C,mon, fess up, are you regretting your vote?

Anyway, I'd say the skillset required to run a multi-billion $$ multi-national is a bit more extensive than the skillset required to put screws in a car door. Just a tad.
yeah!!! working people should shut up and accept what they are given!!! the ceo and other executives need that money for more raises!!! the hell with gettting paid 500 times the average worker they need to get a thousand times that!!!
No, you should just stop ranting about greed while behaving so greedily. That's all. Or, maybe learn how to do something that pays well without having to join a job club and submit to group-think.
POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!! slavery ended in 1865 and we will not allow conservatives/republicans to turn back the clock, collective bargaining is a powerful tool for working people and we will not give it up no matter how much you may want to return the working class to poverty.
Anyway, I'd say the skillset required to run a multi-billion $$ multi-national is a bit more extensive than the skillset required to put screws in a car door. Just a tad.

like already stated regarding ceo's making 500 times the average worker as compared to making 50 times that just a few decades ago, bow down before your corporate masters.
POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!! slavery ended in 1865 and we will not allow conservatives/republicans to turn back the clock, collective bargaining is a powerful tool for working people and we will not give it up no matter how much you may want to return the working class to poverty.
Uh.. are you mental? This is you response? Is this on a sheet of responses the union gave you? Wow... a real free thinker... no wonder you're in a union. Have fun with your submission to the collective you union drone.
POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!! slavery ended in 1865 and we will not allow conservatives/republicans to turn back the clock, collective bargaining is a powerful tool for working people and we will not give it up no matter how much you may want to return the working class to poverty.
Uh.. are you mental? This is you response? Is this on a sheet of responses the union gave you? Wow... a real free thinker... no wonder you're in a union. Have fun with your submission to the collective you union drone.

from the corporate slave i would expect no less of a response, now go lick your corporate masters boots.
Union tells you how to vote.. what to make.. how much to make... what to think... what to say...
from the corporate slave i would expect no less of a response, now go lick your corporate masters boots.
So... what makes you think I work for a corporation? Sounds like it is YOU who works for a corporation. How dumb are you? Oh, I forgot, I'm dealing with a union worker bee. My bad.
from the corporate slave i would expect no less of a response, now go lick your corporate masters boots.
So... what makes you think I work for a corporation? Sounds like it is YOU who works for a corporation. How dumb are you? Oh, I forgot, I'm dealing with a union worker bee. My bad.

even if you dont work for one you still kiss their ass, but you seem like a walmart type any way, now go stock those shelves and make that minimum wage.

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