Breaking: Marquette poll finds Biden ahead of Trump by 9% in Wisconsin

/-----/ The trend is showing more Republicans/Leaning and a decline in democRATs/ leaning democRAT. Just to be fair of course. Libs are all about fairness.
View attachment 800767

And Repubs and Dems are equally spilt.
View attachment 800770

The election results say. No so much. Even if you claim the election of 2020 was stolen. Georgia, Pennsylvania, and others all rejected Republicans for the Senate. High Profile Republicans either barely won, or flatly lost. Even Boebert who is a R plus district barely squeezed out a victory.

Additionally those Republicans tend to segregate themselves in certain areas. This makes the other states more likely to go swing, such as Georgia.

The biggest problem though is Republicans themselves. In pursuit of the extreme they have alienated the people who they need to vote for them.

The majority of people support issues and the Republicans have embraced the extreme in every issue. A position not supported by the majority.

Take Abortion from your own linked site.

A vast majority support a woman’s right to Abortion.

Same Sex Marriage.

Do you really think that pandering to the extremists on Gay Rights will mean Republican victory at the polls?

A Billionaire’s Tax is supported by the vast majority.

So how do you think the Republican argument to cut taxes on the rich will sell?

Again all of this is from the site you linked to. If you are going to wave it as proof of your assertion you have to accept all of it don’t you?

Finally. The original poll was in a single state. Your site was national averages, not the single state.

Wisconsin just had an election regarding the new Supreme Court Justice, and elected a hard left Liberal.

I don’t see how or where your half the people identify as Republicans argument flies. It appears as though the pollsters took the actual election numbers and exit polls to create the rough average of Wisconsin. A single state.

But if you are right, then a bunch of Republicans abandoned the party to elect Democrats and Liberals based upon issues. In that case I’m not sure where they really fall on that scale, are you?

Isn't one requirement for a hard on a..............well, you know.

Don't think he/she/it qualifies.

I wondered if I was making a mistake in “misgendering” it.

Maybe it’s a woman. Maybe the news is making it wet?

Or, maybe, it’s a trans person and no longer has any ability to be physically aroused.
This is not good news for us conservatives.
In 2020 divided won the state by less than 1%:

That must be why they all act like children. Puberty blockers.


You have to wonder, for someone who is so incredibly obsessed with sex, why they would choose to undergo a surgical procedure which will render them absolutely incapable of ever having anything resembling sexual gratification.



You have to wonder, for someone who is so incredibly obsessed with sex, why they would choose to undergo a surgical procedure which will render them absolutely incapable of ever having anything resembling sexual gratification.

Correction. They want your children to go through transition. They themselves want to claim trans status and usurp the LGBT community without putting the work in to transition themselves. Hense a fetish not gender disphoria.

They are frauds after clout.
The election results say. No so much. Even if you claim the election of 2020 was stolen. Georgia, Pennsylvania, and others all rejected Republicans for the Senate. High Profile Republicans either barely won, or flatly lost. Even Boebert who is a R plus district barely squeezed out a victory.

Additionally those Republicans tend to segregate themselves in certain areas. This makes the other states more likely to go swing, such as Georgia.

The biggest problem though is Republicans themselves. In pursuit of the extreme they have alienated the people who they need to vote for them.

The majority of people support issues and the Republicans have embraced the extreme in every issue. A position not supported by the majority.

Take Abortion from your own linked site.

A vast majority support a woman’s right to Abortion.

Same Sex Marriage.

Do you really think that pandering to the extremists on Gay Rights will mean Republican victory at the polls?

A Billionaire’s Tax is supported by the vast majority.

So how do you think the Republican argument to cut taxes on the rich will sell?

Again all of this is from the site you linked to. If you are going to wave it as proof of your assertion you have to accept all of it don’t you?

Finally. The original poll was in a single state. Your site was national averages, not the single state.

Wisconsin just had an election regarding the new Supreme Court Justice, and elected a hard left Liberal.

I don’t see how or where your half the people identify as Republicans argument flies. It appears as though the pollsters took the actual election numbers and exit polls to create the rough average of Wisconsin. A single state.

But if you are right, then a bunch of Republicans abandoned the party to elect Democrats and Liberals based upon issues. In that case I’m not sure where they really fall on that scale, are you?
/——/ That is not his the poll was taken. In fact they only polled registered voters not likely voters. GEEEZE
/——/ That is not his the poll was taken. In fact they only polled registered voters not likely voters. GEEEZE

Election results back up the methodology of the OP Poll. Wisconsin is a swing state, but not an extreme RW state. That’s the problem with your assertion. You equate Republican with extreme right. And there is ample evidence to demonstrate that is simply not true.

Kansas, a solid red state, voted to protect Abortion in an election. Wisconsin, a swing state voted to protect Abortion in an election.

To be truly competitive the Republicans need to moderate. To be acceptable to the Base the candidates need to be radical right. This is the point of my post above. People may want to vote Republican, but you on the extremes are making that impossible, if elections and polling is any indicator.
Election results back up the methodology of the OP Poll. Wisconsin is a swing state, but not an extreme RW state. That’s the problem with your assertion. You equate Republican with extreme right. And there is ample evidence to demonstrate that is simply not true.

Kansas, a solid red state, voted to protect Abortion in an election. Wisconsin, a swing state voted to protect Abortion in an election.

To be truly competitive the Republicans need to moderate. To be acceptable to the Base the candidates need to be radical right. This is the point of my post above. People may want to vote Republican, but you on the extremes are making that impossible, if elections and polling is any indicator.
/——/“Republicans need to moderate”
Thanks for giving us advice on how to defeat democRATs in the the future. We’ll take in into consideration . BWHAHAHAHA BWHAHAHAHA

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