Black People Responsible for Virtually All Crime in Atlanta

Hi all, I'm some random guy on the internet that found this thread (and another wack one) while doing searches for totally unrelated things.

Dear fellow Black people in this thread and on this site in general: you're wasting your time. People here like to quote stats and make wild declarations while ignoring context. They say "Look at this! These are facts!" but don't question said facts nor ask why things might be the way they are.

Gonna just drop these two links and bounce.


Have a nice day.
WOW. That am some impressive chart. But the conclusion is total nonsense.

It assumes that ALL of the crimes that are not reported are committed by white people. That ALL of the crimes for which no arrest is made are committed by white people. That ALL of the people who plead guilty are white.

And so on.

The conclusion is total bullshit.

And the relevant population is not the 13.4% who are Black, but rather the 6% who are Black males...

...and commit half of the violent crimes in the entire country.
lest anyone develope any weird ideas ------
IT AIN'T GENETIC -----it's cultural.
With pre-apologies to afro-centric
nationalists----Let's keep in mind that
the national origins of "afro-americans"
are african. Afro americans carry a
family legacy of both slavery AND their
african roots. (great, great, great.........
grandmas)-----the roots of black culture
in the USA is the maternal line BACK TO
Let's everyone be clear irosie91 is WRONG.
It Is Genetic.
Global rates of Homicide by Blacks are multiples of Global Homicides of whites as well.
In fact, the infamous American homicide/gun-crime rate is due it's non-white population.

IN FACT, 'White Americans' murder no more than White Euros!
and Black Americans kill no Less than sub-Saharan Africans!
App the same for Hispanics worldwide too.


View attachment 394574

wrong, abu habibi Neuroscientists have worked hard on the subject of brain function and
have found absolutely NO diversities in brain
function across racial lines. Human behavior is
a function of socialization modified by hardwired
inborn reactions which start out the SAME across
the board. Even taste starts the same----if you put Harissa in the mouth of a baby---the baby will ---BY REFLEX--push it out with his tongue
and grimace. That reaction is BRAIN mediated.
Liking the vile stuff is CULTURAL
The European and African brains are very different
Black People Responsible for Virtually All Crime in Atlanta -- Judge Marvin Arrington Confirms

OD has done the tremendous task of compiling the COLOR OF CRIME for the city of Atlanta (looking at statistics from April 2011 to April 2012). The results:

In Atlanta, African-Americans are 54% of the population, but are responsible for 100% of homicide, 95% of rape, 94% of robbery, 84% of aggravated assault, and 93% of burglary.
Source: APD Uniform Crime Reports, Apr 2011 to Apr 2012

Judge Arrington: Once kicked whites out of courtroom to tell Black people to behave.
Judge Arrington: Once kicked whites out of courtroom to tell Black people to behave
Were someone to spend about two hours on a quick project, you could provide the COLOR OF CRIME for Atlanta from 2009 – present via the data found at this Website.

But statistics and data are misleading, right? In the Black Mecca, that City too Busy to Hate – which is completely run an entrenched Black political establishment – there has to be some lasting vestige of institutional racism making it seem as if Black people are responsible for all the crime in Atlanta.

Perhaps we should just ask a former judge in Atlanta – the very Black Marvin Arrington – his thoughts on the Black monopoly of all crime in the city. It was Judge Arrington in 2008 who made national headlines by asking all the white people in his courtroom to leave so that he could admonish the criminals Black people in the room:
Judge Marvin Arrington insists he’s not a racist; despite ordering white lawyers out of his courtroom on Thursday.
The Fulton County Superior Court judge said he was just fed up seeing a parade of young black defendants in his courtroom.
“I came out and saw the defendants, about 99.9% Afro-Americans, and some point time I excused some of the lawyers, most of them white, and said to the young people in here ‘What in the world are you doing with your lives,'” he told WSB-TV Channel 2 reporter JaQuitta Williams.
Arrington said he thought his message might have more power if it was delivered to a blacks-only audience.
“I didn’t think about racism or reverse racism, I practiced law for 30 years and 75% of my partners were white,” he explained.
The judge said the majority of people who appear before him accused of crimes such as murder, rape and robbery are black and he wanted to do something about it, one on one.
“I didn’t want them to think I was talking down to them; trying to embarrass them or insult them; be derogatory towards them and I was just saying ‘Please get yourself together,'” he said.
Arrington added that he may make a similar speech next week, but this time he’ll allow everyone to hear it.
Interviewed by NRP, Judge Arrington would go even further with his declaration of Black monopolization of crime in Atlanta:
Judge ARRINGTON: And I just said, my God. Will we ever stop? We are executing each other. They appeal before me. They can’t read. They cannot write, have no character, no morals, or what have you. And I just exploded.
Judge ARRINGTON: Oh, you just said it for me. I said, would the white defendants and all whites excuse themselves? I want to talk to my brothers one-on-one. And they excused themselves, and I really asked myself a thousand times. I don’t see what I’m doing – did wrong. If asking some people not to kill, shoot, you know, to have sex with your daughter, to rape, if that is wrong, I don’t want to do right, because I see that as my role, and I said it to my children.
The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported this ....

I lived in Atlanta in 1999 and it was all
N——. I really was terrified
The European and African brains are very different
Really? Is that so? I imagine it's possible that Europeans and Africans have slightly different skull shape -- which is often distinct from the sound of the voice, and the brain cavity might be shaped slightly differently, too, so the brain itself might be a slightly different shape -- but if anything, Africans have larger brains than Europeans, except for very tall big-boned white races such as Danes, and men have larger brains than women, on average.

However, the human brain is so highly adaptable to its environment, that its precise size and shape make little to no difference in actual intelligence.
The European and African brains are very different
Really? Is that so? I imagine it's possible that Europeans and Africans have slightly different skull shape -- which is often distinct from the sound of the voice, and the brain cavity might be shaped slightly differently, too, so the brain itself might be a slightly different shape -- but if anything, Africans have larger brains than Europeans, except for very tall big-boned white races such as Danes, and men have larger brains than women, on average.

However, the human brain is so highly adaptable to its environment, that its precise size and shape make little to no difference in actual intelligence.
The internal parts is what matters and how they’re connected
I am far more likely to get shot by a white or Black than attacked by an Arab with a bomb

That is neither surprising nor worthy of comment in a city 90% black.
You're too ******* stupid to be on a message board.
It takes about 20 secs to google 'atlanta demographics race'
and find out it's 50% Black


We have google now you STUPID TURD.
Resign you dum ****.

Hi all, I'm some random guy on the internet that found this thread (and another wack one) while doing searches for totally unrelated things.

Dear fellow Black people in this thread and on this site in general: you're wasting your time. People here like to quote stats and make wild declarations while ignoring context. They say "Look at this! These are facts!" but don't question said facts nor ask why things might be the way they are.

Gonna just drop these two links and bounce.


Have a nice day.


Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for Blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites (per 100,000), and the victim rate 6 times higher (per 100,000).
Most murders were intraracial, with 84% of white homicide victims murdered by whites, and 93% of black victims murdered by blacks.[33][34][35]
According to the National Crime Victimization Survey in 2002, the black arrest rate for robbery was 8.55 times Higher than whites, and blacks were 16 times more likely to be incarcerated for robbery than non-Hispanic whites.
Robberies with White victims and Black offenders were more than 12 Times more common than the reverse.[38][39]

lest anyone develope any weird ideas ------
IT AIN'T GENETIC -----it's cultural.
With pre-apologies to afro-centric
nationalists----Let's keep in mind that
the national origins of "afro-americans"
are african. Afro americans carry a
family legacy of both slavery AND their
african roots. (great, great, great.........
grandmas)-----the roots of black culture
in the USA is the maternal line BACK TO
Let's everyone be clear irosie91 is WRONG.
It Is Genetic.
Global rates of Homicide by Blacks are multiples of Global Homicides of whites as well.
In fact, the infamous American homicide/gun-crime rate is due it's non-white population.

IN FACT, 'White Americans' murder no more than White Euros!
and Black Americans kill no Less than sub-Saharan Africans!
App the same for Hispanics worldwide too.


View attachment 394574

wrong, abu habibi Neuroscientists have worked hard on the subject of brain function and
have found absolutely NO diversities in brain
function across racial lines. Human behavior is
a function of socialization modified by hardwired
inborn reactions which start out the SAME across
the board. Even taste starts the same----if you put Harissa in the mouth of a baby---the baby will ---BY REFLEX--push it out with his tongue
and grimace. That reaction is BRAIN mediated.
Liking the vile stuff is CULTURAL
The European and African brains are very different

in what way?

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