Buddhists burn down Mosque and hand out death sentences

Do you believe they are terrorists?
Why are you asking me?.....ask Obama. ..... :cool:
I asked you because you said you've 'never heard of' Islamic terrorism. I assumed you'd heard of Isis, hence my question. Seems, like a lot of Muslims who will not acknowledge problems within their faith, you are hiding behind conspiracy theories about Mossad (Jews, of course) and other such nonsense, just so you don't have to acknowledge there are Muslim terrorists. Very dissapointing and very dumb.
I asked you because you said you've 'never heard of' Islamic terrorism. I assumed you'd heard of Isis, hence my question. Seems, like a lot of Muslims who will not acknowledge problems within their faith, you are hiding behind conspiracy theories about Mossad (Jews, of course) and other such nonsense, just so you don't have to acknowledge there are Muslim terrorists. Very dissapointing and very dumb.
Not a conspiracy theory......but a fact......do some research yourself. ..... :cool:
muslims don't welcome muslims into muslim countries.

if islam is the religion of peace, why is there no peace in the ME?
Most likely due to the continual invasions and occupations by U.S and European armies. ..... :cool:
2000 years of violence.

And why, during the pilgrimage, every year, will muslims kill each other?

never mind
I asked you because you said you've 'never heard of' Islamic terrorism. I assumed you'd heard of Isis, hence my question. Seems, like a lot of Muslims who will not acknowledge problems within their faith, you are hiding behind conspiracy theories about Mossad (Jews, of course) and other such nonsense, just so you don't have to acknowledge there are Muslim terrorists. Very dissapointing and very dumb.
Not a conspiracy theory......but a fact......do some research yourself. ..... :cool:
Have you identified an Islamic terrorist group among the several hundred around the world?
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Yes. This has been happening more and more over the last decade. They know exactly what happens when Muslims get close to a majority in a country; they take it over and butcher everybody that resists and rob those left alive. 'Moderate' Muslims of course are happy to enable this process, as usual.

The UN is a cesspool of demented psychotics, organized crime syndicates, mass murderers, and thieves. The U.S. needs to stop funding the scum.

As for Bangledesh, they are a Muslim country, yet they won't take in Muslim refugees. Muslim countries won't take Muslim refugees, so why should anybody else? They aren't 'refugees' from anything but themselves.

Bangledesh is pretty damn crowded and pretty damn poor. In fact, aren't they one of the poorest countries?

So what? They're a Muslim country, and a paradise, according to Muslims. No pesky Buddhists refusing to be bullied and cowed and being bad little dhimmis for Islamo-fascists. They will prosper beyond their wildest dreams, freed from the shackles of dhimmi oppression. Just think of how much better Bangladesh will be with more Muslims contributing to their prosperity and freedom.
I also think the problem in Lebenon is not with Muslims in general, but extremists and hezbolla.

Who's the bigger threat to Western Civilisation, Buddhists or Radical Islam?

Of course not all Muslims are of the crazy type, but the fundamental problem is that too many of the Muslim males, and often the Muslim females between the ages of 15 years-old and 25 years-old are very prone to being Radicalised.

'Moderate' Muslims could care less about 'radical' Muslims as long as they direct their attentions at non-Muslims; few of them would lift a finger to stop bombings and atrocities against infidels of any stripe; that's the problem with providing them with huge 'communities' to hide in in western countries. they cheer in the streets about terrorist attacks in Europe and the U.S.; it's a holiday for them.
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I also think the problem in Lebenon is not with Muslims in general, but extremists and hezbolla.

Who's the bigger threat to Western Civilisation, Buddhists or Radical Islam?

Of course not all Muslims are of the crazy type, but the fundamental problem is that too many of the Muslim males, and often the Muslim females between the ages of 15 years-old and 25 years-old are very prone to being Radicalised.
Coyote will now say christianity is the biggest threat. She will guise it under the old "all religions" claim.

It's always hilarious when they babble something or other about 'Da Crusades N Stuff!!!', never mind that they were defensive wars against a perpetual enemy, and were about a reconquest, not 'Xian imperialism, but they have a few decades of dumbing down the education system on their side, plus and equally violent and racist Democratic Party expending a lot of media time on smearing da evul Xians.

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