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Boomberg-Clinton 2020 ticket

Dude needs to dial the suicide hotline....
Michael Bloomberg / Hillary Clinton 2020.

Sounds like a winning ticket to me! What do you think?

I don’t know. I think that there are other candidates that appeal to more generations that don’t have the negative baggage that they have and also have fresher perspectives. I feel that the Democratic Party needs to look to the future with its candidates and not focus so much on established names of the past. Steer away from the far left socialist ideas and away from politicians with baggage and embrace the more moderate candidates that will appeal across the political aisle.
If she did it, the Clinton foundation would be viable agaiin.

something happened to the CLINTON FOUNDATION??? i ain't hoid
Yeah, the donations aren't flowing as much. Hillary cannot sell access to America anymore.

the poor lady is starving?
Didn't say she was, but the funding slow down is fishy.

how do you KNOW ---the money is down?
Google it, donations hit 15 year low since the election.
Now I have to wonder just how much of Bloombergs money is actually being spent, or, are Hillarys big donors who got burned be picking up the tab somehow...


He’s with her?

Mike Bloomberg could team up with Hillary Clinton to try to take down President Trump in November — by making her his running mate.

Bloomberg’s internal polling has found the combo “would be a formidable force,” campaign sources told the Drudge Report Saturday.

Clinton, who lost her 2016 White House bid to Trump despite winning the popular vote, said last week that she would “probably” not accept an offer to run as another Democrat’s veep.

“I never say never because I believe in serving my country,” she told talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. “But it’s never going to happen.”

But the former New York mayor may press the question.

It would be the dumbest move!

Gavin Newsom would be his choice if he is smart and why?

Pacifying the Sanders vote...
Why would he pick Newsom, when the Ds have a lock on CA electoral votes no matter who is VP?

Gavin Newson would pacify the Sanders Voters who would most likely revolt if Sanders is not the choice.

Fact is you have no one from Texas to help Bloomberg and you would have to reach in Florida or Georgia, so go with Gavin Newsom who is Progressive and Young...
Now I have to wonder just how much of Bloombergs money is actually being spent, or, are Hillarys big donors who got burned be picking up the tab somehow...


He’s with her?

Mike Bloomberg could team up with Hillary Clinton to try to take down President Trump in November — by making her his running mate.

Bloomberg’s internal polling has found the combo “would be a formidable force,” campaign sources told the Drudge Report Saturday.

Clinton, who lost her 2016 White House bid to Trump despite winning the popular vote, said last week that she would “probably” not accept an offer to run as another Democrat’s veep.

“I never say never because I believe in serving my country,” she told talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. “But it’s never going to happen.”

But the former New York mayor may press the question.

It would be the dumbest move!

Gavin Newsom would be his choice if he is smart and why?

Pacifying the Sanders vote...
I just signed a recall gavin Newsom petition. If bloomie wants to lose California he can tap its loser governor.
Now I have to wonder just how much of Bloombergs money is actually being spent, or, are Hillarys big donors who got burned be picking up the tab somehow...


He’s with her?

Mike Bloomberg could team up with Hillary Clinton to try to take down President Trump in November — by making her his running mate.

Bloomberg’s internal polling has found the combo “would be a formidable force,” campaign sources told the Drudge Report Saturday.

Clinton, who lost her 2016 White House bid to Trump despite winning the popular vote, said last week that she would “probably” not accept an offer to run as another Democrat’s veep.

“I never say never because I believe in serving my country,” she told talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. “But it’s never going to happen.”

But the former New York mayor may press the question.

It would be the dumbest move!

Gavin Newsom would be his choice if he is smart and why?

Pacifying the Sanders vote...
I just signed a recall gavin Newsom petition. If bloomie wants to lose California he can tap its loser governor.

Gavin is not going anywhere...
Take it with a grain of salt.


Sources close to Bloomberg campaign tell DRUDGE REPORT that candidate is considering Hillary Clinton as running mate, after their polling found the Bloomberg-Clinton combination would be formidable force... MORE

DRUDGE has learned that Bloomberg himself would go as far as to change his official residence from New York to homes he owns in Colorado or Florida, since the electoral college makes it hard for a POTUS and VPOTUS from the same state... Developing..



She's the only person who looks up to him -- literally
Now I have to wonder just how much of Bloombergs money is actually being spent, or, are Hillarys big donors who got burned be picking up the tab somehow...


He’s with her?

Mike Bloomberg could team up with Hillary Clinton to try to take down President Trump in November — by making her his running mate.

Bloomberg’s internal polling has found the combo “would be a formidable force,” campaign sources told the Drudge Report Saturday.

Clinton, who lost her 2016 White House bid to Trump despite winning the popular vote, said last week that she would “probably” not accept an offer to run as another Democrat’s veep.

“I never say never because I believe in serving my country,” she told talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. “But it’s never going to happen.”

But the former New York mayor may press the question.

On what planet does "internal polling finds... " equate to "considering" without a bridge? Eh?

Does NO ONE ANYWHERE ever read past their own baitclick headline?
Oh and I have a bridge for sale you should "consider" buying.

This proves that mini Mike is dumber than dirt or has a death wish.

"Proves" huh.
Take it with a grain of salt.


Sources close to Bloomberg campaign tell DRUDGE REPORT that candidate is considering Hillary Clinton as running mate, after their polling found the Bloomberg-Clinton combination would be formidable force... MORE

DRUDGE has learned that Bloomberg himself would go as far as to change his official residence from New York to homes he owns in Colorado or Florida, since the electoral college makes it hard for a POTUS and VPOTUS from the same state... Developing..


Mini Mike better hire a food taster if he goes that way.
“Grandpa and Grandma take the White House” would be a funny screenplay to be fair. But as far as reality goes...Hillary would kill Bloomberg just to become president
Bloomberg reportedly considering Hillary Clinton as his running mate
By Mary Kay Linge

February 15, 2020 | 11:25am

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Michael Bloomberg and Hillary ClintonAP; Getty Images
Bloomberg could kill America's car culture if elected president

Mike Bloomberg's Instagram memes may not count as political ads

Mike Bloomberg surpasses Joe Biden in latest Florida poll

Bloomberg's blunders back in the spotlight
He’s with her?

Mike Bloomberg could team up with Hillary Clinton to try to take down President Trump in November — by making her his running mate.

Bloomberg’s internal polling has found the combo “would be a formidable force,” campaign sources told the Drudge Report Saturday.

Clinton, who lost her 2016 White House bid to Trump despite winning the popular vote, said last week that she would “probably” not accept an offer to run as another Democrat’s veep.

“I never say never because I believe in serving my country,” she told talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. “But it’s never going to happen.”

But the former New York mayor may press the question.

Clinton and Bloomberg were spotted together in December at a dinner with daughter Chelsea, Page Six reported – supposedly to celebrate the birthday of socialite Annette de la Renta.

Michael Bloomberg / Hillary Clinton 2020.

Sounds like a winning ticket to me! What do you think?

I don’t know. I think that there are other candidates that appeal to more generations that don’t have the negative baggage that they have and also have fresher perspectives. I feel that the Democratic Party needs to look to the future with its candidates and not focus so much on established names of the past. Steer away from the far left socialist ideas and away from politicians with baggage and embrace the more moderate candidates that will appeal across the political aisle.

The only goal is to defeat Trump*. We can worry about the other stuff later.
We need a janitor running for office rather than Uber wealthy who can't relate to the working person.
Bloomberg reportedly considering Hillary Clinton as his running mate
By Mary Kay Linge

February 15, 2020 | 11:25am

Enlarge Image

Michael Bloomberg and Hillary ClintonAP; Getty Images
Bloomberg could kill America's car culture if elected president

Mike Bloomberg's Instagram memes may not count as political ads

Mike Bloomberg surpasses Joe Biden in latest Florida poll

Bloomberg's blunders back in the spotlight
He’s with her?

Mike Bloomberg could team up with Hillary Clinton to try to take down President Trump in November — by making her his running mate.

Bloomberg’s internal polling has found the combo “would be a formidable force,” campaign sources told the Drudge Report Saturday.

Clinton, who lost her 2016 White House bid to Trump despite winning the popular vote, said last week that she would “probably” not accept an offer to run as another Democrat’s veep.

“I never say never because I believe in serving my country,” she told talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. “But it’s never going to happen.”

But the former New York mayor may press the question.

Clinton and Bloomberg were spotted together in December at a dinner with daughter Chelsea, Page Six reported – supposedly to celebrate the birthday of socialite Annette de la Renta.


Fake news.
Legendary journalist Sam Donaldson has endorsed Mini Mike. CONGRATS? Sam covered campaigns for 52 years, and this is the first time he's endorsed anyone.
US Presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg is considering choosing Hillary Clinton as his running mate for 2020's elections, the Drudge Report reported.

The report cited sources close to Bloomberg, and surveys showed that running together with Clinton may tip the scale significantly in his favor, leading to a victory over the incumbent US President Donald Trump.

According to the Drudge, in such a case Bloomberg would change his official residence to Colorado or Florida, since the constitution implies that there may be issues with both members of a presidential team residing in the same state.

Jason Schechter, director of communications for the Bloomberg campaign, said in a statement to CNBC: "We are focused on the primary and the debate, not VP speculation."

A spokesperson for Clinton did not immediately respond to CNBC's request for comment.

Bloomberg may pick Hillary Clinton as running mate

Hillary is like a herpes infection you just can't get rid of.
US Presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg is considering choosing Hillary Clinton as his running mate for 2020's elections, the Drudge Report reported.

The report cited sources close to Bloomberg, and surveys showed that running together with Clinton may tip the scale significantly in his favor, leading to a victory over the incumbent US President Donald Trump.

According to the Drudge, in such a case Bloomberg would change his official residence to Colorado or Florida, since the constitution implies that there may be issues with both members of a presidential team residing in the same state.

Jason Schechter, director of communications for the Bloomberg campaign, said in a statement to CNBC: "We are focused on the primary and the debate, not VP speculation."

A spokesperson for Clinton did not immediately respond to CNBC's request for comment.

Bloomberg may pick Hillary Clinton as running mate

Hillary is like a herpes infection you just can't get rid of.

And he will commit suicide about 10 minutes after he takes the oath of office.....

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