Breaking: Fox News Bows To Trump; Roger Ailes Just Called Him To Assure He Will Be Treated Fair

Trump demanded the moderator must wear these


They don't work nearly as well as Kotex...
Our election process has become a reality show. They might as well make it convenient and put it on at the same time on specific nights so none of us misses any episodes.
There's been an internal war at Fox News over Donald Trump
Photo by Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images
From May 1 to July 31, Fox News was the Donald Trump network.

Until Thursday, Fox News had been one of Trump's most important allies. The liberal media watchdog group Media Matters notes that between May 1 and July 31, 2015, Donald Trump was given, by far, the most airtime of any GOP presidential contender, with 31 appearances on the network; Jeb Bush, by contrast, only had seven.

And more than simple airtime, Fox News's hosts defended Trump when the rest of the media was piling onto his more noxious comments.

When Trump said Mexico was sending rapists and criminals into America, Fox News contributor Monica Crowley said Trump "is saying things that need to be said."

When Trump blasted Sen. John McCain's war record, Fox News's Steve Doocy said, "If you listen to his comments in total ... he's not critical of John McCain the war hero, he's critical of his Senate record." Harris Faulkner said, "McCain is not admitting that he kind of started this whole thing."

Erik Bolling, a member of Fox News's "the Five," said, "I like what Donald Trump is saying, I like what he's doing." On Fox and Friends, Trump was compared to St. Augustine and Mr. Smith from Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. And on his radio show, Sean Hannity, one of Fox's key primetime personalities, gave Trump the ultimate compliment. He compared him to Ronald Reagan:

One of the greatest moments of Ronald Reagan's presidency, he was at Reykjavik. And Gorbachev was pushing him to give up Strategic Defense, what liberals called, derisively, 'Star Wars.' And he said, 'nyet' [no], and he walked away from the table. And eventually it led to peace. That's like Trump's art of the deal.

But there's been at least one powerful critic of Trump at Fox News: Rupert Murdoch. On July 22, New York magazine's Gabriel Sherman, author of a biography of Roger Ailes, reported that there was a schism at Fox News over Donald Trump.

According to sources, Murdoch has tried — and failed — to rein in Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes, who, insiders say, is pushing Fox to defend Trump’s most outlandish comments. This week, Ailes told his senior executives during a meeting that Murdoch recently called him and asked if Fox could "back off the Trump coverage," a source told me. Ailes is said to have boasted to his executives that he told Murdoch he was covering Trump "the way he wanted to."

Murdoch loathed Trump so much that he took to Twitter to make his feelings known. "When is Donald Trump going to stop embarrassing his friends, let alone the whole country?" he asked.

Donald Trump s fight with Fox News and Megyn Kelly explained - Vox
They need to fire Meghan Kelly and replace her with someone who won't be continually reminding the viewers of that debate. That is the only way to put it behind them. If she remains with Fox News I won't watch them ever again. Debates or no debates. I won't watch them again.
They need to fire Meghan Kelly and replace her with someone who won't be continually reminding the viewers of that debate. That is the only way to put it behind them. If she remains with Fox News I won't watch them ever again. Debates or no debates. I won't watch them again.
bullshit ! Meghan Kelly did what journalists are supposed to do.
not kiss the ass of rich assholes!
I believe the American people deserve better than Fox News. They have shown their true colors - I would not watch them again. Trump was gracious to accept their apology but it should have been done publicly and it is too little too late. He should not give them any credibility by attending any future debates hosted by them.
Donald Trump should not give Fox News any credibility by attending any future debates hosted by them.

Forgiveness and trust are two different things. Forgiveness is free. Trust is earned.
They need to fire Meghan Kelly and replace her with someone who won't be continually reminding the viewers of that debate. That is the only way to put it behind them. If she remains with Fox News I won't watch them ever again. Debates or no debates. I won't watch them again.
bullshit ! Meghan Kelly did what journalists are supposed to do.
not kiss the ass of rich assholes!

Moderators are to remain neutral. That is the purpose of a moderator. To remain neutral, ask questions that address the issues (not personal attacks) to the candidates presented in a fair, unbiast and balanced way - and let the audience decide. If you are a moderator of a presidential debate the American people are not asking for your input, your agenda, your dislike for certain candidates!

Donald Trump should not give Fox News any credibility by attending any future debates hosted by them.

Forgiveness and trust are two different things. Forgiveness is free. Trust is earned.
Yes, he should not be party to any of the debates any more. Stand on the principle of the 2 year old not getting what he wanted and stand clear, way way clear of any debates in the future. That's the ticket.

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