California governor Gavin Newsom, who suports green energy, demands an investigation to find out why clouds and weak wind caused widespread blackouts

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
California Governor Gavin Newsom is against nuclear power and fossil fuels. He has been getting rid of those reliable sources of electricity, and replacing them with solar power (which only work when the sun is shining) and wind power (which only works when the wind is blowing).

California recently had widespread blackouts.

California’s Independent System Operator had been warning for years that the state’s growing dependence on solar and wind power could lead to blackouts. The organization blamed the state’s recent blackouts on clouds and weak wind. And now Governor Newsom is demanding an investigation to see how and why clouds and weak wind prevented California’s solar panels and windmills from operating at their maximum possible capacity.

Governor Newsom is a hypocrite and an idiot.

Here’s an article about it from the Wall St. Journal:

California’s Green Blackouts

If you eliminate fossil fuels, power shortages are inevitable.

By the Editorial Board of the Wall St. Journal

Aug. 19, 2020

Millions of Californians have lost power in recent days amid a brutal heat wave, and state regulators warn of more outages in the days and perhaps years to come. Welcome to California’s green new normal, a harbinger of a fossil-free world.

“These blackouts, which occurred without prior warning or enough time for preparation, are unacceptable and unbefitting of the nation’s largest and most innovative state,” Gov. Gavin Newsom declared Monday while ordering regulators to pull out all stops to keep power on. “This cannot stand.”

Mr. Newsom is demanding an investigation, though he can start with his party’s obsessions over climate and eliminating fossil fuels. Even former Gov. Gray Davis admitted the culprit is the state’s anti-fossil fuel policies. “The bottom line is, people don’t want lights to go down,” he told Politico. “People also want a carbon-free future. Sometimes those two aspirations come into conflict.” They certainly do.

California’s Independent System Operator (Caiso) has been warning for years that the state’s increasing dependence on intermittent renewables, especially solar, is making it harder to ensure reliable power. Renewables currently make up about 36% of California’s electric generation, and Democrats have set a 60% mandate for 2030 and 100% for 2045.

Caiso in part blamed cloud cover, weak winds
God. I want on that investigation. It would be the easiest job ever.

Solar power doesn't work when it is cloudy. Windmills don't work when the wind doesn't blow.

BOOM, done. NOw pay me.

mmm, then again, how would I justify charging a million dollars for that report?

I'll need some filler. HEY, maybe I could hire a lib. They are experts at padding shit with meaningless shit that doesn't mean shit.
God. I want on that investigation. It would be the easiest job ever.

Solar power doesn't work when it is cloudy. Windmills don't work when the wind doesn't blow.

BOOM, done. NOw pay me.

mmm, then again, how would I justify charging a million dollars for that report?

I'll need some filler. HEY, maybe I could hire a lib. They are experts at padding shit with meaningless shit that doesn't mean shit.
You merely need to think like a liberal. Obviously, the real solution is to simply tie all the solar power panels to the TOPS of clouds where they will always face the Sun!

And mount all of the wind mills to their undersides, as we all know that clouds are forever blowing around, they never stop moving.

Problem solved.
Anyone remember, early in his term as Governor, when Newsom called for an investigation as to why motor fuel prices were rising? I don't know if such an investigation was ever carried out, or what conclusions it may have produced, but don't you suppose that the rapidly-increasing state taxes on fuel, which he fully supported, might have something to do with it?
Anyone remember, early in his term as Governor, when Newsom called for an investigation as to why motor fuel prices were rising? I don't know if such an investigation was ever carried out, or what conclusions it may have produced, but don't you suppose that the rapidly-increasing state taxes on fuel, which he fully supported, might have something to do with it?

it doesn't matter. the point is that he called for the investigation, so that lets the media report that he was addressing the issue.

actually getting a report and doing something with the data, that is the way the stupid republicans play the game.
God. I want on that investigation. It would be the easiest job ever.

Solar power doesn't work when it is cloudy. Windmills don't work when the wind doesn't blow.

BOOM, done. NOw pay me.

mmm, then again, how would I justify charging a million dollars for that report?

I'll need some filler. HEY, maybe I could hire a lib. They are experts at padding shit with meaningless shit that doesn't mean shit.
They should have put in wave generated power plants on the edge of the ocean.
I don't think Gavin Newsom will be California Governor much longer. When the Republicans win the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi will retire and her nephew Gavin Newsom will take her place in the House of Representatives.
California Governor Gavin Newsom is against nuclear power and fossil fuels. He has been getting rid of those reliable sources of electricity, and replacing them with solar power (which only work when the sun is shining) and wind power (which only works when the wind is blowing).

California recently had widespread blackouts.

California’s Independent System Operator had been warning for years that the state’s growing dependence on solar and wind power could lead to blackouts. The organization blamed the state’s recent blackouts on clouds and weak wind. And now Governor Newsom is demanding an investigation to see how and why clouds and weak wind prevented California’s solar panels and windmills from operating at their maximum possible capacity.

Governor Newsom is a hypocrite and an idiot.

Here’s an article about it from the Wall St. Journal:

California’s Green Blackouts

If you eliminate fossil fuels, power shortages are inevitable.

By the Editorial Board of the Wall St. Journal

Aug. 19, 2020

Millions of Californians have lost power in recent days amid a brutal heat wave, and state regulators warn of more outages in the days and perhaps years to come. Welcome to California’s green new normal, a harbinger of a fossil-free world.

“These blackouts, which occurred without prior warning or enough time for preparation, are unacceptable and unbefitting of the nation’s largest and most innovative state,” Gov. Gavin Newsom declared Monday while ordering regulators to pull out all stops to keep power on. “This cannot stand.”

Mr. Newsom is demanding an investigation, though he can start with his party’s obsessions over climate and eliminating fossil fuels. Even former Gov. Gray Davis admitted the culprit is the state’s anti-fossil fuel policies. “The bottom line is, people don’t want lights to go down,” he told Politico. “People also want a carbon-free future. Sometimes those two aspirations come into conflict.” They certainly do.

California’s Independent System Operator (Caiso) has been warning for years that the state’s increasing dependence on intermittent renewables, especially solar, is making it harder to ensure reliable power. Renewables currently make up about 36% of California’s electric generation, and Democrats have set a 60% mandate for 2030 and 100% for 2045.

Caiso in part blamed cloud cover, weak winds
I have been visiting my son out here in Fresno Californication, there are miles of solar panels all over the place, but what i noticed was the amount of dirt on these things. Layers of dust cutting, preventing the cells from achieving their maximum energy input, thus causing a large reduction in electrical output. Just a big waste. But then this is what Democrats love to do...Waste money, time and peoples happiness....
God. I want on that investigation. It would be the easiest job ever.

Solar power doesn't work when it is cloudy. Windmills don't work when the wind doesn't blow.

BOOM, done. NOw pay me.

mmm, then again, how would I justify charging a million dollars for that report?

I'll need some filler. HEY, maybe I could hire a lib. They are experts at padding shit with meaningless shit that doesn't mean shit.
They should have put in wave generated power plants on the edge of the ocean.

they need conventional or nuclear to be the backbone of the energy production. for now at least.

wave power generation is a fine idea, for where it can work.

i like OTEC, myself. but, we need to start small, prove the concept and work up.

rushing it leads to problems.

I think California objection to Nuclear might be well founded.... The place is an earthquake zone....

As for the blackouts, this happened before by energy companies getting space on the connectors into the state being taken and not used.

Renewable Energy is fine when used with other sources like Nuclear. California is not a place for Nuclear power but the connector space should be investigated, they can easily handle the power needs of California.
California Governor Gavin Newsom is against nuclear power and fossil fuels. He has been getting rid of those reliable sources of electricity, and replacing them with solar power (which only work when the sun is shining) and wind power (which only works when the wind is blowing).

California recently had widespread blackouts.

California’s Independent System Operator had been warning for years that the state’s growing dependence on solar and wind power could lead to blackouts. The organization blamed the state’s recent blackouts on clouds and weak wind. And now Governor Newsom is demanding an investigation to see how and why clouds and weak wind prevented California’s solar panels and windmills from operating at their maximum possible capacity.

Governor Newsom is a hypocrite and an idiot.

Here’s an article about it from the Wall St. Journal:

California’s Green Blackouts

If you eliminate fossil fuels, power shortages are inevitable.

By the Editorial Board of the Wall St. Journal

Aug. 19, 2020

Millions of Californians have lost power in recent days amid a brutal heat wave, and state regulators warn of more outages in the days and perhaps years to come. Welcome to California’s green new normal, a harbinger of a fossil-free world.

“These blackouts, which occurred without prior warning or enough time for preparation, are unacceptable and unbefitting of the nation’s largest and most innovative state,” Gov. Gavin Newsom declared Monday while ordering regulators to pull out all stops to keep power on. “This cannot stand.”

Mr. Newsom is demanding an investigation, though he can start with his party’s obsessions over climate and eliminating fossil fuels. Even former Gov. Gray Davis admitted the culprit is the state’s anti-fossil fuel policies. “The bottom line is, people don’t want lights to go down,” he told Politico. “People also want a carbon-free future. Sometimes those two aspirations come into conflict.” They certainly do.

California’s Independent System Operator (Caiso) has been warning for years that the state’s increasing dependence on intermittent renewables, especially solar, is making it harder to ensure reliable power. Renewables currently make up about 36% of California’s electric generation, and Democrats have set a 60% mandate for 2030 and 100% for 2045.

Caiso in part blamed cloud cover, weak winds
I have been visiting my son out here in Fresno Californication, there are miles of solar panels all over the place, but what i noticed was the amount of dirt on these things. Layers of dust cutting, preventing the cells from achieving their maximum energy input, thus causing a large reduction in electrical output. Just a big waste. But then this is what Democrats love to do...Waste money, time and peoples happiness....

If they have layers of dust, they are not operational.
An unused solar field is collecting dust in Tonapah, NV..
More people living there more power demands and a super hot summer is a perfect formula for electrical troubles. We have them at the campgrounds with the campers and RV's sucking more juice makes those breakers pop and the circuit hot.
God. I want on that investigation. It would be the easiest job ever.

Solar power doesn't work when it is cloudy. Windmills don't work when the wind doesn't blow.

BOOM, done. NOw pay me.

mmm, then again, how would I justify charging a million dollars for that report?

I'll need some filler. HEY, maybe I could hire a lib. They are experts at padding shit with meaningless shit that doesn't mean shit.
They should have put in wave generated power plants on the edge of the ocean.

they need conventional or nuclear to be the backbone of the energy production. for now at least.

wave power generation is a fine idea, for where it can work.

i like OTEC, myself. but, we need to start small, prove the concept and work up.

rushing it leads to problems.

My nephew in California who is 34 YO told me that they can get power from the grid when the sun isn't shinning or the wind isn't blowing.

YCMTSU. He thinks the grid is a giant battery.

This is the problem. Ignorance.
God. I want on that investigation. It would be the easiest job ever.

Solar power doesn't work when it is cloudy. Windmills don't work when the wind doesn't blow.

BOOM, done. NOw pay me.

mmm, then again, how would I justify charging a million dollars for that report?

I'll need some filler. HEY, maybe I could hire a lib. They are experts at padding shit with meaningless shit that doesn't mean shit.
They should have put in wave generated power plants on the edge of the ocean.

they need conventional or nuclear to be the backbone of the energy production. for now at least.

wave power generation is a fine idea, for where it can work.

i like OTEC, myself. but, we need to start small, prove the concept and work up.

rushing it leads to problems.

My nephew in California who is 34 YO told me that they can get power from the grid when the sun isn't shinning or the wind isn't blowing.

YCMTSU. He thinks the grid is a giant battery.

This is the problem. Ignorance.

To be 34 yrs. old and that ignorant.
It must suck.
God. I want on that investigation. It would be the easiest job ever.

Solar power doesn't work when it is cloudy. Windmills don't work when the wind doesn't blow.

BOOM, done. NOw pay me.

mmm, then again, how would I justify charging a million dollars for that report?

I'll need some filler. HEY, maybe I could hire a lib. They are experts at padding shit with meaningless shit that doesn't mean shit.
They should have put in wave generated power plants on the edge of the ocean.

they need conventional or nuclear to be the backbone of the energy production. for now at least.

wave power generation is a fine idea, for where it can work.

i like OTEC, myself. but, we need to start small, prove the concept and work up.

rushing it leads to problems.

My nephew in California who is 34 YO told me that they can get power from the grid when the sun isn't shinning or the wind isn't blowing.

YCMTSU. He thinks the grid is a giant battery.

This is the problem. Ignorance.

To be 34 yrs. old and that ignorant.
It must suck.
Just proves that the Dept of Education needs to be eliminated either my executive order, or by force, from the swamp known as Washington DC.
My nephew in California who is 34 YO told me that they can get power from the grid when the sun isn't shinning or the wind isn't blowing.

YCMTSU. He thinks the grid is a giant battery.

This is the problem. Ignorance.

Though not technically correct, this is how we're taught in the solar industry to think of the relationship between a grid-tie solar power system, and the utility grid itself.

A true off-grid system, of course, has to have batteries. You need enough panels to produce plenty of surplus when they are producing, with the extra being stored in the batteries, for use during nonproductive times.

In a grid-tie system, when you're producing a surplus, you “sell” that surplus to the utility, against what you use later, when you're not producing enough. The grid provides the same function, therefore, that the batteries provide in a standalone system. The big difference is that with a grid-tie system, you don't need enough surplus when you're producing to cover what you'll use when you're not, and in fact, very few grid-tie systems achieve a net surplus. Whatever you use, in total, beyond what you produce yourself, you buy from the utility. With an off-grid system, if you use more power, in total, than you produce, then you'll run out and be without power for a while, until you can produce more.

And, of course, a grid-tie system is vulnerable to blackouts from the utility. Most grid-tie systems do not produce enough power, by themselves, to meet the needs of the building that they power, so if there's a blackout you experience it too.
My nephew in California who is 34 YO told me that they can get power from the grid when the sun isn't shinning or the wind isn't blowing.

YCMTSU. He thinks the grid is a giant battery.

This is the problem. Ignorance.

Though not technically correct, this is how we're taught in the solar industry to think of the relationship between a grid-tie solar power system, and the utility grid itself.

A true off-grid system, of course, has to have batteries. You need enough panels to produce plenty of surplus when they are producing, with the extra being stored in the batteries, for use during nonproductive times.

In a grid-tie system, when you're producing a surplus, you “sell” that surplus to the utility, against what you use later, when you're not producing enough. The grid provides the same function, therefore, that the batteries provide in a standalone system. The big difference is that with a grid-tie system, you don't need enough surplus when you're producing to cover what you'll use when you're not, and in fact, very few grid-tie systems achieve a net surplus. Whatever you use, in total, beyond what you produce yourself, you buy from the utility. With an off-grid system, if you use more power, in total, than you produce, then you'll run out and be without power for a while, until you can produce more.

And, of course, a grid-tie system is vulnerable to blackouts from the utility. Most grid-tie systems do not produce enough power, by themselves, to meet the needs of the building that they power, so if there's a blackout you experience it too.
Grid tied system don't produce enough power when you don't have enough base load power plants providing power to that system. If you rely on solar during the day and you keep building more and more solar, eventually you will have blackouts at night because the base load system is slowly being replace by solar. That's a fact Jack. Grids store NO fucking energy.

You're in the weeds and need to look at the big picture on what is going on. California is now importing almost 20% of their power. Almost all of it is at night time. They get all sorts of credit for their devotion to solar (and actually federal credits as well), yet the power they are getting from neighboring states comes from "dirty" fossil power systems and Palo Verde Nuclear generating station. They get to shrug this off as those states are penalized for producing fossil power to provide for California's nighttime base load power.

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