Blackwater: Representative of Corrrupt US Corporations?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Is Blackwater representative of Corrupt US corporations...the
corporations the conservative, GOP led, appointed Supreme Court has recently handed a green light to soil the electoral politics of the USA?

Is Blackwater (they changed their name to protect the guilty) not a corrupt US corp? Is it a corrupt multinational corp?

If Blackwater is a corrupt multinational corp, will it be allowed to further it's corrupt corporate culture by further corrupting the American electoral process?

Or do you think Blackwater is not corrupt? Maybe they are innocen of corruption in Iraq and at home. Maybe they are an example of the pride and joy of the American free market?

Maybe we as Americans should be proud of Blackwater and the GOP led Supreme Court and thank the good lord that they can bring America back to the good old days when the Business of America was truly American Businesses.

God Bless the Corrupt GOP Led Supreme Court of the United States of America.

WASHINGTON - The Justice Department is investigating whether officials of Blackwater Worldwide tried to bribe Iraqi government officials in hopes of retaining the firm's security work in Iraq after a deadly shooting episode in 2007, according to current and former government officials.
Are you serious? Not only did these goons mow down innocent civilians, but they got caught taking bribes. I would say that most of the "security" companies that sprang up like mushrooms after 9-11 were/are corrupt.
Xe then.

since Xe is an individual now, can't we just put him on the no fly list and such?
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Whats Blackwater? No such corporation.:confused:

Blackwater Worldwide was an incorporated entity. Can they not be sued because they changed their name?

btw, I mentioned (reading not your strong suit?) that Blackwater changed their name.
Is Blackwater (they changed their name to protect the guilty) not a corrupt US corp?

What exactly makes a corporation corrupt? I mean since you people have been arguing for the past two weeks or so that corporations aren't people (which still has nothing to do with the Citizens United ruling). So how on earth can an organizational concept have human qualities?
...god bless the corrupt gop led supreme court of the united states of america.
washington - the justice department is investigating whether officials of blackwater worldwide tried to bribe iraqi government officials in hopes of retaining the firm's security work in iraq after a deadly shooting episode in 2007, according to current and former government officials.

Blackwater is where the sociopathic personalities we train in our military go to cash in on their black arts.

It exists because we allow it to exist.

I believe that it has moved its HQ out of the country just in case Congress grows a set of balls and sets out to rein it in.

Mercenaries start our as tools of governments, but once unleashed, they become laws unto themselves.
I believe that too much of the DoD monies have been diverted to security firms and other contractors. It used to be that the military was able to handle the mission at hand, now with all of the cuts that have taken place, it has almost been required to hire outside help. A quick way to change this trend would be to increase the size of our military security forces. Pull our troops out of countries like Germany, and Japan, and use those tropps to fill the role that is currently being filled by companies like blackwater (Xe).

Another way to change things around is for much more government oversight. A requirement that these contract troops fall under USMJ law when in foreign countries and fallinto the military chain of command. If these companies do not like it, do not sign the multi million dollar contracts anymore.

Mercs will always have a role, it has just gotten too big for them. They need to be brought down a few pegs. I say call in Jack Bauer to take care of them.


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