Blacks and leftists are destroying our cities with their criminal entitlement nonsense.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Blacks are engaged in massive crime sprees as a result of their entitlement. Countless cities and counties have to declare a state of emergency to crack down on all citizens because blacks in the inner cities are out of control and leftist morons are defending their criminal activity.
Don't believe me just look at the asinine coverage of the 16 year old who attempted to murder another girl and was shot as a result. Yet some of the media and a lot of the left are saying it is just a typical schoolyard knife fight.... I'm sorry, is it the 50's again? That was the last time knife fights were prevalent. And even then how is it no big deal?

Our black population is OUT OF CONTROL and as long as the media and the left cover for them this poison is going to spread.

Last year the cops killed 9 unarmed blacks. 9...
But it's Armageddon in the streets because motive is irrelevant since they were black.

How do we come back from this insanity? Serious question. Should the cops stop enforcing laws or should blacks get their community in order?

I expect the typical response of RACIST from the left because they're too afraid to lose the black vote by BEING HONEST.

Short of complete civil unrest in which store and property owners start killing rioters/looters or a total collapse of businesses in inner cities (which will create more poverty resulting in more crime) what is the next step?

I'm also expecting the powers that be will move or delete this thread because of political correctness but the fact remains that we have created a nation of political tribes and as a result real accountability has gone out the window.
Blacks are engaged in massive crime sprees as a result of their entitlement.
This part of your statement is too broad, IMO. The truth is that a very small percentage of black Americans are acting like lawless savages. They are generally a sub-category who have lived on the government tit for 2-3 generations and have been convinced by non-stop Democrat party rhetoric that they are OWED a good life whether they work to earn it or not. I hate the pain and suffering that those inner-city blacks are going to suffer who DON'T buy into the Democrat lie but cannot escape their circumstances.
As for the rest, I don't care if they shit where they sleep and eat. Let them suffer reality and MAYBE they'll twig to some common sense.
Blacks are engaged in massive crime sprees as a result of their entitlement. Countless cities and counties have to declare a state of emergency to crack down on all citizens because blacks in the inner cities are out of control and leftist morons are defending their criminal activity.
Don't believe me just look at the asinine coverage of the 16 year old who attempted to murder another girl and was shot as a result. Yet some of the media and a lot of the left are saying it is just a typical schoolyard knife fight.... I'm sorry, is it the 50's again? That was the last time knife fights were prevalent. And even then how is it no big deal?

Our black population is OUT OF CONTROL and as long as the media and the left cover for them this poison is going to spread.

Last year the cops killed 9 unarmed blacks. 9...
But it's Armageddon in the streets because motive is irrelevant since they were black.

How do we come back from this insanity? Serious question. Should the cops stop enforcing laws or should blacks get their community in order?

I expect the typical response of RACIST from the left because they're too afraid to lose the black vote by BEING HONEST.

Short of complete civil unrest in which store and property owners start killing rioters/looters or a total collapse of businesses in inner cities (which will create more poverty resulting in more crime) what is the next step?

I'm also expecting the powers that be will move or delete this thread because of political correctness but the fact remains that we have created a nation of political tribes and as a result real accountability has gone out the window.
The thread premise is a lie.
Government has always treated black people like some menace that needs to be controlled. White supremacists have only had 4 months of this attitude and they are talking about civil war more than ever.
Blacks are engaged in massive crime sprees as a result of their entitlement. Countless cities and counties have to declare a state of emergency to crack down on all citizens because blacks in the inner cities are out of control and leftist morons are defending their criminal activity.
Don't believe me just look at the asinine coverage of the 16 year old who attempted to murder another girl and was shot as a result. Yet some of the media and a lot of the left are saying it is just a typical schoolyard knife fight.... I'm sorry, is it the 50's again? That was the last time knife fights were prevalent. And even then how is it no big deal?

Our black population is OUT OF CONTROL and as long as the media and the left cover for them this poison is going to spread.

Last year the cops killed 9 unarmed blacks. 9...
But it's Armageddon in the streets because motive is irrelevant since they were black.

How do we come back from this insanity? Serious question. Should the cops stop enforcing laws or should blacks get their community in order?

I expect the typical response of RACIST from the left because they're too afraid to lose the black vote by BEING HONEST.

Short of complete civil unrest in which store and property owners start killing rioters/looters or a total collapse of businesses in inner cities (which will create more poverty resulting in more crime) what is the next step?

I'm also expecting the powers that be will move or delete this thread because of political correctness but the fact remains that we have created a nation of political tribes and as a result real accountability has gone out the window.

It's fine by me, as long as they keep it in their shithole cities. Those places need to burn anyway. They're a net negative to our culture, economy, and society in general.
Government has always treated black people like some menace that needs to be controlled. White supremacists have only had 4 months of this attitude and they are talking about civil war more than ever.

How can a Reptilian be a white supremacist? :auiqs.jpg:

They are human supremacist that continue to lead humans to kill each other. Very fun for them.:D
Any money on some WOKE fool and using a "fact checker" to say Atkins didn't say that? :auiqs.jpg:
I'm also expecting the powers that be will move or delete this thread because of political correctness but the fact remains that we have created a nation of political tribes and as a result real accountability has gone out the window.
Yes. Your side of the issue has many perfectly legitimate arguments. But now that we're this tribal, it will be up to the tribes themselves to clean their own houses before blaming the other.

Right now, both tribes are giving the other all the excuses it needs to keep being tribal, because both tribes refuse to look in the mirror.

The two tribes feed the other.
I'm also expecting the powers that be will move or delete this thread because of political correctness but the fact remains that we have created a nation of political tribes and as a result real accountability has gone out the window.
Yes. And now that we're this tribal, it will be up to the tribes themselves to clean their own houses.

Right now, both tribes are giving the other all the excuses it needs to keep being tribal, because both tribes refuse to look in the mirror.

The two tribes feed each. They need each other.

To bad we can't drop them off in Australia anymore.:auiqs.jpg:
I am not sure why BLM don't understand their Marxism was pushed by a white man. :auiqs.jpg:

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Entitlement combined with laziness, knows no bounds. - B. Kidd

A big problem is that most of the public is to lazy to take their heads out the sand and see what is really going on. They would rather just sit back and believe everything the MSM and government tells them.
I'm also expecting the powers that be will move or delete this thread because of political correctness but the fact remains that we have created a nation of political tribes and as a result real accountability has gone out the window.
Yes. And now that we're this tribal, it will be up to the tribes themselves to clean their own houses.

Right now, both tribes are giving the other all the excuses it needs to keep being tribal, because both tribes refuse to look in the mirror.

The two tribes feed each. They need each other.

To bad we can't drop them off in Australia anymore.:auiqs.jpg:
Plenty of land there, for sure.
Blacks are engaged in massive crime sprees as a result of their entitlement. Countless cities and counties have to declare a state of emergency to crack down on all citizens because blacks in the inner cities are out of control and leftist morons are defending their criminal activity.
Don't believe me just look at the asinine coverage of the 16 year old who attempted to murder another girl and was shot as a result. Yet some of the media and a lot of the left are saying it is just a typical schoolyard knife fight.... I'm sorry, is it the 50's again? That was the last time knife fights were prevalent. And even then how is it no big deal?

Our black population is OUT OF CONTROL and as long as the media and the left cover for them this poison is going to spread.

Last year the cops killed 9 unarmed blacks. 9...
But it's Armageddon in the streets because motive is irrelevant since they were black.

How do we come back from this insanity? Serious question. Should the cops stop enforcing laws or should blacks get their community in order?

I expect the typical response of RACIST from the left because they're too afraid to lose the black vote by BEING HONEST.

Short of complete civil unrest in which store and property owners start killing rioters/looters or a total collapse of businesses in inner cities (which will create more poverty resulting in more crime) what is the next step?

I'm also expecting the powers that be will move or delete this thread because of political correctness but the fact remains that we have created a nation of political tribes and as a result real accountability has gone out the window.
To answer your question, yes, we should stop policing them. Stop risking the lives of cops. Defund the police in these Dem run shit holes like they want. Crime will soar, the neighborhoods will get even more ghetto, and they will continue to kill each other off even more. If they are stupid enough to keep voting for an ideology that is destroying their culture, then they deserve it. I’m tired of seeing the rest of us pay the price for their stupidity. Let the Democrats own them. They are the ones that bought their ancestors and used them as slaves. They seem he’ll bent on making the lives of black people miserable. So let’s stay out of the way and let them.

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