By not punishing shoplifters, looters, rioters, and other criminals, Democrat cities have turned many of their neighborhoods into food deserts.

Since 1865 and the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, every time African Americans have made advances towards full participation in our democracy, white reaction has fueled a deliberate and relentless rollback of their gains. The end of the Civil War and Reconstruction was greeted with the Black Codes and Jim Crow; the Supreme Court’s landmark 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision was met with the shutting down of public schools throughout the South while taxpayer dollars financed segregated white private schools; the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 triggered a coded but powerful response, the so-called Southern Strategy and the War on Drugs that disenfranchised millions of African Americans while propelling presidents Nixon and Reagan into the White House, and then the election of America’s first black President, led to the expression of white rage that has been as relentless as it has been brutal. It's what propelled Trump into the Whitehouse.
Blacks use to have strong family values and were mostly Conservatives.

Then the Democrats, with the help of a few stupid Republicans, turned them into welfare queens and that destroyed their families and led to structural poverty..

Of course desegregation of the public schools led to a dumbing down of education in order to cater to the lowest common denominator, which were usually dumbass Blacks. Not dumb because of any racial element but dumb because the Black culture of violence, victimhood and underachievement.
It's a bit more complex than that. Both parties are responsible, both the conservatives and the liberals. The liberals want to defund law enforcement and are soft on crime, while the right-wing conservatives militarize the police and are strong on punishing crime, to the point of destroying a young man's prospects of ever getting any type of financial assistance at college or a government Pell Grant to attend a Polytech vocational institute/Job training, because they were caught with an ounce of Marijuana.

Employment, housing, education, any type of government assistance..etc, are all out the window, due to the self-righteous penchant of right-wingers to criminalize vice, especially among minorities. It was tried with alcohol prohibition and that only led to Al Capone and Goerge "Bugs" Moran, among many other mobsters. The proliferation of violent crime follows the criminalizing of personal vice in general society.

The Republicans deal with homelessness by creating draconian city ordinances that force the homeless out of their cities and where do these homeless people go? They go to more liberal cities, hence the greater number of homeless people in Dem-run cities.

The Dems don't do what is required to eliminate homelessness, which is to force the homeless into rehab (By adjudicating them when they get arrested for sleeping outside or using drugs in the open.etc) and create the infrastructure and program to house these homeless people once they're out of rehab, clean and sober. A government-run housing complex with studio efficiencies (bed, kitchenette, bathroom, nothing fancy, just a place for someone to get back on their feet), in a well-secured building with law enforcement always present and plenty of counselors and medical staff..etc. These people need help, and that of course includes job training and employment opportunities.

The Dem-run cities absorb the homeless, the drugs and illegals, without having an effective plan or the infrastructure to carry it out. The Repubs, they just kick the homeless out or arrest them and throw them in prison. Another important problem that needs to be addressed, is the affordability of housing and public infrastructure in general.

In Repub-run cities, only high-paid professionals (top 20% of the working class) or the wealthy can afford to live in a relatively safe urban environment. Where in the city does the average Joe of the working class live? They're either dodging bullets in the ghetto surrounded by drugs, crime..etc, or they live outside of the city in a small town and are forced to commute. To qualify for HUD or government housing, you need to make under $1000 monthly, so who the heck qualifies for that? If you work at Mcdonalds you don't qualify for HUD and if you do, it won't be in a right-wing-run city because the Repubs refuse to cooperate with the federal government on those types of programs.

Both the Dems and the Repubs refuse to do what has to be done, and hence we're living in a country that is breaking down economically and socially. People work two jobs and they can't pay their bills. Where do the wealthy who own the businesses expect their employees to live? This country is falling apart, despite Wall Street's "booming numbers", because you can't measure the success of an economy based upon such transactions or trades. Speculative trading isn't producing anything in the real world.

It's Real Street, not Wall Street, that provides the data as to the health of our economy. Cost of living: The rent, utilities, wages, workplace conditions, healthcare, education, food prices, fuel prices, the price of daycare for single mothers, the price of public transit, the number of city buses and trains available to the public, what's being produced in goods and services, access to goods and services..etc. The real economy.
Interesting post. I don't agree with your conclusions about Republicans.

We are tough on crime because the law is the law. You as a citizen don't get to pick and choose which laws you abide by. If you CHOOSE to break the do so understanding the consequences and ramifications of that choice.

I am always amazed how many important concepts have been condensed into simple proverbs.

If you can't do the time... Don't do the crime.
Worst inequality poverty and homelessness ever EVERYWHERE. TAX the rich again duhhh
Cori Bush...Representative for St. Louis can't explain tax rates...what an embarrassment...


Democrats love to blame food deserts on racism. According to Democrats, greedy business owners don't want to make money.

Democrats are lying.

Greedy business owners do want to make money.

The real problem is that Democrats don't prosecute criminals, and this has led to the creation of food deserts in many neighborhoods.

Real problem is you’re a moron. Crime is down and it’s illegal to shoplift everywhere. Did I mention you’re a moron?

Killings in the U.S. are dropping at a historic rate. Will anyone notice?

The FBI data, which the bureau compiled from reports filed by 18,888 local police departments, lags nearly a year behind reality. Asher, who puts together data from departments that cover a large majority of the nation’s population, says that so far this year, homicides nationwide have declined 11% to 12%.

Cities tend to report first and have larger drops than more-rural areas, Asher noted, so he’s projecting the final, nationwide 2023 numbers will show a smaller drop — somewhere between 7% and 10%.

“A 10% decline would be the largest ever recorded,” he said.

The decline goes beyond homicides: Violent crime overall ticked down in 2022 across the country, the FBI numbers showed, returning the U.S. pretty much to the level of 2019, before the COVID-19-era increase.
Real problem is you’re a moron. Crime is down and it’s illegal to shoplift everywhere. Did I mention you’re a moron?

Killings in the U.S. are dropping at a historic rate. Will anyone notice?

The FBI data, which the bureau compiled from reports filed by 18,888 local police departments, lags nearly a year behind reality. Asher, who puts together data from departments that cover a large majority of the nation’s population, says that so far this year, homicides nationwide have declined 11% to 12%.

Cities tend to report first and have larger drops than more-rural areas, Asher noted, so he’s projecting the final, nationwide 2023 numbers will show a smaller drop — somewhere between 7% and 10%.

“A 10% decline would be the largest ever recorded,” he said.

The decline goes beyond homicides: Violent crime overall ticked down in 2022 across the country, the FBI numbers showed, returning the U.S. pretty much to the level of 2019, before the COVID-19-era increase.
Its too bad you dont have a credible source for your data

The FBI is not to be trusted when the subject has political implications that affect democrats
Its too bad you dont have a credible source for your data

The FBI is not to be trusted when the subject has political implications that affect democrats
Oh. I didn’t know internet sensation Mac-7 had statistics better than the FBI. Maybe you get them out of a jar of Vaseline?
Oh. I didn’t know internet sensation Mac-7 had statistics better than the FBI. Maybe you get them out of a jar of Vaseline?
The I dont have better data

There are ways to juggle numbers to say what obama operatives in the DOJ want to show

For instance the FBI is not reporting data from 15% of the nation

And even the numbers they do report could be shaded to protect their boss on the white house
40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, now worst inequality poverty and homelessness ever, dupe
The GOP were not in power for forty years stupid.

No one gave anything to the rich.

Pobverty and homelessness riuse and fall and inequality is irrelevant normal and harms no one

Try again dumbass
You're so triggered. I wonder why? The facts don't lie. Even in the 1920s, when blacks created their own city with a high standard of living and full of middle-class and wealthy black families:

Whites lashed out in a rage, burning down the city and butchering hundreds of innocent black people. Whites like you just mention the problems blacks have today in their ghettos, heaping all of the responsibility upon them, ignoring the white racist context and history that led to their current condition. Vietnam, the war on drugs, crony capitalism, lack of infrastructure and government programs to help them, low wages, high cost of living, tyrannical gun control ("Blacks can't handle firearms, they're too wild and primitive")..etc, all contributed to what we see today. Do blacks have some blame to bear? Yes, of course, but there is a white-racist substrate to it all, which whites like you deny.

You racists are so funny, and stupid. You all have to back to the 1920s to find examples of terrible racism.

Find some from, oh hell, 10 years ago.
You racists are so funny, and stupid. You all have to back to the 1920s to find examples of terrible racism.

Find some from, oh hell, 10 years ago.
Racism doesn't have to reach the level of burning down a whole city and butchering hundreds of innocent people to be called out and condemned.

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