Blacks Deserve Better Than Biden


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
The Liberals can only keep power by keeping Blacks on the Democrat welfare plantation. They hate it when a Black thinks for themselves and runs off the plantation.

The Democrats keeps the Blacks on welfare but Trump gave them jobs.

You would have to be a real moron to think you would get a better deal from the Democrats. Black or otherwise.
White Americans ALSO deserve better than Biden.

Unfortunately the only real alternative to the Democrats in the coming election is the “Party of Trump,” which is a worse-than-ever version of old Republican oligarchists, militarists, evangelists, and “Know Nothing” populists.

We are ALL stuck in “an abusive relation” with the Two-Party system, the domestic front for U.S. state capitalism’s world empire.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
This is the biggest load of laughable horseshit I have ever read:

"Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party. They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President. Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years."

Good Lord! What crazy garbage. The truth is: the worst thing for any minority in this country is the GOP and especially, ESPECIALLY, the Orange Boy DRUMPH!!
Trump doesn't need a majority of black votes to win, just more than Mitt got, that is very doable.

Imagine the surprise of 1.3 million blacks who voted for Trump to find out they aren't actually black.

“1.3 million black Americans already voted for Trump in 2016,” tweeted Republican Senator Tim Scott. “This morning, Joe Biden told every single one of us we ‘ain’t black.’ I’d say I’m surprised, but it’s sadly par for the course for Democrats to take the black community for granted and browbeat those that don’t agree.”

You ain't black T-shirts going for 30 bucks. Hilarious.

Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Well at least his campaign now has its slogan:
Biden is known for his gaffs; this is just another one. He has to explain and apologize. He was trying to be cool. You people will try to make a big deal about this, but weighed against the horrific things the Drumph has said, it's pretty much nothing.

Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.

I know it sounds coldhearted, but they don't deserve any better if they refuse to vote themselves better.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.

No they don't. Talk to the blacks on this forum. They deserve to be treated like slaves by democrats and Biden. They are getting exactly what they have earned and deserve.
White Americans ALSO deserve better than Biden.

Unfortunately the only real alternative to the Democrats in the coming election is the “Party of Trump,” which is a worse-than-ever version of old Republican oligarchists, militarists, evangelists, and “Know Nothing” populists.

We are ALL stuck in “an abusive relation” with the Two-Party system, the domestic front for U.S. state capitalism’s world empire.
This Fall, it all boils down to a choice between a career politician with a well known history of corruption or an incumbent who has proven that he is pro-America in all his decisions.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
This is the biggest load of laughable horseshit I have ever read:

"Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party. They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President. Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years."

Good Lord! What crazy garbage. The truth is: the worst thing for any minority in this country is the GOP and especially, ESPECIALLY, the Orange Boy DRUMPH!!

So I hear you saying, "Anything that doesn't talk about ORANGE MAN BAAAAAAD!!! is silly!!! There can be no opinion but ORANGE MAN BAAAAAD!!!"

That about the size of it?
Biden is known for his gaffs; this is just another one. He has to explain and apologize. He was trying to be cool. You people will try to make a big deal about this, but weighed against the horrific things the Drumph has said, it's pretty much nothing.

HOW, precisely, is he going to "explain" this? I get that YOUR explanation would be, "Well, Trump sucks! That's all you need to know!!!" But how does someone who's not completely committed to being an unhinged Internet troll explain this away?
Biden is known for his gaffs; this is just another one. He has to explain and apologize. He was trying to be cool. You people will try to make a big deal about this, but weighed against the horrific things the Drumph has said, it's pretty much nothing.

This is the CNN/MSLSD narrative.

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