Gold Member
I am a Christian, but what is fair, I think we must admit, that Buddhism is the most pragmatic of all religions. Buddhism is rarely concerned with theories that need proving, Buddhism addresses the core of the human problem, or even the general problem, of why everything that exists also suffers.
In the Bible, this is only discussed in Romans, where it is stated that the entire universe is groaning as it is being brought out of its decay into the glorious light of the Lord.
Buddhism states this in such a way, that it explains that whenever we think we would be causing no damage, that's when we cause the greatest damage.
So here is the question. Is there survival without wanting to cause damage? Even amongst monkeys, individuals derive strength out of hurting one that has no protection. People most certainly feel empowered by bullying or killing another person who proves to stand alone.
So what is taking us out of the decay and into the glory? How can we skip causing damage? Prayer seems to be the answer, both in Christian and Buddhist terms, because it is prayer that strengthens the place of anything, and thus praying for the defenseless acts as the equalizing force, that moves everything towards the glory.
And on a side note, modern history is discriminative, the opposite of equalizing. Only the pre reformation medieval church was equalizing. The next equalizer, the Soviet revolution turned discriminative the second day of its run. So, do we have to kill to equalize? Or do we get killed if we equalize?
In the Bible, this is only discussed in Romans, where it is stated that the entire universe is groaning as it is being brought out of its decay into the glorious light of the Lord.
Buddhism states this in such a way, that it explains that whenever we think we would be causing no damage, that's when we cause the greatest damage.
So here is the question. Is there survival without wanting to cause damage? Even amongst monkeys, individuals derive strength out of hurting one that has no protection. People most certainly feel empowered by bullying or killing another person who proves to stand alone.
So what is taking us out of the decay and into the glory? How can we skip causing damage? Prayer seems to be the answer, both in Christian and Buddhist terms, because it is prayer that strengthens the place of anything, and thus praying for the defenseless acts as the equalizing force, that moves everything towards the glory.
And on a side note, modern history is discriminative, the opposite of equalizing. Only the pre reformation medieval church was equalizing. The next equalizer, the Soviet revolution turned discriminative the second day of its run. So, do we have to kill to equalize? Or do we get killed if we equalize?