Brave Patriotic Children Turn in Their Insurrectionist Parents

I don’t know if this is sad or hilarious. Probably both.

The kids say their parents raised them right, not to engage in violence, then went and participated in the violent attack 1/6 on the Capitol.
LefTard Logic:

Insurrectionists -


Not Insurrectionists-


Every time you loons use the word “insurrection“ you lose credibility. NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention can take you seriously.
His dad had been talking about doing “something big” and Jackson was worried about what that meant.

Depending on the person, "something big" might be baking a swimming pool sized wedding cake.

For other people, "something big" might be like a Timothy McVey bombing of the Oklahoma Federal building.

Jackson’s younger sister wrote, “dad, please be safe !! you know you are risking not only your business but ur life too.” Jackson’s dad, Guy Reffitt, wrote back: “I have no intentions on throwing it away. I love ALL of you with ALL of my heart and soul. This is for our country and for ALL OF YOU and your kids. God Bless us one and all….”

So, the kids got scared and called the FBI.

Not that big of a thing when you look at the details.
I don’t know if this is sad or hilarious. Probably both.

The kids say their parents raised them right, not to engage in violence, then went and participated in the violent attack 1/6 on the Capitol.
The Nazis were good at turning children in to Nazis. Looks like The DemNazis have the same skill set.

DemNazis same as Them Nazis
Ah yes, the age old Stalinist tactic of reporting their parents and neighbors to the Secret Police. Gotta love it. Sing to the Motherland!
This is in TeenVogue by Fortesia Latifi. I doubt it's veracity. Although, the arrest of parents and subsequent transfer of children to foster care would make a good follow-up.
You do have to laugh how all these Trumpers are throwing fits over this given they are the biggest proponents of "bounty laws." You know those laws. They're the ones that give incentives to people to report other people, like their neighbors, if they violate the law. Ask Gov. Greg Abbott about them.

Having said that, it is always disturbing or sad to see children report on their parents. I would find it disturbing regardless of the situation, unlike, Pubs who do not seem to have a problem turning in others if it is their law.
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If the lib news media, democrat mayors and the corrupt Deep State had taken a fraction of interest toward the ANTIFA and Black LIES Matter rioters who burned and pillaged US cities during the “summer of love” the violent protest in the capital would not have happened
I thought the violent storming of the Capitol was to 'stop the steal', now you're saying it was retaliation because of the BLM protests? One has nothing to do with the other
This is in TeenVogue by Fortesia Latifi. I doubt it's veracity. Although, the arrest of parents and subsequent transfer of children to foster care would make a good follow-up.
Teen-fucking-Vogue? Are you kidding me? I didn't click the link until I saw your post.

This says a great deal about what the OP accepts as legitimate journalism!
I don’t know if this is sad or hilarious. Probably both.

The kids say their parents raised them right, not to engage in violence, then went and participated in the violent attack 1/6 on the Capitol.
Well, the title of this thread is certainly sad and hilarious in a pathetic way due to its manipulative nature and the fact that it is an expression of agitprop rather than an attempt to appeal to the intellect.
His dad had been talking about doing “something big” and Jackson was worried about what that meant.

Depending on the person, "something big" might be baking a swimming pool sized wedding cake.

For other people, "something big" might be like a Timothy McVey bombing of the Oklahoma Federal building.

Jackson’s younger sister wrote, “dad, please be safe !! you know you are risking not only your business but ur life too.” Jackson’s dad, Guy Reffitt, wrote back: “I have no intentions on throwing it away. I love ALL of you with ALL of my heart and soul. This is for our country and for ALL OF YOU and your kids. God Bless us one and all….”

So, the kids got scared and called the FBI.

Not that big of a thing when you look at the details.

The big thing is that the propaganda the government puts out is so convincing that even children will turn in their parents.
That is bad.
Did the kids not realize the FBI just wants to put their parents in jail, and turn them into beggars?
This is the same FBI that lied about Iraqi WMD, 9/11 terrorist taking flight lessons, and the War on Drugs.
Well, well....look at all the "snitches get stitches" folks. I'm sure they'd feel the same way if the parents were running a meth lab in their home.

Whatever pays the mortgage.
Better than incarcerating people who are harming no one.

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