Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro: Vaccine Passports are all about population control


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
What will do Corona gangsters with the rest of humanity, survivors of the Scamdemic after 2026?
Just look again the great movie below.
So-called 'vaccine passports' are the tool # 1 for the population control.
Anyone who is too old received no prolongation of the passport and must die.
The young ones, less as 100m as purposed by Biden, Putin, Merkel, Gates, Rothschild, Drosten, Fauci & Cpo shall became their slaves, the old ones will be manufactured to solvent greens.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has sounded the alarm on vaccine passports, warning that the agenda behind them is “population control” on a worldwide scale.
While leaders in the west continue to pursue imposing vaccine passports on the general public, Brazil’s Bolsonaro recently blasted the passport, saying it will eventually lead to full-blown tyranny by government’s across the globe.
“These governors of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Palo, Goias…You would issue a decree through the vaccine passport, that is, only those who are vaccinated can go to school, only those who are vaccinated can do such a thing,” Bolsonaro said.

“Guys, either we have freedom or we don’t. And the story says: that anyone who gives up a part of their freedom for security, ends up without freedom and without security

What will do Corona gangsters with the rest of humanity, survivors of the Scamdemic after 2026?
Just look again the great movie below.
So-called 'vaccine passports' are the tool # 1 for the population control.
Anyone who is too old received no prolongation of the passport and must die.
The young ones, less as 100m as purposed by Biden, Putin, Merkel, Gates, Rothschild, Drosten, Fauci & Cpo shall became their slaves, the old ones will be manufactured to solvent greens.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has sounded the alarm on vaccine passports, warning that the agenda behind them is “population control” on a worldwide scale.
While leaders in the west continue to pursue imposing vaccine passports on the general public, Brazil’s Bolsonaro recently blasted the passport, saying it will eventually lead to full-blown tyranny by government’s across the globe.
“These governors of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Palo, Goias…You would issue a decree through the vaccine passport, that is, only those who are vaccinated can go to school, only those who are vaccinated can do such a thing,” Bolsonaro said.

“Guys, either we have freedom or we don’t. And the story says: that anyone who gives up a part of their freedom for security, ends up without freedom and without security

There are some real leaders in the world, it's sad *biden isn't one of them.
What will do Corona gangsters with the rest of humanity, survivors of the Scamdemic after 2026?
Just look again the great movie below.
So-called 'vaccine passports' are the tool # 1 for the population control.
Anyone who is too old received no prolongation of the passport and must die.
The young ones, less as 100m as purposed by Biden, Putin, Merkel, Gates, Rothschild, Drosten, Fauci & Cpo shall became their slaves, the old ones will be manufactured to solvent greens.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has sounded the alarm on vaccine passports, warning that the agenda behind them is “population control” on a worldwide scale.
While leaders in the west continue to pursue imposing vaccine passports on the general public, Brazil’s Bolsonaro recently blasted the passport, saying it will eventually lead to full-blown tyranny by government’s across the globe.
“These governors of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Palo, Goias…You would issue a decree through the vaccine passport, that is, only those who are vaccinated can go to school, only those who are vaccinated can do such a thing,” Bolsonaro said.

“Guys, either we have freedom or we don’t. And the story says: that anyone who gives up a part of their freedom for security, ends up without freedom and without security

Chinese have already done this with hepatitis B given to the Uighurs of Xinjiang as a colonizing/control mechanism : if you’re infected, you can’t go to school. The Uighurs answered with a hypodermic needle attack on their Chinese overlords. (see www.). In the meantime, we will try to cite this incident.
Biden is President?

Yes, and this is the Secretary of Health........... :disbelief:


See what I mean?!? :safetocomeoutff:
NYTimes says HIV, though HBV has also been implicated in Uighur suppression by Han colonizations. HBV infection is endemically Chinese due to the evolution of the virus connected to Chinese polyculture (pigs, fish, birds, using the same culture ponds, etc.).

12 Sep 2009 NYT Needle Attacks

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