Boycott Israel

Shaar HaNegev school bus attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Shaar HaNegev school bus attack was a missile attack on April 7, 2011, in which Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip fired a Kornet laser-guided anti-tank missile over the border at an Israeli school bus, killing a schoolboy.[1]

Hamas claimed the bus was traveling on a road used by Israeli military vehicles and it did not know that schoolchildren were on board.[2] Israel said the yellow color of the bus made it easily identifiable and accused Hamas of "crossing a line."[2]

The missile hit the bus after all but one of the children had been dropped off.[3] The only remaining passenger, a 16-year-old boy, Daniel Viflic,[4] was critically injured with shrapnel wounds to the head and died from his injuries on 17 April.[5] The driver was lightly injured.[6][7][8][9] Another mortar barrage was timed to coincide with the arrival of the paramedics, which delayed the evacuation.
Thanks for the added information! So they do have weapons they can guide to their target? But it's still a war crime, because that town is on the Israeli side of the border. Therefore, the children on the bus, are considered civilians and cannot be targeted.

With that being said, maybe Israel hides the IDF in school busses? If that was the case, then this was a legitimate target. I will gladly remove that comment, when you stop claiming Hamas hides terrorists in ambulances.

BTW, from your own link, Hamas had this to say...

Hamas claimed that the attack was carried out in retaliation for the killing of three of its leaders on April 2-3
So again, the rocket attacks are in response to an Israeli extra-judicial killing.

We target Hamas, and they target a school bus.

That's fair.

You anti-israelis are crazy:cuckoo:
Shaar HaNegev school bus attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Shaar HaNegev school bus attack was a missile attack on April 7, 2011, in which Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip fired a Kornet laser-guided anti-tank missile over the border at an Israeli school bus, killing a schoolboy.[1]

Hamas claimed the bus was traveling on a road used by Israeli military vehicles and it did not know that schoolchildren were on board.[2] Israel said the yellow color of the bus made it easily identifiable and accused Hamas of "crossing a line."[2]

The missile hit the bus after all but one of the children had been dropped off.[3] The only remaining passenger, a 16-year-old boy, Daniel Viflic,[4] was critically injured with shrapnel wounds to the head and died from his injuries on 17 April.[5] The driver was lightly injured.[6][7][8][9] Another mortar barrage was timed to coincide with the arrival of the paramedics, which delayed the evacuation.
Thanks for the added information! So they do have weapons they can guide to their target? But it's still a war crime, because that town is on the Israeli side of the border. Therefore, the children on the bus, are considered civilians and cannot be targeted.

With that being said, maybe Israel hides the IDF in school busses? If that was the case, then this was a legitimate target. I will gladly remove that comment, when you stop claiming Hamas hides terrorists in ambulances.

BTW, from your own link, Hamas had this to say...

Hamas claimed that the attack was carried out in retaliation for the killing of three of its leaders on April 2-3
So again, the rocket attacks are in response to an Israeli extra-judicial killing.

Start your retractions as the Goldstone report says that they did, unless you are now going to say the UN is biased against muslims.

The Goldstone Report - Hamas: The UN and Ignoring Terrorism

Hamas conducts a war in which it launches rockets from schools, uses ambulances as transport for combatants, hides behind women and children, and dresses its gunmen in civilian clothing as camouflage, all in flagrant violation of international law

Or this actual video footage of it happening - Why Ambulances Sometimes Get Targeted By The IAF.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07


But the Syrian province of Palestine, about one hundred and fifty miles long and fifty miles broad, largely mountainous and sterile, contains at present a population of more than 650,000, divided as follows: Mohammedan Arabs, 515,000; Jews, 63,000; Christian Arabs, 62,000; nomadic Bedouins, 50,000; unclassified, 5000. Of these the Mohammedans and Christians are to a man bitterly opposed to any Zionist claims, whether made by would-be rulers or by settlers. It may not be generally known, but a goodly number of the Jewish dwellers in the land are not anxious to see a large immigration into the country. This is partly due to the fear that the result of such immigration would be an overcrowding of the industrial and agricultural market; but a number of the more respectable older settlers have been disgusted by the recent arrivals in Palestine of their coreligionists, unhappy individuals from Russia and Roumania brought in under the auspices of the Zionist Commission from the cities of Southeastern Europe, and neither able nor willing to work at agriculture or fruit-farming.

The old colonists believe that what is required to help the country is the immigration of a moderate number of persons, who should be in possession of some capital to invest in agriculture, or have technical knowledge of farming; not, as proposed by the Zionist Commission, an unlimited immigration of poor and ignorant people from the cities of Europe, who, if they are unable to make a living in Western cities, would most certainly starve in an Eastern agricultural country. The presence in Palestine of such agricultural experts as the late Mr. Aaronsohn, and Mr. Moses Levine of the Jewish Farm at Ben Shamer, near Ludd, both American Jews of great talent, is of the greatest advantage to the country, and is generally acknowledged so to be by all classes of the population. The arrival of more such colonists would be welcome to all but the whole population will resist the Zionist Commission's plan of wholesale immigration of Jews into Palestine at the rate of one hundred thousand a year, until a total of three millions has been reached, which number they claim the country can support if cultivated to its utmost.

Do explain sha why the British stopped all Jewish migration keeping the levels at 60,000 while allowing uncontrolled muslim migration increasing the numbers to 1 million.
Why it fell to the Jews to buy land from the Ottoman owners and convert it into productive farmland while the muslims just grew weeds.
Why the Jews ended up owning more land than the muslims even after the muslims rioted and MASS MURDERED a lot of jews in 1929. Completely ethnically cleansing Hebron of its Jewish owners in the process.
Youe muslim friends still brag about that to this day don't they .

After the destruction of the First Temple, most of the Jewish inhabitants of Hebron were exiled, and according to the conventional view,[51] their place was taken by Edomites in about 587 BCE. Some Jews appear to have lived there after the return from the Babylonian exile.

Three times the Jews purchased Hebron and three times the muslims ethnically cleansed them from the town. A matter of historical fact, but then it isn't Islamic fact so you refuse to accept it.
There was a case some years back were a weapon was discharged in the air and the bullet came down and killed a baby, guess who was initially blamed for the death by the likes of tinny. No remorse or retraction either when it was proven that the IDF could not have fired the shot

Why don't you provide us a link from a reliable source for that.

What a ridiculous thing to say.

Here you go take your pick

Celebratory gunfire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ohio Man Shoots Gun In Air . . . Kills Amish Girl Over A Mile Away | JONATHAN TURLEY

Death of 7-year-old boy shot on July Fourth in Virginia puts focus on celebratory gunfire | Fox News

Va. mom charged after firing gun into air to scare off daughter's attackers - Washington Times

Yeah, those damn Arabs gave some pretty powerful weapons to be discharging celebratory rounds in the USA and killing children in Gaza.

Would you get real...
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Billo_Really, et al,

You have your terminology fouled-up.

The very reason the rockets are considered "war crimes", is the same reason that say's your comments are full of shit. They cannot launch rockets at a bus, or target children with those rockets. They have no guidance systems with which to do that. That's why they're classified as "indiscriminate" weapons.

So you need to pick!
  • Are the rockets war crimes?
  • Do they target children and busses, with the rockets?
You can't have both!

There is no such thing as an "indiscriminate weapon." Weapons don't think. You mean "indiscriminate fire;" which is fire directed by the shooter that is not selective or making a distinction between civilian or protected - versus military and threatening: or when the shooter is making no choices and fires the weapon haphazardly, randomly, or in a confused fashion. The weapon does not commit the crime, it is the shooter.

The use of rockets is not a war crime. Firing rockets into a civilian populated area in a random, haphazard fashion -- not specifically aimed at a military target, is called indiscriminate fire.

The guidance system (whether or not it has one) is irrelevant.

  • If you (as a shooter) aim a rocket (whether or not it has a guidance system) at a school bus (optical sighted), it is a war crime.
  • If you (as a shooter) randomly or haphazard fire a rocket (whether or not it has a guidance system) in the direction of a civilian population (having no military value), it is a war crime.

Secondly, is it possible to target buses with a rocket? Yes, it is possible to optically target a bus with a rocket. Most RPGs use optic targeting devices.


What was your point?

Most Respectfully,

Yeah, those damn Arabs gave some pretty powerful weapons to be discharging celebratory rounds in the USA and killing children in Gaza.

Would you get real...

You asked for links that show children have been shot by weapons discharged in the air so I provided them, don't you like it when you make yourself look foolish
I watched the videos and THOSE definitely don't pass the smell test.

There are plenty of articles about the rocket attack on the bus. Have a look for yourself.

And why are you so surprised that Hamas launched a rocket at a school bus ?? They are known for mainly targeting civilians.
It's your argument that doesn't pass the smell test, because you can't have it both ways. You're trying to burn the candle at both ends.

The very reason the rockets are considered "war crimes", is the same reason that say's your comments are full of shit. They cannot launch rockets at a bus, or target children with those rockets. They have no guidance systems with which to do that. That's why they're classified as "indiscriminant" weapons.

So you need to pick!
  • Are the rockets war crimes?
  • Do they target children and busses, with the rockets?
You can't have both!

Shaar HaNegev school bus attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Shaar HaNegev school bus attack was a missile attack on April 7, 2011, in which Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip fired a Kornet laser-guided anti-tank missile over the border at an Israeli school bus, killing a schoolboy.[1]

Hamas claimed the bus was traveling on a road used by Israeli military vehicles and it did not know that schoolchildren were on board.[2] Israel said the yellow color of the bus made it easily identifiable and accused Hamas of "crossing a line."[2]

The missile hit the bus after all but one of the children had been dropped off.[3] The only remaining passenger, a 16-year-old boy, Daniel Viflic,[4] was critically injured with shrapnel wounds to the head and died from his injuries on 17 April.[5] The driver was lightly injured.[6][7][8][9] Another mortar barrage was timed to coincide with the arrival of the paramedics, which delayed the evacuation.

The school bus was on a road primarily used by the military.

The bus was two miles from the border and moving away from the border.

Can the back of school bus be distinguished from a military vehicle at a distance of two miles?

If the Palestinians have anti tank missiles, why are they never used on the tanks and bulldozers that are regularly in Gaza destroying crops?
It's your argument that doesn't pass the smell test, because you can't have it both ways. You're trying to burn the candle at both ends.

The very reason the rockets are considered "war crimes", is the same reason that say's your comments are full of shit. They cannot launch rockets at a bus, or target children with those rockets. They have no guidance systems with which to do that. That's why they're classified as "indiscriminant" weapons.

So you need to pick!
  • Are the rockets war crimes?
  • Do they target children and busses, with the rockets?
You can't have both!

Shaar HaNegev school bus attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Shaar HaNegev school bus attack was a missile attack on April 7, 2011, in which Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip fired a Kornet laser-guided anti-tank missile over the border at an Israeli school bus, killing a schoolboy.[1]

Hamas claimed the bus was traveling on a road used by Israeli military vehicles and it did not know that schoolchildren were on board.[2] Israel said the yellow color of the bus made it easily identifiable and accused Hamas of "crossing a line."[2]

The missile hit the bus after all but one of the children had been dropped off.[3] The only remaining passenger, a 16-year-old boy, Daniel Viflic,[4] was critically injured with shrapnel wounds to the head and died from his injuries on 17 April.[5] The driver was lightly injured.[6][7][8][9] Another mortar barrage was timed to coincide with the arrival of the paramedics, which delayed the evacuation.

The school bus was on a road primarily used by the military.

The bus was two miles from the border and moving away from the border.

Can the back of school bus be distinguished from a military vehicle at a distance of two miles?

If the Palestinians have anti tank missiles, why are they never used on the tanks and bulldozers that are regularly in Gaza destroying crops?

Ya, they mistook a YELLOW schoolbus for a military vehicle. You always find a way to justify Hamas aggression, it's EXTREMELY pathetic.

f the Palestinians have anti tank missiles, why are they never used on the tanks and bulldozers that are regularly in Gaza destroying crops?

Who said they have anti tank missiles?? Link ?? Just because they used it once or twice, doesn't mean they have tons in stock
Shaar HaNegev school bus attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Shaar HaNegev school bus attack was a missile attack on April 7, 2011, in which Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip fired a Kornet laser-guided anti-tank missile over the border at an Israeli school bus, killing a schoolboy.[1]

Hamas claimed the bus was traveling on a road used by Israeli military vehicles and it did not know that schoolchildren were on board.[2] Israel said the yellow color of the bus made it easily identifiable and accused Hamas of "crossing a line."[2]

The missile hit the bus after all but one of the children had been dropped off.[3] The only remaining passenger, a 16-year-old boy, Daniel Viflic,[4] was critically injured with shrapnel wounds to the head and died from his injuries on 17 April.[5] The driver was lightly injured.[6][7][8][9] Another mortar barrage was timed to coincide with the arrival of the paramedics, which delayed the evacuation.

The school bus was on a road primarily used by the military.

The bus was two miles from the border and moving away from the border.

Can the back of school bus be distinguished from a military vehicle at a distance of two miles?

If the Palestinians have anti tank missiles, why are they never used on the tanks and bulldozers that are regularly in Gaza destroying crops?

Ya, they mistook a YELLOW schoolbus for a military vehicle. You always find a way to justify Hamas aggression, it's EXTREMELY pathetic.

f the Palestinians have anti tank missiles, why are they never used on the tanks and bulldozers that are regularly in Gaza destroying crops?

Who said they have anti tank missiles?? Link ?? Just because they used it once or twice, doesn't mean they have tons in stock

So, if they only had one why would they waste it on a school bus?

This story never made any sense.
The school bus was on a road primarily used by the military.

The bus was two miles from the border and moving away from the border.

Can the back of school bus be distinguished from a military vehicle at a distance of two miles?

If the Palestinians have anti tank missiles, why are they never used on the tanks and bulldozers that are regularly in Gaza destroying crops?

Ya, they mistook a YELLOW schoolbus for a military vehicle. You always find a way to justify Hamas aggression, it's EXTREMELY pathetic.

f the Palestinians have anti tank missiles, why are they never used on the tanks and bulldozers that are regularly in Gaza destroying crops?

Who said they have anti tank missiles?? Link ?? Just because they used it once or twice, doesn't mean they have tons in stock

So, if they only had one why would they waste it on a school bus?

This story never made any sense.

Because school buses don't have armor, and usually have many kids inside. That's not wasting it for Hamas. That's achieving their goal.

Shooting an AT missile at a Merkava tank or military vehicle, wouldn't cause as much damage as a bus. It's possible no one would even get hurt.
The school bus was on a road primarily used by the military.

The bus was two miles from the border and moving away from the border.

Can the back of school bus be distinguished from a military vehicle at a distance of two miles?

If the Palestinians have anti tank missiles, why are they never used on the tanks and bulldozers that are regularly in Gaza destroying crops?

Ya, they mistook a YELLOW schoolbus for a military vehicle. You always find a way to justify Hamas aggression, it's EXTREMELY pathetic.

f the Palestinians have anti tank missiles, why are they never used on the tanks and bulldozers that are regularly in Gaza destroying crops?

Who said they have anti tank missiles?? Link ?? Just because they used it once or twice, doesn't mean they have tons in stock

So, if they only had one why would they waste it on a school bus?

This story never made any sense.

Why do you say they only have one?
Hamas knows that if they 'waste it on a school bus' the whole of Gaza would be flattened in an instant. Do you ever think things through before you post on here or just post the first thing that comes into your head?
It's your argument that doesn't pass the smell test, because you can't have it both ways. You're trying to burn the candle at both ends.

The very reason the rockets are considered "war crimes", is the same reason that say's your comments are full of shit. They cannot launch rockets at a bus, or target children with those rockets. They have no guidance systems with which to do that. That's why they're classified as "indiscriminant" weapons.

So you need to pick!
  • Are the rockets war crimes?
  • Do they target children and busses, with the rockets?
You can't have both!

Shaar HaNegev school bus attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Shaar HaNegev school bus attack was a missile attack on April 7, 2011, in which Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip fired a Kornet laser-guided anti-tank missile over the border at an Israeli school bus, killing a schoolboy.[1]

Hamas claimed the bus was traveling on a road used by Israeli military vehicles and it did not know that schoolchildren were on board.[2] Israel said the yellow color of the bus made it easily identifiable and accused Hamas of "crossing a line."[2]

The missile hit the bus after all but one of the children had been dropped off.[3] The only remaining passenger, a 16-year-old boy, Daniel Viflic,[4] was critically injured with shrapnel wounds to the head and died from his injuries on 17 April.[5] The driver was lightly injured.[6][7][8][9] Another mortar barrage was timed to coincide with the arrival of the paramedics, which delayed the evacuation.

The school bus was on a road primarily used by the military.

The bus was two miles from the border and moving away from the border.

Can the back of school bus be distinguished from a military vehicle at a distance of two miles?

If the Palestinians have anti tank missiles, why are they never used on the tanks and bulldozers that are regularly in Gaza destroying crops?

Irrelevant still a schoolbus so not a legal target

Irrelevant still a schoolbus so not a legal target

Yes by the colour alone, unless it is being used by hamas to transport terrorists.

Because they are cowards and the soldiers would shoot them before they could get a lock on the target.

Video posted yesterday showing an anti tank missile being fired by a muslim terrorist, he did not wait for the lock before pulling the trigger and he was hit by his own weapon.
The school bus was on a road primarily used by the military.

The bus was two miles from the border and moving away from the border.

Can the back of school bus be distinguished from a military vehicle at a distance of two miles?

If the Palestinians have anti tank missiles, why are they never used on the tanks and bulldozers that are regularly in Gaza destroying crops?

Ya, they mistook a YELLOW schoolbus for a military vehicle. You always find a way to justify Hamas aggression, it's EXTREMELY pathetic.

f the Palestinians have anti tank missiles, why are they never used on the tanks and bulldozers that are regularly in Gaza destroying crops?

Who said they have anti tank missiles?? Link ?? Just because they used it once or twice, doesn't mean they have tons in stock

So, if they only had one why would they waste it on a school bus?

This story never made any sense.

First time they were recorded was when an alleged cameraman was targeted by an Israeli tank and killed because he took too long to get a lock on target. So now only used on civilian targets that cant fire back. You need to remember that they are a one use weapon , so get thrown away after being fired, This means they don't get much chance to practise with them.
It's your argument that doesn't pass the smell test, because you can't have it both ways. You're trying to burn the candle at both ends.

The very reason the rockets are considered "war crimes", is the same reason that say's your comments are full of shit. They cannot launch rockets at a bus, or target children with those rockets. They have no guidance systems with which to do that. That's why they're classified as "indiscriminant" weapons.

So you need to pick!
  • Are the rockets war crimes?
  • Do they target children and busses, with the rockets?
You can't have both!

Shaar HaNegev school bus attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Shaar HaNegev school bus attack was a missile attack on April 7, 2011, in which Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip fired a Kornet laser-guided anti-tank missile over the border at an Israeli school bus, killing a schoolboy.[1]

Hamas claimed the bus was traveling on a road used by Israeli military vehicles and it did not know that schoolchildren were on board.[2] Israel said the yellow color of the bus made it easily identifiable and accused Hamas of "crossing a line."[2]

The missile hit the bus after all but one of the children had been dropped off.[3] The only remaining passenger, a 16-year-old boy, Daniel Viflic,[4] was critically injured with shrapnel wounds to the head and died from his injuries on 17 April.[5] The driver was lightly injured.[6][7][8][9] Another mortar barrage was timed to coincide with the arrival of the paramedics, which delayed the evacuation.

The school bus was on a road primarily used by the military.

The bus was two miles from the border and moving away from the border.

Can the back of school bus be distinguished from a military vehicle at a distance of two miles?

If the Palestinians have anti tank missiles, why are they never used on the tanks and bulldozers that are regularly in Gaza destroying crops?

They don't have a pair of binoculars????

If they saw the vehicle from that far, they should have seen the color and shape.

Otherwise you are say that palestinians are wasting their fire power on a dust cloud, something common in the area. Are they that stupid?
I should that the ATGM used in this case was the Russian made Kornet, a very accurate weapon.

You asked for links that show children have been shot by weapons discharged in the air so I provided them, don't you like it when you make yourself look foolish

What I asked or was a link to this allegation by you, and you damn well know it...

"There was a case some years back were a weapon was discharged in the air and the bullet came down and killed a baby, guess who was initially blamed for the death by the likes of tinny. No remorse or retraction either when it was proven that the IDF could not have fired the shot"

How many more "Zionist" lies are you going to tell, Boy? Stop acting like a stupid, little "Zionist" and give me an answer to the question, from a reliable source!!!

I bet you hate it when I make you look foolish.
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Yeah, those damn Arabs gave some pretty powerful weapons to be discharging celebratory rounds in the USA and killing children in Gaza.

Would you get real...

You asked for links that show children have been shot by weapons discharged in the air so I provided them, don't you like it when you make yourself look foolish

What I asked or was a link to this allegation by you, and you damn well know it...

"There was a case some years back were a weapon was discharged in the air and the bullet came down and killed a baby, guess who was initially blamed for the death by the likes of tinny. No remorse or retraction either when it was proven that the IDF could not have fired the shot"

How many more "Zionist" lies are you going to tell, Boy? Stop acting like a stupid, little "Zionist" and give me an answer to the question, from a reliable source!!!

I bet you hate it when I make you look foolish.

Oh look, the two bit anti-Semite is at it again. Does he know the law of physics that what goes up must come down? Is he really trying to tell us that nobody ever got killed or wounded when the Palestinians shot their AK47's in the air. Instead of his blowing hot air all the time, he can research where the IDF was blamed by the mother for her son being killed when it eventually was found out that the uncle was shooting at the IDF from the apartment and the bullet ricocheted. My goodness, the IDF and other Israelis are always blammed for every -- training rats to only go into the houses of Arabs in Jerusalem, a shark swimming off the coast is a Mossad spy, a capture bird which was tagged the same way as birds are here in the U.S. was also a Mossad spy, and so on and so forth. Since
Mr. Seattle has a lot of time on his hands, I am sure he will spend some time to find this story. However, he gets his jollies by calling other people foolish when no doubt there are many viewers who think he is the foolish one. Say, since Mr. Seattle has all this time on his hand, maybe he can get a job directing those anti-Israel cartoons that are so popular with the Palestinians.
"I bet you hate it when I make you look foolish."

I'm sure he would, phocid redux - if it were ever to happen.
"I bet you hate it when I make you look foolish."

I'm sure he would, phocid redux - if it were ever to happen.

Perhaps the reason you did not include the entire post is because I did exactly that.

The Irish are rather notorious or their ears, by the way. A gentle breeze and we fly away like an old paper kite.

You are not clever.
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