Brady Rule Violations... DC Courts getting pummeled due to FEDS Exculpatory Evidence Withholding.

No spin necessary--the Brady Rule is all about potentially exculpatory evidence. the Prosecution has an absolute requirement to disclose all such.
7TB+ plus of discovery shows that the Prosecution was trying to do just that. I think we're going to find that most of the material in question has already been known, and turned over. Yet, another camera angle of the same thing, as it were. The Prosecution acknowledged that the investigation was ongoing and that they would attempt to keep the defense apprised. Intent is important here and I've yet to see any evidence of deliberate with-holding of any potentially exculpatory material.

Perhaps they'll find which case the defense is free to make hay, as it were. Thus far, much sound and fury...but little of the smoking gun of innocence.
The discovery is finding that the feds tried to alter and destroy the exculpatory evidence, hackasaurus rex.
Lawyer much? It is not 'All exculpatory' ---that is a determination that must be made by a court.

Given the 7 terabytes+ of discovery provided it would be hard for anyone to argue anything new being shown....the mere fact of some info not being turned over is not enough as long as good faith is shown..which is to say the defense must prove intent--a deliberate effort to hide relevant info.
Shaman-man's lawyer has already said he asked for this information and it was withheld.
How can you be charged with illegal entry into a public building while the security there hold the door for you waving you in? HUH?
Yes holding the door open for you.


No they don't. Not if it's not relevant to the charges; meaning it's isn't exculpatory.
Yes, they do. its not up to the prosecution to decide what is relevant or not. The Supreme Court decided that in Brady v. Maryland

Just because the government withheld this information and refused to turn it over to the defense councils, every case should be dismissed. The government can then retry every single person on new charges and see if they can get a jury to convict with the new evidence.

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