Blacks Deserve Better Than Biden

If need to give training courses (either book learning or on the job training), then so be it, but never use identity politics again when advancing our citizens in society. It doesn't work.

Interesting. In your next post you state that brainwashing should be a crime but in this post you propose brainwashing.

I hate identity politics. We should quit using identity politics just as soon as people are no longer being killed, and their killers defended, based on identity.
Really dude ? You equate education with brainwashing ? Rotflmbo.

Follow me now, there is brainwashing that uses all sorts of methods to get the job done, otherwise to carry the poisonous message into the mind.

Education can be one of them ways for sure, otherwise if the system is highjacked, and the message is packaged into something (a vehicle of sorts), that deceives the mind when it is received after being carried into the mind by a highjacked platform that can no longer be trusted..

So what is brainwashing? Government educating you with the truth they want you to believe instead of the truth you want to believe. It's brainwashing, plain and simple. Whether or not you or I agree with the message of the brainwashing, when the government is delivering the facts as they want you to have them, that's brainwashing.

When our children are educated to believe that the Founding Fathers are evil, that's brainwashing. When our children are educated to believe that the 2nd Amendment doesn't apply today, that's brainwashing. When our children are trained on how to have sex while in single-digit ages, that's brainwashing. Those are all samples of brainwashing about which I disagree with the message. When the government educates our children to not be racist, that's brainwashing even though I do agree with the message. Government education about morals, ethics, right and wrong, is brainwashing.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.
For an ex military guy, you just don’t get it. We always get what we deserve. How do you not know that Trump is the effect and not the cause? It’s people like you that ruin this country. Honestly. The stupidity is mind boggling. When you give the voter essentially two choices year after year and the middle class get thrashed and the military gets exploited, the voter base revolts. For a 65-year old man you possess less wisdom than my 12-yr old.
Azog, its just figure of speech. Settle down. Don't try to beat on my ass at 10:00 at night over some trivial crap like that. I assure you I understand young man. I did my part to do it right. I did not get tied to a party. I oppose pollution. I may drive SUVs but they aren't gas guzzlers. I recycle. I separate my trash. I don't vote for know proven crooks, liars and con men. I stood ready to face little Vonnie Vonnovitch and the soviet midget tank army for your daddy. Hell, I've never even had a social disease. You should have seen the mess we got back in the 70s. Cut me some slack, dude.
I cannot because you don’t see the real problem. And because of that we got someone in the White House you don’t approve of. Would not have been a need if the two prior dolts weren’t elected. Neither Bush nor Obama deserved to be President and certainly not for a combined 16 yrs. I am not sure who was worse, probably Bush but in the end we need a cleaner and Trump is it. Maybe we don’t need Trump but giving me the other option of that crooked witch, HRC wasn’t going to cut it. Especially after she shrugged off the deaths of my fellow countrymen in Benghazi.

You may not like Trumps rhetoric but the alternative would have been 10x worse. Our young people have no fucking respect for authority. What does burning private businesses have to do with bad police officers. Notice how riots take place in cities run by Leftists. Coincidence?
Heck, vote for him. I don't care. I would vote for him with dead Democrat's vote, so he certainly won't get mine. I don't blame Reps for voting him the first time as he was running against HRC. Totally understandable. I do blame them for supporting him no matter what he pulls, lies about, incompetently hire/fires, strong arms, the enemies he supports, the friends he does not and the division of the country he encourages. I understand you don't get it. The man is nothing but bad character. Politicians ain't saints, but jeesh, most of the adults have never seen anyone of his low character and feel he is leading the country toward a tipping point of pure corruption that could make this country of the people, by the people and for the people parish from the earth. They know that character counts. You can't build a house on lies, even if you are a crooked fat man, looking to get fatter.
Unbelievable that someone can talk to you till their blue in the face, and you still don't get it.

Your TDS is off the chain.
I have given the trumper faithful true reasons why I think him a sleaze, unfit for office. Mostly not denied, but just continued justifications of they were being ignored, we didn't want a saint, other republicans where rhinos, what he said is not what he meant, he is innocent because people would have never heard if someone else had not done an illegal investigation, he was joking, you just don't understand how the super wealthy think, he would not have been caught if so and so had not ratted him out, the media just doesn't like him as they fact check every thing he says more than any other president, etc, etc, etc, and of course like yours the famous fabled derangement syndrome and the Oh, but Hillary response.
The two sleazes didn't get my vote last time and he will not get it this time. Character counts.
It’s RINOs and your post is lie. I like Trump because he is pro business and pro military. He calls it like it is and he smashed the PC crowd. If you’re going to speak then speak the truth. Don’t be like Adam Schiff.
Only pays lip service to military. Not sure which of those excuses for him you think has not been on the very board by trump supporters. You are falling into the thing at if you do not like it, it is fake news or a lie. Sad for you.
Not only did Obama play lip service to the military, but he attempted to cover for the real enemy when our soldier's were dying or had died in some situation's... Unbelievable. Remember the border patrol agent killed with the weapons of fast and furious, Bengazi, when he worried more about a beard being allowed for the Ft.Hood killer, worried about water boarding, stripped the budgets to the bone, never fixed the VA problem, pardoned enemies of this country etc ?? Now compare Trump's record on the military again ? No ? I thought not.
And that means what, exactly now that trump is pres for over 3 years? Let me get this straight. You did not like Obama, as you do not feel he supported the military so you went and found this goof who doesn't support the military? What do you have against the military?
Spin like your king Obummer Hussein. He was the worst, and his bullcrap is showing big time in the negative for this country. The blacks would have done way on better with a conservative black president like Herman Caine etc, than a president like Obama.
Dang, dude. You got it baaaad. Obama is gone. Trump has been here about 3-1/2 years. Trump is the one who doesn't like the military now. Look at it like this. If I said I liked you and I was your friend, but slapped the $hit out of you anytime I got behind you where you didn't see me coming, but kept on proclaiming my friendship. You would think I was a pretty $hitty friend, right? You would be correct. Friends like that, you do not need because they are not friends. Focus on the problem of the present. You cannot change the past and after 3-1/2 years it doesn't matter. The Commander of the relief has accepted the battle hand-off and is responsible for all operations within the sector.
You sit here and defend Obama's presidency, after all that you see now in which is a result of that failed presidency ?? No you got it bad dude. TDS is real.
Don't start a bunch of lies. Quote me where I defended Obama or admit your mistake like a man.
Ok, do you or did you support the Obama presidency ???
If I haven't supported him on the board why are you looking for trouble, just because I don't think much of trump and don't mind saying why? It is not the same. When Bush tanked the economy my branch of a Nation wide company closed it's operation here. No prob. I went on vacation. Stock market took a huge hit while I was on a beach and didn't even know I had lost a huge amount in my just barely prior to retirement years. I knew it was a bubble caused by lack of regulation that even allowed the banks to speculate in derivatives. I knew the republican loved and favored a free and easy economy and presided over it for the 8 years prior. Bush could not run again. It looked like they turned off the lights after having a good time at the party and took the party favors on the way out the door. Damn straight I vote for Obama and I do not regret it. Low an behold it stabilized and started to rise and continued to slowly rise. Obviously I took some lucrative work and stabalized MY finances. He did ME no harm and the Republicans almost sank us right before retirement. Don't cry and moan to me about Obama, cause I don't care. The big guys got paid back. We paid my own way the way as we always have and as we are doing now in retirement. He not one of my favorites Presidents, but he didn't kill a bunch of my brothers in arms over a bullshit Iraq war we still haven't gotten out of and he got the work environment back into production so I didn't lose anything else and gained back some of my losses. You think he is significant now. I know he is not. I also know the jerk in the White House now is far more dangerous and I will vote to get him out. You do what you want to do. If you wish to play the "but Obama" game with me, forget it!
I answered fairly honestly and with a level head, which I suspect is more than you deserved since you are still stuck in the past. If I have to deal with your Obama crap again, I will put you on IGNORE and never read another opinion you have on anything. If you want to lobby for trump I have no problem with that.
Ok, so you supported Obama for financial purposes, so you did support him.

That was your right, but don't accuse Trump of anything that Obama did himself or would do himself, and also for what ever reason they do it or did it as leaders of the nation, because it makes you look biased for what ever reason that might be. Hey, any leader that is elected will not be perfect, so all we can do is to take the percentage of good that they do, and deduct that from the bad that they do, and let the chips fall where they may. Many white people voted for Obama because they wanted to see a black man reach the top finally, but the Democrat party destroyed their vote by using Obama to usher in many bad things that they wouldn't have voted for, otherwise if they knew Obama wasn't going to resist such bullcrap coming from within his party like that. Obama also decided to overlook their vote and it's meaning, because he quickly went into activist mode where as he used his power to fuel his agenda that had nothing to do with the votes in which they had given him.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.
For an ex military guy, you just don’t get it. We always get what we deserve. How do you not know that Trump is the effect and not the cause? It’s people like you that ruin this country. Honestly. The stupidity is mind boggling. When you give the voter essentially two choices year after year and the middle class get thrashed and the military gets exploited, the voter base revolts. For a 65-year old man you possess less wisdom than my 12-yr old.
Azog, its just figure of speech. Settle down. Don't try to beat on my ass at 10:00 at night over some trivial crap like that. I assure you I understand young man. I did my part to do it right. I did not get tied to a party. I oppose pollution. I may drive SUVs but they aren't gas guzzlers. I recycle. I separate my trash. I don't vote for know proven crooks, liars and con men. I stood ready to face little Vonnie Vonnovitch and the soviet midget tank army for your daddy. Hell, I've never even had a social disease. You should have seen the mess we got back in the 70s. Cut me some slack, dude.
I cannot because you don’t see the real problem. And because of that we got someone in the White House you don’t approve of. Would not have been a need if the two prior dolts weren’t elected. Neither Bush nor Obama deserved to be President and certainly not for a combined 16 yrs. I am not sure who was worse, probably Bush but in the end we need a cleaner and Trump is it. Maybe we don’t need Trump but giving me the other option of that crooked witch, HRC wasn’t going to cut it. Especially after she shrugged off the deaths of my fellow countrymen in Benghazi.

You may not like Trumps rhetoric but the alternative would have been 10x worse. Our young people have no fucking respect for authority. What does burning private businesses have to do with bad police officers. Notice how riots take place in cities run by Leftists. Coincidence?
Heck, vote for him. I don't care. I would vote for him with dead Democrat's vote, so he certainly won't get mine. I don't blame Reps for voting him the first time as he was running against HRC. Totally understandable. I do blame them for supporting him no matter what he pulls, lies about, incompetently hire/fires, strong arms, the enemies he supports, the friends he does not and the division of the country he encourages. I understand you don't get it. The man is nothing but bad character. Politicians ain't saints, but jeesh, most of the adults have never seen anyone of his low character and feel he is leading the country toward a tipping point of pure corruption that could make this country of the people, by the people and for the people parish from the earth. They know that character counts. You can't build a house on lies, even if you are a crooked fat man, looking to get fatter.
Unbelievable that someone can talk to you till their blue in the face, and you still don't get it.

Your TDS is off the chain.
I have given the trumper faithful true reasons why I think him a sleaze, unfit for office. Mostly not denied, but just continued justifications of they were being ignored, we didn't want a saint, other republicans where rhinos, what he said is not what he meant, he is innocent because people would have never heard if someone else had not done an illegal investigation, he was joking, you just don't understand how the super wealthy think, he would not have been caught if so and so had not ratted him out, the media just doesn't like him as they fact check every thing he says more than any other president, etc, etc, etc, and of course like yours the famous fabled derangement syndrome and the Oh, but Hillary response.
The two sleazes didn't get my vote last time and he will not get it this time. Character counts.
It’s RINOs and your post is lie. I like Trump because he is pro business and pro military. He calls it like it is and he smashed the PC crowd. If you’re going to speak then speak the truth. Don’t be like Adam Schiff.
Only pays lip service to military. Not sure which of those excuses for him you think has not been on the very board by trump supporters. You are falling into the thing at if you do not like it, it is fake news or a lie. Sad for you.
Not only did Obama play lip service to the military, but he attempted to cover for the real enemy when our soldier's were dying or had died in some situation's... Unbelievable. Remember the border patrol agent killed with the weapons of fast and furious, Bengazi, when he worried more about a beard being allowed for the Ft.Hood killer, worried about water boarding, stripped the budgets to the bone, never fixed the VA problem, pardoned enemies of this country etc ?? Now compare Trump's record on the military again ? No ? I thought not.
And that means what, exactly now that trump is pres for over 3 years? Let me get this straight. You did not like Obama, as you do not feel he supported the military so you went and found this goof who doesn't support the military? What do you have against the military?
Spin like your king Obummer Hussein. He was the worst, and his bullcrap is showing big time in the negative for this country. The blacks would have done way on better with a conservative black president like Herman Caine etc, than a president like Obama.
Dang, dude. You got it baaaad. Obama is gone. Trump has been here about 3-1/2 years. Trump is the one who doesn't like the military now. Look at it like this. If I said I liked you and I was your friend, but slapped the $hit out of you anytime I got behind you where you didn't see me coming, but kept on proclaiming my friendship. You would think I was a pretty $hitty friend, right? You would be correct. Friends like that, you do not need because they are not friends. Focus on the problem of the present. You cannot change the past and after 3-1/2 years it doesn't matter. The Commander of the relief has accepted the battle hand-off and is responsible for all operations within the sector.
You sit here and defend Obama's presidency, after all that you see now in which is a result of that failed presidency ?? No you got it bad dude. TDS is real.
Don't start a bunch of lies. Quote me where I defended Obama or admit your mistake like a man.
Ok, do you or did you support the Obama presidency ???
If I haven't supported him on the board why are you looking for trouble, just because I don't think much of trump and don't mind saying why? It is not the same. When Bush tanked the economy my branch of a Nation wide company closed it's operation here. No prob. I went on vacation. Stock market took a huge hit while I was on a beach and didn't even know I had lost a huge amount in my just barely prior to retirement years. I knew it was a bubble caused by lack of regulation that even allowed the banks to speculate in derivatives. I knew the republican loved and favored a free and easy economy and presided over it for the 8 years prior. Bush could not run again. It looked like they turned off the lights after having a good time at the party and took the party favors on the way out the door. Damn straight I vote for Obama and I do not regret it. Low an behold it stabilized and started to rise and continued to slowly rise. Obviously I took some lucrative work and stabalized MY finances. He did ME no harm and the Republicans almost sank us right before retirement. Don't cry and moan to me about Obama, cause I don't care. The big guys got paid back. We paid my own way the way as we always have and as we are doing now in retirement. He not one of my favorites Presidents, but he didn't kill a bunch of my brothers in arms over a bullshit Iraq war we still haven't gotten out of and he got the work environment back into production so I didn't lose anything else and gained back some of my losses. You think he is significant now. I know he is not. I also know the jerk in the White House now is far more dangerous and I will vote to get him out. You do what you want to do. If you wish to play the "but Obama" game with me, forget it!
I answered fairly honestly and with a level head, which I suspect is more than you deserved since you are still stuck in the past. If I have to deal with your Obama crap again, I will put you on IGNORE and never read another opinion you have on anything. If you want to lobby for trump I have no problem with that.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.
For an ex military guy, you just don’t get it. We always get what we deserve. How do you not know that Trump is the effect and not the cause? It’s people like you that ruin this country. Honestly. The stupidity is mind boggling. When you give the voter essentially two choices year after year and the middle class get thrashed and the military gets exploited, the voter base revolts. For a 65-year old man you possess less wisdom than my 12-yr old.
Azog, its just figure of speech. Settle down. Don't try to beat on my ass at 10:00 at night over some trivial crap like that. I assure you I understand young man. I did my part to do it right. I did not get tied to a party. I oppose pollution. I may drive SUVs but they aren't gas guzzlers. I recycle. I separate my trash. I don't vote for know proven crooks, liars and con men. I stood ready to face little Vonnie Vonnovitch and the soviet midget tank army for your daddy. Hell, I've never even had a social disease. You should have seen the mess we got back in the 70s. Cut me some slack, dude.
I cannot because you don’t see the real problem. And because of that we got someone in the White House you don’t approve of. Would not have been a need if the two prior dolts weren’t elected. Neither Bush nor Obama deserved to be President and certainly not for a combined 16 yrs. I am not sure who was worse, probably Bush but in the end we need a cleaner and Trump is it. Maybe we don’t need Trump but giving me the other option of that crooked witch, HRC wasn’t going to cut it. Especially after she shrugged off the deaths of my fellow countrymen in Benghazi.

You may not like Trumps rhetoric but the alternative would have been 10x worse. Our young people have no fucking respect for authority. What does burning private businesses have to do with bad police officers. Notice how riots take place in cities run by Leftists. Coincidence?
Heck, vote for him. I don't care. I would vote for him with dead Democrat's vote, so he certainly won't get mine. I don't blame Reps for voting him the first time as he was running against HRC. Totally understandable. I do blame them for supporting him no matter what he pulls, lies about, incompetently hire/fires, strong arms, the enemies he supports, the friends he does not and the division of the country he encourages. I understand you don't get it. The man is nothing but bad character. Politicians ain't saints, but jeesh, most of the adults have never seen anyone of his low character and feel he is leading the country toward a tipping point of pure corruption that could make this country of the people, by the people and for the people parish from the earth. They know that character counts. You can't build a house on lies, even if you are a crooked fat man, looking to get fatter.
Unbelievable that someone can talk to you till their blue in the face, and you still don't get it.

Your TDS is off the chain.
I have given the trumper faithful true reasons why I think him a sleaze, unfit for office. Mostly not denied, but just continued justifications of they were being ignored, we didn't want a saint, other republicans where rhinos, what he said is not what he meant, he is innocent because people would have never heard if someone else had not done an illegal investigation, he was joking, you just don't understand how the super wealthy think, he would not have been caught if so and so had not ratted him out, the media just doesn't like him as they fact check every thing he says more than any other president, etc, etc, etc, and of course like yours the famous fabled derangement syndrome and the Oh, but Hillary response.
The two sleazes didn't get my vote last time and he will not get it this time. Character counts.
It’s RINOs and your post is lie. I like Trump because he is pro business and pro military. He calls it like it is and he smashed the PC crowd. If you’re going to speak then speak the truth. Don’t be like Adam Schiff.
Only pays lip service to military. Not sure which of those excuses for him you think has not been on the very board by trump supporters. You are falling into the thing at if you do not like it, it is fake news or a lie. Sad for you.
Not only did Obama play lip service to the military, but he attempted to cover for the real enemy when our soldier's were dying or had died in some situation's... Unbelievable. Remember the border patrol agent killed with the weapons of fast and furious, Bengazi, when he worried more about a beard being allowed for the Ft.Hood killer, worried about water boarding, stripped the budgets to the bone, never fixed the VA problem, pardoned enemies of this country etc ?? Now compare Trump's record on the military again ? No ? I thought not.
And that means what, exactly now that trump is pres for over 3 years? Let me get this straight. You did not like Obama, as you do not feel he supported the military so you went and found this goof who doesn't support the military? What do you have against the military?
Spin like your king Obummer Hussein. He was the worst, and his bullcrap is showing big time in the negative for this country. The blacks would have done way on better with a conservative black president like Herman Caine etc, than a president like Obama.
Dang, dude. You got it baaaad. Obama is gone. Trump has been here about 3-1/2 years. Trump is the one who doesn't like the military now. Look at it like this. If I said I liked you and I was your friend, but slapped the $hit out of you anytime I got behind you where you didn't see me coming, but kept on proclaiming my friendship. You would think I was a pretty $hitty friend, right? You would be correct. Friends like that, you do not need because they are not friends. Focus on the problem of the present. You cannot change the past and after 3-1/2 years it doesn't matter. The Commander of the relief has accepted the battle hand-off and is responsible for all operations within the sector.
You sit here and defend Obama's presidency, after all that you see now in which is a result of that failed presidency ?? No you got it bad dude. TDS is real.
Don't start a bunch of lies. Quote me where I defended Obama or admit your mistake like a man.
Ok, do you or did you support the Obama presidency ???
If I haven't supported him on the board why are you looking for trouble, just because I don't think much of trump and don't mind saying why? It is not the same. When Bush tanked the economy my branch of a Nation wide company closed it's operation here. No prob. I went on vacation. Stock market took a huge hit while I was on a beach and didn't even know I had lost a huge amount in my just barely prior to retirement years. I knew it was a bubble caused by lack of regulation that even allowed the banks to speculate in derivatives. I knew the republican loved and favored a free and easy economy and presided over it for the 8 years prior. Bush could not run again. It looked like they turned off the lights after having a good time at the party and took the party favors on the way out the door. Damn straight I vote for Obama and I do not regret it. Low an behold it stabilized and started to rise and continued to slowly rise. Obviously I took some lucrative work and stabalized MY finances. He did ME no harm and the Republicans almost sank us right before retirement. Don't cry and moan to me about Obama, cause I don't care. The big guys got paid back. We paid my own way the way as we always have and as we are doing now in retirement. He not one of my favorites Presidents, but he didn't kill a bunch of my brothers in arms over a bullshit Iraq war we still haven't gotten out of and he got the work environment back into production so I didn't lose anything else and gained back some of my losses. You think he is significant now. I know he is not. I also know the jerk in the White House now is far more dangerous and I will vote to get him out. You do what you want to do. If you wish to play the "but Obama" game with me, forget it!
I answered fairly honestly and with a level head, which I suspect is more than you deserved since you are still stuck in the past. If I have to deal with your Obama crap again, I will put you on IGNORE and never read another opinion you have on anything. If you want to lobby for trump I have no problem with that.
Ok, so you supported Obama for financial purposes, so you did support him.

That was your right, but don't accuse Trump of anything that Obama did himself or would do himself, and also for what ever reason they do it or did it as leaders of the nation, because it makes you look biased for what ever reason that might be. Hey, any leader that is elected will not be perfect, so all we can do is to take the percentage of good that they do, and deduct that from the bad that they do, and let the chips fall where they may. Many white people voted for Obama because they wanted to see a black man reach the top finally, but the Democrat party destroyed their vote by using Obama to usher in many bad things that they wouldn't have voted for, otherwise if they knew Obama wasn't going to resist such bullcrap coming from within his party like that. Obama also decided to overlook their vote and it's meaning, because he quickly went into activist mode where as he used his power to fuel his agenda that had nothing to do with the votes in which they had given him.
If need to give training courses (either book learning or on the job training), then so be it, but never use identity politics again when advancing our citizens in society. It doesn't work.

Interesting. In your next post you state that brainwashing should be a crime but in this post you propose brainwashing.

I hate identity politics. We should quit using identity politics just as soon as people are no longer being killed, and their killers defended, based on identity.
Really dude ? You equate education with brainwashing ? Rotflmbo.

Follow me now, there is brainwashing that uses all sorts of methods to get the job done, otherwise to carry the poisonous message into the mind.

Education can be one of them ways for sure, otherwise if the system is highjacked, and the message is packaged into something (a vehicle of sorts), that deceives the mind when it is received after being carried into the mind by a highjacked platform that can no longer be trusted..

So what is brainwashing? Government educating you with the truth they want you to believe instead of the truth you want to believe. It's brainwashing, plain and simple. Whether or not you or I agree with the message of the brainwashing, when the government is delivering the facts as they want you to have them, that's brainwashing.

When our children are educated to believe that the Founding Fathers are evil, that's brainwashing. When our children are educated to believe that the 2nd Amendment doesn't apply today, that's brainwashing. When our children are trained on how to have sex while in single-digit ages, that's brainwashing. Those are all samples of brainwashing about which I disagree with the message. When the government educates our children to not be racist, that's brainwashing even though I do agree with the message. Government education about morals, ethics, right and wrong, is brainwashing.
Agree, but only if the message is highjacked does any of it become brainwashing. Our problem today is that the highjackers are winning, and doing so because they have sought out government positions in order to use government power to beat the voters into submission. The voters not being allowed to vote on everything that our government does, otherwise in regards to domestic issues has got to change.
If need to give training courses (either book learning or on the job training), then so be it, but never use identity politics again when advancing our citizens in society. It doesn't work.

Interesting. In your next post you state that brainwashing should be a crime but in this post you propose brainwashing.

I hate identity politics. We should quit using identity politics just as soon as people are no longer being killed, and their killers defended, based on identity.
Really dude ? You equate education with brainwashing ? Rotflmbo.

Follow me now, there is brainwashing that uses all sorts of methods to get the job done, otherwise to carry the poisonous message into the mind.

Education can be one of them ways for sure, otherwise if the system is highjacked, and the message is packaged into something (a vehicle of sorts), that deceives the mind when it is received after being carried into the mind by a highjacked platform that can no longer be trusted..

So what is brainwashing? Government educating you with the truth they want you to believe instead of the truth you want to believe. It's brainwashing, plain and simple. Whether or not you or I agree with the message of the brainwashing, when the government is delivering the facts as they want you to have them, that's brainwashing.

When our children are educated to believe that the Founding Fathers are evil, that's brainwashing. When our children are educated to believe that the 2nd Amendment doesn't apply today, that's brainwashing. When our children are trained on how to have sex while in single-digit ages, that's brainwashing. Those are all samples of brainwashing about which I disagree with the message. When the government educates our children to not be racist, that's brainwashing even though I do agree with the message. Government education about morals, ethics, right and wrong, is brainwashing.

It's more than government, it's an ongoing process by their subsidiaries.

Government and unions own most of the primary education.
Advanced education mostly left wing or radical left wing.
Hollywood and television mostly left wing.
Major news outlets mostly left wing.
Virtually all major social media, totally left wing.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.
For an ex military guy, you just don’t get it. We always get what we deserve. How do you not know that Trump is the effect and not the cause? It’s people like you that ruin this country. Honestly. The stupidity is mind boggling. When you give the voter essentially two choices year after year and the middle class get thrashed and the military gets exploited, the voter base revolts. For a 65-year old man you possess less wisdom than my 12-yr old.
Azog, its just figure of speech. Settle down. Don't try to beat on my ass at 10:00 at night over some trivial crap like that. I assure you I understand young man. I did my part to do it right. I did not get tied to a party. I oppose pollution. I may drive SUVs but they aren't gas guzzlers. I recycle. I separate my trash. I don't vote for know proven crooks, liars and con men. I stood ready to face little Vonnie Vonnovitch and the soviet midget tank army for your daddy. Hell, I've never even had a social disease. You should have seen the mess we got back in the 70s. Cut me some slack, dude.
I cannot because you don’t see the real problem. And because of that we got someone in the White House you don’t approve of. Would not have been a need if the two prior dolts weren’t elected. Neither Bush nor Obama deserved to be President and certainly not for a combined 16 yrs. I am not sure who was worse, probably Bush but in the end we need a cleaner and Trump is it. Maybe we don’t need Trump but giving me the other option of that crooked witch, HRC wasn’t going to cut it. Especially after she shrugged off the deaths of my fellow countrymen in Benghazi.

You may not like Trumps rhetoric but the alternative would have been 10x worse. Our young people have no fucking respect for authority. What does burning private businesses have to do with bad police officers. Notice how riots take place in cities run by Leftists. Coincidence?
Heck, vote for him. I don't care. I would vote for him with dead Democrat's vote, so he certainly won't get mine. I don't blame Reps for voting him the first time as he was running against HRC. Totally understandable. I do blame them for supporting him no matter what he pulls, lies about, incompetently hire/fires, strong arms, the enemies he supports, the friends he does not and the division of the country he encourages. I understand you don't get it. The man is nothing but bad character. Politicians ain't saints, but jeesh, most of the adults have never seen anyone of his low character and feel he is leading the country toward a tipping point of pure corruption that could make this country of the people, by the people and for the people parish from the earth. They know that character counts. You can't build a house on lies, even if you are a crooked fat man, looking to get fatter.
Unbelievable that someone can talk to you till their blue in the face, and you still don't get it.

Your TDS is off the chain.
I have given the trumper faithful true reasons why I think him a sleaze, unfit for office. Mostly not denied, but just continued justifications of they were being ignored, we didn't want a saint, other republicans where rhinos, what he said is not what he meant, he is innocent because people would have never heard if someone else had not done an illegal investigation, he was joking, you just don't understand how the super wealthy think, he would not have been caught if so and so had not ratted him out, the media just doesn't like him as they fact check every thing he says more than any other president, etc, etc, etc, and of course like yours the famous fabled derangement syndrome and the Oh, but Hillary response.
The two sleazes didn't get my vote last time and he will not get it this time. Character counts.
It’s RINOs and your post is lie. I like Trump because he is pro business and pro military. He calls it like it is and he smashed the PC crowd. If you’re going to speak then speak the truth. Don’t be like Adam Schiff.
Only pays lip service to military. Not sure which of those excuses for him you think has not been on the very board by trump supporters. You are falling into the thing at if you do not like it, it is fake news or a lie. Sad for you.
Not only did Obama play lip service to the military, but he attempted to cover for the real enemy when our soldier's were dying or had died in some situation's... Unbelievable. Remember the border patrol agent killed with the weapons of fast and furious, Bengazi, when he worried more about a beard being allowed for the Ft.Hood killer, worried about water boarding, stripped the budgets to the bone, never fixed the VA problem, pardoned enemies of this country etc ?? Now compare Trump's record on the military again ? No ? I thought not.
And that means what, exactly now that trump is pres for over 3 years? Let me get this straight. You did not like Obama, as you do not feel he supported the military so you went and found this goof who doesn't support the military? What do you have against the military?
Spin like your king Obummer Hussein. He was the worst, and his bullcrap is showing big time in the negative for this country. The blacks would have done way on better with a conservative black president like Herman Caine etc, than a president like Obama.
Dang, dude. You got it baaaad. Obama is gone. Trump has been here about 3-1/2 years. Trump is the one who doesn't like the military now. Look at it like this. If I said I liked you and I was your friend, but slapped the $hit out of you anytime I got behind you where you didn't see me coming, but kept on proclaiming my friendship. You would think I was a pretty $hitty friend, right? You would be correct. Friends like that, you do not need because they are not friends. Focus on the problem of the present. You cannot change the past and after 3-1/2 years it doesn't matter. The Commander of the relief has accepted the battle hand-off and is responsible for all operations within the sector.
You sit here and defend Obama's presidency, after all that you see now in which is a result of that failed presidency ?? No you got it bad dude. TDS is real.
Don't start a bunch of lies. Quote me where I defended Obama or admit your mistake like a man.
Ok, do you or did you support the Obama presidency ???
If I haven't supported him on the board why are you looking for trouble, just because I don't think much of trump and don't mind saying why? It is not the same. When Bush tanked the economy my branch of a Nation wide company closed it's operation here. No prob. I went on vacation. Stock market took a huge hit while I was on a beach and didn't even know I had lost a huge amount in my just barely prior to retirement years. I knew it was a bubble caused by lack of regulation that even allowed the banks to speculate in derivatives. I knew the republican loved and favored a free and easy economy and presided over it for the 8 years prior. Bush could not run again. It looked like they turned off the lights after having a good time at the party and took the party favors on the way out the door. Damn straight I vote for Obama and I do not regret it. Low an behold it stabilized and started to rise and continued to slowly rise. Obviously I took some lucrative work and stabalized MY finances. He did ME no harm and the Republicans almost sank us right before retirement. Don't cry and moan to me about Obama, cause I don't care. The big guys got paid back. We paid my own way the way as we always have and as we are doing now in retirement. He not one of my favorites Presidents, but he didn't kill a bunch of my brothers in arms over a bullshit Iraq war we still haven't gotten out of and he got the work environment back into production so I didn't lose anything else and gained back some of my losses. You think he is significant now. I know he is not. I also know the jerk in the White House now is far more dangerous and I will vote to get him out. You do what you want to do. If you wish to play the "but Obama" game with me, forget it!
I answered fairly honestly and with a level head, which I suspect is more than you deserved since you are still stuck in the past. If I have to deal with your Obama crap again, I will put you on IGNORE and never read another opinion you have on anything. If you want to lobby for trump I have no problem with that.

Well I had just the opposite experience. My IRA did better than ever because of the crash, but unlike you, I was not using it yet. The company that handles our funds kept taking our contributions, but didn't invest it in the market until it showed signs of life. Then it was like a three for one sale. They were buying more shares at a much lower price. Buy low--sell high.

On the other side of the coin, DumBama did more damage to me and cost me more money than all other Presidents before him combined. You are going to have a tough time making the case that "he" saved the economy given he was the most anti-business president in our lifetime. The only thing that saved his Kenyan ass was quantitive easing, which he had no control over. Nearly every policy he made in regards to business was a negative one. The economy didn't get better because of him, it got better in spite of him.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.
For an ex military guy, you just don’t get it. We always get what we deserve. How do you not know that Trump is the effect and not the cause? It’s people like you that ruin this country. Honestly. The stupidity is mind boggling. When you give the voter essentially two choices year after year and the middle class get thrashed and the military gets exploited, the voter base revolts. For a 65-year old man you possess less wisdom than my 12-yr old.
Azog, its just figure of speech. Settle down. Don't try to beat on my ass at 10:00 at night over some trivial crap like that. I assure you I understand young man. I did my part to do it right. I did not get tied to a party. I oppose pollution. I may drive SUVs but they aren't gas guzzlers. I recycle. I separate my trash. I don't vote for know proven crooks, liars and con men. I stood ready to face little Vonnie Vonnovitch and the soviet midget tank army for your daddy. Hell, I've never even had a social disease. You should have seen the mess we got back in the 70s. Cut me some slack, dude.
I cannot because you don’t see the real problem. And because of that we got someone in the White House you don’t approve of. Would not have been a need if the two prior dolts weren’t elected. Neither Bush nor Obama deserved to be President and certainly not for a combined 16 yrs. I am not sure who was worse, probably Bush but in the end we need a cleaner and Trump is it. Maybe we don’t need Trump but giving me the other option of that crooked witch, HRC wasn’t going to cut it. Especially after she shrugged off the deaths of my fellow countrymen in Benghazi.

You may not like Trumps rhetoric but the alternative would have been 10x worse. Our young people have no fucking respect for authority. What does burning private businesses have to do with bad police officers. Notice how riots take place in cities run by Leftists. Coincidence?
Heck, vote for him. I don't care. I would vote for him with dead Democrat's vote, so he certainly won't get mine. I don't blame Reps for voting him the first time as he was running against HRC. Totally understandable. I do blame them for supporting him no matter what he pulls, lies about, incompetently hire/fires, strong arms, the enemies he supports, the friends he does not and the division of the country he encourages. I understand you don't get it. The man is nothing but bad character. Politicians ain't saints, but jeesh, most of the adults have never seen anyone of his low character and feel he is leading the country toward a tipping point of pure corruption that could make this country of the people, by the people and for the people parish from the earth. They know that character counts. You can't build a house on lies, even if you are a crooked fat man, looking to get fatter.
Unbelievable that someone can talk to you till their blue in the face, and you still don't get it.

Your TDS is off the chain.
I have given the trumper faithful true reasons why I think him a sleaze, unfit for office. Mostly not denied, but just continued justifications of they were being ignored, we didn't want a saint, other republicans where rhinos, what he said is not what he meant, he is innocent because people would have never heard if someone else had not done an illegal investigation, he was joking, you just don't understand how the super wealthy think, he would not have been caught if so and so had not ratted him out, the media just doesn't like him as they fact check every thing he says more than any other president, etc, etc, etc, and of course like yours the famous fabled derangement syndrome and the Oh, but Hillary response.
The two sleazes didn't get my vote last time and he will not get it this time. Character counts.
It’s RINOs and your post is lie. I like Trump because he is pro business and pro military. He calls it like it is and he smashed the PC crowd. If you’re going to speak then speak the truth. Don’t be like Adam Schiff.
Only pays lip service to military. Not sure which of those excuses for him you think has not been on the very board by trump supporters. You are falling into the thing at if you do not like it, it is fake news or a lie. Sad for you.
Not only did Obama play lip service to the military, but he attempted to cover for the real enemy when our soldier's were dying or had died in some situation's... Unbelievable. Remember the border patrol agent killed with the weapons of fast and furious, Bengazi, when he worried more about a beard being allowed for the Ft.Hood killer, worried about water boarding, stripped the budgets to the bone, never fixed the VA problem, pardoned enemies of this country etc ?? Now compare Trump's record on the military again ? No ? I thought not.
And that means what, exactly now that trump is pres for over 3 years? Let me get this straight. You did not like Obama, as you do not feel he supported the military so you went and found this goof who doesn't support the military? What do you have against the military?
Spin like your king Obummer Hussein. He was the worst, and his bullcrap is showing big time in the negative for this country. The blacks would have done way on better with a conservative black president like Herman Caine etc, than a president like Obama.
Dang, dude. You got it baaaad. Obama is gone. Trump has been here about 3-1/2 years. Trump is the one who doesn't like the military now. Look at it like this. If I said I liked you and I was your friend, but slapped the $hit out of you anytime I got behind you where you didn't see me coming, but kept on proclaiming my friendship. You would think I was a pretty $hitty friend, right? You would be correct. Friends like that, you do not need because they are not friends. Focus on the problem of the present. You cannot change the past and after 3-1/2 years it doesn't matter. The Commander of the relief has accepted the battle hand-off and is responsible for all operations within the sector.
You sit here and defend Obama's presidency, after all that you see now in which is a result of that failed presidency ?? No you got it bad dude. TDS is real.
Don't start a bunch of lies. Quote me where I defended Obama or admit your mistake like a man.
Ok, do you or did you support the Obama presidency ???
If I haven't supported him on the board why are you looking for trouble, just because I don't think much of trump and don't mind saying why? It is not the same. When Bush tanked the economy my branch of a Nation wide company closed it's operation here. No prob. I went on vacation. Stock market took a huge hit while I was on a beach and didn't even know I had lost a huge amount in my just barely prior to retirement years. I knew it was a bubble caused by lack of regulation that even allowed the banks to speculate in derivatives. I knew the republican loved and favored a free and easy economy and presided over it for the 8 years prior. Bush could not run again. It looked like they turned off the lights after having a good time at the party and took the party favors on the way out the door. Damn straight I vote for Obama and I do not regret it. Low an behold it stabilized and started to rise and continued to slowly rise. Obviously I took some lucrative work and stabalized MY finances. He did ME no harm and the Republicans almost sank us right before retirement. Don't cry and moan to me about Obama, cause I don't care. The big guys got paid back. We paid my own way the way as we always have and as we are doing now in retirement. He not one of my favorites Presidents, but he didn't kill a bunch of my brothers in arms over a bullshit Iraq war we still haven't gotten out of and he got the work environment back into production so I didn't lose anything else and gained back some of my losses. You think he is significant now. I know he is not. I also know the jerk in the White House now is far more dangerous and I will vote to get him out. You do what you want to do. If you wish to play the "but Obama" game with me, forget it!
I answered fairly honestly and with a level head, which I suspect is more than you deserved since you are still stuck in the past. If I have to deal with your Obama crap again, I will put you on IGNORE and never read another opinion you have on anything. If you want to lobby for trump I have no problem with that.

Well I had just the opposite experience. My IRA did better than ever because of the crash, but unlike you, I was not using it yet. The company that handles our funds kept taking our contributions, but didn't invest it in the market until it showed signs of life. Then it was like a three for one sale. They were buying more shares at a much lower price. Buy low--sell high.

On the other side of the coin, DumBama did more damage to me and cost me more money than all other Presidents before him combined. You are going to have a tough time making the case that "he" saved the economy given he was the most anti-business president in our lifetime. The only thing that saved his Kenyan ass was quantitive easing, which he had no control over. Nearly every policy he made in regards to business was a negative one. The economy didn't get better because of him, it got better in spite of him.
In my case there were no more contributions until a years and a half later. I had long since been forced to pull and preserve as I was no longer in a position that allowed it, for the first 6 or 7 months. Only way to make your money back is if you can stay in the game. Losing more than my house originally cost, and the market showing no signs of bottoming while losing 2 to 5 more grand a month. It was not an option. I took it personally and frankly still do, to an extent. Some people lost not only jobs and security, but their homes. Mine was paid for, but at the time, I had just put the twins in college, one public one private. We pulled it off, though it looked touch and go for three years or more about our retirement years. Swore I would make us untouchable and I have, unless there is a civil war in the country and absolutely everybody in the country is screwed, and yes I have a course of action for that too. Hopefully it won't come to finding out if I am properly prepared or not.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.
For an ex military guy, you just don’t get it. We always get what we deserve. How do you not know that Trump is the effect and not the cause? It’s people like you that ruin this country. Honestly. The stupidity is mind boggling. When you give the voter essentially two choices year after year and the middle class get thrashed and the military gets exploited, the voter base revolts. For a 65-year old man you possess less wisdom than my 12-yr old.
Azog, its just figure of speech. Settle down. Don't try to beat on my ass at 10:00 at night over some trivial crap like that. I assure you I understand young man. I did my part to do it right. I did not get tied to a party. I oppose pollution. I may drive SUVs but they aren't gas guzzlers. I recycle. I separate my trash. I don't vote for know proven crooks, liars and con men. I stood ready to face little Vonnie Vonnovitch and the soviet midget tank army for your daddy. Hell, I've never even had a social disease. You should have seen the mess we got back in the 70s. Cut me some slack, dude.
I cannot because you don’t see the real problem. And because of that we got someone in the White House you don’t approve of. Would not have been a need if the two prior dolts weren’t elected. Neither Bush nor Obama deserved to be President and certainly not for a combined 16 yrs. I am not sure who was worse, probably Bush but in the end we need a cleaner and Trump is it. Maybe we don’t need Trump but giving me the other option of that crooked witch, HRC wasn’t going to cut it. Especially after she shrugged off the deaths of my fellow countrymen in Benghazi.

You may not like Trumps rhetoric but the alternative would have been 10x worse. Our young people have no fucking respect for authority. What does burning private businesses have to do with bad police officers. Notice how riots take place in cities run by Leftists. Coincidence?
Heck, vote for him. I don't care. I would vote for him with dead Democrat's vote, so he certainly won't get mine. I don't blame Reps for voting him the first time as he was running against HRC. Totally understandable. I do blame them for supporting him no matter what he pulls, lies about, incompetently hire/fires, strong arms, the enemies he supports, the friends he does not and the division of the country he encourages. I understand you don't get it. The man is nothing but bad character. Politicians ain't saints, but jeesh, most of the adults have never seen anyone of his low character and feel he is leading the country toward a tipping point of pure corruption that could make this country of the people, by the people and for the people parish from the earth. They know that character counts. You can't build a house on lies, even if you are a crooked fat man, looking to get fatter.
Unbelievable that someone can talk to you till their blue in the face, and you still don't get it.

Your TDS is off the chain.
I have given the trumper faithful true reasons why I think him a sleaze, unfit for office. Mostly not denied, but just continued justifications of they were being ignored, we didn't want a saint, other republicans where rhinos, what he said is not what he meant, he is innocent because people would have never heard if someone else had not done an illegal investigation, he was joking, you just don't understand how the super wealthy think, he would not have been caught if so and so had not ratted him out, the media just doesn't like him as they fact check every thing he says more than any other president, etc, etc, etc, and of course like yours the famous fabled derangement syndrome and the Oh, but Hillary response.
The two sleazes didn't get my vote last time and he will not get it this time. Character counts.
It’s RINOs and your post is lie. I like Trump because he is pro business and pro military. He calls it like it is and he smashed the PC crowd. If you’re going to speak then speak the truth. Don’t be like Adam Schiff.
Only pays lip service to military. Not sure which of those excuses for him you think has not been on the very board by trump supporters. You are falling into the thing at if you do not like it, it is fake news or a lie. Sad for you.
Not only did Obama play lip service to the military, but he attempted to cover for the real enemy when our soldier's were dying or had died in some situation's... Unbelievable. Remember the border patrol agent killed with the weapons of fast and furious, Bengazi, when he worried more about a beard being allowed for the Ft.Hood killer, worried about water boarding, stripped the budgets to the bone, never fixed the VA problem, pardoned enemies of this country etc ?? Now compare Trump's record on the military again ? No ? I thought not.
And that means what, exactly now that trump is pres for over 3 years? Let me get this straight. You did not like Obama, as you do not feel he supported the military so you went and found this goof who doesn't support the military? What do you have against the military?
Spin like your king Obummer Hussein. He was the worst, and his bullcrap is showing big time in the negative for this country. The blacks would have done way on better with a conservative black president like Herman Caine etc, than a president like Obama.
Dang, dude. You got it baaaad. Obama is gone. Trump has been here about 3-1/2 years. Trump is the one who doesn't like the military now. Look at it like this. If I said I liked you and I was your friend, but slapped the $hit out of you anytime I got behind you where you didn't see me coming, but kept on proclaiming my friendship. You would think I was a pretty $hitty friend, right? You would be correct. Friends like that, you do not need because they are not friends. Focus on the problem of the present. You cannot change the past and after 3-1/2 years it doesn't matter. The Commander of the relief has accepted the battle hand-off and is responsible for all operations within the sector.
You sit here and defend Obama's presidency, after all that you see now in which is a result of that failed presidency ?? No you got it bad dude. TDS is real.
Don't start a bunch of lies. Quote me where I defended Obama or admit your mistake like a man.
Ok, do you or did you support the Obama presidency ???
If I haven't supported him on the board why are you looking for trouble, just because I don't think much of trump and don't mind saying why? It is not the same. When Bush tanked the economy my branch of a Nation wide company closed it's operation here. No prob. I went on vacation. Stock market took a huge hit while I was on a beach and didn't even know I had lost a huge amount in my just barely prior to retirement years. I knew it was a bubble caused by lack of regulation that even allowed the banks to speculate in derivatives. I knew the republican loved and favored a free and easy economy and presided over it for the 8 years prior. Bush could not run again. It looked like they turned off the lights after having a good time at the party and took the party favors on the way out the door. Damn straight I vote for Obama and I do not regret it. Low an behold it stabilized and started to rise and continued to slowly rise. Obviously I took some lucrative work and stabalized MY finances. He did ME no harm and the Republicans almost sank us right before retirement. Don't cry and moan to me about Obama, cause I don't care. The big guys got paid back. We paid my own way the way as we always have and as we are doing now in retirement. He not one of my favorites Presidents, but he didn't kill a bunch of my brothers in arms over a bullshit Iraq war we still haven't gotten out of and he got the work environment back into production so I didn't lose anything else and gained back some of my losses. You think he is significant now. I know he is not. I also know the jerk in the White House now is far more dangerous and I will vote to get him out. You do what you want to do. If you wish to play the "but Obama" game with me, forget it!
I answered fairly honestly and with a level head, which I suspect is more than you deserved since you are still stuck in the past. If I have to deal with your Obama crap again, I will put you on IGNORE and never read another opinion you have on anything. If you want to lobby for trump I have no problem with that.

Well I had just the opposite experience. My IRA did better than ever because of the crash, but unlike you, I was not using it yet. The company that handles our funds kept taking our contributions, but didn't invest it in the market until it showed signs of life. Then it was like a three for one sale. They were buying more shares at a much lower price. Buy low--sell high.

On the other side of the coin, DumBama did more damage to me and cost me more money than all other Presidents before him combined. You are going to have a tough time making the case that "he" saved the economy given he was the most anti-business president in our lifetime. The only thing that saved his Kenyan ass was quantitive easing, which he had no control over. Nearly every policy he made in regards to business was a negative one. The economy didn't get better because of him, it got better in spite of him.
In my case there were no more contributions until a years and a half later. I had long since been forced to pull and preserve as I was no longer in a position that allowed it, for the first 6 or 7 months. Only way to make your money back is if you can stay in the game. Losing more than my house originally cost, and the market showing no signs of bottoming while losing 2 to 5 more grand a month. It was not an option. I took it personally and frankly still do, to an extent. Some people lost not only jobs and security, but their homes. Mine was paid for, but at the time, I had just put the twins in college, one public one private. We pulled it off, though it looked touch and go for three years or more about our retirement years. Swore I would make us untouchable and I have, unless there is a civil war in the country and absolutely everybody in the country is screwed, and yes I have a course of action for that too. Hopefully it won't come to finding out if I am properly prepared or not.

I'm glad things turned out for you, but didn't you look at all the players in the housing bubble? There were plenty of Democrat fingerprints on that one. The President is partially to blame, I agree, but it wasn't all his doing. The push for lowering loan standards to accomplish more minority home ownership actually started under Bill Clinton, when he put now Governor Cuomo in charge of HUD, and Cuomo didn't know shit about the housing market.

While I'm no staunch GW fan, I think the GW was merely riding on Clinton's coattails when it came to housing. The position he was in is allow a risky market to continue, or use new minority home ownership to try and buy black votes. While that was a bad move on his part, what would the media have done to GW if he had stricter loan standards that stopped new minority home purchases?
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.
For an ex military guy, you just don’t get it. We always get what we deserve. How do you not know that Trump is the effect and not the cause? It’s people like you that ruin this country. Honestly. The stupidity is mind boggling. When you give the voter essentially two choices year after year and the middle class get thrashed and the military gets exploited, the voter base revolts. For a 65-year old man you possess less wisdom than my 12-yr old.
Azog, its just figure of speech. Settle down. Don't try to beat on my ass at 10:00 at night over some trivial crap like that. I assure you I understand young man. I did my part to do it right. I did not get tied to a party. I oppose pollution. I may drive SUVs but they aren't gas guzzlers. I recycle. I separate my trash. I don't vote for know proven crooks, liars and con men. I stood ready to face little Vonnie Vonnovitch and the soviet midget tank army for your daddy. Hell, I've never even had a social disease. You should have seen the mess we got back in the 70s. Cut me some slack, dude.
I cannot because you don’t see the real problem. And because of that we got someone in the White House you don’t approve of. Would not have been a need if the two prior dolts weren’t elected. Neither Bush nor Obama deserved to be President and certainly not for a combined 16 yrs. I am not sure who was worse, probably Bush but in the end we need a cleaner and Trump is it. Maybe we don’t need Trump but giving me the other option of that crooked witch, HRC wasn’t going to cut it. Especially after she shrugged off the deaths of my fellow countrymen in Benghazi.

You may not like Trumps rhetoric but the alternative would have been 10x worse. Our young people have no fucking respect for authority. What does burning private businesses have to do with bad police officers. Notice how riots take place in cities run by Leftists. Coincidence?
Heck, vote for him. I don't care. I would vote for him with dead Democrat's vote, so he certainly won't get mine. I don't blame Reps for voting him the first time as he was running against HRC. Totally understandable. I do blame them for supporting him no matter what he pulls, lies about, incompetently hire/fires, strong arms, the enemies he supports, the friends he does not and the division of the country he encourages. I understand you don't get it. The man is nothing but bad character. Politicians ain't saints, but jeesh, most of the adults have never seen anyone of his low character and feel he is leading the country toward a tipping point of pure corruption that could make this country of the people, by the people and for the people parish from the earth. They know that character counts. You can't build a house on lies, even if you are a crooked fat man, looking to get fatter.
Unbelievable that someone can talk to you till their blue in the face, and you still don't get it.

Your TDS is off the chain.
I have given the trumper faithful true reasons why I think him a sleaze, unfit for office. Mostly not denied, but just continued justifications of they were being ignored, we didn't want a saint, other republicans where rhinos, what he said is not what he meant, he is innocent because people would have never heard if someone else had not done an illegal investigation, he was joking, you just don't understand how the super wealthy think, he would not have been caught if so and so had not ratted him out, the media just doesn't like him as they fact check every thing he says more than any other president, etc, etc, etc, and of course like yours the famous fabled derangement syndrome and the Oh, but Hillary response.
The two sleazes didn't get my vote last time and he will not get it this time. Character counts.
It’s RINOs and your post is lie. I like Trump because he is pro business and pro military. He calls it like it is and he smashed the PC crowd. If you’re going to speak then speak the truth. Don’t be like Adam Schiff.
Only pays lip service to military. Not sure which of those excuses for him you think has not been on the very board by trump supporters. You are falling into the thing at if you do not like it, it is fake news or a lie. Sad for you.
Not only did Obama play lip service to the military, but he attempted to cover for the real enemy when our soldier's were dying or had died in some situation's... Unbelievable. Remember the border patrol agent killed with the weapons of fast and furious, Bengazi, when he worried more about a beard being allowed for the Ft.Hood killer, worried about water boarding, stripped the budgets to the bone, never fixed the VA problem, pardoned enemies of this country etc ?? Now compare Trump's record on the military again ? No ? I thought not.
And that means what, exactly now that trump is pres for over 3 years? Let me get this straight. You did not like Obama, as you do not feel he supported the military so you went and found this goof who doesn't support the military? What do you have against the military?
Spin like your king Obummer Hussein. He was the worst, and his bullcrap is showing big time in the negative for this country. The blacks would have done way on better with a conservative black president like Herman Caine etc, than a president like Obama.
Dang, dude. You got it baaaad. Obama is gone. Trump has been here about 3-1/2 years. Trump is the one who doesn't like the military now. Look at it like this. If I said I liked you and I was your friend, but slapped the $hit out of you anytime I got behind you where you didn't see me coming, but kept on proclaiming my friendship. You would think I was a pretty $hitty friend, right? You would be correct. Friends like that, you do not need because they are not friends. Focus on the problem of the present. You cannot change the past and after 3-1/2 years it doesn't matter. The Commander of the relief has accepted the battle hand-off and is responsible for all operations within the sector.
You sit here and defend Obama's presidency, after all that you see now in which is a result of that failed presidency ?? No you got it bad dude. TDS is real.
Don't start a bunch of lies. Quote me where I defended Obama or admit your mistake like a man.
Ok, do you or did you support the Obama presidency ???
If I haven't supported him on the board why are you looking for trouble, just because I don't think much of trump and don't mind saying why? It is not the same. When Bush tanked the economy my branch of a Nation wide company closed it's operation here. No prob. I went on vacation. Stock market took a huge hit while I was on a beach and didn't even know I had lost a huge amount in my just barely prior to retirement years. I knew it was a bubble caused by lack of regulation that even allowed the banks to speculate in derivatives. I knew the republican loved and favored a free and easy economy and presided over it for the 8 years prior. Bush could not run again. It looked like they turned off the lights after having a good time at the party and took the party favors on the way out the door. Damn straight I vote for Obama and I do not regret it. Low an behold it stabilized and started to rise and continued to slowly rise. Obviously I took some lucrative work and stabalized MY finances. He did ME no harm and the Republicans almost sank us right before retirement. Don't cry and moan to me about Obama, cause I don't care. The big guys got paid back. We paid my own way the way as we always have and as we are doing now in retirement. He not one of my favorites Presidents, but he didn't kill a bunch of my brothers in arms over a bullshit Iraq war we still haven't gotten out of and he got the work environment back into production so I didn't lose anything else and gained back some of my losses. You think he is significant now. I know he is not. I also know the jerk in the White House now is far more dangerous and I will vote to get him out. You do what you want to do. If you wish to play the "but Obama" game with me, forget it!
I answered fairly honestly and with a level head, which I suspect is more than you deserved since you are still stuck in the past. If I have to deal with your Obama crap again, I will put you on IGNORE and never read another opinion you have on anything. If you want to lobby for trump I have no problem with that.

Well I had just the opposite experience. My IRA did better than ever because of the crash, but unlike you, I was not using it yet. The company that handles our funds kept taking our contributions, but didn't invest it in the market until it showed signs of life. Then it was like a three for one sale. They were buying more shares at a much lower price. Buy low--sell high.

On the other side of the coin, DumBama did more damage to me and cost me more money than all other Presidents before him combined. You are going to have a tough time making the case that "he" saved the economy given he was the most anti-business president in our lifetime. The only thing that saved his Kenyan ass was quantitive easing, which he had no control over. Nearly every policy he made in regards to business was a negative one. The economy didn't get better because of him, it got better in spite of him.
In my case there were no more contributions until a years and a half later. I had long since been forced to pull and preserve as I was no longer in a position that allowed it, for the first 6 or 7 months. Only way to make your money back is if you can stay in the game. Losing more than my house originally cost, and the market showing no signs of bottoming while losing 2 to 5 more grand a month. It was not an option. I took it personally and frankly still do, to an extent. Some people lost not only jobs and security, but their homes. Mine was paid for, but at the time, I had just put the twins in college, one public one private. We pulled it off, though it looked touch and go for three years or more about our retirement years. Swore I would make us untouchable and I have, unless there is a civil war in the country and absolutely everybody in the country is screwed, and yes I have a course of action for that too. Hopefully it won't come to finding out if I am properly prepared or not.

I'm glad things turned out for you, but didn't you look at all the players in the housing bubble? There were plenty of Democrat fingerprints on that one. The President is partially to blame, I agree, but it wasn't all his doing. The push for lowering loan standards to accomplish more minority home ownership actually started under Bill Clinton, when he put now Governor Cuomo in charge of HUD, and Cuomo didn't know shit about the housing market.

While I'm no staunch GW fan, I think the GW was merely riding on Clinton's coattails when it came to housing. The position he was in is allow a risky market to continue, or use new minority home ownership to try and buy black votes. While that was a bad move on his part, what would the media have done to GW if he had stricter loan standards that stopped new minority home purchases?
Thanks. Agree it wasn't all Bush and know there were many on both sides to blame, just as there were many victims on both sides. Like I said, took it personal since the loss was personal and figured punishment for the party in power was the best way to go.
Yep. He would have looked bad to some people on one side or another no matter what economic or regulatory action he took. It truly sucks to be the dude in charge sometimes, having to take the correct stand, to really be judged only by 20/20 hindsight. He wasn't the luckiest guy I ever saw. Without a degree of luck, even if you choose the best path, based strictly only on what you know, history and circumstance can fk you up and your party with you.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.
For an ex military guy, you just don’t get it. We always get what we deserve. How do you not know that Trump is the effect and not the cause? It’s people like you that ruin this country. Honestly. The stupidity is mind boggling. When you give the voter essentially two choices year after year and the middle class get thrashed and the military gets exploited, the voter base revolts. For a 65-year old man you possess less wisdom than my 12-yr old.
Azog, its just figure of speech. Settle down. Don't try to beat on my ass at 10:00 at night over some trivial crap like that. I assure you I understand young man. I did my part to do it right. I did not get tied to a party. I oppose pollution. I may drive SUVs but they aren't gas guzzlers. I recycle. I separate my trash. I don't vote for know proven crooks, liars and con men. I stood ready to face little Vonnie Vonnovitch and the soviet midget tank army for your daddy. Hell, I've never even had a social disease. You should have seen the mess we got back in the 70s. Cut me some slack, dude.
I cannot because you don’t see the real problem. And because of that we got someone in the White House you don’t approve of. Would not have been a need if the two prior dolts weren’t elected. Neither Bush nor Obama deserved to be President and certainly not for a combined 16 yrs. I am not sure who was worse, probably Bush but in the end we need a cleaner and Trump is it. Maybe we don’t need Trump but giving me the other option of that crooked witch, HRC wasn’t going to cut it. Especially after she shrugged off the deaths of my fellow countrymen in Benghazi.

You may not like Trumps rhetoric but the alternative would have been 10x worse. Our young people have no fucking respect for authority. What does burning private businesses have to do with bad police officers. Notice how riots take place in cities run by Leftists. Coincidence?
Heck, vote for him. I don't care. I would vote for him with dead Democrat's vote, so he certainly won't get mine. I don't blame Reps for voting him the first time as he was running against HRC. Totally understandable. I do blame them for supporting him no matter what he pulls, lies about, incompetently hire/fires, strong arms, the enemies he supports, the friends he does not and the division of the country he encourages. I understand you don't get it. The man is nothing but bad character. Politicians ain't saints, but jeesh, most of the adults have never seen anyone of his low character and feel he is leading the country toward a tipping point of pure corruption that could make this country of the people, by the people and for the people parish from the earth. They know that character counts. You can't build a house on lies, even if you are a crooked fat man, looking to get fatter.
Unbelievable that someone can talk to you till their blue in the face, and you still don't get it.

Your TDS is off the chain.
I have given the trumper faithful true reasons why I think him a sleaze, unfit for office. Mostly not denied, but just continued justifications of they were being ignored, we didn't want a saint, other republicans where rhinos, what he said is not what he meant, he is innocent because people would have never heard if someone else had not done an illegal investigation, he was joking, you just don't understand how the super wealthy think, he would not have been caught if so and so had not ratted him out, the media just doesn't like him as they fact check every thing he says more than any other president, etc, etc, etc, and of course like yours the famous fabled derangement syndrome and the Oh, but Hillary response.
The two sleazes didn't get my vote last time and he will not get it this time. Character counts.
It’s RINOs and your post is lie. I like Trump because he is pro business and pro military. He calls it like it is and he smashed the PC crowd. If you’re going to speak then speak the truth. Don’t be like Adam Schiff.
Only pays lip service to military. Not sure which of those excuses for him you think has not been on the very board by trump supporters. You are falling into the thing at if you do not like it, it is fake news or a lie. Sad for you.
Not only did Obama play lip service to the military, but he attempted to cover for the real enemy when our soldier's were dying or had died in some situation's... Unbelievable. Remember the border patrol agent killed with the weapons of fast and furious, Bengazi, when he worried more about a beard being allowed for the Ft.Hood killer, worried about water boarding, stripped the budgets to the bone, never fixed the VA problem, pardoned enemies of this country etc ?? Now compare Trump's record on the military again ? No ? I thought not.
And that means what, exactly now that trump is pres for over 3 years? Let me get this straight. You did not like Obama, as you do not feel he supported the military so you went and found this goof who doesn't support the military? What do you have against the military?
Spin like your king Obummer Hussein. He was the worst, and his bullcrap is showing big time in the negative for this country. The blacks would have done way on better with a conservative black president like Herman Caine etc, than a president like Obama.
Dang, dude. You got it baaaad. Obama is gone. Trump has been here about 3-1/2 years. Trump is the one who doesn't like the military now. Look at it like this. If I said I liked you and I was your friend, but slapped the $hit out of you anytime I got behind you where you didn't see me coming, but kept on proclaiming my friendship. You would think I was a pretty $hitty friend, right? You would be correct. Friends like that, you do not need because they are not friends. Focus on the problem of the present. You cannot change the past and after 3-1/2 years it doesn't matter. The Commander of the relief has accepted the battle hand-off and is responsible for all operations within the sector.
You sit here and defend Obama's presidency, after all that you see now in which is a result of that failed presidency ?? No you got it bad dude. TDS is real.
Don't start a bunch of lies. Quote me where I defended Obama or admit your mistake like a man.
Ok, do you or did you support the Obama presidency ???
If I haven't supported him on the board why are you looking for trouble, just because I don't think much of trump and don't mind saying why? It is not the same. When Bush tanked the economy my branch of a Nation wide company closed it's operation here. No prob. I went on vacation. Stock market took a huge hit while I was on a beach and didn't even know I had lost a huge amount in my just barely prior to retirement years. I knew it was a bubble caused by lack of regulation that even allowed the banks to speculate in derivatives. I knew the republican loved and favored a free and easy economy and presided over it for the 8 years prior. Bush could not run again. It looked like they turned off the lights after having a good time at the party and took the party favors on the way out the door. Damn straight I vote for Obama and I do not regret it. Low an behold it stabilized and started to rise and continued to slowly rise. Obviously I took some lucrative work and stabalized MY finances. He did ME no harm and the Republicans almost sank us right before retirement. Don't cry and moan to me about Obama, cause I don't care. The big guys got paid back. We paid my own way the way as we always have and as we are doing now in retirement. He not one of my favorites Presidents, but he didn't kill a bunch of my brothers in arms over a bullshit Iraq war we still haven't gotten out of and he got the work environment back into production so I didn't lose anything else and gained back some of my losses. You think he is significant now. I know he is not. I also know the jerk in the White House now is far more dangerous and I will vote to get him out. You do what you want to do. If you wish to play the "but Obama" game with me, forget it!
I answered fairly honestly and with a level head, which I suspect is more than you deserved since you are still stuck in the past. If I have to deal with your Obama crap again, I will put you on IGNORE and never read another opinion you have on anything. If you want to lobby for trump I have no problem with that.

Well I had just the opposite experience. My IRA did better than ever because of the crash, but unlike you, I was not using it yet. The company that handles our funds kept taking our contributions, but didn't invest it in the market until it showed signs of life. Then it was like a three for one sale. They were buying more shares at a much lower price. Buy low--sell high.

On the other side of the coin, DumBama did more damage to me and cost me more money than all other Presidents before him combined. You are going to have a tough time making the case that "he" saved the economy given he was the most anti-business president in our lifetime. The only thing that saved his Kenyan ass was quantitive easing, which he had no control over. Nearly every policy he made in regards to business was a negative one. The economy didn't get better because of him, it got better in spite of him.
In my case there were no more contributions until a years and a half later. I had long since been forced to pull and preserve as I was no longer in a position that allowed it, for the first 6 or 7 months. Only way to make your money back is if you can stay in the game. Losing more than my house originally cost, and the market showing no signs of bottoming while losing 2 to 5 more grand a month. It was not an option. I took it personally and frankly still do, to an extent. Some people lost not only jobs and security, but their homes. Mine was paid for, but at the time, I had just put the twins in college, one public one private. We pulled it off, though it looked touch and go for three years or more about our retirement years. Swore I would make us untouchable and I have, unless there is a civil war in the country and absolutely everybody in the country is screwed, and yes I have a course of action for that too. Hopefully it won't come to finding out if I am properly prepared or not.

I'm glad things turned out for you, but didn't you look at all the players in the housing bubble? There were plenty of Democrat fingerprints on that one. The President is partially to blame, I agree, but it wasn't all his doing. The push for lowering loan standards to accomplish more minority home ownership actually started under Bill Clinton, when he put now Governor Cuomo in charge of HUD, and Cuomo didn't know shit about the housing market.

While I'm no staunch GW fan, I think the GW was merely riding on Clinton's coattails when it came to housing. The position he was in is allow a risky market to continue, or use new minority home ownership to try and buy black votes. While that was a bad move on his part, what would the media have done to GW if he had stricter loan standards that stopped new minority home purchases?
Thanks. Agree it wasn't all Bush and know there were many on both sides to blame, just as there were many victims on both sides. Like I said, took it personal since the loss was personal and figured punishment for the party in power was the best way to go.
Yep. He would have looked bad to some people on one side or another no matter what economic or regulatory action he took. It truly sucks to be the dude in charge sometimes, having to take the correct stand, to really be judged only by 20/20 hindsight. He wasn't the luckiest guy I ever saw. Without a degree of luck, even if you choose the best path, based strictly only on what you know, history and circumstance can fk you up and your party with you.

I think it's wrong to hold an entire party responsible for the actions of a few. Remember the Republicans in the House tried to stop Fanny and Freddy, but the Democrats fought them tooth and nail. Mind you a little late in the game, and they should have started much sooner, but at least they made the effort while Democrats wouldn't give up their stance because Barney Frank was making a ton of dough on the market.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.
For an ex military guy, you just don’t get it. We always get what we deserve. How do you not know that Trump is the effect and not the cause? It’s people like you that ruin this country. Honestly. The stupidity is mind boggling. When you give the voter essentially two choices year after year and the middle class get thrashed and the military gets exploited, the voter base revolts. For a 65-year old man you possess less wisdom than my 12-yr old.
Azog, its just figure of speech. Settle down. Don't try to beat on my ass at 10:00 at night over some trivial crap like that. I assure you I understand young man. I did my part to do it right. I did not get tied to a party. I oppose pollution. I may drive SUVs but they aren't gas guzzlers. I recycle. I separate my trash. I don't vote for know proven crooks, liars and con men. I stood ready to face little Vonnie Vonnovitch and the soviet midget tank army for your daddy. Hell, I've never even had a social disease. You should have seen the mess we got back in the 70s. Cut me some slack, dude.
I cannot because you don’t see the real problem. And because of that we got someone in the White House you don’t approve of. Would not have been a need if the two prior dolts weren’t elected. Neither Bush nor Obama deserved to be President and certainly not for a combined 16 yrs. I am not sure who was worse, probably Bush but in the end we need a cleaner and Trump is it. Maybe we don’t need Trump but giving me the other option of that crooked witch, HRC wasn’t going to cut it. Especially after she shrugged off the deaths of my fellow countrymen in Benghazi.

You may not like Trumps rhetoric but the alternative would have been 10x worse. Our young people have no fucking respect for authority. What does burning private businesses have to do with bad police officers. Notice how riots take place in cities run by Leftists. Coincidence?
Heck, vote for him. I don't care. I would vote for him with dead Democrat's vote, so he certainly won't get mine. I don't blame Reps for voting him the first time as he was running against HRC. Totally understandable. I do blame them for supporting him no matter what he pulls, lies about, incompetently hire/fires, strong arms, the enemies he supports, the friends he does not and the division of the country he encourages. I understand you don't get it. The man is nothing but bad character. Politicians ain't saints, but jeesh, most of the adults have never seen anyone of his low character and feel he is leading the country toward a tipping point of pure corruption that could make this country of the people, by the people and for the people parish from the earth. They know that character counts. You can't build a house on lies, even if you are a crooked fat man, looking to get fatter.
Unbelievable that someone can talk to you till their blue in the face, and you still don't get it.

Your TDS is off the chain.
I have given the trumper faithful true reasons why I think him a sleaze, unfit for office. Mostly not denied, but just continued justifications of they were being ignored, we didn't want a saint, other republicans where rhinos, what he said is not what he meant, he is innocent because people would have never heard if someone else had not done an illegal investigation, he was joking, you just don't understand how the super wealthy think, he would not have been caught if so and so had not ratted him out, the media just doesn't like him as they fact check every thing he says more than any other president, etc, etc, etc, and of course like yours the famous fabled derangement syndrome and the Oh, but Hillary response.
The two sleazes didn't get my vote last time and he will not get it this time. Character counts.
It’s RINOs and your post is lie. I like Trump because he is pro business and pro military. He calls it like it is and he smashed the PC crowd. If you’re going to speak then speak the truth. Don’t be like Adam Schiff.
Only pays lip service to military. Not sure which of those excuses for him you think has not been on the very board by trump supporters. You are falling into the thing at if you do not like it, it is fake news or a lie. Sad for you.
Not only did Obama play lip service to the military, but he attempted to cover for the real enemy when our soldier's were dying or had died in some situation's... Unbelievable. Remember the border patrol agent killed with the weapons of fast and furious, Bengazi, when he worried more about a beard being allowed for the Ft.Hood killer, worried about water boarding, stripped the budgets to the bone, never fixed the VA problem, pardoned enemies of this country etc ?? Now compare Trump's record on the military again ? No ? I thought not.
And that means what, exactly now that trump is pres for over 3 years? Let me get this straight. You did not like Obama, as you do not feel he supported the military so you went and found this goof who doesn't support the military? What do you have against the military?
Spin like your king Obummer Hussein. He was the worst, and his bullcrap is showing big time in the negative for this country. The blacks would have done way on better with a conservative black president like Herman Caine etc, than a president like Obama.
Dang, dude. You got it baaaad. Obama is gone. Trump has been here about 3-1/2 years. Trump is the one who doesn't like the military now. Look at it like this. If I said I liked you and I was your friend, but slapped the $hit out of you anytime I got behind you where you didn't see me coming, but kept on proclaiming my friendship. You would think I was a pretty $hitty friend, right? You would be correct. Friends like that, you do not need because they are not friends. Focus on the problem of the present. You cannot change the past and after 3-1/2 years it doesn't matter. The Commander of the relief has accepted the battle hand-off and is responsible for all operations within the sector.
You sit here and defend Obama's presidency, after all that you see now in which is a result of that failed presidency ?? No you got it bad dude. TDS is real.
Don't start a bunch of lies. Quote me where I defended Obama or admit your mistake like a man.
Ok, do you or did you support the Obama presidency ???
If I haven't supported him on the board why are you looking for trouble, just because I don't think much of trump and don't mind saying why? It is not the same. When Bush tanked the economy my branch of a Nation wide company closed it's operation here. No prob. I went on vacation. Stock market took a huge hit while I was on a beach and didn't even know I had lost a huge amount in my just barely prior to retirement years. I knew it was a bubble caused by lack of regulation that even allowed the banks to speculate in derivatives. I knew the republican loved and favored a free and easy economy and presided over it for the 8 years prior. Bush could not run again. It looked like they turned off the lights after having a good time at the party and took the party favors on the way out the door. Damn straight I vote for Obama and I do not regret it. Low an behold it stabilized and started to rise and continued to slowly rise. Obviously I took some lucrative work and stabalized MY finances. He did ME no harm and the Republicans almost sank us right before retirement. Don't cry and moan to me about Obama, cause I don't care. The big guys got paid back. We paid my own way the way as we always have and as we are doing now in retirement. He not one of my favorites Presidents, but he didn't kill a bunch of my brothers in arms over a bullshit Iraq war we still haven't gotten out of and he got the work environment back into production so I didn't lose anything else and gained back some of my losses. You think he is significant now. I know he is not. I also know the jerk in the White House now is far more dangerous and I will vote to get him out. You do what you want to do. If you wish to play the "but Obama" game with me, forget it!
I answered fairly honestly and with a level head, which I suspect is more than you deserved since you are still stuck in the past. If I have to deal with your Obama crap again, I will put you on IGNORE and never read another opinion you have on anything. If you want to lobby for trump I have no problem with that.

Well I had just the opposite experience. My IRA did better than ever because of the crash, but unlike you, I was not using it yet. The company that handles our funds kept taking our contributions, but didn't invest it in the market until it showed signs of life. Then it was like a three for one sale. They were buying more shares at a much lower price. Buy low--sell high.

On the other side of the coin, DumBama did more damage to me and cost me more money than all other Presidents before him combined. You are going to have a tough time making the case that "he" saved the economy given he was the most anti-business president in our lifetime. The only thing that saved his Kenyan ass was quantitive easing, which he had no control over. Nearly every policy he made in regards to business was a negative one. The economy didn't get better because of him, it got better in spite of him.
In my case there were no more contributions until a years and a half later. I had long since been forced to pull and preserve as I was no longer in a position that allowed it, for the first 6 or 7 months. Only way to make your money back is if you can stay in the game. Losing more than my house originally cost, and the market showing no signs of bottoming while losing 2 to 5 more grand a month. It was not an option. I took it personally and frankly still do, to an extent. Some people lost not only jobs and security, but their homes. Mine was paid for, but at the time, I had just put the twins in college, one public one private. We pulled it off, though it looked touch and go for three years or more about our retirement years. Swore I would make us untouchable and I have, unless there is a civil war in the country and absolutely everybody in the country is screwed, and yes I have a course of action for that too. Hopefully it won't come to finding out if I am properly prepared or not.

I'm glad things turned out for you, but didn't you look at all the players in the housing bubble? There were plenty of Democrat fingerprints on that one. The President is partially to blame, I agree, but it wasn't all his doing. The push for lowering loan standards to accomplish more minority home ownership actually started under Bill Clinton, when he put now Governor Cuomo in charge of HUD, and Cuomo didn't know shit about the housing market.

While I'm no staunch GW fan, I think the GW was merely riding on Clinton's coattails when it came to housing. The position he was in is allow a risky market to continue, or use new minority home ownership to try and buy black votes. While that was a bad move on his part, what would the media have done to GW if he had stricter loan standards that stopped new minority home purchases?
Thanks. Agree it wasn't all Bush and know there were many on both sides to blame, just as there were many victims on both sides. Like I said, took it personal since the loss was personal and figured punishment for the party in power was the best way to go.
Yep. He would have looked bad to some people on one side or another no matter what economic or regulatory action he took. It truly sucks to be the dude in charge sometimes, having to take the correct stand, to really be judged only by 20/20 hindsight. He wasn't the luckiest guy I ever saw. Without a degree of luck, even if you choose the best path, based strictly only on what you know, history and circumstance can fk you up and your party with you.

I think it's wrong to hold an entire party responsible for the actions of a few. Remember the Republicans in the House tried to stop Fanny and Freddy, but the Democrats fought them tooth and nail. Mind you a little late in the game, and they should have started much sooner, but at least they made the effort while Democrats wouldn't give up their stance because Barney Frank was making a ton of dough on the market.
Right or wrong, I think it is a big factor. Surely I am not the only one who has voted, largely influenced by changes (or lack there of) to their personal financial situations, that they had little hand in shaping.
The hypocrisy of the Left is hilarious.

People in Michigan and protesting by giving haircuts = How dare they endanger lives.

People all over the country burning and looting = They are exercising their fist amendment rights.

rightwinger, playtime, crepitus and others like them are morons.
Agree, but only if the message is highjacked does any of it become brainwashing. Our problem today is that the highjackers are winning, and doing so because they have sought out government positions in order to use government power to beat the voters into submission. The voters not being allowed to vote on everything that our government does, otherwise in regards to domestic issues has got to change.
The message was hijacked as soon as the government became the ones delivering the message. There's no message the government can deliver that doesn't have at least some bit of government interest over our interest, even if only slight.

Are you really going to suggest that the government can give a fair and balanced education on racism in the United States? Really?
The hypocrisy of the Left is hilarious.

People in Michigan and protesting by giving haircuts = How dare they endanger lives.

People all over the country burning and looting = They are exercising their fist amendment rights.

rightwinger, playtime, crepitus and others like them are morons.
If there is no off the chain spike in covid-19 cases after this bullcrap, then I would almost say that the dangers of the Covid-19 were way over blown, and it was for purely political purposes. Undoubtedly the charts were rigged, and the fear was promoted for political reasons yet again to get Trump.

It may have been used as a weapon as well.

Many answers needed in everything. Infact if the covid-19 is really as dangerous as they say it is, and these rioters didn't care about getting exposed or giving it to anyone else, then that should be added to their charges as well.
Agree, but only if the message is highjacked does any of it become brainwashing. Our problem today is that the highjackers are winning, and doing so because they have sought out government positions in order to use government power to beat the voters into submission. The voters not being allowed to vote on everything that our government does, otherwise in regards to domestic issues has got to change.
The message was hijacked as soon as the government became the ones delivering the message. There's no message the government can deliver that doesn't have at least some bit of government interest over our interest, even if only slight.

Are you really going to suggest that the government can give a fair and balanced education on racism in the United States? Really?
Listen, if you are gonna get into this set up game, where as you start off with this "are you really gonna suggest", (when I wasn't suggesting anything beyond reasonable conversation), and then you take off attempting to answer your own debate set up. Not playing that ole game, so find someone else to play your game with. Quit straining at a knat, yet swallowing a camel.
I think we should find every rioter, take away their citizenship, and ship them to a country that does things that way. See how they like living without a true justice system.
What right does our country have to ship a criminal to a different country?

But you're right in that the looters should all be convicted of a crime. I don't know if there's a particular looting law but there should be and it should have very serious consequences for violators.

There's a law that covers looting. It's called "breaking and entering". They should be charged just like any other lowlife criminal who breaks into someone else's business and takes things. It's outrageous to dignify such behavior by pretending their motivations somehow make it "noble".
If need to give training courses (either book learning or on the job training), then so be it, but never use identity politics again when advancing our citizens in society. It doesn't work.

Interesting. In your next post you state that brainwashing should be a crime but in this post you propose brainwashing.

I hate identity politics. We should quit using identity politics just as soon as people are no longer being killed, and their killers defended, based on identity.

Excuse me, but in the case of George Floyd, who the hell is "defending his killers"? Last time I checked, the cops involved were all fired, the incident is being fully investigated, the guy who was kneeling on his neck has been arrested, and virtually 100% of people across the nation from every race and ethnicity agree that what happened was heinously wrong.

What the hell more could anyone want?
I think we should find every rioter, take away their citizenship, and ship them to a country that does things that way. See how they like living without a true justice system.
What right does our country have to ship a criminal to a different country?

But you're right in that the looters should all be convicted of a crime. I don't know if there's a particular looting law but there should be and it should have very serious consequences for violators.

There's a law that covers looting. It's called "breaking and entering". They should be charged just like any other lowlife criminal who breaks into someone else's business and takes things. It's outrageous to dignify such behavior by pretending their motivations somehow make it "noble".

Obviously the charges for looting amid a riot are not strong enough, because we've had three riots in the last six years. So I too think that looting should be on a different level. A minimum of ten years in prison for destruction or theft of property during a riot or protest.

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