Calling all psycology majors - lol


Gold Member
Jan 26, 2004
Somewhere in Ontario
If there is anyone on board who has experience with research in the area of psychology and health, please PM me, I need a translation! Willing to rep for help!
Purposive strategies allows for the person or people conducting the study to gather information from a specific group of people whether it is a certain age, gender, race and place of birth or a small tribe from Africa in both cases information gathered would be specific to the group studied and could not be gathered from anyone not meeting the specific criteria.

Theoretical however is more focused on exploring the unknown. In otherwords taking what we know applying the variables and looking at the most likely outcome or trying to gather more understanding of something we do not have full understanding of.

Purposive allows for specific sampling.

Theoretical allows for sampling from previous cases/studies in order to determine the outcome which at this present moment is still an unknown.

If this doesnt help let me know lol
Purposive strategies allows for the person or people conducting the study to gather information from a specific group of people whether it is a certain age, gender, race and place of birth or a small tribe from Africa in both cases information gathered would be specific to the group studied and could not be gathered from anyone not meeting the specific criteria.

I've got that part.

Theoretical however is more focused on exploring the unknown. In otherwords taking what we know applying the variables and looking at the most likely outcome or trying to gather more understanding of something we do not have full understanding of.

Theoretical allows for sampling from previous cases/studies in order to determine the outcome which at this present moment is still an unknown.

This is where my eyes glaze over - does that mean that the author's are taking existing studies on a subject and adding another dimension? Not necessarily the same people, but people from the same geographic location as previous studies????
They are taking existing studies and using them to predict what happens next. They are trying to find out what is most likely to come next in the sequence of events without it having ever happened; or trying to find a cause and only having an effect. ie effect = cancer cause = ? take previous studies find common links make a judgement as to a cause. Theoretical strategies are very similar to the scientific hypothesis. It is in essence an educated guess backed by findings.
They are taking existing studies and using them to predict what happens next. They are trying to find out what is most likely to come next in the sequence of events without it having ever happened; or trying to find a cause and only having an effect. ie effect = cancer cause = ? take previous studies find common links make a judgement as to a cause. Theoretical strategies are very similar to the scientific hypothesis. It is in essence an educated guess backed by findings.

How do they get the findings - "they" being the researchers. Is there actual experimentation?
you got to look at statistics and take a set number of proven facts..then take another study group and extrapolate what the outcome should be...then gander the variable that could effect outcome etc.
Using pre-existing data the researchers find the most common outcome of all the data collected. They are in essence proving what can not be proved by making the most educated guess possible. The testing is the comparison of data.

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