Breaking: Romney To Enter Race If Rubio Can't Stop Trump On Super Tuesday

He would be the establishment's last hope to beat Trump.

Bombshell: Insider Leaks Koch Bros, Rubio Plan to Stop Trump

That would be kind of useless.

If Trump wins 10 out of 11 states Tuesday (which he might), then the logical thing would be for Ted Cruz to get out and hope the 60 that are against Trump would get behind Rubio.

But if Trump wins most of the contests on Tuesday, I don't see how he's stoppable.

So Cruz, who will have won states, bows out for rubio who didnt?

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard
Mitt, who declined an earlier chance to get in, is not foolish enough to take Trump on now.

The republican leadership should give it up.
He would be the establishment's last hope to beat Trump.

Bombshell: Insider Leaks Koch Bros, Rubio Plan to Stop Trump

That would be kind of useless.

If Trump wins 10 out of 11 states Tuesday (which he might), then the logical thing would be for Ted Cruz to get out and hope the 60 that are against Trump would get behind Rubio.

But if Trump wins most of the contests on Tuesday, I don't see how he's stoppable.

Why would Cruz get out? He will have won two states and Rubio will have won ZERO states and is way behind in his home state of Florida. The logical thing is for Rubio to get out.

Well who is going to elect a Canadian to be POTUS? Counting Iowa who typically picks who the GOP looser will be, is no way to judge who should drop out of the race--LOL

He would be the establishment's last hope to beat Trump.

Bombshell: Insider Leaks Koch Bros, Rubio Plan to Stop Trump

That would be kind of useless.

If Trump wins 10 out of 11 states Tuesday (which he might), then the logical thing would be for Ted Cruz to get out and hope the 60 that are against Trump would get behind Rubio.

But if Trump wins most of the contests on Tuesday, I don't see how he's stoppable.

So Cruz, who will have won states, bows out for rubio who didnt?

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard

Dude...look who you just quoted.
Why would Ted Cruz want to help Rubio? Most Republicans prefer Ted Cruz to Rubio. Only the establishment filth prefer Rubio.

Because the Establishment has all the money, dumbass. Cruz has probably already tapped out all the mouth-breathers who support him. Trump has no intention of self-financing his own campaign. so these guys are going to go up against Hillary's 3 BILLION dollar war chest and all they are going to have is.... well, not a lot of money.
He would be the establishment's last hope to beat Trump.

Bombshell: Insider Leaks Koch Bros, Rubio Plan to Stop Trump

That would be kind of useless.

If Trump wins 10 out of 11 states Tuesday (which he might), then the logical thing would be for Ted Cruz to get out and hope the 60 that are against Trump would get behind Rubio.

But if Trump wins most of the contests on Tuesday, I don't see how he's stoppable.

So Cruz, who will have won states, bows out for rubio who didnt?

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard

Dude...look who you just quoted.

Ditchweed, are you still following me around hoping someone will pay attention to you?
So Cruz, who will have won states, bows out for rubio who didnt?

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard

Rubio can get elected in November.

Cruz Can't. Trump Can't.

So far, Cruz has ONLY won Iowa. Every other state, he's come in third. He's probably going to come in third in nearly every state on Tuesday.

Joe, if Rubio doesn't beat Trump in Florida, he is a post toasty. As of this moment, he has little chance, but there is still time; yet for some reason, I seriously doubt it.
Just visited the RNC Facebook page. The RNC is still being threatened by a lot of folks that they had best not try to steal the election from Trump. If they try any dirty tricks, the election will go to Hillary. The voters will simply stay home.
So Cruz, who will have won states, bows out for rubio who didnt?

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard

Rubio can get elected in November.

Cruz Can't. Trump Can't.

So far, Cruz has ONLY won Iowa. Every other state, he's come in third. He's probably going to come in third in nearly every state on Tuesday.

Joe, if Rubio doesn't beat Trump in Florida, he is a post toasty. As of this moment, he has little chance, but there is still time; yet for some reason, I seriously doubt it.

The people of Florida are fed up with Rubio. We sent him to D.C. to represent us. He has been absent for 62% of the Senate's business. Rubio will lose Florida.
So Cruz, who will have won states, bows out for rubio who didnt?

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard

Rubio can get elected in November.

Cruz Can't. Trump Can't.

So far, Cruz has ONLY won Iowa. Every other state, he's come in third. He's probably going to come in third in nearly every state on Tuesday.

Trump is leading Hillary in Friday's Real Clear Politics polls.
Once Super Tuesday is over, I can't see how Romney coming in has a chance of getting the required delegates to clinch the nomination. The Establishment must be thinking about changing the rules of the convention, allowing delegates to vote for a different candidate from who they were pledged on the first ballot. That's rigging the election of a nominee and I think Republicans will roar in defiance of such maneuvers. The Establishment is toying with ruining the Republican Party!

The DNC has always rigged their voting with the superdelegates, taking the decision away from voters and keeping it with the Party elders. Democrats don't seem to mind, they don't know better, or they just don't care. But Republicans do care and don't want the decision to be taken out of their hands.
Joe, if Rubio doesn't beat Trump in Florida, he is a post toasty. As of this moment, he has little chance, but there is still time; yet for some reason, I seriously doubt it.

Florida doesn't happen until the 15th. If Kasich and Cruz get out and put their support behind Rubio, he might sand a chance.

I think though, that after Tuesday, Trump might have so much momentum he won't be stoppable. shame on the GOP for letting this happen.
The DNC has always rigged their voting with the superdelegates, taking the decision away from voters and keeping it with the Party elders. Democrats don't seem to mind, they don't know better, or they just don't care. But Republicans do care and don't want the decision to be taken out of their hands.

the SuperDelegates are meant to keep the Democrats from nominating another McGovern. I think AFTER Trump loses 50 states to Hillary, the GOP will put in a similar rule.

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