Border Tax / Tariffs May be Dead


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
There's a lot of chatter that the border adjustment isn't going to get through the Senate, and a tariff Trump wanted on the campaign trail has even less chance.

Is this important to Trump supporters? Does it matter?
There's a lot of chatter that the border adjustment isn't going to get through the Senate, and a tariff Trump wanted on the campaign trail has even less chance.

Is this important to Trump supporters? Does it matter?
It doesn't matter. As long as Trump says he was successful at doing anything, his minions will believe him even though he wasn't successful.
No border tax or tariff, my guess is the Democrats use their populist arm to expose him as someone who doesn't keep his promises and he becomes a one term president. Even Chuck Schumer was going after him hard after the State of the Union address, challenging Trump regarding all his promises about jobs, saying "he is all talk, where is the action"?

It's all about jobs, protecting jobs, equalizing the abuse of foreign governments who exploit American workers and standing up for the downtrodden. He could succeed in every other facet, if he fails in jobs and protecting American workers, there is no chance for re-election. That's my take on this, every other issue is far down the list of important to those being exploited by China, Mexico and Canada.
There's a lot of chatter that the border adjustment isn't going to get through the Senate, and a tariff Trump wanted on the campaign trail has even less chance.

Is this important to Trump supporters? Does it matter?

The pro-tariff people got him elected.

Broader point is, Trump is being taken over by the GOP establishment he ran against...

...just as I predicted.
There's a lot of chatter that the border adjustment isn't going to get through the Senate, and a tariff Trump wanted on the campaign trail has even less chance.

Is this important to Trump supporters? Does it matter?

Trump voters think a Tariff is a tax on Tar.

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