Bozo is frowning


Snuggle weather rocks!
Jan 6, 2010
Monkey Island
States wanna tax Bozo and this makes Bozo sad.

Bozo says, "I already pay taxes on my income and now they want to tax my services. This makes me sad".


States lacking funds due to such high unemployment and stimulus money running low are grasping at straws to figure out how to get more money from us. I do not blame Obama entirely for this economy. What we are feeling now I believe is from a couple decades of irresponsibility on our parts as much as politicians. I will say this though, Obama has not made things better.

But I found this article on ways states are contemplating reaching into our pockets even further.

It's disgusting.

In June, voters in Maine will decide whether to accept a state overhaul of its tax system that would newly tax services like tailor alterations, blimp rides, and entertainment provided by clowns, comedians and jugglers.

In June, voters in Maine will decide whether to accept a state overhaul of its tax system that would newly tax services like tailor alterations, blimp rides, and entertainment provided by clowns, comedians and jugglers.

Clowns can argue that they are not entertainment
I think this will be happening all over.

The States are desperate for money and they will tax anything and everything.
Breaking the insurance companies is just the first step in the nefarious plot of these clowns. Breaking the states comes next. The states that are already badly messed up, like CA and OR will probably fold under first, but they are working on the concept of state soverinty as well, and as the costs of the 0bamanation that is 0bamacare start hitting the states, you will see more of this kind of story.

Oregon just raised income taxes. Life will just get harder.
I think this will be happening all over.

The States are desperate for money and they will tax anything and everything.
Luckily I live in Texas where the state is NOT bankrupt.
And has NO State Income Tax
I want it to stay that way, so I have one request to help in that regard;
Yankees stay in the North.
Breaking the insurance companies is just the first step in the nefarious plot of these clowns. Breaking the states comes next. The states that are already badly messed up, like CA and OR will probably fold under first, but they are working on the concept of state soverinty as well, and as the costs of the 0bamanation that is 0bamacare start hitting the states, you will see more of this kind of story.

Oregon just raised income taxes. Life will just get harder.

You think this is intentional on the part of feds?

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