Cain and Abel

The Jews have been expelled from over 100 nations throughout history and for very similar reasons. What is your point?

You just gave another 100 reasons for National Home for Jews in Israel.
It's that simple.:bye1:
Not hardly and certainly not in Palestine.

You can bubble all You want but the majority of nations voted exactly for it, for Jews to Have a National Homeland exactly in that land, which btw was already divided between areas for Jews and an exclusive area only for the Arabs.
WTF are you talking about. You claimed that the Jewish expulsions throughout history were over 100 reasons for Jews to get a homeland and that is stupid. I pointed that out. Those expulsions are 100 reasons why Jews need to learn to live in peace wherever they reside.

Learn to get along with others. Case closed.

Isn't that like the treatment of a raped woman under Islamic law?
Or how the Inquisition tried to 'SAVE' all those witches they were 'forced to execute out of mercy' ?
WTF are you talking about. You claimed that the Jewish expulsions throughout history were over 100 reasons for Jews to get a homeland and that is stupid. I pointed that out. Those expulsions are 100 reasons why Jews need to learn to live in peace wherever they reside.

Learn to get along with others. Case closed.
The Jews have been expelled from over 100 nations throughout history and for very similar reasons. What is your point?

You just gave another 100 reasons for National Home for Jews in Israel.
It's that simple.:bye1:
Not hardly and certainly not in Palestine.

You can bubble all You want but the majority of nations voted exactly for it, for Jews to Have a National Homeland exactly in that land, which btw was already divided between areas for Jews and an exclusive area only for the Arabs.
WTF are you talking about. You claimed that the Jewish expulsions throughout history were over 100 reasons for Jews to get a homeland and that is stupid. I pointed that out. Those expulsions are 100 reasons why Jews need to learn to live in peace wherever they reside.

Learn to get along with others. Case closed.

The fact that Jews were always a persecuted minority is exactly the reason that Herzl wanted to give the Jews their own homeland. In fact, Uganda was touted as being the best place for a homeland before Israel was picked. If you're going to give a people a homeland, you might as well give them their historical land where they gave the Bible to the world.
No, foreverdumb, no.

Those expulsions are 100 reasons why Jews need to learn to live in peace wherever they reside.

Learn to get along with others. Case closed.
Jews never disappeared from the area.

The religion certainly didn't, true and neither did Judeans/Palestinians, the native peoples that remained in place just changed religion as it suited them; "Jewish" Judeans/Palestinians became Christians and then Muslims over the millennia, fact.

That's certainly not true. Masada proves that Jews would rather die than convert to another religion. And Masada shall not fall again, no matter how much you may wish it.
Recently, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis explained the Middle East conflict in a nutshell. Here's what she said:

The world's very first murder was committed by brother against brother. Cain and Abel, the only two brothers on Earth, decided to make a deal. "Let's divide the Earth in two," Cain said to Abel. "Livestock will belong to you, real estate to me." They shook hands over it and all seemed well. Soon, however, Cain told Abel, "You are standing on my land. Get out!" And with that, he killed his brother.
The first murder in the history of mankind. The first family tragedy. Only two brothers on the entire planet, and there was no room for both.
The situation in Israel can be traced to this destructive formula. The Arabs have vast amounts of land and money-making oil wells, and yet it is that tiny piece of real estate their Jewish neighbors possess that gives them no rest.
Same old lies and deflection to justify land theft by Western Colonialists...The Arabs offered peace to the 67 Armistice lines and still do, but the greedy Israelis want more through war against all neighbors...

Everybody knows that, stop whining.

There was tension before 1967. Even posters here, like monte and Tinmore, want all of Israel, and not just the West Bank.

No, they want Palestine restored to it's rightful owners, the native population brutally displaced by the European settler colonists. If those colonists want to live as Palestinians, practicing Judaism, I doubt anyone would mind...except maybe those Zionists clinging to their fantasies of "lebensraum" in a "greater Israel".

Ha, Greater Israel, including the West Bank and Gaza, is about as big as a hatbox.
That has never been the issue. Palestinians were originally prepared to accept immigrants until those immigrants started to take the land for their exclusive use and to create their racist, exclusivist "Jewish State". After decades of oppression and disposession by these immigrants, is it any wonder that attitudes amongst the Palestinians have changed from tolerance, however begrudging, to outright hatred. Zionists have only themselves to blame for the "terrorism" they encounter today.

This is a misleading narrative.

While talking about 'all accepting Palestinians', You conveniently forget about the Palestinian Jews, that were expelled and oppressed by their Arab neighbors decades before the 1st Zionist immigration.

The few Jews that managed to settle Palestine (the Ottomans had laws against the settlement of Jews in Palestine) were from Spain. There were a handful of Jews in Palestine before the Zionist invasion.

View attachment 135012, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf
Jews never disappeared from the area.

Actually the Jews in Palestine were of all diaspora, from Yemen, Persia, Ashkenaz and Russian empire. Some families of course were there at least as long as the Arabs. This ban was relieved on a number of occasions when a number organized groups managed to buy special permits, before the establishment of political Zionism.

Although You think this ban is useful in denying Jews their rights in the land, I see in it just another justification and proof for the connection and the right of the Jews for self determination exactly on that land that many tried to ban them from. SENCE

Actually it makes all the sense.

Throughout history Jews were banned from the land, Montelatici just gave a good example of Ottomans banning Jews. But it was just a recent version of what has been going on for more than 2000 years.
By banning Jews from that specific land they actually gave a good proof of their connection to it.

Or were You planning to go with Your usual blood purity nonsense?

Same reason Rome destroyed Herods temple, they fight everyone.
Jews never disappeared from the area.

The religion certainly didn't, true and neither did Judeans/Palestinians, the native peoples that remained in place just changed religion as it suited them; "Jewish" Judeans/Palestinians became Christians and then Muslims over the millennia, fact.

That's certainly not true. Masada proves that Jews would rather die than convert to another religion. And Masada shall not fall again, no matter how much you may wish it.

Those at Masada , who ran away from Jerusalem were the zealots and sacarii, they thought they would survive.
Jews never disappeared from the area.

The religion certainly didn't, true and neither did Judeans/Palestinians, the native peoples that remained in place just changed religion as it suited them; "Jewish" Judeans/Palestinians became Christians and then Muslims over the millennia, fact.

That's certainly not true. Masada proves that Jews would rather die than convert to another religion. And Masada shall not fall again, no matter how much you may wish it.

It is absolutely true that the Jews converted to Christianity. From

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin"

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
Jews never disappeared from the area.

The religion certainly didn't, true and neither did Judeans/Palestinians, the native peoples that remained in place just changed religion as it suited them; "Jewish" Judeans/Palestinians became Christians and then Muslims over the millennia, fact.

That's certainly not true. Masada proves that Jews would rather die than convert to another religion. And Masada shall not fall again, no matter how much you may wish it.

It is absolutely true that the Jews converted to Christianity. From

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin"

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

The same book describes beautifully the recent large scale Arab immigration into centers developed by Jews, decades before the establishment of Israel.

From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab–Jewish Conflict over Palestine is a controversial[1] 1984 book by Joan Peters about the demographics of the Arab population of Palestine and of the Jewish population of the Arab world before and after the formation of the State of Israel.

According to Peters a large fraction of the Arabs of Palestine were not descendants of natives of Palestine at the time of the formation of Israel in 1948, but had arrived in waves of immigration starting in the 19th century and continuing through the period of the British Mandate. Peters contends that at the same time a much larger number of Jews than the number of Arabs fleeing Palestine, were driven out of the Arab countries and became refugees in Israel. She argues that what is referred to as the 1948 Palestinian exodus is actually a population exchange that resulted from the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.
From Time Immemorial - Wikipedia

Now pay attention, it were the Jews who first used the narrative that Arabs are our brothers, in order to find alternatives for our differences.
While at that time the Arabs were strongly identifying as Syrians, they still do today.

You simply use a narrative invented by Jews, in order to deny them their rights, while the Jews used it to find a common ground with the Arabs.
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That has never been the issue. Palestinians were originally prepared to accept immigrants until those immigrants started to take the land for their exclusive use and to create their racist, exclusivist "Jewish State". After decades of oppression and disposession by these immigrants, is it any wonder that attitudes amongst the Palestinians have changed from tolerance, however begrudging, to outright hatred. Zionists have only themselves to blame for the "terrorism" they encounter today.

This is a misleading narrative.

While talking about 'all accepting Palestinians', You conveniently forget about the Palestinian Jews, that were expelled and oppressed by their Arab neighbors decades before the 1st Zionist immigration.

The few Jews that managed to settle Palestine (the Ottomans had laws against the settlement of Jews in Palestine) were from Spain. There were a handful of Jews in Palestine before the Zionist invasion.

View attachment 135012, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf
Jews never disappeared from the area.

Actually the Jews in Palestine were of all diaspora, from Yemen, Persia, Ashkenaz and Russian empire. Some families of course were there at least as long as the Arabs. This ban was relieved on a number of occasions when a number organized groups managed to buy special permits, before the establishment of political Zionism.

Although You think this ban is useful in denying Jews their rights in the land, I see in it just another justification and proof for the connection and the right of the Jews for self determination exactly on that land that many tried to ban them from. SENCE

Actually it makes all the sense.

Throughout history Jews were banned from the land, Montelatici just gave a good example of Ottomans banning Jews. But it was just a recent version of what has been going on for more than 2000 years.
By banning Jews from that specific land they actually gave a good proof of their connection to it.

Or were You planning to go with Your usual blood purity nonsense?
Bullshit in a word......You are not Blood Prue in any way to Real Jews,just a Motely Crew of Synthetic Converts to way of Zionist have Zilch Morality to comment,thus rendering your prose into the Dustbin of History...theliq
Cain asked God; am I my brothers keeper? We still struggle with the question.
The three monotheistic faiths answer Cains question the same. YES.
The answer of the world is no.
It is both amusing and a bit disturbing that men rationalize and justify with well researched and we'll presented arguments why we cannot act in accord with the clearly expressed will of the Most High under 'these' circumstances.
The Palestinian Muslims and Christians are overwhelmingly the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine. That they converted to Christianity and then Islam doesn't change their ancestry.

The British had a far larger military and civil infrastructure in Egypt, Palestinians immigrated to Egypt for work, not the other way around.

You just make things up.
The Palestinian Muslims and Christians are overwhelmingly the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine. That they converted to Christianity and then Islam doesn't change their ancestry.

The British had a far larger military and civil infrastructure in Egypt, Palestinians immigrated to Egypt for work, not the other way around.

You just make things up.

After the Jews built up the country, there were increased job opportunities for Arabs in Palestine. Churchill, who was there at the time, said that all the Jews in the world coming into Palestine could not compete with all the Arabs flooding into there.
The Palestinian Muslims and Christians are overwhelmingly the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine. That they converted to Christianity and then Islam doesn't change their ancestry.

The British had a far larger military and civil infrastructure in Egypt, Palestinians immigrated to Egypt for work, not the other way around.

You just make things up.

Actually, you just make things up. The geographic area of your invented "country of Pally'land has been subject to Mongol, Arab-Moslem and European Christian invasion and colonization. Your nonsense about "The Palestinian Muslims and Christians are overwhelmingly the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine.", is just more nonsensical blathering.

It's a bit like your hilariously silly claim that Moslems had lived in the area of Pal'istan "for thousands of years". Why yes, Moslems had lived in Pal'istan even before the invention of Islamism.
This is a misleading narrative.

While talking about 'all accepting Palestinians', You conveniently forget about the Palestinian Jews, that were expelled and oppressed by their Arab neighbors decades before the 1st Zionist immigration.

The few Jews that managed to settle Palestine (the Ottomans had laws against the settlement of Jews in Palestine) were from Spain. There were a handful of Jews in Palestine before the Zionist invasion.

View attachment 135012, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf
Jews never disappeared from the area.

Actually the Jews in Palestine were of all diaspora, from Yemen, Persia, Ashkenaz and Russian empire. Some families of course were there at least as long as the Arabs. This ban was relieved on a number of occasions when a number organized groups managed to buy special permits, before the establishment of political Zionism.

Although You think this ban is useful in denying Jews their rights in the land, I see in it just another justification and proof for the connection and the right of the Jews for self determination exactly on that land that many tried to ban them from. SENCE

Actually it makes all the sense.

Throughout history Jews were banned from the land, Montelatici just gave a good example of Ottomans banning Jews. But it was just a recent version of what has been going on for more than 2000 years.
By banning Jews from that specific land they actually gave a good proof of their connection to it.

Or were You planning to go with Your usual blood purity nonsense?
Bullshit in a word......You are not Blood Prue in any way to Real Jews,just a Motely Crew of Synthetic Converts to way of Zionist have Zilch Morality to comment,thus rendering your prose into the Dustbin of History...theliq

Cain, are You saying my blood is not clean, and therefore I can't live in the land?

Or is it that my sacrifice was the best of my Sheep, and it embarrasses You?
The Palestinian Muslims and Christians are overwhelmingly the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine. That they converted to Christianity and then Islam doesn't change their ancestry.

The British had a far larger military and civil infrastructure in Egypt, Palestinians immigrated to Egypt for work, not the other way around.

You just make things up.

After the Jews built up the country, there were increased job opportunities for Arabs in Palestine. Churchill, who was there at the time, said that all the Jews in the world coming into Palestine could not compete with all the Arabs flooding into there.
The above statement is completely history proved(infact the Zionists expelled and slaughtered Palestinians on their own Land)so your post is a LIE

As for Churchill,most Australians know what a complete Moron he was....especially after Gallipoli.....FY,please STOP talking such SHIT,thanks... steve
The Palestinian Muslims and Christians are overwhelmingly the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine. That they converted to Christianity and then Islam doesn't change their ancestry.

The British had a far larger military and civil infrastructure in Egypt, Palestinians immigrated to Egypt for work, not the other way around.

You just make things up.

Actually, you just make things up. The geographic area of your invented "country of Pally'land has been subject to Mongol, Arab-Moslem and European Christian invasion and colonization. Your nonsense about "The Palestinian Muslims and Christians are overwhelmingly the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine.", is just more nonsensical blathering.

It's a bit like your hilariously silly claim that Moslems had lived in the area of Pal'istan "for thousands of years". Why yes, Moslems had lived in Pal'istan even before the invention of Islamism.
Firstly the Mongols NEVER reached the area of Palestine at all,the closest he came was when the Knights Templar during the Crusade Period,requested form the Great Khan,if he could help them defeat Salidin....his response was "That he could Never help them because they were Cannibals"..which of course some were....GET YOUR FACT RIGHT WHEN DEALING WITH ME.....theliq
The Palestinian Muslims and Christians are overwhelmingly the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine. That they converted to Christianity and then Islam doesn't change their ancestry.

The British had a far larger military and civil infrastructure in Egypt, Palestinians immigrated to Egypt for work, not the other way around.

You just make things up.

After the Jews built up the country, there were increased job opportunities for Arabs in Palestine. Churchill, who was there at the time, said that all the Jews in the world coming into Palestine could not compete with all the Arabs flooding into there.

That's bullshit propaganda. In this day and age when UN Archives are available on line, repeating this old debunked propaganda makes you out as the fool you are. Why do you continue to believe the propaganda when the recorded facts are available with a click of your mouse?

From UN A/364


15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths. "

A/364 of 3 September 1947
The few Jews that managed to settle Palestine (the Ottomans had laws against the settlement of Jews in Palestine) were from Spain. There were a handful of Jews in Palestine before the Zionist invasion.

View attachment 135012, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf
Jews never disappeared from the area.

Actually the Jews in Palestine were of all diaspora, from Yemen, Persia, Ashkenaz and Russian empire. Some families of course were there at least as long as the Arabs. This ban was relieved on a number of occasions when a number organized groups managed to buy special permits, before the establishment of political Zionism.

Although You think this ban is useful in denying Jews their rights in the land, I see in it just another justification and proof for the connection and the right of the Jews for self determination exactly on that land that many tried to ban them from. SENCE

Actually it makes all the sense.

Throughout history Jews were banned from the land, Montelatici just gave a good example of Ottomans banning Jews. But it was just a recent version of what has been going on for more than 2000 years.
By banning Jews from that specific land they actually gave a good proof of their connection to it.

Or were You planning to go with Your usual blood purity nonsense?
Bullshit in a word......You are not Blood Prue in any way to Real Jews,just a Motely Crew of Synthetic Converts to way of Zionist have Zilch Morality to comment,thus rendering your prose into the Dustbin of History...theliq

Cain, are You saying my blood is not clean, and therefore I can't live in the land?

Or is it that my sacrifice was the best of my Sheep, and it embarrasses You?

You can live anywhere, just don't steal the land and evict the current inhabitants.
The few Jews that managed to settle Palestine (the Ottomans had laws against the settlement of Jews in Palestine) were from Spain. There were a handful of Jews in Palestine before the Zionist invasion.

View attachment 135012, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf
Jews never disappeared from the area.

Actually the Jews in Palestine were of all diaspora, from Yemen, Persia, Ashkenaz and Russian empire. Some families of course were there at least as long as the Arabs. This ban was relieved on a number of occasions when a number organized groups managed to buy special permits, before the establishment of political Zionism.

Although You think this ban is useful in denying Jews their rights in the land, I see in it just another justification and proof for the connection and the right of the Jews for self determination exactly on that land that many tried to ban them from. SENCE

Actually it makes all the sense.

Throughout history Jews were banned from the land, Montelatici just gave a good example of Ottomans banning Jews. But it was just a recent version of what has been going on for more than 2000 years.
By banning Jews from that specific land they actually gave a good proof of their connection to it.

Or were You planning to go with Your usual blood purity nonsense?
Bullshit in a word......You are not Blood Prue in any way to Real Jews,just a Motely Crew of Synthetic Converts to way of Zionist have Zilch Morality to comment,thus rendering your prose into the Dustbin of History...theliq

Cain, are You saying my blood is not clean, and therefore I can't live in the land?

Or is it that my sacrifice was the best of my Sheep, and it embarrasses You?
Moron Speaks as Moron IS

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