California Water Turns to Sewage

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
California Water Turns to Sewage
Liberals care deeply about the environment — so deeply that they would use it to excuse destroying the economy and imposing an authoritarian form of government through radical programs like the Green New Deal. However, the environment does not benefit when they have achieved the power they demand.

In California, there is effectively no opposition to progressives at the state level. Their policies have reduced the water to sewage.

Via California Healthline:

SOme of California’s most prized rivers, beaches and streams are indeed contaminated with levels of fecal bacteria that exceed state limits, threatening kayakers, swimmers — and the state’s reputation as a bastion of environmental protection. …

The source of at least some of the fecal bacteria is California’s growing homeless population…

The usually drug-addled and/or mentally ill derelicts that liberal rule has drawn to California often use buckets as toilets, then dump the buckets into rivers.

The problem affects the Left Coast in general:

In Seattle, homeless people living in RVs are accused of dumping raw sewage straight into storm drains, which flows directly to local waterways. In Oregon, workers cleaning up homeless camps along the Willamette River in Eugene routinely find feces and needles.

The liberal political climate in Seattle and Portland encourages vagrancy, as in California.

[H]uman fecal contamination is particularly dangerous because it can transmit diseases that affect people, including hepatitis A and cholera.

Some recreational areas, including Tiscornia Beach [in Sacramento], where families picnic, BBQ and wade in the river, had E. coli levels so high in the past year that they hit the upper limits of what the water board’s laboratories could measure…

When in California, stay out of the water. Better still, avoid the Left Coast until sanity has been restored — unless it’s too late for that.

On tips from Byron, Ellen O, R F, and Dragon’s Lair.

ALL links fecal matter free
California Water Turns to Sewage
Liberals care deeply about the environment — so deeply that they would use it to excuse destroying the economy and imposing an authoritarian form of government through radical programs like the Green New Deal. However, the environment does not benefit when they have achieved the power they demand.

In California, there is effectively no opposition to progressives at the state level. Their policies have reduced the water to sewage.

Via California Healthline:

SOme of California’s most prized rivers, beaches and streams are indeed contaminated with levels of fecal bacteria that exceed state limits, threatening kayakers, swimmers — and the state’s reputation as a bastion of environmental protection. …

The source of at least some of the fecal bacteria is California’s growing homeless population…

The usually drug-addled and/or mentally ill derelicts that liberal rule has drawn to California often use buckets as toilets, then dump the buckets into rivers.

The problem affects the Left Coast in general:

In Seattle, homeless people living in RVs are accused of dumping raw sewage straight into storm drains, which flows directly to local waterways. In Oregon, workers cleaning up homeless camps along the Willamette River in Eugene routinely find feces and needles.

The liberal political climate in Seattle and Portland encourages vagrancy, as in California.

[H]uman fecal contamination is particularly dangerous because it can transmit diseases that affect people, including hepatitis A and cholera.

Some recreational areas, including Tiscornia Beach [in Sacramento], where families picnic, BBQ and wade in the river, had E. coli levels so high in the past year that they hit the upper limits of what the water board’s laboratories could measure…

When in California, stay out of the water. Better still, avoid the Left Coast until sanity has been restored — unless it’s too late for that.

On tips from Byron, Ellen O, R F, and Dragon’s Lair.

ALL links fecal matter free
They have what is called a "rain tax" that is used for every foot of concrete you have for a drive way or back porch. But they dont tax sidewalks as it is city and state, so when the homeless shit on those, it runs right into the sewers that do not lead to recollection areas, but to rivers and streams. But you liberals keep voting for these idiots who do nothing, you deserve all the misery and fecal matter the left forces upon you.

I left Maryland because they enacted that bullshit there also.
California Water Turns to Sewage
Liberals care deeply about the environment — so deeply that they would use it to excuse destroying the economy and imposing an authoritarian form of government through radical programs like the Green New Deal. However, the environment does not benefit when they have achieved the power they demand.

In California, there is effectively no opposition to progressives at the state level. Their policies have reduced the water to sewage.

Via California Healthline:

SOme of California’s most prized rivers, beaches and streams are indeed contaminated with levels of fecal bacteria that exceed state limits, threatening kayakers, swimmers — and the state’s reputation as a bastion of environmental protection. …

The source of at least some of the fecal bacteria is California’s growing homeless population…

The usually drug-addled and/or mentally ill derelicts that liberal rule has drawn to California often use buckets as toilets, then dump the buckets into rivers.

The problem affects the Left Coast in general:

In Seattle, homeless people living in RVs are accused of dumping raw sewage straight into storm drains, which flows directly to local waterways. In Oregon, workers cleaning up homeless camps along the Willamette River in Eugene routinely find feces and needles.

The liberal political climate in Seattle and Portland encourages vagrancy, as in California.

[H]uman fecal contamination is particularly dangerous because it can transmit diseases that affect people, including hepatitis A and cholera.

Some recreational areas, including Tiscornia Beach [in Sacramento], where families picnic, BBQ and wade in the river, had E. coli levels so high in the past year that they hit the upper limits of what the water board’s laboratories could measure…

When in California, stay out of the water. Better still, avoid the Left Coast until sanity has been restored — unless it’s too late for that.

On tips from Byron, Ellen O, R F, and Dragon’s Lair.

ALL links fecal matter free
They have what is called a "rain tax" that is used for every foot of concrete you have for a drive way or back porch. But they dont tax sidewalks as it is city and state, so when the homeless shit on those, it runs right into the sewers that do not lead to recollection areas, but to rivers and streams. But you liberals keep voting for these idiots who do nothing, you deserve all the misery and fecal matter the left forces upon you.

I left Maryland because they enacted that bullshit there also.
i lived there 50 years and never had this tax.....can you elaborate....
We have homeless in this country because of the Republican war on the American worker. Hiring illegals, keeping wages low, promoting foreign workers.
California Water Turns to Sewage
Liberals care deeply about the environment — so deeply that they would use it to excuse destroying the economy and imposing an authoritarian form of government through radical programs like the Green New Deal. However, the environment does not benefit when they have achieved the power they demand.

In California, there is effectively no opposition to progressives at the state level. Their policies have reduced the water to sewage.

Via California Healthline:

SOme of California’s most prized rivers, beaches and streams are indeed contaminated with levels of fecal bacteria that exceed state limits, threatening kayakers, swimmers — and the state’s reputation as a bastion of environmental protection. …

The source of at least some of the fecal bacteria is California’s growing homeless population…

The usually drug-addled and/or mentally ill derelicts that liberal rule has drawn to California often use buckets as toilets, then dump the buckets into rivers.

The problem affects the Left Coast in general:

In Seattle, homeless people living in RVs are accused of dumping raw sewage straight into storm drains, which flows directly to local waterways. In Oregon, workers cleaning up homeless camps along the Willamette River in Eugene routinely find feces and needles.

The liberal political climate in Seattle and Portland encourages vagrancy, as in California.

[H]uman fecal contamination is particularly dangerous because it can transmit diseases that affect people, including hepatitis A and cholera.

Some recreational areas, including Tiscornia Beach [in Sacramento], where families picnic, BBQ and wade in the river, had E. coli levels so high in the past year that they hit the upper limits of what the water board’s laboratories could measure…

When in California, stay out of the water. Better still, avoid the Left Coast until sanity has been restored — unless it’s too late for that.

On tips from Byron, Ellen O, R F, and Dragon’s Lair.

ALL links fecal matter free
They have what is called a "rain tax" that is used for every foot of concrete you have for a drive way or back porch. But they dont tax sidewalks as it is city and state, so when the homeless shit on those, it runs right into the sewers that do not lead to recollection areas, but to rivers and streams. But you liberals keep voting for these idiots who do nothing, you deserve all the misery and fecal matter the left forces upon you.

I left Maryland because they enacted that bullshit there also.

It will happen across the country to bad more assholes didn't listen to AGENDA 21 and now it's AGENDA 2030 oh but it's such a gawd dam conspiracy as the water rights are being stripped and these stupid ass mother fkrs still think it's all fake lmfao..
We have homeless in this country because of the Republican war on the American worker. Hiring illegals, keeping wages low, promoting foreign workers.
Bullshit, democrat scum refuse to close the border and create sanctuary cities that protect illegals. Your lies are even stupid.
We have homeless in this country because of the Republican war on the American worker. Hiring illegals, keeping wages low, promoting foreign workers.
How come we only find homeless in Democrat controlled areas then?

You should actually travel to the US sometime. We have homeless in every State. Sad what Republicans have done.
Only tent cities are in Democrat cities, shitforbrains.
I like teasing my California relatives when they come visit by sticking my face in the river and drinking the water, they just freak out ... really funny ...

Has anyone bothered to look up which US rivers are the most polluted? ... far and away the worst is the Mississippi, followed by the Ohio and Tennessee (by the measure of direct discharge of toxic materials) ... none of the California rivers make the top 50 lists ... the only West Coast river to make that list is the Columbia and all the plutonium leeching into it from the Hanford Reservation ...

Just compare Delta water with that in any of the Great Lakes ...
We have homeless in this country because of the Republican war on the American worker. Hiring illegals, keeping wages low, promoting foreign workers.
How come we only find homeless in Democrat controlled areas then?

You should actually travel to the US sometime. We have homeless in every State. Sad what Republicans have done.
Only tent cities are in Democrat cities, shitforbrains.

Big one in Lubbock, TX. You should actually travel to the US sometime.
We have homeless in this country because of the Republican war on the American worker. Hiring illegals, keeping wages low, promoting foreign workers.
You are wrong. There are three kinds of homeless. The first, smallest and most transient group is people in economic hardship. There are lots of programs to help them and they don't stay homeless long. The second group are the mentally ill. They almost always refuse help and stay homeless until they are incarcerated for a major crime or die. The last and largest group are substance abusers who either refuse help, or are unable to ask for assistance. I worked on Los Angeles' skid row for years and got to know members of all the groups. There is another small group, the panhandlers who pretend to be homeless while making a good living by begging. They think those of us who work for a living and pay taxes are suckers.
How come we only find homeless in Democrat controlled areas then?
You find homeless every place they can survive. There are more in democratically controlled areas because democrats tend to provide more benefits and services to the homeless. It's a rule of nature that if you reward conduct, you get more of it,

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