Boy the Republicans are mad the truth came out.

Just stop. The gop was crying for the "nuclear option" when W WAS PRESIDENT

2005 debate on judicial nominations[edit]​

Main article: 2005 debate on nuclear option (United States Senate)
The maneuver was brought to prominence in 2005 when Majority Leader Bill Frist (Republican of Tennessee) threatened its use to end Democratic-led filibusters of judicial nominees submitted by President George W. Bush. In response to this threat, Democrats threatened to shut down the Senate and prevent consideration of all routine and legislative Senate business. The ultimate confrontation was prevented by the Gang of 14, a group of seven Democratic and seven Republican Senators, all of whom agreed to oppose the nuclear option and oppose filibusters of judicial nominees, except in extraordinary circumstances. Several of the blocked nominees were brought to the floor, voted upon and approved as specified in the agreement, and others were dropped and did not come up for a vote, as implied by the agreement.
did they?
Impeachment is a legal remedy for removing those Justices.

I'd rather include their removal in the new Abortion Rights Amendment soon to be sweeping the nation.
because you can't get your way? ahhhhhhhh poor fool.
Why are the republicans mad?
demofks are threatening violence and the republicans are the ones mad. Can't make it up. Doxing judges by Demofks but the republicans are the ones mad. can't make it up. Dude, your fking head fell off a block back.
I don't think our govt or society is better off by not being able to make relatively small compromises on things like abortion, or who gets to be confirmed - Susan Collins is obviously no longer fit for office and she should not have been reelected because time passed her by no less than it has Feinstein - but we have long passed the time when any fillbuster in the senate served any purpose other than to prevent actions a maj of Americans supported.

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demofks are threatening violence and the republicans are the ones mad. Can't make it up. Doxing judges by Demofks but the republicans are the ones mad. can't make it up. Dude, your fking head fell off a block back.
right like Trump didn't offer (he lied but he offered) to pay legal fees for beating up protestors at his rallies
Already is apparently. You’ll likely regret what this action will do to the GOP. I’m rarely wrong. Well, almost rarely.
not sure your point? Are you saying we should all just comply or else? Speak up Junior.
not sure your point? Are you saying we should all just comply or else? Speak up Junior.
No idea how your question relates to me stating the Pub’s will suffer a big election backlash loss from overstepping their oppression.
No idea how your question relates to me stating the Pub’s will suffer a big election backlash loss from overstepping their oppression.
again, can't answer the question of your need for compliance? ahhhhhhhhh poooooo baby.
it's called precedence. And sorry all uncle Harry.

Precedent refers to a court decision that is considered as authority for deciding subsequent cases involving identical or similar facts, or similar legal issues. Precedent is incorporated into the doctrine of stare decisis and requires courts to apply the law in the same manner to cases with the same facts.

The precedent Harry set for the Senate was for the lower court nominees because the GOP was unprecedentedly blocking so many of Obama's appointments. After that all lower court noiminees needed just a simple majority to be confirmed.

The precedent Mitch set for the Senate was for the supreme court nominees because the Dems, as expected, blocked one nominee for about 40 hours. After that all......

I know it's been programmed into you that both precedents were instigated by Reid, so argument is futile.
Why didn't the senate amended it rule or close the 'Constitutional Option' loop hole? Btw there is no Constitutional requirement for a super majority in the Senate to confirm these appointments.
Precedent refers to a court decision that is considered as authority for deciding subsequent cases involving identical or similar facts, or similar legal issues. Precedent is incorporated into the doctrine of stare decisis and requires courts to apply the law in the same manner to cases with the same facts.

The precedent Harry set for the Senate was for the lower court nominees because the GOP was unprecedentedly blocking so many of Obama's appointments. After that all lower court noiminees needed just a simple majority to be confirmed.

The precedent Mitch set for the Senate was for the supreme court nominees because the Dems, as expected, blocked one nominee for about 40 hours. After that all......

I know it's been programmed into you that both precedents were instigated by Reid, so argument is futile.
Why didn't the senate amended it rule or close the 'Constitutional Option' loop hole? Btw there is no Constitutional requirement for a super majority in the Senate to confirm these appointments.
I'm not sure why there's even a controversy. Maybe it was McConnell's unprecedented Garland move. The gop cannot be the instigator. It's sort of like a "sports team" discussion. "My team is better."

It's really just that there's demographic and age change going on that doesn't favor conservatives. McConnell confirmed 3 justices in Trump's 4 years and 2 in Obama's 8.

It's not the first time a Sup Ct was culturally and socially at odds with society. (and don't tell me about Reagan the moral maj because Americans consistently believe abortion should be an option early in pregnancy, and it's not close) Do republican men think there's right to buy contraceptives? bwah. If you asked QAnons whether people should have a right to post on social media anonymously to influence public opinion, there'd be a right to privacy. Trump is not a huge fan of disclosure laws. Vaccine passports, bwah.

The Warren Court got out in front of the public. IF Justice Owen Roberts hadn't switched to go along with the New Deal, we might have 12-15 Justices. We had a civil war when the Sup Ct upheld fining abolitionists for sheltering fugitive slaves. Andrew Jackson simply refused to abide by Sup Ct rulings.

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