Caged children, lost allies, neo-Nazis: What Trump supporters have done to America


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
OoooF -- This is brutal .. but 100% on target :cool-45:


That Trump and Sessions feel empowered to fundamentally reshape the American health system using a legal sleight of hand ought not to be a surprise. After all, Trump-the-would-be-king has announced that he has the “absolute right” to pardon himself and anyone else for any and all crimes; and his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has declared that the president isn’t indict-able for any crimes, asserting that Trump could have shot Comey in the Oval Office and still be immune from prosecution.

In the new Trump-reality, the president can do anything and not be charged with a crime; and can order his minions to do anything, secure in the knowledge that even if they are charged their boss will then pardon them. Such a legal theory could allow for, say, state-sanctioned death squads, torture, wholesale embezzlement of state funds, the imprisonment of political enemies and so on.

None of this is the stuff of democracy. Those who defend it all, simply for party-political advantage, shame on you.

You are turning America into a global pariah state. You are shredding the culture of democracy. You are undermining multinational institutions.

And you are normalizing extremism and irrationalism and cruelty as governing principles. Shame. Shame. Shame.​

Loads MOAR!

Caged children, lost allies, neo-Nazis: What Trump supporters have done to America
Flee, while ewestill can! Baaaaaaa!

Nah - I'll stick around for a bit ... .ALMOST

And you can't see how you look like a retard daily as you post LIES that only you yourself believe and all the other stupid asses who have the same IQ levels.


But it backfired in spectacular fashion when those images were proven to have been taken when Barack Obama was in the White House, dictating immigration policy and running those agencies that enforce the law, not Trump. (RELATED: This Is The Best Trump vs. Obama Cartoon Ever).

Liberals Try And Paint Trump As Heartless Towards Immigrant Kids, Ignore One Key Detail
MLK pos NEPHEW who spread this fake bs because he's your typical anti american asshole using his dead relative to push COMMUNIST HATE WHITE AGENDAS dumbass.

Shaun King, a reporter for the Intercept couldn’t help but spread the fake news, whining that the children were treated like dogs.
I was reading USA TODAY this morning...the Fed just announced another rate hike and predicted three more for this year. Hate to break this to you, Trump Haters...but the economy is doing so well that they're raising interest rates to slow it down! If it goes as planned that will be EIGHT rate hikes since Trump was elected. Compare that to the ONE from when Obama was elected until Trump was elected! You guys are in deep shit. Trump's economic policies are working.
The article is amusing at best. Right from the beginning....

"This month, ICE began readying roughly 1,000 detainees, caught at the border trying to enter the country without documents, to be sent to the Victorville federal prison in California. It was another extraordinary shift in how America views immigrants – legal and otherwise"

Detaining people "trying to enter the country without documents", somehow shows a shift in American views "legal and otherwise".

Then the article cites pictures from the Obama era as evidence of Trump's inhumanity.

Then onto the ambassador to Germany, who had the audacity to support conservatives, or as the left would say "right wing".
Right wing is of course a way of referring to anyone left of chairman Mao.

And of course pursuing peace in Korea is fascism. Suggesting Russia be brought back into the world economic fold is fascism.

And of course this all means the death of democracy. Yeesh.
The "caged children" photo going around is from the Obama era.
The OP must have been asleep last week.
There is also another one going around that was staged by a bunch of anti immigration law activists. So basically they are all fake.
OoooF -- This is brutal .. but 100% on target :cool-45:


That Trump and Sessions feel empowered to fundamentally reshape the American health system using a legal sleight of hand ought not to be a surprise. After all, Trump-the-would-be-king has announced that he has the “absolute right” to pardon himself and anyone else for any and all crimes; and his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has declared that the president isn’t indict-able for any crimes, asserting that Trump could have shot Comey in the Oval Office and still be immune from prosecution.

In the new Trump-reality, the president can do anything and not be charged with a crime; and can order his minions to do anything, secure in the knowledge that even if they are charged their boss will then pardon them. Such a legal theory could allow for, say, state-sanctioned death squads, torture, wholesale embezzlement of state funds, the imprisonment of political enemies and so on.

None of this is the stuff of democracy. Those who defend it all, simply for party-political advantage, shame on you.

You are turning America into a global pariah state. You are shredding the culture of democracy. You are undermining multinational institutions.

And you are normalizing extremism and irrationalism and cruelty as governing principles. Shame. Shame. Shame.​

Loads MOAR!

Caged children, lost allies, neo-Nazis: What Trump supporters have done to America

This is who these people are. The old saying "when someone tells you who they are, believe them"

Trump and his supporters are racist lowlifes who relish the opportunity to use cruelty to force other people to do things.
The coming set of political commercials showing immigrant children being forced into kennel-like cells after being ripped from their mommies' arms are going to be hard to watch.
OoooF -- This is brutal .. but 100% on target :cool-45:


That Trump and Sessions feel empowered to fundamentally reshape the American health system using a legal sleight of hand ought not to be a surprise. After all, Trump-the-would-be-king has announced that he has the “absolute right” to pardon himself and anyone else for any and all crimes; and his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has declared that the president isn’t indict-able for any crimes, asserting that Trump could have shot Comey in the Oval Office and still be immune from prosecution.

In the new Trump-reality, the president can do anything and not be charged with a crime; and can order his minions to do anything, secure in the knowledge that even if they are charged their boss will then pardon them. Such a legal theory could allow for, say, state-sanctioned death squads, torture, wholesale embezzlement of state funds, the imprisonment of political enemies and so on.

None of this is the stuff of democracy. Those who defend it all, simply for party-political advantage, shame on you.

You are turning America into a global pariah state. You are shredding the culture of democracy. You are undermining multinational institutions.

And you are normalizing extremism and irrationalism and cruelty as governing principles. Shame. Shame. Shame.​

Loads MOAR!

Caged children, lost allies, neo-Nazis: What Trump supporters have done to America

This is who these people are. The old saying "when someone tells you who they are, believe them"

Trump and his supporters are racist lowlifes who relish the opportunity to use cruelty to force other people to do things.
Maybe we can force them to bake gay wedding cakes. They're Catholics.
OoooF -- This is brutal .. but 100% on target :cool-45:


That Trump and Sessions feel empowered to fundamentally reshape the American health system using a legal sleight of hand ought not to be a surprise. After all, Trump-the-would-be-king has announced that he has the “absolute right” to pardon himself and anyone else for any and all crimes; and his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has declared that the president isn’t indict-able for any crimes, asserting that Trump could have shot Comey in the Oval Office and still be immune from prosecution.

In the new Trump-reality, the president can do anything and not be charged with a crime; and can order his minions to do anything, secure in the knowledge that even if they are charged their boss will then pardon them. Such a legal theory could allow for, say, state-sanctioned death squads, torture, wholesale embezzlement of state funds, the imprisonment of political enemies and so on.

None of this is the stuff of democracy. Those who defend it all, simply for party-political advantage, shame on you.

You are turning America into a global pariah state. You are shredding the culture of democracy. You are undermining multinational institutions.

And you are normalizing extremism and irrationalism and cruelty as governing principles. Shame. Shame. Shame.​

Loads MOAR!

Caged children, lost allies, neo-Nazis: What Trump supporters have done to America
Go to Canada. They have free stuff there too.
Go to Canada. They have free stuff there too.

Just may do that Meat - I don't care about the free stuff, but an actual democracy as opposed to an idiocracy with a two bit authoritarian prick at the helm would be pretty sweet!
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The article is amusing at best. Right from the beginning....

"This month, ICE began readying roughly 1,000 detainees, caught at the border trying to enter the country without documents, to be sent to the Victorville federal prison in California. It was another extraordinary shift in how America views immigrants – legal and otherwise"

Detaining people "trying to enter the country without documents", somehow shows a shift in American views "legal and otherwise".

Then the article cites pictures from the Obama era as evidence of Trump's inhumanity.

Then onto the ambassador to Germany, who had the audacity to support conservatives, or as the left would say "right wing".
Right wing is of course a way of referring to anyone left of chairman Mao.

And of course pursuing peace in Korea is fascism. Suggesting Russia be brought back into the world economic fold is fascism.

And of course this all means the death of democracy. Yeesh.

Seems to me that it would serve you well to study the Constitution and American history from WWII forward.

But hey, if you wanna cite the Apostle Paul to justify yanking babies out of their mother's arms? ...

The same passage was used to justify slavery and that didn't go well, but whatever blows yer skirt up ;)

Sessions invokes the Bible to defend separation of families at the border
Go to Canada. They have free stuff there too.

Just may do that Meat - I don't care about the free stuff, but an actual democracy as opposed to an idiocracy led by a two bit authoritarian prick at the helm would be pretty sweet!

Let us know when, we'll help ya pack, but I'm not digging the dolly out of the shed just yet cuz I doubt I'll need it.

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