Boomberg-Clinton 2020 ticket


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Take it with a grain of salt.


Sources close to Bloomberg campaign tell DRUDGE REPORT that candidate is considering Hillary Clinton as running mate, after their polling found the Bloomberg-Clinton combination would be formidable force... MORE

DRUDGE has learned that Bloomberg himself would go as far as to change his official residence from New York to homes he owns in Colorado or Florida, since the electoral college makes it hard for a POTUS and VPOTUS from the same state... Developing..


She could always move back to Arkansas.

(if the state would let her)
They would be a formidable force among some Democrats.

Sanders supporters, rather formidable in themselves, will stay home. End of story.
Either way, Bernie supporters will ignore Bloomberg and Clinton or Bloomberg and Clinton would
ignore Bernie suckers...the party is hopelessly divided.

Trump just has to stay out of trouble and he has the election locked up like a vault.

Will some of the leftist here come forward now and explain why the republican party is doomed?
I wish to be amused.
Either way, Bernie supporters will ignore Bloomberg and Clinton or Bloomberg and Clinton would
ignore Bernie suckers...the party is hopelessly divided.

Trump just has to stay out of trouble and he has the election locked up like a vault.

Will some of the leftist here come forward now and explain why the republican party is doomed?
I wish to be amused.

I am NOT a Leftist, but I will tell you why------------>the DNC has a contingency plan no matter which way the primaries go, unless BERNARD wins it outright.

They are not sitting on their hands, and are mix and matching candidates if they can ICE BERNARD out of the nomination, and they include the very best way to keep as many of the Bernie Bro's on board when BERNARD is iced.

I am not telling you it is going to work, I am just telling you that they have THINK TANKS looking at which match ups have the highest probability of winning against Trump.

Everyone has to understand------------> unless someone wins the DNC nomination out right on the 1st ballot, the DNC is going to DICTATE who the nominee, and VP selection is going to be.

And sooooooooooooooooo, for all the DNC supporters of candidates now running, you need know that YOU are doing a futile, phony exercise in Democracy, UNLESS you can push YOUR candidate to victory on the 1st ballot. For if not, the DNC is going to give you what THEY want, and you are going to like it, or else!
Sources close to Bloomberg campaign tell DRUDGE REPORT that candidate is considering Hillary Clinton as running mate, after their polling found the Bloomberg-Clinton combination would be formidable force... MORE

DRUDGE has learned that Bloomberg himself would go as far as to change his official residence from New York to homes he owns in Colorado or Florida, since the electoral college makes it hard for a POTUS and VPOTUS from the same state... Developing..

Well, first they can't because they are both from New York. It's not that the EC makes it hard, it's that it's specifically prohibited by the constitution.

Secondly, there's no enthusaism for Hillary in the party at this point.
Now I have to wonder just how much of Bloombergs money is actually being spent, or, are Hillarys big donors who got burned be picking up the tab somehow...

He’s with her?

Mike Bloomberg could team up with Hillary Clinton to try to take down President Trump in November — by making her his running mate.

Bloomberg’s internal polling has found the combo “would be a formidable force,” campaign sources told the Drudge Report Saturday.

Clinton, who lost her 2016 White House bid to Trump despite winning the popular vote, said last week that she would “probably” not accept an offer to run as another Democrat’s veep.

“I never say never because I believe in serving my country,” she told talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. “But it’s never going to happen.”

But the former New York mayor may press the question.
I'm old fashioned. I believe in democracy: one person, one vote. Not billionaires buying elections.

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