Cain and Abel

What makes her think Cain was an Arab and Able a Hebrew. We know how much aid the US , Evangelicals and rich Jews send to Israel.

Tell Queen Esther that if Israel lets the caged Palestinians free and quits stealing their land, and also let her know the Palestinians do not have vast amounts of money nor Oil as Israel is confiscating any land and sea that has oil on it. What an insult to our intelligence, please forward my message.
You tell 'em, Aliya...

Unfortunately for you-and-yours, however, the ultimate solution is for your precious Palis to pack up and move to the East Bank of the Jordan River...

Might as well be now, rather than another 70 years in $hithole refugee camps and towns... time to get off your dead arses and move...

Because there sure-as-hell is no - and I do mean zero - future for your precious Palestinians, in either Gaza or the West Bank...

Funny, when the fact is, the Jews, with their policies, are guaranteeing that they will end up like the white Rhodesians.
Again this is not to say that Arabs don't have rights here.
But to claim that the area was sealed for colonization, immigration or any kind of significant population exchange, through all the invasions....

To go that weed out the Jews among all the various people.
This is one of the definitions of 'Palestinian'.

That has never been the issue. Palestinians were originally prepared to accept immigrants until those immigrants started to take the land for their exclusive use and to create their racist, exclusivist "Jewish State". After decades of oppression and disposession by these immigrants, is it any wonder that attitudes amongst the Palestinians have changed from tolerance, however begrudging, to outright hatred. Zionists have only themselves to blame for the "terrorism" they encounter today.

This is a misleading narrative.

While talking about 'all accepting Palestinians', You conveniently forget about the Palestinian Jews, that were expelled and oppressed by their Arab neighbors decades before the 1st Zionist immigration.

The few Jews that managed to settle Palestine (the Ottomans had laws against the settlement of Jews in Palestine) were from Spain. There were a handful of Jews in Palestine before the Zionist invasion.

View attachment 135012, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf
Jews never disappeared from the area.

Actually the Jews in Palestine were of all diaspora, from Yemen, Persia, Ashkenaz and Russian empire. Some families of course were there at least as long as the Arabs. This ban was relieved on a number of occasions when a number organized groups managed to buy special permits, before the establishment of political Zionism.

Although You think this ban is useful in denying Jews their rights in the land, I see in it just another justification and proof for the connection and the right of the Jews for self determination exactly on that land that many tried to ban them from. SENCE
Again this is not to say that Arabs don't have rights here.
But to claim that the area was sealed for colonization, immigration or any kind of significant population exchange, through all the invasions....

To go that weed out the Jews among all the various people.
This is one of the definitions of 'Palestinian'.

That has never been the issue. Palestinians were originally prepared to accept immigrants until those immigrants started to take the land for their exclusive use and to create their racist, exclusivist "Jewish State". After decades of oppression and disposession by these immigrants, is it any wonder that attitudes amongst the Palestinians have changed from tolerance, however begrudging, to outright hatred. Zionists have only themselves to blame for the "terrorism" they encounter today.

This is a misleading narrative.

While talking about 'all accepting Palestinians', You conveniently forget about the Palestinian Jews, that were expelled and oppressed by their Arab neighbors decades before the 1st Zionist immigration.

The few Jews that managed to settle Palestine (the Ottomans had laws against the settlement of Jews in Palestine) were from Spain. There were a handful of Jews in Palestine before the Zionist invasion.

View attachment 135012, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf
Jews never disappeared from the area.

Actually the Jews in Palestine were of all diaspora, from Yemen, Persia, Ashkenaz and Russian empire. Some families of course were there at least as long as the Arabs. This ban was relieved on a number of occasions when a number organized groups managed to buy special permits, before the establishment of political Zionism.

Although You think this ban is useful in denying Jews their rights in the land, I see in it just another justification and proof for the connection and the right of the Jews for self determination exactly on that land that many tried to ban them from. SENCE

Actually it makes all the sense.

Throughout history Jews were banned from the land, Montelatici just gave a good example of Ottomans banning Jews. But it was just a recent version of what has been going on for more than 2000 years.
By banning Jews from that specific land they actually gave a good proof of their connection to it.

Or were You planning to go with Your usual blood purity nonsense?
Jews never disappeared from the area.

The religion certainly didn't, true and neither did Judeans/Palestinians, the native peoples that remained in place just changed religion as it suited them; "Jewish" Judeans/Palestinians became Christians and then Muslims over the millennia, fact.
Throughout history Jews were banned from the land, Montelatici just gave a good example of Ottomans banning Jews. But it was just a recent version of what has been going on for more than 2000 years.

The example provided was from the 19th century, and is the only time I've seen Ottomans restrict migration, and even then because of protests by the native population. Throughout the history of the Ottoman empire there was no restrictions placed on anyone settling anywhere. Most Jewish people chose not to live in Palestine.
Jews never disappeared from the area.

The religion certainly didn't, true and neither did Judeans/Palestinians, the native peoples that remained in place just changed religion as it suited them; "Jewish" Judeans/Palestinians became Christians and then Muslims over the millennia, fact.
Your usual disinformation is that You try to equate Palestinians to Philistines and then to Jews. Palestinians have one thing in common with the Philistines and that is their name comes from the semitic root of the word 'invaders'.

The Jews certainly remained in the land, established courts, schools and have written volumes of works in Hebrew.

You are basically trying to play it both sides, as if Palestinians identify both as Canaanites and Jews. They don't, it's a recent invention, less than 100 years old. Palestinians identify as Arabians, Syrians at best.

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Throughout history Jews were banned from the land, Montelatici just gave a good example of Ottomans banning Jews. But it was just a recent version of what has been going on for more than 2000 years.

The example provided was from the 19th century, and is the only time I've seen Ottomans restrict migration, and even then because of protests by the native population. Throughout the history of the Ottoman empire there was no restrictions placed on anyone settling anywhere. Most Jewish people chose not to live in Palestine.

Who also banned the Jews from living in the land throughout history?
Greeks, Romans, Crusades...we can go through the whole list of such bans.

And You can of course keep playing it, as if it was as easy as to buy a flight ticket.
Throughout history Jews were banned from the land, Montelatici just gave a good example of Ottomans banning Jews. But it was just a recent version of what has been going on for more than 2000 years.

The example provided was from the 19th century, and is the only time I've seen Ottomans restrict migration, and even then because of protests by the native population. Throughout the history of the Ottoman empire there was no restrictions placed on anyone settling anywhere. Most Jewish people chose not to live in Palestine.

Who also banned the Jews from living in the land throughout history?
Greeks, Romans, Crusades...we can go through the whole list of such bans.

And You can of course keep playing it, as if it was as easy as to buy a flight ticket.
The Jews have been expelled from over 100 nations throughout history and for very similar reasons. What is your point?
Throughout history Jews were banned from the land, Montelatici just gave a good example of Ottomans banning Jews. But it was just a recent version of what has been going on for more than 2000 years.

The example provided was from the 19th century, and is the only time I've seen Ottomans restrict migration, and even then because of protests by the native population. Throughout the history of the Ottoman empire there was no restrictions placed on anyone settling anywhere. Most Jewish people chose not to live in Palestine.

Who also banned the Jews from living in the land throughout history?
Greeks, Romans, Crusades...we can go through the whole list of such bans.

And You can of course keep playing it, as if it was as easy as to buy a flight ticket.
The Jews have been expelled from over 100 nations throughout history and for very similar reasons. What is your point?

You just gave another 100 reasons for National Home for Jews in Israel.
It's that simple.:bye1:
Throughout history Jews were banned from the land, Montelatici just gave a good example of Ottomans banning Jews. But it was just a recent version of what has been going on for more than 2000 years.

The example provided was from the 19th century, and is the only time I've seen Ottomans restrict migration, and even then because of protests by the native population. Throughout the history of the Ottoman empire there was no restrictions placed on anyone settling anywhere. Most Jewish people chose not to live in Palestine.

Who also banned the Jews from living in the land throughout history?
Greeks, Romans, Crusades...we can go through the whole list of such bans.

And You can of course keep playing it, as if it was as easy as to buy a flight ticket.
The Jews have been expelled from over 100 nations throughout history and for very similar reasons. What is your point?

You just gave another 100 reasons for National Home for Jews in Israel.
It's that simple.:bye1:
Not hardly and certainly not in Palestine.
Jews never disappeared from the area.

The religion certainly didn't, true and neither did Judeans/Palestinians, the native peoples that remained in place just changed religion as it suited them; "Jewish" Judeans/Palestinians became Christians and then Muslims over the millennia, fact.
Your usual disinformation is that You try to equate Palestinians to Philistines and then to Jews. Palestinians have one thing in common with the Philistines and that is their name comes from the semitic root of the word 'invaders'.

The Jews certainly remained in the land, established courts, schools and have written volumes of works in Hebrew.

You are basically trying to play it both sides, as if Palestinians identify both as Canaanites and Jews. They don't, it's a recent invention, less than 100 years old. Palestinians identify as Arabians, Syrians at best.
You are confusing me with someone else, that's not what I'm doing; the people of the place, regardless of what label you assign to them, changed their religions to suit themselves over time, the fact remains that those people who retained their Jewish faith were, at best, a tiny minority in Christian then Muslim Palestine, regardless of how many books they wrote.
Jews never disappeared from the area.

The religion certainly didn't, true and neither did Judeans/Palestinians, the native peoples that remained in place just changed religion as it suited them; "Jewish" Judeans/Palestinians became Christians and then Muslims over the millennia, fact.
Your usual disinformation is that You try to equate Palestinians to Philistines and then to Jews. Palestinians have one thing in common with the Philistines and that is their name comes from the semitic root of the word 'invaders'.

The Jews certainly remained in the land, established courts, schools and have written volumes of works in Hebrew.

You are basically trying to play it both sides, as if Palestinians identify both as Canaanites and Jews. They don't, it's a recent invention, less than 100 years old. Palestinians identify as Arabians, Syrians at best.
You are confusing me with someone else, that's not what I'm doing; the people of the place, regardless of what label you assign to them, changed their religions to suit themselves over time, the fact remains that those people who retained their Jewish faith were, at best, a tiny minority in Christian then Muslim Palestine, regardless of how many books they wrote.
This is exactly what You're doing.

You portray the subjugation of Jews in that land as something romantic and peaceful. It hasn't changed since the Greek Hellenization.

The Jews fought and still fight the occupation of the land, Palestinians want the continuation of Arab Muslim colonialism.
Throughout history Jews were banned from the land, Montelatici just gave a good example of Ottomans banning Jews. But it was just a recent version of what has been going on for more than 2000 years.

The example provided was from the 19th century, and is the only time I've seen Ottomans restrict migration, and even then because of protests by the native population. Throughout the history of the Ottoman empire there was no restrictions placed on anyone settling anywhere. Most Jewish people chose not to live in Palestine.

Who also banned the Jews from living in the land throughout history?
Greeks, Romans, Crusades...we can go through the whole list of such bans.

And You can of course keep playing it, as if it was as easy as to buy a flight ticket.
The Jews have been expelled from over 100 nations throughout history and for very similar reasons. What is your point?

You just gave another 100 reasons for National Home for Jews in Israel.
It's that simple.:bye1:
Not hardly and certainly not in Palestine.

You can bubble all You want but the majority of nations voted exactly for it, for Jews to Have a National Homeland exactly in that land, which btw was already divided between areas for Jews and an exclusive area only for the Arabs.
The example provided was from the 19th century, and is the only time I've seen Ottomans restrict migration, and even then because of protests by the native population. Throughout the history of the Ottoman empire there was no restrictions placed on anyone settling anywhere. Most Jewish people chose not to live in Palestine.

Who also banned the Jews from living in the land throughout history?
Greeks, Romans, Crusades...we can go through the whole list of such bans.

And You can of course keep playing it, as if it was as easy as to buy a flight ticket.
The Jews have been expelled from over 100 nations throughout history and for very similar reasons. What is your point?

You just gave another 100 reasons for National Home for Jews in Israel.
It's that simple.:bye1:
Not hardly and certainly not in Palestine.

You can bubble all You want but the majority of nations voted exactly for it, for Jews to Have a National Homeland exactly in that land, which btw was already divided between areas for Jews and an exclusive area only for the Arabs.
WTF are you talking about. You claimed that the Jewish expulsions throughout history were over 100 reasons for Jews to get a homeland and that is stupid. I pointed that out. Those expulsions are 100 reasons why Jews need to learn to live in peace wherever they reside.

Learn to get along with others. Case closed.
Who also banned the Jews from living in the land throughout history?
Greeks, Romans, Crusades...we can go through the whole list of such bans.

And You can of course keep playing it, as if it was as easy as to buy a flight ticket.
The Jews have been expelled from over 100 nations throughout history and for very similar reasons. What is your point?

You just gave another 100 reasons for National Home for Jews in Israel.
It's that simple.:bye1:
Not hardly and certainly not in Palestine.

You can bubble all You want but the majority of nations voted exactly for it, for Jews to Have a National Homeland exactly in that land, which btw was already divided between areas for Jews and an exclusive area only for the Arabs.
WTF are you talking about. You claimed that the Jewish expulsions throughout history were over 100 reasons for Jews to get a homeland and that is stupid. I pointed that out. Those expulsions are 100 reasons why Jews need to learn to live in peace wherever they reside.

Learn to get along with others. Case closed.

Isn't that like the treatment of a raped woman under Islamic law?
Or how the Inquisition tried to 'SAVE' all those witches they were 'forced to execute out of mercy' ?
Who also banned the Jews from living in the land throughout history?
Greeks, Romans, Crusades...we can go through the whole list of such bans.

And You can of course keep playing it, as if it was as easy as to buy a flight ticket.
The Jews have been expelled from over 100 nations throughout history and for very similar reasons. What is your point?

You just gave another 100 reasons for National Home for Jews in Israel.
It's that simple.:bye1:
Not hardly and certainly not in Palestine.

You can bubble all You want but the majority of nations voted exactly for it, for Jews to Have a National Homeland exactly in that land, which btw was already divided between areas for Jews and an exclusive area only for the Arabs.
WTF are you talking about. You claimed that the Jewish expulsions throughout history were over 100 reasons for Jews to get a homeland and that is stupid. I pointed that out. Those expulsions are 100 reasons why Jews need to learn to live in peace wherever they reside.

Learn to get along with others. Case closed.

The fact that Jews were always a persecuted minority is exactly the reason that Herzl wanted to give the Jews their own homeland. In fact, Uganda was touted as being the best place for a homeland before Israel was picked. If you're going to give a people a homeland, you might as well give them their historical land where they gave the Bible to the world.

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