California's primary election system is highly flawed


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

In most states, Super Tuesday is all about selecting the top Democrat and the leading Republican for a November matchup.

Not in California. Under the state’s top-two primary system, the first and second place finishers advance, regardless of their party affiliation — a system voters enacted over a decade ago, over the strenuous objections of both parties.

In a few critical races, candidates are striving to avoid a same-party top two. Lockout fears loom in competitive seats, where too many challengers threaten to fracture the vote. For candidates in safe seats, getting an opposite-party opponent would be a victory that effectively ends the contest in March.

This means that CA could have two Democrats running against each other in the general election.
It means that a Democrat would always win the election.
How is this "democracy"?
How is this competitive?
How is this fair?
This is a one-party government system like in Cuba, North Korea, China, Venezuela...... Ukraine.
That is why its a one party state... I said three years ago when the CA GOP chose some 20 something chick to run the party in CA... she gets paid a fortune to do nothing but watch elections being stolen by dems... its why I and so many others packed up and moved...
CA was a one party GOP state for decades.
No, the Dems could win statewide elections in the past.
This "top-two primary system" is a banana republic style election rigging system.
This basically gives the voters two choices, Democrat A or Democrat B.
This keeps the Republican candidate off of the general election ballot.
It's always amazing that the Crazy Democrats are who scream "democracy".
No, the Dems could win statewide elections in the past.
This "top-two primary system" is a banana republic style election rigging system.
This basically gives the voters two choices, Democrat A or Democrat B.
This keeps the Republican candidate off of the general election ballot.
It's always amazing that the Crazy Democrats are who scream "democracy".
gee, garveys a dem. thanks for clearing up your posts

In most states, Super Tuesday is all about selecting the top Democrat and the leading Republican for a November matchup.

Not in California. Under the state’s top-two primary system, the first and second place finishers advance, regardless of their party affiliation — a system voters enacted over a decade ago, over the strenuous objections of both parties.

In a few critical races, candidates are striving to avoid a same-party top two. Lockout fears loom in competitive seats, where too many challengers threaten to fracture the vote. For candidates in safe seats, getting an opposite-party opponent would be a victory that effectively ends the contest in March.

This means that CA could have two Democrats running against each other in the general election.
It means that a Democrat would always win the election.
How is this "democracy"?
How is this competitive?
How is this fair?
This is a one-party government system like in Cuba, North Korea, China, Venezuela...... Ukraine.
Can you imagine all the shit that would fly from the left if dark red states instituted the very same system whereby no democrat would even be in the general election? They scream gerrymandering now in red states but the California system is the apex of gerrymandering. The left would be screaming vote suppression at the top of their lungs and that red states would be taking democracy away.
Can you imagine all the shit that would fly from the left if dark red states instituted the very same system whereby no democrat would even be in the general election? They scream gerrymandering now in red states but the California system is the apex of gerrymandering. The left would be screaming vote suppression at the top of their lungs and that red states would be taking democracy away.
it is amazing that the Democrats say that they are protecting 'democracy' while they are rigging elections
gee, garveys a dem. thanks for clearing up your posts
The Progs did that figuring they would get the top two spots for infinity. It did not occur that they would engender self-induced pain and suffering on their citizens with these lovely programs and agendas. The voters most likely will not wise up in the two-person runoff the Prog will win as it stands now.
it is amazing that the Democrats say that they are protecting 'democracy' while they are rigging elections
That is what they have been saying. The end justifies the means. Yes, we need to take democracy away in order to save democracy. And they don't even think about that because it all makes sense to them. Saving democracy is the number one priority, even if we have to take democracy away in order to save it.

In most states, Super Tuesday is all about selecting the top Democrat and the leading Republican for a November matchup.

Not in California. Under the state’s top-two primary system, the first and second place finishers advance, regardless of their party affiliation — a system voters enacted over a decade ago, over the strenuous objections of both parties.

In a few critical races, candidates are striving to avoid a same-party top two. Lockout fears loom in competitive seats, where too many challengers threaten to fracture the vote. For candidates in safe seats, getting an opposite-party opponent would be a victory that effectively ends the contest in March.

This means that CA could have two Democrats running against each other in the general election.
It means that a Democrat would always win the election.
How is this "democracy"?
How is this competitive?
How is this fair?
This is a one-party government system like in Cuba, North Korea, China, Venezuela...... Ukraine.

The primary system here in California works exactly the way that those who devised it intended for it to work; giving the dominant Democrapic party an edge by skewing the primary in such a manner as to produce two Democrapic candidates for the general election, rather than producing one candidate from each party.
The primary system here in California works exactly the way that those who devised it intended for it to work; giving the dominant Democrapic party an edge by skewing the primary in such a manner as to produce two Democrapic candidates for the general election, rather than producing one candidate from each party.
exactly, it removes the GOP candidate from the general election ballot and the Psychocrats call that 'democracy'
exactly, it removes the GOP candidate from the general election ballot and the Psychocrats call that 'democracy'

I guess technically, it could go the other way, if Republicans were not as marginalized as they are in this state.

Effectively, it tends to skew elections in favor of whichever party is most in power, making that party even more powerful.

In theory, if there was ever a significant shift in voter attitudes, that led to enough Republicans being elected, and enough Republicans running for various offices, this same system could suddenly shift so that it is Democraps that are being shut out and disenfranchised by it, the way Republicans now are.
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No, the Dems could win statewide elections in the past.
This "top-two primary system" is a banana republic style election rigging system.
This basically gives the voters two choices, Democrat A or Democrat B.
This keeps the Republican candidate off of the general election ballot.
It's always amazing that the Crazy Democrats are who scream "democracy".
Must be how this happened


In most states, Super Tuesday is all about selecting the top Democrat and the leading Republican for a November matchup.

Not in California. Under the state’s top-two primary system, the first and second place finishers advance, regardless of their party affiliation — a system voters enacted over a decade ago, over the strenuous objections of both parties.

In a few critical races, candidates are striving to avoid a same-party top two. Lockout fears loom in competitive seats, where too many challengers threaten to fracture the vote. For candidates in safe seats, getting an opposite-party opponent would be a victory that effectively ends the contest in March.

This means that CA could have two Democrats running against each other in the general election.
It means that a Democrat would always win the election.
How is this "democracy"?
How is this competitive?
How is this fair?
This is a one-party government system like in Cuba, North Korea, China, Venezuela...... Ukraine.
The system didn't keep Garvey off the ballot. Of course he won't be allowed to win the general election--Newsom and Pelosi will make sure of that I'm sure--but he kept it close tonight.

I have to say it makes me sick to my stomach to think of six years of a Senator Schiff, one of the most corrupt and dishonest politicians I have observed over the decades.

In most states, Super Tuesday is all about selecting the top Democrat and the leading Republican for a November matchup.

Not in California. Under the state’s top-two primary system, the first and second place finishers advance, regardless of their party affiliation — a system voters enacted over a decade ago, over the strenuous objections of both parties.

In a few critical races, candidates are striving to avoid a same-party top two. Lockout fears loom in competitive seats, where too many challengers threaten to fracture the vote. For candidates in safe seats, getting an opposite-party opponent would be a victory that effectively ends the contest in March.

This means that CA could have two Democrats running against each other in the general election.
It means that a Democrat would always win the election.
How is this "democracy"?
How is this competitive?
How is this fair?
This is a one-party government system like in Cuba, North Korea, China, Venezuela...... Ukraine.
Its actually exactly how primaries are supposed to be held.
The system didn't keep Garvey off the ballot. Of course he won't be allowed to win the general election--Newsom and Pelosi will make sure of that I'm sure--but he kept it close tonight.

I have to say it makes me sick to my stomach to think of six years of a Senator Schiff, one of the most corrupt and dishonest politicians I have observed over the decades.
Meanwhile back in reality McCarthy--a republican--was from California. Amazingly nobody kept him off the ballot or prevented him from winning.

You're so fucking ignorant.

In most states, Super Tuesday is all about selecting the top Democrat and the leading Republican for a November matchup.

Not in California. Under the state’s top-two primary system, the first and second place finishers advance, regardless of their party affiliation — a system voters enacted over a decade ago, over the strenuous objections of both parties.

In a few critical races, candidates are striving to avoid a same-party top two. Lockout fears loom in competitive seats, where too many challengers threaten to fracture the vote. For candidates in safe seats, getting an opposite-party opponent would be a victory that effectively ends the contest in March.

This means that CA could have two Democrats running against each other in the general election.
It means that a Democrat would always win the election.
How is this "democracy"?
How is this competitive?
How is this fair?
This is a one-party government system like in Cuba, North Korea, China, Venezuela...... Ukraine.
Well they don’t call it “Commiefornia” for no reason.

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