Brockton, Mass school officials asking for National Guard support to prevent ‘potential tragedy’


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

Members of the Brockton School Committee are calling on the city’s mayor to ask Gov. Maura Healey for National Guard support amid safety concerns at the high school.

Brockton School Committee members Joyce Asack, Tony Rodrigues, Claudio Gomes, and Ana Oliver sent a letter to Brockton Mayor Robert Sullivan on Thursday asking that he request temporary National Guard support at Brockton High School from Healey “to assist in restoring order, ensuring the safety of all individuals on the school premises, and implementing measures to address the root causes of the issues we are facing.”

WTF is the Guard going to do there? If they want all the troublemakers to shot I'm sure the Guard can get that done.

Brockton High actually looks like a prison. It's a very utilitarian depressing building. Probably cheaper to actually just turn it into one rather than correcting the kids. A 12' fence, some razor wire, and towers would solve everything.

59.5 black. 19.2 hispanic....Why the low "diversity" score....Seems pretty vibrant to me.....Not enough "white bread" maybe?
Oh that sounds like a lovely idea. Buncha soldiers hanging out at a school with nothing better to do than hit on staff all day? Hell, the young ones might even be hitting on the seniors. Lol

Great idea.
They will learn new words like fuck-face, and learn to dip and chew. ;)

The last thing they need:

They should just hire straight up correctional staff to manage the schools. I'd hang out and get paid to flirt with the library lady.

If the kids get out of line we'll just gas them and throw them in cuffs.
The brothers and priests who ran my high school had no problemo keeping order. What's the matter with today's NEA teachers that they allow things to get so out of hand that they need to bring in the fucking military?

Maybe the school system needs to go to remote learning if the kids misbehave so much? Or maybe just run the operation like the penitentiary?
Instead of policing the world, why don't we start with our own country? Imagine the amount of money we waste every year with military bases and soldiers stationed all around the world, no other country on earth does this except the United States, while our own country is overrun with crime.

Imagine if we used the cost savings of being the world's policeman to increasing the training and the numbers of police on our streets, as well as building more prisons and hiring more correctional officers.

Members of the Brockton School Committee are calling on the city’s mayor to ask Gov. Maura Healey for National Guard support amid safety concerns at the high school.

Brockton School Committee members Joyce Asack, Tony Rodrigues, Claudio Gomes, and Ana Oliver sent a letter to Brockton Mayor Robert Sullivan on Thursday asking that he request temporary National Guard support at Brockton High School from Healey “to assist in restoring order, ensuring the safety of all individuals on the school premises, and implementing measures to address the root causes of the issues we are facing.”

WTF is the Guard going to do there? If they want all the troublemakers to shot I'm sure the Guard can get that done.

Brockton High actually looks like a prison. It's a very utilitarian depressing building. Probably cheaper to actually just turn it into one rather than correcting the kids. A 12' fence, some razor wire, and towers would solve everything.

59.5 black. 19.2 hispanic....Why the low "diversity" score....Seems pretty vibrant to me.....Not enough "white bread" maybe?

As terrible and depressing as it is--here is the real end to America, folks. In our schools. And it's not the few teachers in the blue cities with gender issues.

But you know. Let's obsess over that I guess
The brothers and priests who ran my high school had no problemo keeping order. What's the matter with today's NEA teachers that they allow things to get so out of hand that they need to bring in the fucking military?

Maybe the school system needs to go to remote learning if the kids misbehave so much? Or maybe just run the operation like the penitentiary?

We must, we absolutely must, stop coddling kids and restore order. I could write a book about this. Really
Oh that sounds like a lovely idea. Buncha soldiers hanging out at a school with nothing better to do than hit on staff all day? Hell, the young ones might even be hitting on the seniors. Lol

Great idea.
"hit on"? when was the last time you were in a public school? not exactly supermodel factories.
Zero parenting, lots of dope culture. They shouldn't even bother having schools in hood rat zones; they're just a waste of money. They don't need schools, they need zoos and cages.
Another teacher got injured there a few days ago breaking up a fight.
The brothers and priests who ran my high school had no problemo keeping order.
(1) Catholic schools are said to be excellent.

(2) The nuns, brothers, and priests taught well and maintained discipline.

(3) Unlike public schools, misbehaved students could be expelled. (That is what happened to a former mayor of Los Angeles!)
The brothers and priests who ran my high school had no problemo keeping order. What's the matter with today's NEA teachers that they allow things to get so out of hand that they need to bring in the fucking military?

Maybe the school system needs to go to remote learning if the kids misbehave so much? Or maybe just run the operation like the penitentiary?

I suspect that's where many of the students will end up.
I wonder if any school district would have the courage to implement a new discipline program, a rather drastic one: If you commit a "mortal" sin in school or on school grounds, you are EXPELLED. The mortal sins can be laid out clearly, but would include fighting, assault, drug use, theft, and so on.

Just throw the fukker out. Done. Leave it up to the parents to deal with it. If they are greatly inconvenienced and want to get the kid back in, have a process for that, but no bullshit. The kid has to demonstrate that s/he is serious, and if they are let back in, they would be on probation, and a second major violation would result in the "death penalty."

If Bleeding Hearts can't deal with it, then they can apply to the state to create charter schools for these reprobates, and THEY can deal with them

Lesser offenses should result in serious repercussions - out of school suspensions, multi-day, supervised suspensions, and so on.

Everything now seems to be based on the assumption by kids and parents that "they can't throw me out." Let's change that. Yes we can!

Why do "we" allow the bad students to ruin the entire school experience for those who want to get an education? It is absurd and unacceptable.

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