C,mon, fess up, are you regretting your vote?


Please note there is no plan for nuclear, drilling here, or coal. So your guess is as good as mine.

Maybe we should all just go back to the horse and buggy days, but of course those horses release that nasty co2 into the atmosphere and it will cause the ice bergs to melt. We could always burn cow chips for heat but as far as cooling your home, well that's over. Of course, those cow chips produce co2 too and as you know Co2 is the direct cause of those ice bergs melting. Maybe we should give up on the heat, and eat raw food.

A better thought would be that if we all just held our breaths for 1/2 a day every day we could reduce the co2 in the atmosphere significantly.,You do know that when we humans exhale we breath co2 into the air and we sure don't want to be melting any more ice bergs.. That way we could do the cow chip heat without causing further damage to the icebergs.:lol::lol:
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Thank you for your response.

Are you serious?

When you know things about the man, you can ascertain things about how he will handle the job or why he is doing some of the amazingly f'd up things he is doing. The Rev. Wright is a racist thug who President Obama valued up until political expediency got in the way.

Bill Ayers was one of this President's compatriots -- notwithstanding the Presidents lying denials of how close they actually were. There IS a reason this President chose to lie about that relationship. Bill Ayers is an America-hating terrorist scumbag -- and part of the network of friends and supporters of the President.

The President APPOINTED Jones to be a freakin "czar" (whatever the f*** a "czar" is supposed to mean in our Republic) in the Obama Administration despite the fact that Jones is a racist, a 9/11 Troofer and a self-avowed communist -- or maybe BECAUSE of all those sterling attributes.

The real question is why you would even ASK a stupid question like you just did.

Thank you for your response.

I hope you realize you are committing an ad hominem circumstantial fallacy. Therefore your argument is invalid.

Good lord are you ever in denial or what????????????? "Birds of a feather flock together. " "A man is judged by the company he keeps."

I would really be interested in what you thought about the President and the professor Gates incident, when he stated clearly that the police acted, "stupidly," after acknowledging that he did not know any of the facts. Did you not think that was a racist statement??? Had a white President said that there would have been a very loud call across this nation for his resignation.

I have questions about that incident.

First of all, how does a police officer go from investigating an alleged breaking and entering in progress, to arresting the owner of the home?

Regardless of what was said to the police officer, it does not make any sense for an officer of the law to arrest someone for breaking into their own home. Unless of course, the home owner was dressed in all black, wearing a black ski mask, and standing there with a crowbar, then proceeded to run after the police arrived.

What was the officer's probable cause?

I agree, if the President made any kind of judgement before complete knowledge of the facts is STUPID! But it does seem stupid for an officer of the law to make this type of mistake. I would like to question both parties before I can make an assessment.

Judging a person by the company he or she keeps is only half the story. That is also FALLACIOUS REASONING. How can you know for sure without having the complete story?

Where I am from, that is called PREJUDICE.

One of my philosophies are, "You have to know what was BEFORE you can know what is."

What conclusion do you draw from this link?

What do you conclude about this link?


Please note there is no plan for nuclear, drilling here, or coal. So your guess is as good as mine.

This is in portable document format and consists of only eight pages. On page five of this document there is a section called "Promote the Supply of Domestic Energy."

What do you think about this section?

Lastly, what do YOU conclude about Jeremiah Wright?
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I had 8 people in my family, including my husband who voted for Obama. None of them will vote for him again.

My husband is anti-union and found out after the fact that Obama is pro-union. Then last night he see's Van Jones on television making his racist statements and that just sent him over the edge. I warned all of them and told them that no-one goes to a church and listens to anti-american rhetoric and anti-white rhetoric for TWENTY YEARS and doesn't hear that stuff unless he believes it himself. The evidence is in:

Reverent Wright
Bill Ayers
Van Jones
and many more to come to light in the very near future.

So tell me about your freinds and family that would change thier vote now, if they could.

What do you think now????? Hmmm, Obama in Copenhagen trying to sell Chicago for the olympics, while Iran is firing off missiles that have the potential to take out Israel and many of our American bases, 3 American hikers still being held there, General McCristal screaming for help in Afganistan but the President has only spoken to him 1 time in 70 days. 24% unemployment among people 16 to 24 years old. A no stimulus stimulus bill that had more in it for the arts and humanities than it gave to small business which employs 70% of Americans. An ever increasing deficit, with health care, cap and tax still on the table, but NO JOBS for the forseable future. Borrowing .50 on every dollar spent, printing the rest. Get ready for massive inflation and increasing interest rates, they are coming. Does anyone know how to say JIMMY CARTER 2 ????????

I remember Jimmy Carter, and Obama is going down that same path. weak on defense, more interested in prosecuting our own CIA, the closing of Gitmo, the reading of miranda rights on the battle field, now talk by Chirs Dodd and 3 other senators of prosecuting AT&T, Verison, and the rest of the telecoms with their help in fighting terrorism through the patriot act.

Do you regret your vote now???? Because it's only gonna get worse.
Not me, but then again, I never vote for Dems or GoPers.

I had 8 people in my family, including my husband who voted for Obama. None of them will vote for him again.

My husband is anti-union and found out after the fact that Obama is pro-union. Then last night he see's Van Jones on television making his racist statements and that just sent him over the edge. I warned all of them and told them that no-one goes to a church and listens to anti-american rhetoric and anti-white rhetoric for TWENTY YEARS and doesn't hear that stuff unless he believes it himself. The evidence is in:

Reverent Wright
Bill Ayers
Van Jones
and many more to come to light in the very near future.

So tell me about your freinds and family that would change thier vote now, if they could.

What do you think now????? Hmmm, Obama in Copenhagen trying to sell Chicago for the olympics, while Iran is firing off missiles that have the potential to take out Israel and many of our American bases, 3 American hikers still being held there, General McCristal screaming for help in Afganistan but the President has only spoken to him 1 time in 70 days. 24% unemployment among people 16 to 24 years old. A no stimulus stimulus bill that had more in it for the arts and humanities than it gave to small business which employs 70% of Americans. An ever increasing deficit, with health care, cap and tax still on the table, but NO JOBS for the forseable future. Borrowing .50 on every dollar spent, printing the rest. Get ready for massive inflation and increasing interest rates, they are coming. Does anyone know how to say JIMMY CARTER 2 ????????

I remember Jimmy Carter, and Obama is going down that same path. weak on defense, more interested in prosecuting our own CIA, the closing of Gitmo, the reading of miranda rights on the battle field, now talk by Chirs Dodd and 3 other senators of prosecuting AT&T, Verison, and the rest of the telecoms with their help in fighting terrorism through the patriot act.

Do you regret your vote now???? Because it's only gonna get worse.

Obama is doing an good job.

Iran has played right into our hands.

Even the Russians are on our side this time.
Nope, don't regret. Not happy with his stance on gays....but we would have gotten nothing better from the Republicans.

And no one I know who voted for him (for real) is stating they regret either.
I had 8 people in my family, including my husband who voted for Obama. None of them will vote for him again.

My husband is anti-union and found out after the fact that Obama is pro-union. Then last night he see's Van Jones on television making his racist statements and that just sent him over the edge. I warned all of them and told them that no-one goes to a church and listens to anti-american rhetoric and anti-white rhetoric for TWENTY YEARS and doesn't hear that stuff unless he believes it himself. The evidence is in:

Reverent Wright
Bill Ayers
Van Jones
and many more to come to light in the very near future.

So tell me about your freinds and family that would change thier vote now, if they could.

your husband must not have been paying attention if he is anti union but voted for a Democrat, Democrats are the pro union party while Republicans are the anti-worker party, and no i dont regret my vote as Republicans are bad for the nation and the working people of America.
There are things I don't agree with about his administration, but I have lived long enough to know every politician, hell, in fact every effective person with great power, in most any endeavor - will disappoint me at some point.

But I don't regret my vote.
I had 8 people in my family, including my husband who voted for Obama. None of them will vote for him again.

My husband is anti-union and found out after the fact that Obama is pro-union. Then last night he see's Van Jones on television making his racist statements and that just sent him over the edge. I warned all of them and told them that no-one goes to a church and listens to anti-american rhetoric and anti-white rhetoric for TWENTY YEARS and doesn't hear that stuff unless he believes it himself. The evidence is in:

Reverent Wright
Bill Ayers
Van Jones
and many more to come to light in the very near future.

So tell me about your freinds and family that would change thier vote now, if they could.

your husband must not have been paying attention if he is anti union but voted for a Democrat, Democrats are the pro union party while Republicans are the anti-worker party, and no i dont regret my vote as Republicans are bad for the nation and the working people of America.
How can someone be anti-union and NOT KNOW that the Democrats are pro-union?
I had 8 people in my family, including my husband who voted for Obama. None of them will vote for him again.

My husband is anti-union and found out after the fact that Obama is pro-union. Then last night he see's Van Jones on television making his racist statements and that just sent him over the edge. I warned all of them and told them that no-one goes to a church and listens to anti-american rhetoric and anti-white rhetoric for TWENTY YEARS and doesn't hear that stuff unless he believes it himself. The evidence is in:

Reverent Wright
Bill Ayers
Van Jones
and many more to come to light in the very near future.

So tell me about your freinds and family that would change thier vote now, if they could.

your husband must not have been paying attention if he is anti union but voted for a Democrat, Democrats are the pro union party while Republicans are the anti-worker party, and no i dont regret my vote as Republicans are bad for the nation and the working people of America.
How can someone be anti-union and NOT KNOW that the Democrats are pro-union?

exactly, the pro worker/union stance of the Democratic Party is the main reason I am a Democrat.
your husband must not have been paying attention if he is anti union but voted for a Democrat, Democrats are the pro union party while Republicans are the anti-worker party, and no i dont regret my vote as Republicans are bad for the nation and the working people of America.
How can someone be anti-union and NOT KNOW that the Democrats are pro-union?

exactly, the pro worker/union stance of the Democratic Party is the main reason I am a Democrat.

Yes, and you are also the people that helped destroy the U.S Auto industry with your ridiculous demands. Question-- do you still have a job???? In case you don't- how much is that Union paying you to help you out of hard times? How is it using your union dues?
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How can someone be anti-union and NOT KNOW that the Democrats are pro-union?

exactly, the pro worker/union stance of the Democratic Party is the main reason I am a Democrat.

Yes, and you are also the people that helped destroy the U.S Auto industry with your ridiculous demands. Question-- do you still have a job???? In case you don't- how much is that Union paying you to help you out of hard times? How is it using your union dues?

i still have a job and i still get paid $10 an hour more and have much better benefits than non union types doing my kind of work, and it was management that hurt the U.S. auto industry, funny how you conservative types have no problem with ceo's making 500 times more than the average worker(40 years ago it was more like 50 times) but you hate it when the working guy gets a decent shake.
funny how you conservative types have no problem with ceo's making 500 times more than the average worker(40 years ago it was more like 50 times) but you hate it when the working guy gets a decent shake.
No, just hate it when a bunch of union robots whine about greed and then hold an entire industry hostage demanding more vacation, more pay, less hours and longer breaks.
funny how you conservative types have no problem with ceo's making 500 times more than the average worker(40 years ago it was more like 50 times) but you hate it when the working guy gets a decent shake.
No, just hate it when a bunch of union robots whine about greed and then hold an entire industry hostage demanding more vacation, more pay, less hours and longer breaks.

yeah!!! working people should shut up and accept what they are given!!! the ceo and other executives need that money for more raises!!! the hell with gettting paid 500 times the average worker they need to get a thousand times that!!!
yeah!!! working people should shut up and accept what they are given!!! the ceo and other executives need that money for more raises!!! the hell with gettting paid 500 times the average worker they need to get a thousand times that!!!
No, you should just stop ranting about greed while behaving so greedily. That's all. Or, maybe learn how to do something that pays well without having to join a job club and submit to group-think.
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