.

Slavery was not genocide in any way. It is an opposite of genocide - the blacks got to procreate and are now part of American society - with their own culture also.

You are a moron.
And you are full of shit. It amazes me that you have the balls to actually expose your ignorance to the world in such a manner. i guess having the company of like-minded idiots to feed your confirmation bias emboldens you. "The blacks got to procreate?? You mean how they got to add to their master's flocks? You are utterly ignorant of the effect of breaking up tribal and family units..banning their religion. Beating and raping at will..whipping, branding, notching ears and gelding was a deliberate murder of not only their culture but an on-going and deliberate effort to inculcate the slave mentality into every single one of them...which Jim Crow only sought to perpetuate.

Cultural genocide...that the American Blacks have invented themselves over the years and formed a new culture in no way erases what was done to them.. racist POS!
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The girl didn't like the term "all lives matter" and then compared getting stabbed to death to a paper cut. Yeah. Never mind this witto tinsy tinsy HUGE BLACK on BLACK murder rate that transcends police brutality. That isn't gaslighting, its a fact.
As most here probably know by now, Cambridge promoted a professor after the words "White Lives Don't Matter" were spoken. They went on to a rampage detailing how very important it is that free speech is respected. This was a week or two ago.

Enter in new Cambridge. Speaking facts gets you fired.

Historian David Starkey could lose his University of Cambridge fellowship after he claimed 'slavery was not genocide' because 'so many damn blacks live in Africa and Britain.'

Dr Starkey, 75, was accused of racism following an interview with BeLeave founder Darren Grimes, during which he argued the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is 'wholly and entirely a product of white colonisation'.

Speaking via video link from his home, the historian said 'the only reason that these young black protestors are here' is 'because of slavery'.

He added: 'What has happened of course is that the only reason that these young black protestors are here - isn't it slavery?

'It's only because of the great African diaspora, the compulsory diaspora, because of slavery. What of course that brings you up to confronting is of course slavery was not the equivalent of the Holocaust.

'Slavery was not genocide, otherwise there wouldn't be so many damn blacks in Africa or in Britain, would there? An awful lot of them survived.

'And again, there's no point in arguing against globalisation or Western civilisation: they are all products of it. We are all products of it.

Defund the Universities.
Yeah...not very rigorous academic is he? Slavery was cultural genocide--his remarks were not entirely accurate and in poor taste. I'd not fire him..but it's his bad luck to live
in 2020..and patience is limited. He is correct that we are all products of Western civilization..that being said...the process was neither equal nor fair--that, in fact, is the issue being addressed.

Slavery was not genocide in any way. It is an opposite of genocide - the blacks got to procreate and are now part of American society - with their own culture also.

You are a moron.
And you are full of shit. It amazes me that you have the balls to actually expose your ignorance to the world in such a manner. i guess having the company of like-minded idiots to feed your confirmation bias emboldens you. "The blacks got to procreate?? You mean how they got to add to their masters flocks? You are utterly ignorant of the effect of breaking up tribal and family units..banning their religion. Beating and raping at will..branding, notching ears and gelding was not a deliberate murder of not only their culture but an on-going and deliberate effort to inculcate the slave mentality into every single one of them...which Jim Crow only sought to perpetuate.

Cultural genocide...that the American Blacks have invented themselves over the years and formed a new culture in no way erases what was done to them.. racist POS!

What leftists like you are doing to America currently is a cultural genocide. Obviously frothing over white genocide also.

Blacks did not experience a genocide, you fucktard. That's why they are still around. Notice, he did not say a cultural genocide whatever the made up word means, he said GENOCIDE. This has a clear and precise meaning and we all know what it is. Get fucked...
As most here probably know by now, Cambridge promoted a professor after the words "White Lives Don't Matter" were spoken. They went on to a rampage detailing how very important it is that free speech is respected. This was a week or two ago.

Enter in new Cambridge. Speaking facts gets you fired.

Historian David Starkey could lose his University of Cambridge fellowship after he claimed 'slavery was not genocide' because 'so many damn blacks live in Africa and Britain.'

Dr Starkey, 75, was accused of racism following an interview with BeLeave founder Darren Grimes, during which he argued the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is 'wholly and entirely a product of white colonisation'.

Speaking via video link from his home, the historian said 'the only reason that these young black protestors are here' is 'because of slavery'.

He added: 'What has happened of course is that the only reason that these young black protestors are here - isn't it slavery?

'It's only because of the great African diaspora, the compulsory diaspora, because of slavery. What of course that brings you up to confronting is of course slavery was not the equivalent of the Holocaust.

'Slavery was not genocide, otherwise there wouldn't be so many damn blacks in Africa or in Britain, would there? An awful lot of them survived.

'And again, there's no point in arguing against globalisation or Western civilisation: they are all products of it. We are all products of it.

Defund the Universities.
Yeah...not very rigorous academic is he? Slavery was cultural genocide--his remarks were not entirely accurate and in poor taste. I'd not fire him..but it's his bad luck to live
in 2020..and patience is limited. He is correct that we are all products of Western civilization..that being said...the process was neither equal nor fair--that, in fact, is the issue being addressed.
That is incorrect. It was NOT a cultural genocide. The cultures that the blacks came from survive to this day.

Unless you want to make the argument that slave culture has merit?
As most here probably know by now, Cambridge promoted a professor after the words "White Lives Don't Matter" were spoken. They went on to a rampage detailing how very important it is that free speech is respected. This was a week or two ago.

Enter in new Cambridge. Speaking facts gets you fired.

Historian David Starkey could lose his University of Cambridge fellowship after he claimed 'slavery was not genocide' because 'so many damn blacks live in Africa and Britain.'

Dr Starkey, 75, was accused of racism following an interview with BeLeave founder Darren Grimes, during which he argued the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is 'wholly and entirely a product of white colonisation'.

Speaking via video link from his home, the historian said 'the only reason that these young black protestors are here' is 'because of slavery'.

He added: 'What has happened of course is that the only reason that these young black protestors are here - isn't it slavery?

'It's only because of the great African diaspora, the compulsory diaspora, because of slavery. What of course that brings you up to confronting is of course slavery was not the equivalent of the Holocaust.

'Slavery was not genocide, otherwise there wouldn't be so many damn blacks in Africa or in Britain, would there? An awful lot of them survived.

'And again, there's no point in arguing against globalisation or Western civilisation: they are all products of it. We are all products of it.

Defund the Universities.
Yeah...not very rigorous academic is he? Slavery was cultural genocide--his remarks were not entirely accurate and in poor taste. I'd not fire him..but it's his bad luck to live
in 2020..and patience is limited. He is correct that we are all products of Western civilization..that being said...the process was neither equal nor fair--that, in fact, is the issue being addressed.
That is incorrect. It was NOT a cultural genocide. The cultures that the blacks came from survive to this day.

Unless you want to make the argument that slave culture has merit?

Republicans freeing the slaves of democrats and free shit champions like the above poster, was a genocide of the free loading life-style.
The girl didn't like the term "all lives matter" and then compared getting stabbed to death to a paper cut. Yeah. Never mind this witto tinsy tinsy HUGE BLACK on BLACK murder rate that transcends police brutality. That isn't gaslighting, its a fact.
It's also, despite the constant repetition, irrelevant..and it is the context most here use it. They use it as a distraction..and as a way to avoid honest answers... It certainly does not transcend police brutality..they are two different issues. One wrong does not cancel out another....surely you know that?
As most here probably know by now, Cambridge promoted a professor after the words "White Lives Don't Matter" were spoken. They went on to a rampage detailing how very important it is that free speech is respected. This was a week or two ago.

Enter in new Cambridge. Speaking facts gets you fired.

Historian David Starkey could lose his University of Cambridge fellowship after he claimed 'slavery was not genocide' because 'so many damn blacks live in Africa and Britain.'

Dr Starkey, 75, was accused of racism following an interview with BeLeave founder Darren Grimes, during which he argued the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is 'wholly and entirely a product of white colonisation'.

Speaking via video link from his home, the historian said 'the only reason that these young black protestors are here' is 'because of slavery'.

He added: 'What has happened of course is that the only reason that these young black protestors are here - isn't it slavery?

'It's only because of the great African diaspora, the compulsory diaspora, because of slavery. What of course that brings you up to confronting is of course slavery was not the equivalent of the Holocaust.

'Slavery was not genocide, otherwise there wouldn't be so many damn blacks in Africa or in Britain, would there? An awful lot of them survived.

'And again, there's no point in arguing against globalisation or Western civilisation: they are all products of it. We are all products of it.

Defund the Universities.
Yeah...not very rigorous academic is he? Slavery was cultural genocide--his remarks were not entirely accurate and in poor taste. I'd not fire him..but it's his bad luck to live
in 2020..and patience is limited. He is correct that we are all products of Western civilization..that being said...the process was neither equal nor fair--that, in fact, is the issue being addressed.
That is incorrect. It was NOT a cultural genocide. The cultures that the blacks came from survive to this day.

Unless you want to make the argument that slave culture has merit?
Yeah..The culture that the slaves came from still Africa. But we are not talking about Africa...and the slaves that were captured and brought here did have their culture stripped from them..and their children even more so and their children's children well...all they had were some stories...

I don't make the argument that any culture has..or doesn't depends on where you sit. Slave culture..was what the master wanted...and some whispers when Massa wasn't looking. Why do you think Church was mandatory on most plantations..for the good of their souls?? LOL! Nope...the most common serman for slaves was always, "Servant obey thy master"!
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The girl didn't like the term "all lives matter" and then compared getting stabbed to death to a paper cut. Yeah. Never mind this witto tinsy tinsy HUGE BLACK on BLACK murder rate that transcends police brutality. That isn't gaslighting, its a fact.
It's also, despite the constant repetition, irrelevant..and it is the context most here use it. They use it as a distraction..and as a way to avoid honest answers... It certainly does not transcend police brutality..they are two different issues. One wrong does not cancel out another....surely you know that?

Bringing up "cultural genocide", is very distracting and irrelevant. Did you see how you added a word there that no one said?

It is like adding an extra fuck that was not given - and that will never slide. Now stay on the topic or fuck off...
The girl didn't like the term "all lives matter" and then compared getting stabbed to death to a paper cut. Yeah. Never mind this witto tinsy tinsy HUGE BLACK on BLACK murder rate that transcends police brutality. That isn't gaslighting, its a fact.
Once you can get the white on white crime to stop then you can tell other races what to do as far as stopping the violence.
The girl didn't like the term "all lives matter" and then compared getting stabbed to death to a paper cut. Yeah. Never mind this witto tinsy tinsy HUGE BLACK on BLACK murder rate that transcends police brutality. That isn't gaslighting, its a fact.
It's also, despite the constant repetition, irrelevant..and it is the context most here use it. They use it as a distraction..and as a way to avoid honest answers... It certainly does not transcend police brutality..they are two different issues. One wrong does not cancel out another....surely you know that?
True. Liberals excuse say, the CHAZ armed fuckheads shooting unarmed black kids out of paranoia and NOBODY sees the IRONY in that?
As most here probably know by now, Cambridge promoted a professor after the words "White Lives Don't Matter" were spoken. They went on to a rampage detailing how very important it is that free speech is respected. This was a week or two ago.

Enter in new Cambridge. Speaking facts gets you fired.

Historian David Starkey could lose his University of Cambridge fellowship after he claimed 'slavery was not genocide' because 'so many damn blacks live in Africa and Britain.'

Dr Starkey, 75, was accused of racism following an interview with BeLeave founder Darren Grimes, during which he argued the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is 'wholly and entirely a product of white colonisation'.

Speaking via video link from his home, the historian said 'the only reason that these young black protestors are here' is 'because of slavery'.

He added: 'What has happened of course is that the only reason that these young black protestors are here - isn't it slavery?

'It's only because of the great African diaspora, the compulsory diaspora, because of slavery. What of course that brings you up to confronting is of course slavery was not the equivalent of the Holocaust.

'Slavery was not genocide, otherwise there wouldn't be so many damn blacks in Africa or in Britain, would there? An awful lot of them survived.

'And again, there's no point in arguing against globalisation or Western civilisation: they are all products of it. We are all products of it.

Defund the Universities.
He's right, you know. Look up the definition of genocide. We didn't want them to DIE--we wanted them to survive so we could sell them and make them work their asses off for us.

And African Americans are as much the product of Western Civilization as I am. They've been here for hundreds of years, most of 'em. So of course they're Americans and of course we are a product of Western Civilization.

What on Earth is wrong with what he said?
As most here probably know by now, Cambridge promoted a professor after the words "White Lives Don't Matter" were spoken. They went on to a rampage detailing how very important it is that free speech is respected. This was a week or two ago.

Enter in new Cambridge. Speaking facts gets you fired.

Historian David Starkey could lose his University of Cambridge fellowship after he claimed 'slavery was not genocide' because 'so many damn blacks live in Africa and Britain.'

Dr Starkey, 75, was accused of racism following an interview with BeLeave founder Darren Grimes, during which he argued the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is 'wholly and entirely a product of white colonisation'.

Speaking via video link from his home, the historian said 'the only reason that these young black protestors are here' is 'because of slavery'.

He added: 'What has happened of course is that the only reason that these young black protestors are here - isn't it slavery?

'It's only because of the great African diaspora, the compulsory diaspora, because of slavery. What of course that brings you up to confronting is of course slavery was not the equivalent of the Holocaust.

'Slavery was not genocide, otherwise there wouldn't be so many damn blacks in Africa or in Britain, would there? An awful lot of them survived.

'And again, there's no point in arguing against globalisation or Western civilisation: they are all products of it. We are all products of it.

Defund the Universities.
Yeah...not very rigorous academic is he? Slavery was cultural genocide--his remarks were not entirely accurate and in poor taste. I'd not fire him..but it's his bad luck to live
in 2020..and patience is limited. He is correct that we are all products of Western civilization..that being said...the process was neither equal nor fair--that, in fact, is the issue being addressed.
Ah...I've been tricked by selective quoting AGAIN. When will I learn.

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