Looks can be misleading like what you think you are seeing may be the biggest con show in history. All the actors are in place, relaxed, confident, the perfect 'Leave It To Beaver' family patio dinner scene...until 12:08 into the vid when the Beaver(Bambi) pulls a no-no! Notice how just after 12:08 the Black-Tailed doe on the far right reacts like she has taken a hard right to her left temple, front legs folding up as she begins her descent to the canvas(lawn). The doe third from the right is well into retreat & too frightened to raise her tail to warn the others of danger as she is already picking em up & putting em down in earnest! By 12:13 into the vid the rest of the startled herd is back to hitting the ole feedback. This couple already own the mind of the fawn(Bambi) & soon the rest of the minds of the herd will be owned by this couple as well. This herd will remain wild to all other people but domesticated to this couple until death. Some folks just have what it takes!