BLM activist took part in storming of Capitol


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Black Lives Matter activist took part in storming of Capitol

Black Lives Matter activist took part in storming of Capitol (
8 Jan 2021

A Black Lives Matter activist was part of the group that entered the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.
Article originally published at The Epoch Times.
John Earle Sullivan, who has advocated for an armed revolution on social media, was arrested in July 2020 for making a threat of violence and criminal mischief. He organized a protest with Black Lives Matter activists and members of the far-left Antifa network. According to the Deseret News, Sullivan damaged vehicles and urged people to block roadways. Video footage captured him threatening to beat a woman.
Photographs showed Sullivan inside the Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6. Sullivan has since given interviews claiming he took part in the illegal breach of the building as part of an effort to understand supporters of President Donald Trump.
ā€œFor me, itā€™s important from the group and the people around me to see that side of things, to see the truth,ā€ Sullivan told KSL-TV. ā€œI donā€™t care, like what side youā€™re on, you should just see it raw.ā€
Sullivan has not been charged with unlawful entry or any other charges that police say other people who entered the building face. His picture is not among those circulated by authorities of persons of interest in the incident. Sullivan said he was detained on Thursday night and questioned about what he saw during the storming of the Capitol. The Metropolitan Police Department didnā€™t respond to a request for comment.
Police said Thursday that 68 people had been arrested in the city, including 41 on Capitol grounds. Charges included unlawful entry and unlawful possession of a firearm, according to arrest data.
ā€œProtesters werenā€™t really, like, trying to burn anything down, they werenā€™t really trying to break anything, their main motive was to make it into the chambers,ā€ Sullivan told KUTV. ā€œThose protesters got really angry and busted through those officers really quickly, and yeah, you could really freely move around, you could go into any room and look out the window, so it was really surreal to see,ā€ he added.
Sullivan recounted being near the woman who was shot dead by a U.S. Capitol Police officer.
ā€œThere was a glass wall, and she, the woman, was the first person to actually try to get inside,ā€ Sullivan told KSL. ā€œAll you see is hands come out the doorways with their guns. ā€¦ You donā€™t see their face, nothing. And I literally yell at everybody else, ā€˜Thereā€™s a gun! Thereā€™s a gun! Donā€™t go in there!ā€™ And a shot goes off. And she gets shot as soon as she goes through.ā€
The U.S. Capitol Police said Thursday that one of its officers fired the shot that killed the woman, identified as Ashli Babbitt.

Hmm...., John Earle Sullivan, a self avowed BLM activist, who has advocated for an armed revolution on social media, was arrested in July 2020 for making a threat of violence and criminal mischief.
Indeed. According the the Quisling media he is obviously from the ā€˜Support Trumpā€™ branch of the #BLM.
Axtually, the headline should read BLM and Antifa lead the charge, that was previously approved by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist radicals in government, on the capitol building where the capitol police were ordered to stand down and allowed the charge to go forward.
The question remains, why isn't John Earle Sullivan an active BLM member from Utah been arrested with the others? Why is the media using Sullivan as a reliable source? Search for him on YouTube and you'll see him inciting rioters (and making threats against the President) last summer. Sullivan is responsible for many of the protests in Utah that occurred last summer. He was arrested for his involvement in a shooting in Provo during one of his protests.
BLM and Antifa mission accomplished....
As I wrote in another post, BLM/Antifa agents are like roaches... If there was one, there were most likely hundreds of them in the crowds of protesters on January 6th....
We know that the DCPD escorted six buses full of BLM/Antifa anarchists nto D.C.
Why do you waste space with these tomes? These stories have already been numerous outlets.

Sullivan has not been charged with unlawful entry or any other charges that police say other people who entered the building face.
thats proof you need better sources,, cause the guy did an interview admitting he was there,,,
Why do you waste space with these tomes? These stories have already been numerous outlets.

Sullivan has not been charged with unlawful entry or any other charges that police say other people who entered the building face.

Obviously the truth is too hard on your eyes....and you are incapable of understanding or accepting the truth.
Why do you waste space with these tomes? These stories have already been numerous outlets.

Sullivan has not been charged with unlawful entry or any other charges that police say other people who entered the building face.

Obviously the truth is too hard on your eyes....and you are incapable of understanding or accepting the truth.

I just encapsulated it for you. The riots were initiated by Trump supporters. Not anyone else.
Itā€™s become difficult to not feel the way we citizens do. I just read and tune things of negativity out. Biden gets 10 million votes than Obama? What a joke.
Right now, we are over 75 million people, a whole army of his countrymen HERE in defiance of tyranny.
We are not here to listen to those who say ā€œthere is nothing we can do about itā€.
We are not here to listen to those that say ā€œThatā€™s it. We are doneā€ (time to find another country)
We are not here to listen to those who say ā€œWe will have another chance in 2024ā€
We are here to fight this evil as American free men, and American free men we are! You understand the WORLD is watching us.
Will you fight?

Last edited:
Black Lives Matter activist took part in storming of Capitol

Black Lives Matter activist took part in storming of Capitol (
8 Jan 2021

A Black Lives Matter activist was part of the group that entered the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.
Article originally published at The Epoch Times.
John Earle Sullivan, who has advocated for an armed revolution on social media, was arrested in July 2020 for making a threat of violence and criminal mischief. He organized a protest with Black Lives Matter activists and members of the far-left Antifa network. According to the Deseret News, Sullivan damaged vehicles and urged people to block roadways. Video footage captured him threatening to beat a woman.
Photographs showed Sullivan inside the Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6. Sullivan has since given interviews claiming he took part in the illegal breach of the building as part of an effort to understand supporters of President Donald Trump.
ā€œFor me, itā€™s important from the group and the people around me to see that side of things, to see the truth,ā€ Sullivan told KSL-TV. ā€œI donā€™t care, like what side youā€™re on, you should just see it raw.ā€
Sullivan has not been charged with unlawful entry or any other charges that police say other people who entered the building face. His picture is not among those circulated by authorities of persons of interest in the incident. Sullivan said he was detained on Thursday night and questioned about what he saw during the storming of the Capitol. The Metropolitan Police Department didnā€™t respond to a request for comment.
Police said Thursday that 68 people had been arrested in the city, including 41 on Capitol grounds. Charges included unlawful entry and unlawful possession of a firearm, according to arrest data.
ā€œProtesters werenā€™t really, like, trying to burn anything down, they werenā€™t really trying to break anything, their main motive was to make it into the chambers,ā€ Sullivan told KUTV. ā€œThose protesters got really angry and busted through those officers really quickly, and yeah, you could really freely move around, you could go into any room and look out the window, so it was really surreal to see,ā€ he added.
Sullivan recounted being near the woman who was shot dead by a U.S. Capitol Police officer.
ā€œThere was a glass wall, and she, the woman, was the first person to actually try to get inside,ā€ Sullivan told KSL. ā€œAll you see is hands come out the doorways with their guns. ā€¦ You donā€™t see their face, nothing. And I literally yell at everybody else, ā€˜Thereā€™s a gun! Thereā€™s a gun! Donā€™t go in there!ā€™ And a shot goes off. And she gets shot as soon as she goes through.ā€
The U.S. Capitol Police said Thursday that one of its officers fired the shot that killed the woman, identified as Ashli Babbitt.

Hmm...., John Earle Sullivan, a self avowed BLM activist, who has advocated for an armed revolution on social media, was arrested in July 2020 for making a threat of violence and criminal mischief.
Indeed. According the the Quisling media he is obviously from the ā€˜Support Trumpā€™ branch of the #BLM.
Axtually, the headline should read BLM and Antifa lead the charge, that was previously approved by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist radicals in government, on the capitol building where the capitol police were ordered to stand down and allowed the charge to go forward.
The question remains, why isn't John Earle Sullivan an active BLM member from Utah been arrested with the others? Why is the media using Sullivan as a reliable source? Search for him on YouTube and you'll see him inciting rioters (and making threats against the President) last summer. Sullivan is responsible for many of the protests in Utah that occurred last summer. He was arrested for his involvement in a shooting in Provo during one of his protests.
BLM and Antifa mission accomplished....
As I wrote in another post, BLM/Antifa agents are like roaches... If there was one, there were most likely hundreds of them in the crowds of protesters on January 6th....
We know that the DCPD escorted six buses full of BLM/Antifa anarchists nto D.C.
howbout a fact check

Itā€™s become difficult to not feel the way we citizens do. I just read and tune things of negativity out. Biden gets 10 million votes than Obama? What a joke.
Right now, we are over 75 million people, a whole army of his countrymen HERE in defiance of tyranny.
We are not here to listen to those who say ā€œthere is nothing we can do about itā€.
We are not here to listen to those that say ā€œThatā€™s it. We are doneā€ (time to find another country)
We are not here to listen to those who say ā€œWe will have another chance in 2024ā€
We are here to fight this evil as American free men, and American free men we are! You understand the WORLD is watching us.
Will you fight?

No, you are here because you are a sore loser. You are here because you do not accept a free and fair election, blacks and browns are not accepted in society because they influence your vote, and you are here because you are unable to prove there was voter fraud. So you mask that defeat by not accepting it for no reason at all, accept to act like a spoiled child in defeat. Fuck you and your feelings. You are here because, as a population, you think you are privy to other populations, and you own dominion over others. You don't. You are here to camouflage your ideas of "American free men" which actually means, "impose your freedoms against the will of others." Just like what happened during the Civil war. That's exactly what your states rights mean to you. You fool no one. That's what you're all pissed about. You don't own America ass hole. All of us do. Get over it loser.
Black Lives Matter activist took part in storming of Capitol

Black Lives Matter activist took part in storming of Capitol (
8 Jan 2021

A Black Lives Matter activist was part of the group that entered the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.
Article originally published at The Epoch Times.
John Earle Sullivan, who has advocated for an armed revolution on social media, was arrested in July 2020 for making a threat of violence and criminal mischief. He organized a protest with Black Lives Matter activists and members of the far-left Antifa network. According to the Deseret News, Sullivan damaged vehicles and urged people to block roadways. Video footage captured him threatening to beat a woman.
Photographs showed Sullivan inside the Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6. Sullivan has since given interviews claiming he took part in the illegal breach of the building as part of an effort to understand supporters of President Donald Trump.
ā€œFor me, itā€™s important from the group and the people around me to see that side of things, to see the truth,ā€ Sullivan told KSL-TV. ā€œI donā€™t care, like what side youā€™re on, you should just see it raw.ā€
Sullivan has not been charged with unlawful entry or any other charges that police say other people who entered the building face. His picture is not among those circulated by authorities of persons of interest in the incident. Sullivan said he was detained on Thursday night and questioned about what he saw during the storming of the Capitol. The Metropolitan Police Department didnā€™t respond to a request for comment.
Police said Thursday that 68 people had been arrested in the city, including 41 on Capitol grounds. Charges included unlawful entry and unlawful possession of a firearm, according to arrest data.
ā€œProtesters werenā€™t really, like, trying to burn anything down, they werenā€™t really trying to break anything, their main motive was to make it into the chambers,ā€ Sullivan told KUTV. ā€œThose protesters got really angry and busted through those officers really quickly, and yeah, you could really freely move around, you could go into any room and look out the window, so it was really surreal to see,ā€ he added.
Sullivan recounted being near the woman who was shot dead by a U.S. Capitol Police officer.
ā€œThere was a glass wall, and she, the woman, was the first person to actually try to get inside,ā€ Sullivan told KSL. ā€œAll you see is hands come out the doorways with their guns. ā€¦ You donā€™t see their face, nothing. And I literally yell at everybody else, ā€˜Thereā€™s a gun! Thereā€™s a gun! Donā€™t go in there!ā€™ And a shot goes off. And she gets shot as soon as she goes through.ā€
The U.S. Capitol Police said Thursday that one of its officers fired the shot that killed the woman, identified as Ashli Babbitt.

Hmm...., John Earle Sullivan, a self avowed BLM activist, who has advocated for an armed revolution on social media, was arrested in July 2020 for making a threat of violence and criminal mischief.
Indeed. According the the Quisling media he is obviously from the ā€˜Support Trumpā€™ branch of the #BLM.
Axtually, the headline should read BLM and Antifa lead the charge, that was previously approved by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist radicals in government, on the capitol building where the capitol police were ordered to stand down and allowed the charge to go forward.
The question remains, why isn't John Earle Sullivan an active BLM member from Utah been arrested with the others? Why is the media using Sullivan as a reliable source? Search for him on YouTube and you'll see him inciting rioters (and making threats against the President) last summer. Sullivan is responsible for many of the protests in Utah that occurred last summer. He was arrested for his involvement in a shooting in Provo during one of his protests.
BLM and Antifa mission accomplished....
As I wrote in another post, BLM/Antifa agents are like roaches... If there was one, there were most likely hundreds of them in the crowds of protesters on January 6th....
We know that the DCPD escorted six buses full of BLM/Antifa anarchists nto D.C.
OMIGOD! You found one!
Black Lives Matter activist took part in storming of Capitol

Black Lives Matter activist took part in storming of Capitol (
8 Jan 2021

A Black Lives Matter activist was part of the group that entered the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.
Article originally published at The Epoch Times.
John Earle Sullivan, who has advocated for an armed revolution on social media, was arrested in July 2020 for making a threat of violence and criminal mischief. He organized a protest with Black Lives Matter activists and members of the far-left Antifa network. According to the Deseret News, Sullivan damaged vehicles and urged people to block roadways. Video footage captured him threatening to beat a woman.
Photographs showed Sullivan inside the Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6. Sullivan has since given interviews claiming he took part in the illegal breach of the building as part of an effort to understand supporters of President Donald Trump.
ā€œFor me, itā€™s important from the group and the people around me to see that side of things, to see the truth,ā€ Sullivan told KSL-TV. ā€œI donā€™t care, like what side youā€™re on, you should just see it raw.ā€
Sullivan has not been charged with unlawful entry or any other charges that police say other people who entered the building face. His picture is not among those circulated by authorities of persons of interest in the incident. Sullivan said he was detained on Thursday night and questioned about what he saw during the storming of the Capitol. The Metropolitan Police Department didnā€™t respond to a request for comment.
Police said Thursday that 68 people had been arrested in the city, including 41 on Capitol grounds. Charges included unlawful entry and unlawful possession of a firearm, according to arrest data.
ā€œProtesters werenā€™t really, like, trying to burn anything down, they werenā€™t really trying to break anything, their main motive was to make it into the chambers,ā€ Sullivan told KUTV. ā€œThose protesters got really angry and busted through those officers really quickly, and yeah, you could really freely move around, you could go into any room and look out the window, so it was really surreal to see,ā€ he added.
Sullivan recounted being near the woman who was shot dead by a U.S. Capitol Police officer.
ā€œThere was a glass wall, and she, the woman, was the first person to actually try to get inside,ā€ Sullivan told KSL. ā€œAll you see is hands come out the doorways with their guns. ā€¦ You donā€™t see their face, nothing. And I literally yell at everybody else, ā€˜Thereā€™s a gun! Thereā€™s a gun! Donā€™t go in there!ā€™ And a shot goes off. And she gets shot as soon as she goes through.ā€
The U.S. Capitol Police said Thursday that one of its officers fired the shot that killed the woman, identified as Ashli Babbitt.

Hmm...., John Earle Sullivan, a self avowed BLM activist, who has advocated for an armed revolution on social media, was arrested in July 2020 for making a threat of violence and criminal mischief.
Indeed. According the the Quisling media he is obviously from the ā€˜Support Trumpā€™ branch of the #BLM.
Axtually, the headline should read BLM and Antifa lead the charge, that was previously approved by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist radicals in government, on the capitol building where the capitol police were ordered to stand down and allowed the charge to go forward.
The question remains, why isn't John Earle Sullivan an active BLM member from Utah been arrested with the others? Why is the media using Sullivan as a reliable source? Search for him on YouTube and you'll see him inciting rioters (and making threats against the President) last summer. Sullivan is responsible for many of the protests in Utah that occurred last summer. He was arrested for his involvement in a shooting in Provo during one of his protests.
BLM and Antifa mission accomplished....
As I wrote in another post, BLM/Antifa agents are like roaches... If there was one, there were most likely hundreds of them in the crowds of protesters on January 6th....
We know that the DCPD escorted six buses full of BLM/Antifa anarchists nto D.C.
OMIGOD! You found one!
Really! Give that guy a cookie. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Black Lives Matter activist took part in storming of Capitol

Black Lives Matter activist took part in storming of Capitol (
8 Jan 2021

A Black Lives Matter activist was part of the group that entered the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.
Article originally published at The Epoch Times.
John Earle Sullivan, who has advocated for an armed revolution on social media, was arrested in July 2020 for making a threat of violence and criminal mischief. He organized a protest with Black Lives Matter activists and members of the far-left Antifa network. According to the Deseret News, Sullivan damaged vehicles and urged people to block roadways. Video footage captured him threatening to beat a woman.
Photographs showed Sullivan inside the Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6. Sullivan has since given interviews claiming he took part in the illegal breach of the building as part of an effort to understand supporters of President Donald Trump.
ā€œFor me, itā€™s important from the group and the people around me to see that side of things, to see the truth,ā€ Sullivan told KSL-TV. ā€œI donā€™t care, like what side youā€™re on, you should just see it raw.ā€
Sullivan has not been charged with unlawful entry or any other charges that police say other people who entered the building face. His picture is not among those circulated by authorities of persons of interest in the incident. Sullivan said he was detained on Thursday night and questioned about what he saw during the storming of the Capitol. The Metropolitan Police Department didnā€™t respond to a request for comment.
Police said Thursday that 68 people had been arrested in the city, including 41 on Capitol grounds. Charges included unlawful entry and unlawful possession of a firearm, according to arrest data.
ā€œProtesters werenā€™t really, like, trying to burn anything down, they werenā€™t really trying to break anything, their main motive was to make it into the chambers,ā€ Sullivan told KUTV. ā€œThose protesters got really angry and busted through those officers really quickly, and yeah, you could really freely move around, you could go into any room and look out the window, so it was really surreal to see,ā€ he added.
Sullivan recounted being near the woman who was shot dead by a U.S. Capitol Police officer.
ā€œThere was a glass wall, and she, the woman, was the first person to actually try to get inside,ā€ Sullivan told KSL. ā€œAll you see is hands come out the doorways with their guns. ā€¦ You donā€™t see their face, nothing. And I literally yell at everybody else, ā€˜Thereā€™s a gun! Thereā€™s a gun! Donā€™t go in there!ā€™ And a shot goes off. And she gets shot as soon as she goes through.ā€
The U.S. Capitol Police said Thursday that one of its officers fired the shot that killed the woman, identified as Ashli Babbitt.

Hmm...., John Earle Sullivan, a self avowed BLM activist, who has advocated for an armed revolution on social media, was arrested in July 2020 for making a threat of violence and criminal mischief.
Indeed. According the the Quisling media he is obviously from the ā€˜Support Trumpā€™ branch of the #BLM.
Axtually, the headline should read BLM and Antifa lead the charge, that was previously approved by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist radicals in government, on the capitol building where the capitol police were ordered to stand down and allowed the charge to go forward.
The question remains, why isn't John Earle Sullivan an active BLM member from Utah been arrested with the others? Why is the media using Sullivan as a reliable source? Search for him on YouTube and you'll see him inciting rioters (and making threats against the President) last summer. Sullivan is responsible for many of the protests in Utah that occurred last summer. He was arrested for his involvement in a shooting in Provo during one of his protests.
BLM and Antifa mission accomplished....
As I wrote in another post, BLM/Antifa agents are like roaches... If there was one, there were most likely hundreds of them in the crowds of protesters on January 6th....
We know that the DCPD escorted six buses full of BLM/Antifa anarchists nto D.C.
howbout a fact check

What a crock of propaganda. That needs to be propaganda checked.
He verbally encourages the capitol infiltration ā€” of which he was a part ā€” but your ā€˜factā€™ checker doesnā€™t want to consider him culpable in breaching the capitol. What a load of horseshit!
Another fucking phony lefty USMB poster.
Black Lives Matter activist took part in storming of Capitol

Black Lives Matter activist took part in storming of Capitol (
8 Jan 2021

A Black Lives Matter activist was part of the group that entered the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.
Article originally published at The Epoch Times.
John Earle Sullivan, who has advocated for an armed revolution on social media, was arrested in July 2020 for making a threat of violence and criminal mischief. He organized a protest with Black Lives Matter activists and members of the far-left Antifa network. According to the Deseret News, Sullivan damaged vehicles and urged people to block roadways. Video footage captured him threatening to beat a woman.
Photographs showed Sullivan inside the Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6. Sullivan has since given interviews claiming he took part in the illegal breach of the building as part of an effort to understand supporters of President Donald Trump.
ā€œFor me, itā€™s important from the group and the people around me to see that side of things, to see the truth,ā€ Sullivan told KSL-TV. ā€œI donā€™t care, like what side youā€™re on, you should just see it raw.ā€
Sullivan has not been charged with unlawful entry or any other charges that police say other people who entered the building face. His picture is not among those circulated by authorities of persons of interest in the incident. Sullivan said he was detained on Thursday night and questioned about what he saw during the storming of the Capitol. The Metropolitan Police Department didnā€™t respond to a request for comment.
Police said Thursday that 68 people had been arrested in the city, including 41 on Capitol grounds. Charges included unlawful entry and unlawful possession of a firearm, according to arrest data.
ā€œProtesters werenā€™t really, like, trying to burn anything down, they werenā€™t really trying to break anything, their main motive was to make it into the chambers,ā€ Sullivan told KUTV. ā€œThose protesters got really angry and busted through those officers really quickly, and yeah, you could really freely move around, you could go into any room and look out the window, so it was really surreal to see,ā€ he added.
Sullivan recounted being near the woman who was shot dead by a U.S. Capitol Police officer.
ā€œThere was a glass wall, and she, the woman, was the first person to actually try to get inside,ā€ Sullivan told KSL. ā€œAll you see is hands come out the doorways with their guns. ā€¦ You donā€™t see their face, nothing. And I literally yell at everybody else, ā€˜Thereā€™s a gun! Thereā€™s a gun! Donā€™t go in there!ā€™ And a shot goes off. And she gets shot as soon as she goes through.ā€
The U.S. Capitol Police said Thursday that one of its officers fired the shot that killed the woman, identified as Ashli Babbitt.

Hmm...., John Earle Sullivan, a self avowed BLM activist, who has advocated for an armed revolution on social media, was arrested in July 2020 for making a threat of violence and criminal mischief.
Indeed. According the the Quisling media he is obviously from the ā€˜Support Trumpā€™ branch of the #BLM.
Axtually, the headline should read BLM and Antifa lead the charge, that was previously approved by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist radicals in government, on the capitol building where the capitol police were ordered to stand down and allowed the charge to go forward.
The question remains, why isn't John Earle Sullivan an active BLM member from Utah been arrested with the others? Why is the media using Sullivan as a reliable source? Search for him on YouTube and you'll see him inciting rioters (and making threats against the President) last summer. Sullivan is responsible for many of the protests in Utah that occurred last summer. He was arrested for his involvement in a shooting in Provo during one of his protests.
BLM and Antifa mission accomplished....
As I wrote in another post, BLM/Antifa agents are like roaches... If there was one, there were most likely hundreds of them in the crowds of protesters on January 6th....
We know that the DCPD escorted six buses full of BLM/Antifa anarchists nto D.C.
howbout a fact check

What a crock of propaganda. That needs to be propaganda checked.
He verbally encourages the capitol infiltration ā€” of which he was a part ā€” but your ā€˜factā€™ checker doesnā€™t want to consider him culpable in breaching the capitol. What a load of horseshit!
Another fucking phony lefty USMB poster.
In a Sept. 8 press briefing, FBI Assistant Director Steven Dā€™Antuono said the agency has "no indication" that antifa played a role.

which means you obviously havent read the fact check.
Black Lives Matter activist took part in storming of Capitol

Black Lives Matter activist took part in storming of Capitol (
8 Jan 2021

A Black Lives Matter activist was part of the group that entered the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.
Article originally published at The Epoch Times.
John Earle Sullivan, who has advocated for an armed revolution on social media, was arrested in July 2020 for making a threat of violence and criminal mischief. He organized a protest with Black Lives Matter activists and members of the far-left Antifa network. According to the Deseret News, Sullivan damaged vehicles and urged people to block roadways. Video footage captured him threatening to beat a woman.
Photographs showed Sullivan inside the Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6. Sullivan has since given interviews claiming he took part in the illegal breach of the building as part of an effort to understand supporters of President Donald Trump.
ā€œFor me, itā€™s important from the group and the people around me to see that side of things, to see the truth,ā€ Sullivan told KSL-TV. ā€œI donā€™t care, like what side youā€™re on, you should just see it raw.ā€
Sullivan has not been charged with unlawful entry or any other charges that police say other people who entered the building face. His picture is not among those circulated by authorities of persons of interest in the incident. Sullivan said he was detained on Thursday night and questioned about what he saw during the storming of the Capitol. The Metropolitan Police Department didnā€™t respond to a request for comment.
Police said Thursday that 68 people had been arrested in the city, including 41 on Capitol grounds. Charges included unlawful entry and unlawful possession of a firearm, according to arrest data.
ā€œProtesters werenā€™t really, like, trying to burn anything down, they werenā€™t really trying to break anything, their main motive was to make it into the chambers,ā€ Sullivan told KUTV. ā€œThose protesters got really angry and busted through those officers really quickly, and yeah, you could really freely move around, you could go into any room and look out the window, so it was really surreal to see,ā€ he added.
Sullivan recounted being near the woman who was shot dead by a U.S. Capitol Police officer.
ā€œThere was a glass wall, and she, the woman, was the first person to actually try to get inside,ā€ Sullivan told KSL. ā€œAll you see is hands come out the doorways with their guns. ā€¦ You donā€™t see their face, nothing. And I literally yell at everybody else, ā€˜Thereā€™s a gun! Thereā€™s a gun! Donā€™t go in there!ā€™ And a shot goes off. And she gets shot as soon as she goes through.ā€
The U.S. Capitol Police said Thursday that one of its officers fired the shot that killed the woman, identified as Ashli Babbitt.

Hmm...., John Earle Sullivan, a self avowed BLM activist, who has advocated for an armed revolution on social media, was arrested in July 2020 for making a threat of violence and criminal mischief.
Indeed. According the the Quisling media he is obviously from the ā€˜Support Trumpā€™ branch of the #BLM.
Axtually, the headline should read BLM and Antifa lead the charge, that was previously approved by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist radicals in government, on the capitol building where the capitol police were ordered to stand down and allowed the charge to go forward.
The question remains, why isn't John Earle Sullivan an active BLM member from Utah been arrested with the others? Why is the media using Sullivan as a reliable source? Search for him on YouTube and you'll see him inciting rioters (and making threats against the President) last summer. Sullivan is responsible for many of the protests in Utah that occurred last summer. He was arrested for his involvement in a shooting in Provo during one of his protests.
BLM and Antifa mission accomplished....
As I wrote in another post, BLM/Antifa agents are like roaches... If there was one, there were most likely hundreds of them in the crowds of protesters on January 6th....
We know that the DCPD escorted six buses full of BLM/Antifa anarchists nto D.C.
howbout a fact check

What a crock of propaganda. That needs to be propaganda checked.
He verbally encourages the capitol infiltration ā€” of which he was a part ā€” but your ā€˜factā€™ checker doesnā€™t want to consider him culpable in breaching the capitol. What a load of horseshit!
Another fucking phony lefty USMB poster.
In a Sept. 8 press briefing, FBI Assistant Director Steven Dā€™Antuono said the agency has "no indication" that antifa played a role.

which means you obviously havent read the fact check.
September 8? What are you talking about?
Why do you waste space with these tomes? These stories have already been numerous outlets.

Sullivan has not been charged with unlawful entry or any other charges that police say other people who entered the building face.
thats proof you need better sources,, cause the guy did an interview admitting he was there,,,
Does spreading the blame make it easy to avoid the blame?
Why do you waste space with these tomes? These stories have already been numerous outlets.

Sullivan has not been charged with unlawful entry or any other charges that police say other people who entered the building face.
thats proof you need better sources,, cause the guy did an interview admitting he was there,,,
Does spreading the blame make it easy to avoid the blame?
what blame am I trying to ignore??
Why do you waste space with these tomes? These stories have already been numerous outlets.

Sullivan has not been charged with unlawful entry or any other charges that police say other people who entered the building face.
Of course he wasn't charged------------------he is a leftist foot tool--BLM so he and the antifa dudes won't be arrested...and in fact video of them is being removed as we speak I do believe.
Why do you waste space with these tomes? These stories have already been numerous outlets.

Sullivan has not been charged with unlawful entry or any other charges that police say other people who entered the building face.

No, they haven't. Little propagandist you can spew your crap but we all KNOW, you are full of shit.

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