Blast clues may signal end to decade of foiled jet-bomb plots


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
For all we know, a passenger could somehow have smuggled a bomb on the plane (you know how these people have no problem killing themselves to get to "Paradise") or it could have been one of the workers on the ground who placed a bomb on the plane. I guess we will have to wait for the final results of any investigation to see how this occurred.


Blast clues may signal end to decade of foiled jet-bomb plots

If proven, a bombing would renew focus on security risks at airport checkpoints

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    In this Russian Emergency Situations Ministry photo, made available on Monday, Nov. 2, 2015 Egyptian soldiersImage Credit: AP
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    A supporter (C) welcoming the expected visit of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi holds a placard readinImage Credit: AFP
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Published: 03:51 November 6, 2015
By Julie Johnsson, Washington Post
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Washington: For more than a decade, terrorists tried and failed to bring down jetliners with explosives in carry-on liquids, in air freight and even in their underwear.

That interlude may be over as US and British officials cite growing suspicions that a bomb destroyed a Russian airliner over Egypt on Saturday. It’s a reminder, security specialists say, that despite tighter and more invasive passenger screening, a determined attacker can still smuggle in a device capable of blowing a plane out of the sky.

“I’ve been worrying about this,” said Hans Weber, president of aviation consultant Tecop International Inc. While airport X- ray systems can differentiate between metal and organic material, inspectors must still find other clues such as detonators and wires, making it difficult “to prevent anybody from taking an explosive on board in his carry-on luggage.”

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Blast clues may signal end to decade of foiled jet-bomb plots

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