Both parents die leaving 4 Texas orphans.

Unvaxxed of course. Those kids will grow up knowing that their parents didnt love them enough to get a jab. Saddest story of the day.
Yeah, but they had the FREEDOM and LIBERTY to die out of ignorance and arrogance and ruin their children's lives.

It's not about their children, or anyone else's children, or anyone else.

This is about THEM.

That's Trumpism.
Another thread for you Leftist to celebrate the death of more innocent people.

Vaccinated people are dying too.

If there was ever any doubt just how Mentally Ill you sick Leftist Fucks are, this plandemic has removed any doubt of that.
Yeah, but they had the FREEDOM and LIBERTY to die out of ignorance and arrogance and ruin their children's lives.

It's not about their children, or anyone else's children, or anyone else.

This is about THEM.

That's Trumpism.
I bet you smiled reading about them dying from not being vaccinated. ANYTHING is good news long as you can bring up trump.
Yeah, but they had the FREEDOM and LIBERTY to die out of ignorance and arrogance and ruin their children's lives.

It's not about their children, or anyone else's children, or anyone else.

This is about THEM.

That's Trumpism.
They FAILED as parents. Once your children are born you have one job and they failed at it. Its lucky that Texas is a progressive and caring place so the kids might be well looked after.

Unvaxxed of course. Those kids will grow up knowing that their parents didnt love them enough to get a jab. Saddest story of the day.

a teacher in the city next to me died from covid after having gotten both jabs. I guess she didn't love her kids enough to not get vaccinated.

Unvaxxed of course. Those kids will grow up knowing that their parents didnt love them enough to get a jab. Saddest story of the day.

So Tammy Fae is suddenly concerned about THE CHILDREN? But of course commies support the mass murders of millions of babies for the horrible crime of 'Inconvenience', so we know this is just phony posturing, nothing to see here.
Keep it up, you pathetic leftist pearl clutchers! The free entertainment is making a slightly trying time more tolerable.

Suggestion -- Try a little more panty-twisting, just for nuance. And some actual audible sobbing might be nice.
They FAILED as parents. Once your children are born you have one job and they failed at it. Its lucky that Texas is a progressive and caring place so the kids might be well looked after.
It's all about priorities. They're conditioned to scream FREEDOM and LIBERTY and not actually think it through a bit.

Unvaxxed of course. Those kids will grow up knowing that their parents didnt love them enough to get a jab. Saddest story of the day.

When you turned the means of information into propaganda organs, you destroyed their credibility.

That people don't trust what they hear from propaganda sources, is to be expected.

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