Businessman Roosevelt.

I write what interests me, read what interests you

I read not just what interest me but as a historian I read about all aspects of the human experience which includes all facets of human activity.
You seem to have a historical small mind....

As soon as you guys find that my facts are unassailable, my conclusions undeniable....

....what is left for you but comments like "You seem to have a historical small mind...."

Yet, clearly I know more history than you only know the sanitized pro-Leftist version.

Those personal comments are the debate version of a white flag.

The bigger the economy and the bigger the faults, the bigger the fall will be and the effects will last longer..For once a leader felt that people should not be dying in the streets like past financial crisis . Surely it is a Christian ideal which merits praise and not condemnation..
FDR was a miserable failure. total complete failure.

he presided over and was responsible for an economy worse than the 7 biblical lean years.

he befriended and was lead by one of history's biggest mass murderers Josef Stalin.

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Which the Koch family worked for, but not a bad word comes from you about the Koch family..
If he befriended Stalin, why did he publicly speak bad about him?

The Koch brothers have provided a few hundred million dollars.

The far-left George billion.

"... but not a bad word comes from you about the Koch family.."

So....when will you be penning your attacks, revelations, about the felon Soros?
If you thought FDR was tough on should have seen Teddy

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TEDDY was the true hero of that family.

FDR save capitalism just as Bush II and Obama have both had to do recently.
Won't be long until we see charges that FDR didn't eat his veggies, or he was a rotten sailor and got seasick a lot. I think the Republican crusade against FDR is great, it keeps FDR's name in the sun and some people might actually do some research, but what is the Republican point?
Republicans know they are not going to convince historians, nor Democrats, nor the people left from that generation that FDR was a failure or evil.
Are these posts, a ruse then, put on by Democrats to keep the rally going for a president that has been gone for almost sixty years? Do the Republicans put them on to keep us from evaluating Bush or convince us that America's noted historians are communists or what? In any case I think the FDR posts are great, but why?
Business did quite well under FDR

At the beginning of his term they were failing left and right, by the end of his term we were an economic superpower
Won't be long until we see charges that FDR didn't eat his veggies, or he was a rotten sailor and got seasick a lot. I think the Republican crusade against FDR is great, it keeps FDR's name in the sun and some people might actually do some research, but what is the Republican point?
Republicans know they are not going to convince historians, nor Democrats, nor the people left from that generation that FDR was a failure or evil.
Are these posts, a ruse then, put on by Democrats to keep the rally going for a president that has been gone for almost sixty years? Do the Republicans put them on to keep us from evaluating Bush or convince us that America's noted historians are communists or what? In any case I think the FDR posts are great, but why?

"Won't be long until we see charges that FDR didn't eat his veggies,..."

So........since you can't deny anything I've posted.......

...the fall-back position is that attacking successful folks and capitalism in general is so minor that it is the equivalent to not eating veggies?

I love making you look like ....

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The bigger the economy and the bigger the faults, the bigger the fall will be and the effects will last longer..For once a leader felt that people should not be dying in the streets like past financial crisis . Surely it is a Christian ideal which merits praise and not condemnation..
FDR was a miserable failure. total complete failure.

he presided over and was responsible for an economy worse than the 7 biblical lean years.

he befriended and was lead by one of history's biggest mass murderers Josef Stalin.

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Which the Koch family worked for, but not a bad word comes from you about the Koch family..
If he befriended Stalin, why did he publicly speak bad about him?

The Koch Family was never the President of the USA and taking their marching orders from Stalin
I hate to believe it, but I wonder if our second front a big con job on the USSR? Did the allies delay DDay, deliberately and allow the Russians to lose people by the millions while we invaded Africa and played the preparation game. If we did delay, wonder if Stalin noticed and was upset?
In any case, the Russian soldiers called the C rations we sent the second-front rations.
I hate to believe it, but I wonder if our second front a big con job on the USSR? Did the allies delay DDay, deliberately and allow the Russians to lose people by the millions while we invaded Africa and played the preparation game. If we did delay, wonder if Stalin noticed and was upset?
In any case, the Russian soldiers called the C rations we sent the second-front rations.

Patton called WWII a huge failure for the USA and British, all we did in Eastern Europe was trade one form of dictatorship for another. Stalin's Washington DC Sock Puppet FDR made sure of that
I hate to believe it, but I wonder if our second front a big con job on the USSR? Did the allies delay DDay, deliberately and allow the Russians to lose people by the millions while we invaded Africa and played the preparation game. If we did delay, wonder if Stalin noticed and was upset?
In any case, the Russian soldiers called the C rations we sent the second-front rations.

You can't be this ignorant.....???

I suppose you can, blinded by your love of FDR.

1. First....the real second front was North Africa.

FDR even sent 100 thousand there.

But Stalin had a fit....demanding the Western Europe 'second front.'
Stalin said 'jump,' FDR said 'how high?'

2. "Washington (U.P.)- A highly reliable informant who has first hand information of events in the Soviet Union said tonight the Russian people would not regard even a major Allied success in North Africa as the answer to their desire for the opening of a second front." “Drive in North Africa Not Enough,” New York Times, October 28, 1942.


"Stalin Still Insisting On That Second Front...belittles fighting in Africa." NYTimes, November 8, 1942

3. And.....worry about " the Russians to lose people by the millions while we invaded Africa..."????

You dope.

Who was killing millions of Russians????

Stalin was....not Hitler!

a. "World War II left over 27 million Soviet citizens dead....but only a fraction of them were killed by the Germans. Yet throughout the West. 'war crimes' is a phrase only attacked to the Nazis. When the Red Army marched, an NKVD army marched behind, with its own tanks, machine guns, firing forward....never allowing retreat.

More than a million Soviet citizens joined the Nazis. Ask yourself this: why was it that the USSR, of all the Allies, had provided the enemy with thousands of recruits? Nearly one million Russian and other anti-Soviet men joined the enemy of their Soviet Army.
"The Secret Betrayal" by Nikolai Tolstoy, p. 19-20.

The Soviet Union killed more than twenty million Russian men, women and children.

b. Former USSR leader Joseph Stalin is estimated to have killed millions of people for various reasons. Reports from the Soviet archives show prisoners under Stalin's regime who were executed either for political or criminal offences. Around 158,000 soldiers were also executed for deserting the war.
Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People? -

c. "Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin"
Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin -

reggie.....simply astounding stupidity on your part.
I hate to believe it, but I wonder if our second front a big con job on the USSR? Did the allies delay DDay, deliberately and allow the Russians to lose people by the millions while we invaded Africa and played the preparation game. If we did delay, wonder if Stalin noticed and was upset?
In any case, the Russian soldiers called the C rations we sent the second-front rations.

You can't be this ignorant.....???

I suppose you can, blinded by your love of FDR.

1. First....the real second front was North Africa.

FDR even sent 100 thousand there.

But Stalin had a fit....demanding the Western Europe 'second front.'
Stalin said 'jump,' FDR said 'how high?'

2. "Washington (U.P.)- A highly reliable informant who has first hand information of events in the Soviet Union said tonight the Russian people would not regard even a major Allied success in North Africa as the answer to their desire for the opening of a second front." “Drive in North Africa Not Enough,” New York Times, October 28, 1942.


"Stalin Still Insisting On That Second Front...belittles fighting in Africa." NYTimes, November 8, 1942

3. And.....worry about " the Russians to lose people by the millions while we invaded Africa..."????

You dope.

Who was killing millions of Russians????

Stalin was....not Hitler!

a. "World War II left over 27 million Soviet citizens dead....but only a fraction of them were killed by the Germans. Yet throughout the West. 'war crimes' is a phrase only attacked to the Nazis. When the Red Army marched, an NKVD army marched behind, with its own tanks, machine guns, firing forward....never allowing retreat.

More than a million Soviet citizens joined the Nazis. Ask yourself this: why was it that the USSR, of all the Allies, had provided the enemy with thousands of recruits? Nearly one million Russian and other anti-Soviet men joined the enemy of their Soviet Army.
"The Secret Betrayal" by Nikolai Tolstoy, p. 19-20.

The Soviet Union killed more than twenty million Russian men, women and children.

b. Former USSR leader Joseph Stalin is estimated to have killed millions of people for various reasons. Reports from the Soviet archives show prisoners under Stalin's regime who were executed either for political or criminal offences. Around 158,000 soldiers were also executed for deserting the war.
Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People? -

c. "Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin"
Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin -

reggie.....simply astounding stupidity on your part.

Right, you keep telling us about Russian losses for whatever reasons, but I gotta admit I'm not impressed with how many Russians Stalin killed. My concern is more basic, how many Americans were lost in Europe during WWII?
I hate to believe it, but I wonder if our second front a big con job on the USSR? Did the allies delay DDay, deliberately and allow the Russians to lose people by the millions while we invaded Africa and played the preparation game. If we did delay, wonder if Stalin noticed and was upset?
In any case, the Russian soldiers called the C rations we sent the second-front rations.

You can't be this ignorant.....???

I suppose you can, blinded by your love of FDR.

1. First....the real second front was North Africa.

FDR even sent 100 thousand there.

But Stalin had a fit....demanding the Western Europe 'second front.'
Stalin said 'jump,' FDR said 'how high?'

2. "Washington (U.P.)- A highly reliable informant who has first hand information of events in the Soviet Union said tonight the Russian people would not regard even a major Allied success in North Africa as the answer to their desire for the opening of a second front." “Drive in North Africa Not Enough,” New York Times, October 28, 1942.


"Stalin Still Insisting On That Second Front...belittles fighting in Africa." NYTimes, November 8, 1942

3. And.....worry about " the Russians to lose people by the millions while we invaded Africa..."????

You dope.

Who was killing millions of Russians????

Stalin was....not Hitler!

a. "World War II left over 27 million Soviet citizens dead....but only a fraction of them were killed by the Germans. Yet throughout the West. 'war crimes' is a phrase only attacked to the Nazis. When the Red Army marched, an NKVD army marched behind, with its own tanks, machine guns, firing forward....never allowing retreat.

More than a million Soviet citizens joined the Nazis. Ask yourself this: why was it that the USSR, of all the Allies, had provided the enemy with thousands of recruits? Nearly one million Russian and other anti-Soviet men joined the enemy of their Soviet Army.
"The Secret Betrayal" by Nikolai Tolstoy, p. 19-20.

The Soviet Union killed more than twenty million Russian men, women and children.

b. Former USSR leader Joseph Stalin is estimated to have killed millions of people for various reasons. Reports from the Soviet archives show prisoners under Stalin's regime who were executed either for political or criminal offences. Around 158,000 soldiers were also executed for deserting the war.
Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People? -

c. "Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin"
Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin -

reggie.....simply astounding stupidity on your part.

Right, you keep telling us about Russian losses for whatever reasons, but I gotta admit I'm not impressed with how many Russians Stalin killed. My concern is more basic, how many Americans were lost in Europe during WWII?

So....a. everything I said is correct......and

b. when you wrote "and allow the Russians to lose people by the millions while we invaded Africa and played the preparation game" you really meant "I gotta admit I'm not impressed with how many Russians Stalin killed."

Earlier, I called you a 'clown'...... I have to dash off an apology to clowns.
And, a note on the personal side......

5. Franklin Roosevelt had a trait that fit right into is future political successes: often he handled his failures with evasiveness, exaggerations, and lies.
Geoffrey Ward (Op. Cit.) gives many examples of his efforts to manipulate and equivocate.
"And if he thought distorting the truth would go undetected, he did not hesitate to try that either." (p. 204)

a. "FDR would lie, then in the face of proof, completely deny it ever happened. The most famous example of this is when he claimed to have written the constitution of Haiti. He said: “The facts are that I wrote Haiti’s constitution myself and, if I do say so, I think it’s a pretty good constitution.”

When the opposition found out about this lie, they were all over it. Despite repeating the lie several times, once in Butte–where 31 people signed a document swearing that they heard him say it–he denied ever having said it."
The Final Case Against Franklin Delano Obama - The Last Resistance | The Last Resistance

6. After Harvard, we find Franklin in law school at Columbia. At Columbia Law School, his professor for a public-utilities course, Jackson E. Reynolds, said, "Franklin Roosevelt was no good as a student. He didn’t appear to have any aptitude for law, and made no effort to overcome that handicap by hard work. . . . He passed both of my courses, but he never received a degree because he flunked. Afterwards in offices downtown he made the same kind of records." Jackson E. Reynolds interview, Columbia Oral History Project, p. 42.

a. But, flunk out or not, he passed the bar.
He went to work for the firm of Carter, Ledyard & Milburn, where senior partner Ledyard described the future President as "utterly worthless."

A rather inauspicious beginning for the great god of the Left....

Bet the Roosevelt groupies never knew any of that.
You can't be this ignorant.....???

I suppose you can, blinded by your love of FDR.

1. First....the real second front was North Africa.

FDR even sent 100 thousand there.

But Stalin had a fit....demanding the Western Europe 'second front.'
Stalin said 'jump,' FDR said 'how high?'

2. "Washington (U.P.)- A highly reliable informant who has first hand information of events in the Soviet Union said tonight the Russian people would not regard even a major Allied success in North Africa as the answer to their desire for the opening of a second front." “Drive in North Africa Not Enough,” New York Times, October 28, 1942.


"Stalin Still Insisting On That Second Front...belittles fighting in Africa." NYTimes, November 8, 1942

3. And.....worry about " the Russians to lose people by the millions while we invaded Africa..."????

You dope.

Who was killing millions of Russians????

Stalin was....not Hitler!

a. "World War II left over 27 million Soviet citizens dead....but only a fraction of them were killed by the Germans. Yet throughout the West. 'war crimes' is a phrase only attacked to the Nazis. When the Red Army marched, an NKVD army marched behind, with its own tanks, machine guns, firing forward....never allowing retreat.

More than a million Soviet citizens joined the Nazis. Ask yourself this: why was it that the USSR, of all the Allies, had provided the enemy with thousands of recruits? Nearly one million Russian and other anti-Soviet men joined the enemy of their Soviet Army.
"The Secret Betrayal" by Nikolai Tolstoy, p. 19-20.

The Soviet Union killed more than twenty million Russian men, women and children.

b. Former USSR leader Joseph Stalin is estimated to have killed millions of people for various reasons. Reports from the Soviet archives show prisoners under Stalin's regime who were executed either for political or criminal offences. Around 158,000 soldiers were also executed for deserting the war.
Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People? -

c. "Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin"
Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin -

reggie.....simply astounding stupidity on your part.

Right, you keep telling us about Russian losses for whatever reasons, but I gotta admit I'm not impressed with how many Russians Stalin killed. My concern is more basic, how many Americans were lost in Europe during WWII?

So....a. everything I said is correct......and

b. when you wrote "and allow the Russians to lose people by the millions while we invaded Africa and played the preparation game" you really meant "I gotta admit I'm not impressed with how many Russians Stalin killed."

Earlier, I called you a 'clown'...... I have to dash off an apology to clowns.

So that's what all this is about, Russian lives. It's true, at the time I was concerned about American lives not Russian lives. Frankly Russians came second or maybe even third on the who should survive list. But Americans were always at the top. At the bottom of the list were Germans and Japanese. If the loss of Russian lives meant so much to you too bad you couldn't have enlisted in Stalin's army.
Right, you keep telling us about Russian losses for whatever reasons, but I gotta admit I'm not impressed with how many Russians Stalin killed. My concern is more basic, how many Americans were lost in Europe during WWII?

So....a. everything I said is correct......and

b. when you wrote "and allow the Russians to lose people by the millions while we invaded Africa and played the preparation game" you really meant "I gotta admit I'm not impressed with how many Russians Stalin killed."

Earlier, I called you a 'clown'...... I have to dash off an apology to clowns.

So that's what all this is about, Russian lives. It's true, at the time I was concerned about American lives not Russian lives. Frankly Russians came second or maybe even third on the who should survive list. But Americans were always at the top. At the bottom of the list were Germans and Japanese. If the loss of Russian lives meant so much to you too bad you couldn't have enlisted in Stalin's army.

I know you'd like to cloud the issue....but I choose not to.

The central issue is 'the second front.'

It was North Africa, after Tobruk.

FDR knew this.

Stalin insisted that a 'second front' be as far from Central and Eastern Europe as possible....therefore, FDR pressured Churchill, and Eisenhower, to attack at western France.

Your greatest fear: the revelation that FDR bowed to Stalin's wishes.

So....a. everything I said is correct......and

b. when you wrote "and allow the Russians to lose people by the millions while we invaded Africa and played the preparation game" you really meant "I gotta admit I'm not impressed with how many Russians Stalin killed."

Earlier, I called you a 'clown'...... I have to dash off an apology to clowns.

So that's what all this is about, Russian lives. It's true, at the time I was concerned about American lives not Russian lives. Frankly Russians came second or maybe even third on the who should survive list. But Americans were always at the top. At the bottom of the list were Germans and Japanese. If the loss of Russian lives meant so much to you too bad you couldn't have enlisted in Stalin's army.

I know you'd like to cloud the issue....but I choose not to.

The central issue is 'the second front.'

It was North Africa, after Tobruk.

FDR knew this.

Stalin insisted that a 'second front' be as far from Central and Eastern Europe as possible....therefore, FDR pressured Churchill, and Eisenhower, to attack at western France.

Your greatest fear: the revelation that FDR bowed to Stalin's wishes.

So your policy of using Africa as our second front meant we would continue letting the Russians take Europe, and we would have ended up with Nigeria, Kenya and so forth as our allies. Boy, that would have made Stalin sick. Instead we invade Europe with few comp losses and now are saddled with France, Germany and so forth as our allies.
All the evidence still points to a simple con-job: let the USSR take the losses and we step in at the last moment and make our claim, not in Africa, but in Europe. If it was a con-job it was a well-done con-job. I'd like to think it wasn't, but rather just how the whole thing worked out for our benefit, but still...?
So that's what all this is about, Russian lives. It's true, at the time I was concerned about American lives not Russian lives. Frankly Russians came second or maybe even third on the who should survive list. But Americans were always at the top. At the bottom of the list were Germans and Japanese. If the loss of Russian lives meant so much to you too bad you couldn't have enlisted in Stalin's army.

I know you'd like to cloud the issue....but I choose not to.

The central issue is 'the second front.'

It was North Africa, after Tobruk.

FDR knew this.

Stalin insisted that a 'second front' be as far from Central and Eastern Europe as possible....therefore, FDR pressured Churchill, and Eisenhower, to attack at western France.

Your greatest fear: the revelation that FDR bowed to Stalin's wishes.

So your policy of using Africa as our second front meant we would continue letting the Russians take Europe, and we would have ended up with Nigeria, Kenya and so forth as our allies. Boy, that would have made Stalin sick. Instead we invade Europe with few comp losses and now are saddled with France, Germany and so forth as our allies.
All the evidence still points to a simple con-job: let the USSR take the losses and we step in at the last moment and make our claim, not in Africa, but in Europe. If it was a con-job it was a well-done con-job. I'd like to think it wasn't, but rather just how the whole thing worked out for our benefit, but still...?

Are you playing dumb?

1. "So your policy of using Africa as our second front..."

It was the second front. It would have been used to launch the attack on Europe, as Eisenhower suggested, via Italy-Adriatic.

2. "...we would continue letting the Russians take Europe,..."

That was the Stalin-Harry Hopkins-FDR plan.

Harry Hopkins and George Marshall were fully behind handing all of Eastern Europe over to Stalin's tender mercies.
They knew of the Terror Famine, the Katyn Forest Massacre, and other blood purges. by Stalin. Evidence of their intentions can be seen in a document which Hopkins took with him to the Quebec conference in August, 1943, entitled "Russia's Position," quoted as follows in Sherwood's book:
"Russia's post-war position in Europe will be a dominant one. With Germany crushed, there is no power in Europe to oppose her tremendous military forces."

3 "All the evidence still points to a simple con-job: let the USSR take the losses and we step in at the last moment and make our claim, not in Africa, but in Europe."

Now you have moved from stupid to liar.
I proved earlier that it was Stalin killing Russians.

And Franklin Roosevelt was co-conspirator.
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