Boycott Israel

[ Always and forever......about the Arabs.....nothing about Palestinians, even if Arabs ]

The boycott of third parties (secondary boycott) originally applied solely to funds and strategic commodities. However, on 28 November 1953, Egypt increased its disruption of Israeli maritime trade by expanding its list of "contraband" to include "foodstuffs and all other commodities likely to strengthen the potential of the Zionists in Palestine in any way whatsoever."[10]

By 1953 the Arab boycott was a well-established feature of international trade relations, and becoming more brazen. In early 1953 the first reports were released about Arab attempts to make American and European airlines boycott Israel by refusing to service Israelis or land in Israel, or at a minimum to not invest in Israel. This tertiary boycott marked another fundamental shift in boycott policy wherein Arab states would pressure third party states to agree to boycott Israel. However, these rudimentary efforts were unsuccessful and the airline boycotts remained isolated to the Arab world.

On 11 December 1954 the Arab League Council passed Resolution 849, approving the Unified Law on the Boycott of Israel. The provisions of this resolution, implemented in legislation by most member states over the following year, formalized the application of the boycott in the Arab States uniformly. The resolution contained new recommendations prohibiting Arab entities and individuals from dealing with agencies of persons working for Israel, and with foreign companies and organizations with interests, agencies, or branches in Israel. The export of Arab goods to countries to be re-exported to Israel was criminalized with a penalty of large fines and hard labor.

(full piece online)

Arab League boycott of Israel - Wikipedia
Today, most Arab states, Syria being the exception, no longer attempt to enforce the secondary or tertiary boycotts. Syria, Lebanon, and Iran (though not an Arab state) are the only states which actively enforce the primary boycott. The Central Boycott Office has become obsolete. With the vast majority of Arab states benefiting from trade with Israel, any "boycott" has become symbolic in nature, limited to bureaucratic slights such as passport restrictions.

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement was founded in 2005 in an attempt to increase economic and political pressure on Israel and advocates a total, international boycott of Israeli products, divestment of investments in Israel and sanctions. Besides anti-Israel economic measures, the BDS movement also strives to disrupt cultural exchanges and business involving Israel, Israelis and businesses which deal with them. In addition, sporting teams from various Arab states continue to boycott international matches when they are drawn against an Israeli team, choosing instead to forfeit the match.

Arab League boycott of Israel - Wikipedia
Unlike Israeli residents of the West Bank, Palestinians do not have access to shopping centers within the Green Line. Many of them depend on shopping in settlements, such as the Rami Levy supermarket in Gush Etzion.

Not only is Palestinians’ freedom of employment curtailed, but the organization also wants to limit their freedom to shop.

Whether in Brussels or Geneva, Westerners thousands of kilometers away are making decisions for Palestinians. They decided that Palestinians are better off unemployed and restricted in their shopping opportunities in the name of the conflict. Is that the ultimate expression of contemporary colonialism? These and similar actions lead to what could be described as the “triple occupation of Palestine”: by Israel; by the Palestinian Authority, which is viewed by Palestinians as corrupt and out of touch with Palestinians; and by the Europeans, who not only fund and support the PA, but also impose the debilitating narrative of victimhood and conflict-dependency – cultural occupation.

The condescending attitude of Europeans and Westerners to Palestinians has contributed to what is perceived by many as the greatest injustice: keeping Palestinians as refugees.

(full article online)

Are Palestinians ready to tell ‘supporters’: We're not your toy?
Unlike Israeli residents of the West Bank, Palestinians do not have access to shopping centers within the Green Line. Many of them depend on shopping in settlements, such as the Rami Levy supermarket in Gush Etzion.

Not only is Palestinians’ freedom of employment curtailed, but the organization also wants to limit their freedom to shop.

Whether in Brussels or Geneva, Westerners thousands of kilometers away are making decisions for Palestinians. They decided that Palestinians are better off unemployed and restricted in their shopping opportunities in the name of the conflict. Is that the ultimate expression of contemporary colonialism? These and similar actions lead to what could be described as the “triple occupation of Palestine”: by Israel; by the Palestinian Authority, which is viewed by Palestinians as corrupt and out of touch with Palestinians; and by the Europeans, who not only fund and support the PA, but also impose the debilitating narrative of victimhood and conflict-dependency – cultural occupation.

The condescending attitude of Europeans and Westerners to Palestinians has contributed to what is perceived by many as the greatest injustice: keeping Palestinians as refugees.

(full article online)

Are Palestinians ready to tell ‘supporters’: We're not your toy?
The Australian government may be against it now, he acknowledged, but he predicted that the embassy may move some time in 2020. He based this on the fact that when he proposed that aid to the Palestinians be cut, he was howled down, but 18 months later the Australian government did decide to cut aid. If the present government is reelected, it’s his guess that it will move the embassy.

“Australia has a much more extensive history with Israel than most Australians realize,” he said, as he recalled last year’s centenary of the Battle of Beersheba, which was essentially won by the Australian and New Zealand light horse units assigned to the British Army. Without that victory he surmised, there might not have been a Balfour Declaration. “The light horse made the Balfour Declaration possible.”

Abbott refrained from mentioning that Australian Foreign Minister Herbert Evatt had served as chairman of the UN General Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine in 1947 and had been instrumental in pushing through the favorable vote on the partition of Palestine on November 29, 1947. In fact, Australia was the first country to cast a “yes” vote.

Australia was also among the first countries to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel, doing so on January 29, 1949, three days after Australia Day, which marked the anniversary of its own independence from British rule.

(full article online)

Former Australian PM Tony Abbott lobbies to move embassy to Jerusalem
Unlike Israeli residents of the West Bank, Palestinians do not have access to shopping centers within the Green Line. Many of them depend on shopping in settlements, such as the Rami Levy supermarket in Gush Etzion.

Not only is Palestinians’ freedom of employment curtailed, but the organization also wants to limit their freedom to shop.

Whether in Brussels or Geneva, Westerners thousands of kilometers away are making decisions for Palestinians. They decided that Palestinians are better off unemployed and restricted in their shopping opportunities in the name of the conflict. Is that the ultimate expression of contemporary colonialism? These and similar actions lead to what could be described as the “triple occupation of Palestine”: by Israel; by the Palestinian Authority, which is viewed by Palestinians as corrupt and out of touch with Palestinians; and by the Europeans, who not only fund and support the PA, but also impose the debilitating narrative of victimhood and conflict-dependency – cultural occupation.

The condescending attitude of Europeans and Westerners to Palestinians has contributed to what is perceived by many as the greatest injustice: keeping Palestinians as refugees.

(full article online)

Are Palestinians ready to tell ‘supporters’: We're not your toy?
Load of hooey.

Without Israel the Palestinians would have their own stuff. With Israel the Palestinians will never have anything.
In Oldham, pro-Palestine activists protest the immoral existence of a deadly Israeli arms factory on UK soil #StopArmingIsrael

Government spokesman Mustapha al-Khaliji told a news conference that Morocco had no formal ties with Israel, but he did not rule out "networks operating through other countries to circumvent this," - meaning that there almost certainly are informal and unofficial relations between the two countries.

There have been reports that there is $25 million in trade between the two countries over the past five years. In 2016, Morocco denied any imports from Israel when Israeli dates were found to be sold during Ramadan.

(full article online )

Morocco denies official ties with Israel - but practically confirms unofficial ties ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Government spokesman Mustapha al-Khaliji told a news conference that Morocco had no formal ties with Israel, but he did not rule out "networks operating through other countries to circumvent this," - meaning that there almost certainly are informal and unofficial relations between the two countries.

There have been reports that there is $25 million in trade between the two countries over the past five years. In 2016, Morocco denied any imports from Israel when Israeli dates were found to be sold during Ramadan.

(full article online )

Morocco denies official ties with Israel - but practically confirms unofficial ties ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Could you do less copy pasting and more thinking? Let's face it, this is called spamming and no one is going to read those^.
One student who opposed the resolution, Elysa Gurman, wroteafter its passage that “before and after the hearing, rumors were spread on social media that pro-Israel students were a ‘Super PAC,’ that we were getting paid to speak, that specific pro-Israel senators should ‘shut the f*ck up,’ and other nonsensical accusations and assaults.”

“Several times throughout the night, that same student spoke out of turn and targeted students on the other side of the argument,” she said. “Several times, pro-Israel students were interrupted by pro-Palestine students while speaking.”

(full article online)

University of Oregon Hillel Sign Defaced With ‘Free Palestine’ Graffiti
It issued a statement condemning visits from"Israeli officials including ministers, members of Knesset, military, security, ultra-Orthodox and extremist settlers" - pretty much anyone with a yarmulka.

This direct call to violate international law on freedom of practicing religion was accompanied by a call for the international community to enforce discrimination against Jews.

"The ministry warns of acceptance of daily intrusions of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and its courtyards as a matter that has become familiar and normal and does not necessitate a halt to its serious repercussions. This requires the international community and the relevant UN organizations, especially UNESCO, to implement and implement its resolutions on Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque," the statement said.

Because allowing Jews to peacefully stroll through the Temple Mount is utterly unacceptable, and banning them is "human rights."

(full article online)

Palestinian Foreign Ministry calls on world to stop Jews from visiting their holiest spot ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

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