*British Ambassador Steps On Diplomatic Toes*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

  1. Seems a international guff is starting.
  2. An ambassador has just put his own foot in his mouth.
  3. Being jealous of an American President, huge surprise there.
  4. Mind you after 75 years stalemate in North Korea, President Trump just calls them up and says lets do a border meeting and well the rest is historic.
  5. Jealousy is all it can be.
  6. Britain's man in the the US says Trump is 'inept': Cables from ambassador say he is 'dysfunctional' | Daily Mail Online
  7. Clip:
  8. "His stark assessment reveals the scale of concern at the highest level in the British Government about Trump. By summer 2017, the President had torn up the Paris climate change accord; junked key international trade agreements and launched military strikes against Syria. Western allies were reeling: he didn't seem to care who he upset."
  9. A real leader in every way, They will want him!
After what the British have done to their own country they have nothing to say about anyone else.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Seems a international guff is starting.
  2. An ambassador has just put his own foot in his mouth.
  3. Being jealous of an American President, huge surprise there.
  4. Mind you after 75 years stalemate in North Korea, President Trump just calls them up and says lets do a border meeting and well the rest is historic.
  5. Jealousy is all it can be.
  6. Britain's man in the the US says Trump is 'inept': Cables from ambassador say he is 'dysfunctional' | Daily Mail Online
  7. Clip:
  8. "His stark assessment reveals the scale of concern at the highest level in the British Government about Trump. By summer 2017, the President had torn up the Paris climate change accord; junked key international trade agreements and launched military strikes against Syria. Western allies were reeling: he didn't seem to care who he upset."
  9. A real leader in every way, They will want him!

So you don't think there's any possibility he was just telling the truth?
Fuck the British Ambassador

They are all Globalist new world order scum anyway.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Is the British Ambassador in charge of England?
  2. Along with the mayor of london?
  3. Some one please explain.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Is this requiring a recall?
  2. Or is this how Britain rolls?
  3. Lets hear what the Brits have to say!
Sorry bout that,

  1. Seems a international guff is starting.
  2. An ambassador has just put his own foot in his mouth.
  3. Being jealous of an American President, huge surprise there.
  4. Mind you after 75 years stalemate in North Korea, President Trump just calls them up and says lets do a border meeting and well the rest is historic.
  5. Jealousy is all it can be.
  6. Britain's man in the the US says Trump is 'inept': Cables from ambassador say he is 'dysfunctional' | Daily Mail Online
  7. Clip:
  8. "His stark assessment reveals the scale of concern at the highest level in the British Government about Trump. By summer 2017, the President had torn up the Paris climate change accord; junked key international trade agreements and launched military strikes against Syria. Western allies were reeling: he didn't seem to care who he upset."
  9. A real leader in every way, They will want him!
Sounds like he's taking his turn to meddle in our election...can the mayor of london be far behind?
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The Brits already meddled in our election. The intel services fed info to the FBI. Steele was a former
British spy.

BUT...they want out of the EU. Boris Johnson appears to be the odds on favorite to be the new PM.
(He's a Trump guy)

To survive after Brexit, they need America more than ever before.

Why the hell do you think they captured that Iranian Oil tanker?
The UK’s ambassador to the United States is correct, Trump is inept, insecure, and incompetent.

And yet he keeps winning and beating the democrats at everything they try.

What a shame. Hillary and the Democrats have lost the election, the White House, the Supreme Court, every major battle and most of what Obama did to a man that:
  • Had no prior experience in politics!
  • Was vastly outspent.
  • Had no inside connections in the Beltway.
  • Had 96% of the MSM against him.
  • 99% of Hollywood against him.
  • Admitted to groping and fondling beauty contestants (even if it WAS consensual).
  • Is totally inept and unpolished.
  • Is totally insecure.
  • Is totally incompetent.
Takes real guts and courage to admit getting one's ass handed to them by such a hapless clusterf*ck!
Does anybody in America give any credibility to what Islam's human condom, England, thinks about anything? My definition of "inept" is an empire-losing culture of binge-drunks who allow their muslim filth carte blanche to rape thousands of girls, yet put people in jail if they have the wrong opinion of the most DEMONSTRABLY VIOLENT religious hate ideology on this planet. If you read British media, you'll see that Europe's most inbred white trash nation is simply an exercise in dehumanizing hatred of Americans.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Is the ambassador muslim?

Britain’s ambassador to the United States, Kim Darroch, piece of scum.....doesnt look Muslim to me....

He just looks your typical Globalist Euro scum.

Just another disgusting Eurozone piece of shit
Britain's Kim Darroch filthy scum is going to become very soon persona non grata..... isn't he

the Brits get their people from the bottom of the barrel.....idiots

but then......Britain is gone..... only the scum is left across the pond....oh well
Will a simple resignation shield the dumb bastard from the investigation that will take up the matter of the leak?

He single handedly may have ensured that when Brexit is complete there is NO trade deal with America and his once-upon-a-time "nation" is truly a vassal to its masters in Brussels.
Will a simple resignation shield the dumb bastard from the investigation that will take up the matter of the leak?

He single handedly may have ensured that when Brexit is complete there is NO trade deal with America and his once-upon-a-time "nation" is truly a vassal to its masters in Brussels.

I don't believe that.

I would venture that someone with Brexit ties leaked the info to get him out of the way.

Boris Johnson will appoint Nigel Farge as Ambassador to the US and we'll be running the show in England.

We'll deal with the real Brits, but not with the Brits that consider themselves Europeans. When Trump gets reelected
he is going to fuck over the EU big-time. We'll make separate deals with the likes of Poland, Italy, Denmark, etc, but
The French and Germans have a real fucking coming their way.
Sorry bout that,

  1. So he walked away from a high paying job?
  2. I knew he would.
  3. You can't say stuff like that and expect to keep your job.
  4. Opinions are for peons like me.
  5. Tread lightly when expressing an opinion about the most powerful man on the planet.
  6. Peanut galleries revenge.

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