Breaking: Marquette poll finds Biden ahead of Trump by 9% in Wisconsin

Meh.. Polls this early out are simply a temperature test. I suspect Biden will win by double digits against Trump, however, I'd be surprised if the match up was Trump vs Biden.
Wisconsin has become a blue state. This is not surprising.

I lived in the capitol, Madison, fifty-some years ago. It was a commie hive then. I can only imagine. I was pretty close the day they blew up the UW Humanities Building.

My mom started seeing the effect the "alternative" high school to which I was going had on me and we were out of there and back to South Dakota.

Thanks Mom.


I lived in the capitol, Madison, fifty-some years ago. It was a commie hive then. I can only imagine. I was pretty close the day they blew up the UW Humanities Building.

My mom started seeing the effect the "alternative" high school to which I was going had on me and we were out of there and back to South Dakota.

Thanks Mom.

The moonbats are primarily confined to the urban areas...The Madtown-Milwaukee sewer line in particular.

Most of the rest of the state is relatively sane.

I lived in the capitol, Madison, fifty-some years ago. It was a commie hive then. I can only imagine. I was pretty close the day they blew up the UW Humanities Building.

My mom started seeing the effect the "alternative" high school to which I was going had on me and we were out of there and back to South Dakota.

Thanks Mom.

Your mother did the right thing.
The moonbats are primarily confined to the urban areas...The Madtown-Milwaukee sewer line in particular.

Most of the rest of the state is relatively sane.

This was one of the coolest rural festivals ever. All the buttered sweet corn you could eat! Free!

As President-Elect Hillary was bragging in August 2016.

Clinton leads Trump by 15 percentage points, 52% to 37%, among likely voters – with 10% supporting neither candidate.

Wisconsin poll: Clinton up double-digits over Trump

And the same pollsters called 2018 right and 2020.

They had Biden winning. And we heard endlessly how they got it wrong in 2016. When Biden won, the people screaming the polls were wrong now howled about the election being stolen.

Yes. The Polls got it wrong in 2016. But they figured out their mistake and corrected it in the algorithm. They have been right for three elections since then. At some point the observation needs to be considered History. Like the famous headline. Dewey Defeats Truman.

Should we start waving that old trope around every time we hear the Republicans are going to win?
This is not good news for us conservatives.
In 2020 divided won the state by less than 1%:

/----/ Another fake poll of only 913 voters that tries to bolster Joe's sagging popularity. Oversampling democRATs as usual
The survey was conducted June 8-13, 2023, interviewing 913 Wisconsin registered voters, with a margin of error of +/-4.3 percentage points. The sample includes 419 Republicans and independents who lean Republican and were asked about their preferences in the Republican presidential primary, with a margin of error of +/-6.5 percentage points. The Democratic primary preference was asked of 453 Democrats and independents who lean Democratic, with a margin of error of +/-6 percentage points.
/----/ Another fake poll of only 913 voters that tries to bolster Joe's sagging popularity. Oversampling democRATs as usual
The survey was conducted June 8-13, 2023, interviewing 913 Wisconsin registered voters, with a margin of error of +/-4.3 percentage points. The sample includes 419 Republicans and independents who lean Republican and were asked about their preferences in the Republican presidential primary, with a margin of error of +/-6.5 percentage points. The Democratic primary preference was asked of 453 Democrats and independents who lean Democratic, with a margin of error of +/-6 percentage points.

Ok. How many Republicans should they have included and why?
Ok. How many Republicans should they have included and why?
/-----/ The trend is showing more Republicans/Leaning and a decline in democRATs/ leaning democRAT. Just to be fair of course. Libs are all about fairness.

And Repubs and Dems are equally spilt.
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