Black Nationalism


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
What do you think? Are they anti-white?

Malcolm X explains the difference between separation and segregation.
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. 23 January 1963.
(Transcribed text from audio excerpt)

The black man that you're not familiar with is the one that we would like to point out now. He is a new type. He is the type that seldom the white man ever comes into contact with. And when you do come into contact with him you're shocked because you didn't know that this type of black man existed. And immediately you think, "Well here's one of those black supremacists or racists or extremists who believe in violence and all that other kind of..." Well, that's what they call it.

This new type of black man, he doesn't want integration; he wants separation. Not segregation, separation. To him, segregation, as we're taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, means that which is forced upon inferiors by superiors. A segregated community is a Negro community. But the white community, though it's all white, is never called a segregated community. It's a separate community. In the white community, the white man controls the economy, his own economy, his own politics, his own everything. That's his community. But at the same time while the Negro lives in a separate community, it's a segregated community. Which means it's regulated from the outside by outsiders. The white man has all of the businesses in the Negro community. He runs the politics of the Negro community. He controls all the civic organizations in the Negro community. This is a segregated community.

We don't go for segregation. We go for separation. Separation is when you have your own. You control your own economy; you control your own politics; you control your own society; you control your own everything. You have yours and you control yours; we have ours and we control ours.

They don't call Chinatown in New York City or on the West Coast a segregated community, yet it's all Chinese. But the Chinese control it. Chinese voluntarily live there, they control it. They run it. They have their own schools. They control their own politics, control their own industry. And they don't feel like they're being made inferior because they have to live to themselves. They choose to live to themselves. They live there voluntarily. And they are doing for themselves in their community the same thing you do for yourself in your community. This makes them equal because they have what you have. But if they didn't have what you have, then they'd be controlled from your side; even though they would be on their side, they'd be controlled from your side by you.

So when we who follow the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say that we're for separation, it should be emphasized we're not for segregation; we're for separation. We want the same for ourselves as you have for yourselves. And when we get it, then it's possible to think more intelligently and to think in terms that are along peaceful lines. But a man who doesn't have what is his, he can never think always in terms that are along peaceful lines.
What do you think? Are they anti-white?

Malcolm X explains the difference between separation and segregation.
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. 23 January 1963.
(Transcribed text from audio excerpt)

The black man that you're not familiar with is the one that we would like to point out now. He is a new type. He is the type that seldom the white man ever comes into contact with. And when you do come into contact with him you're shocked because you didn't know that this type of black man existed. And immediately you think, "Well here's one of those black supremacists or racists or extremists who believe in violence and all that other kind of..." Well, that's what they call it.

This new type of black man, he doesn't want integration; he wants separation. Not segregation, separation. To him, segregation, as we're taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, means that which is forced upon inferiors by superiors. A segregated community is a Negro community. But the white community, though it's all white, is never called a segregated community. It's a separate community. In the white community, the white man controls the economy, his own economy, his own politics, his own everything. That's his community. But at the same time while the Negro lives in a separate community, it's a segregated community. Which means it's regulated from the outside by outsiders. The white man has all of the businesses in the Negro community. He runs the politics of the Negro community. He controls all the civic organizations in the Negro community. This is a segregated community.

We don't go for segregation. We go for separation. Separation is when you have your own. You control your own economy; you control your own politics; you control your own society; you control your own everything. You have yours and you control yours; we have ours and we control ours.

They don't call Chinatown in New York City or on the West Coast a segregated community, yet it's all Chinese. But the Chinese control it. Chinese voluntarily live there, they control it. They run it. They have their own schools. They control their own politics, control their own industry. And they don't feel like they're being made inferior because they have to live to themselves. They choose to live to themselves. They live there voluntarily. And they are doing for themselves in their community the same thing you do for yourself in your community. This makes them equal because they have what you have. But if they didn't have what you have, then they'd be controlled from your side; even though they would be on their side, they'd be controlled from your side by you.

So when we who follow the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say that we're for separation, it should be emphasized we're not for segregation; we're for separation. We want the same for ourselves as you have for yourselves. And when we get it, then it's possible to think more intelligently and to think in terms that are along peaceful lines. But a man who doesn't have what is his, he can never think always in terms that are along peaceful lines.
Separation was tried and failed in Europe, Mortimer. This may not end well as planned.
What do you think? Are they anti-white?

Malcolm X explains the difference between separation and segregation.
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. 23 January 1963.
(Transcribed text from audio excerpt)

The black man that you're not familiar with is the one that we would like to point out now. He is a new type. He is the type that seldom the white man ever comes into contact with. And when you do come into contact with him you're shocked because you didn't know that this type of black man existed. And immediately you think, "Well here's one of those black supremacists or racists or extremists who believe in violence and all that other kind of..." Well, that's what they call it.

This new type of black man, he doesn't want integration; he wants separation. Not segregation, separation. To him, segregation, as we're taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, means that which is forced upon inferiors by superiors. A segregated community is a Negro community. But the white community, though it's all white, is never called a segregated community. It's a separate community. In the white community, the white man controls the economy, his own economy, his own politics, his own everything. That's his community. But at the same time while the Negro lives in a separate community, it's a segregated community. Which means it's regulated from the outside by outsiders. The white man has all of the businesses in the Negro community. He runs the politics of the Negro community. He controls all the civic organizations in the Negro community. This is a segregated community.

We don't go for segregation. We go for separation. Separation is when you have your own. You control your own economy; you control your own politics; you control your own society; you control your own everything. You have yours and you control yours; we have ours and we control ours.

They don't call Chinatown in New York City or on the West Coast a segregated community, yet it's all Chinese. But the Chinese control it. Chinese voluntarily live there, they control it. They run it. They have their own schools. They control their own politics, control their own industry. And they don't feel like they're being made inferior because they have to live to themselves. They choose to live to themselves. They live there voluntarily. And they are doing for themselves in their community the same thing you do for yourself in your community. This makes them equal because they have what you have. But if they didn't have what you have, then they'd be controlled from your side; even though they would be on their side, they'd be controlled from your side by you.

So when we who follow the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say that we're for separation, it should be emphasized we're not for segregation; we're for separation. We want the same for ourselves as you have for yourselves. And when we get it, then it's possible to think more intelligently and to think in terms that are along peaceful lines. But a man who doesn't have what is his, he can never think always in terms that are along peaceful lines.
Separation was tried and failed in Europe, Mortimer. This may not end well as planned.

How? Bosnia, Serbia, and Croatia separated, and it probably would still be chaos there if they didn't.
What do you think? Are they anti-white?

Malcolm X explains the difference between separation and segregation.
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. 23 January 1963.
(Transcribed text from audio excerpt)

The black man that you're not familiar with is the one that we would like to point out now. He is a new type. He is the type that seldom the white man ever comes into contact with. And when you do come into contact with him you're shocked because you didn't know that this type of black man existed. And immediately you think, "Well here's one of those black supremacists or racists or extremists who believe in violence and all that other kind of..." Well, that's what they call it.

This new type of black man, he doesn't want integration; he wants separation. Not segregation, separation. To him, segregation, as we're taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, means that which is forced upon inferiors by superiors. A segregated community is a Negro community. But the white community, though it's all white, is never called a segregated community. It's a separate community. In the white community, the white man controls the economy, his own economy, his own politics, his own everything. That's his community. But at the same time while the Negro lives in a separate community, it's a segregated community. Which means it's regulated from the outside by outsiders. The white man has all of the businesses in the Negro community. He runs the politics of the Negro community. He controls all the civic organizations in the Negro community. This is a segregated community.

We don't go for segregation. We go for separation. Separation is when you have your own. You control your own economy; you control your own politics; you control your own society; you control your own everything. You have yours and you control yours; we have ours and we control ours.

They don't call Chinatown in New York City or on the West Coast a segregated community, yet it's all Chinese. But the Chinese control it. Chinese voluntarily live there, they control it. They run it. They have their own schools. They control their own politics, control their own industry. And they don't feel like they're being made inferior because they have to live to themselves. They choose to live to themselves. They live there voluntarily. And they are doing for themselves in their community the same thing you do for yourself in your community. This makes them equal because they have what you have. But if they didn't have what you have, then they'd be controlled from your side; even though they would be on their side, they'd be controlled from your side by you.

So when we who follow the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say that we're for separation, it should be emphasized we're not for segregation; we're for separation. We want the same for ourselves as you have for yourselves. And when we get it, then it's possible to think more intelligently and to think in terms that are along peaceful lines. But a man who doesn't have what is his, he can never think always in terms that are along peaceful lines.
Separation was tried and failed in Europe, Mortimer. This may not end well as planned.

I dont neccessarily agree with the seperation thing as in that races shouldnt mix at all but to me it doesnt sound anti-white really but more anti-Imperialist, they want to decolonise and to take their fate into their own hands. Self-determination, they want only what whites have.
I’m all for Black Nationalism. I just want to know what part of Africa they plan to take over to make it happen.

I dont agree with that. Blacks should take over their communities in america. What you say is again what they stood against for, as directed by superiors to inferiors, a White man tells them what they should do where they should go where they should live etc. He deports them.
What do you think? Are they anti-white?

Malcolm X explains the difference between separation and segregation.
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. 23 January 1963.
(Transcribed text from audio excerpt)

The black man that you're not familiar with is the one that we would like to point out now. He is a new type. He is the type that seldom the white man ever comes into contact with. And when you do come into contact with him you're shocked because you didn't know that this type of black man existed. And immediately you think, "Well here's one of those black supremacists or racists or extremists who believe in violence and all that other kind of..." Well, that's what they call it.

This new type of black man, he doesn't want integration; he wants separation. Not segregation, separation. To him, segregation, as we're taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, means that which is forced upon inferiors by superiors. A segregated community is a Negro community. But the white community, though it's all white, is never called a segregated community. It's a separate community. In the white community, the white man controls the economy, his own economy, his own politics, his own everything. That's his community. But at the same time while the Negro lives in a separate community, it's a segregated community. Which means it's regulated from the outside by outsiders. The white man has all of the businesses in the Negro community. He runs the politics of the Negro community. He controls all the civic organizations in the Negro community. This is a segregated community.

We don't go for segregation. We go for separation. Separation is when you have your own. You control your own economy; you control your own politics; you control your own society; you control your own everything. You have yours and you control yours; we have ours and we control ours.

They don't call Chinatown in New York City or on the West Coast a segregated community, yet it's all Chinese. But the Chinese control it. Chinese voluntarily live there, they control it. They run it. They have their own schools. They control their own politics, control their own industry. And they don't feel like they're being made inferior because they have to live to themselves. They choose to live to themselves. They live there voluntarily. And they are doing for themselves in their community the same thing you do for yourself in your community. This makes them equal because they have what you have. But if they didn't have what you have, then they'd be controlled from your side; even though they would be on their side, they'd be controlled from your side by you.

So when we who follow the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say that we're for separation, it should be emphasized we're not for segregation; we're for separation. We want the same for ourselves as you have for yourselves. And when we get it, then it's possible to think more intelligently and to think in terms that are along peaceful lines. But a man who doesn't have what is his, he can never think always in terms that are along peaceful lines.
Separation was tried and failed in Europe, Mortimer. This may not end well as planned.

I dont neccessarily agree with the seperation thing as in that races shouldnt mix at all but to me it doesnt sound anti-white really but more anti-Imperialist, they want to decolonise and to take their fate into their own hands. Self-determination, they want only what whites have.
The black ladies get their noses out of joint if too many of their black men marry whites. And it ain't pretty even if I don't blame them in the least. Many of them are very proud to have beautiful mahogany-colored skin, and so do many of their men. With equal pay coming around in their corner, it's kinda fun to go to a nice restaurant and seeing a couple of dozen ladies having a ball giving baby presents out to the lucky mother-to-be in their group. They know how to have a good time, and hearing them laugh and be happy makes everyone in earshot feel good. I can still remember the joy and gladness of a group that was celebrating 4 or 5 years ago at a local Mexican restaurant. I never forget sounds for some reason, and I smile just to replay the tape in my mind.
I dont agree with that. Blacks should take over their communities in america. What you say is again what they stood against for, as directed by superiors to inferiors, a White man tells them what they should do where they should go where they should live etc. He deports them.

They don’t have enough firepower or influence here to take over communities in any fashion other than short term during riots.
White are not more native to the new world then blacks. It was american native land.

It WAS native american land... then we introduced them to the firearm and biological warfare. Now it is white peoples land. The blacks don’t have the capability to do to the whites what we did to the injuns.
The sports world would go kaput and fizzle if our dear blacks packed up and went to the Congo. :(

Excellent. Kill two birds with one stone. They built a new high school in the city I live in 12 years ago (before I got here) and spent almost half the money on athletic and sports facilities. The death of pro sports wold return college and high school sports to their proper place in the educational spectrum - as an afterthought, not a focus.
I dont agree with that. Blacks should take over their communities in america. What you say is again what they stood against for, as directed by superiors to inferiors, a White man tells them what they should do where they should go where they should live etc. He deports them.

They don’t have enough firepower or influence here to take over communities in any fashion other than short term during riots.

Right. But I dont think war or conflict is any solution at all. And why bloodshed? It can be done peacefully. Like owning black business, black schools, etc. I dont think they said they want war or gun fire. I think though that the white elites in the USA but also world wide disfrenchised and marginalised and colonised the black communities. It wouldnt suprise me if they introduce drugs or such things to blacks. In Africa white people own the business, the currency, everything.
What do you think? Are they anti-white?

Malcolm X explains the difference between separation and segregation.
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. 23 January 1963.
(Transcribed text from audio excerpt)

The black man that you're not familiar with is the one that we would like to point out now. He is a new type. He is the type that seldom the white man ever comes into contact with. And when you do come into contact with him you're shocked because you didn't know that this type of black man existed. And immediately you think, "Well here's one of those black supremacists or racists or extremists who believe in violence and all that other kind of..." Well, that's what they call it.

This new type of black man, he doesn't want integration; he wants separation. Not segregation, separation. To him, segregation, as we're taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, means that which is forced upon inferiors by superiors. A segregated community is a Negro community. But the white community, though it's all white, is never called a segregated community. It's a separate community. In the white community, the white man controls the economy, his own economy, his own politics, his own everything. That's his community. But at the same time while the Negro lives in a separate community, it's a segregated community. Which means it's regulated from the outside by outsiders. The white man has all of the businesses in the Negro community. He runs the politics of the Negro community. He controls all the civic organizations in the Negro community. This is a segregated community.

We don't go for segregation. We go for separation. Separation is when you have your own. You control your own economy; you control your own politics; you control your own society; you control your own everything. You have yours and you control yours; we have ours and we control ours.

They don't call Chinatown in New York City or on the West Coast a segregated community, yet it's all Chinese. But the Chinese control it. Chinese voluntarily live there, they control it. They run it. They have their own schools. They control their own politics, control their own industry. And they don't feel like they're being made inferior because they have to live to themselves. They choose to live to themselves. They live there voluntarily. And they are doing for themselves in their community the same thing you do for yourself in your community. This makes them equal because they have what you have. But if they didn't have what you have, then they'd be controlled from your side; even though they would be on their side, they'd be controlled from your side by you.

So when we who follow the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say that we're for separation, it should be emphasized we're not for segregation; we're for separation. We want the same for ourselves as you have for yourselves. And when we get it, then it's possible to think more intelligently and to think in terms that are along peaceful lines. But a man who doesn't have what is his, he can never think always in terms that are along peaceful lines.
Separation was tried and failed in Europe, Mortimer. This may not end well as planned.

I dont neccessarily agree with the seperation thing as in that races shouldnt mix at all but to me it doesnt sound anti-white really but more anti-Imperialist, they want to decolonise and to take their fate into their own hands. Self-determination, they want only what whites have.
The black ladies get their noses out of joint if too many of their black men marry whites. And it ain't pretty even if I don't blame them in the least. Many of them are very proud to have beautiful mahogany-colored skin, and so do many of their men. With equal pay coming around in their corner, it's kinda fun to go to a nice restaurant and seeing a couple of dozen ladies having a ball giving baby presents out to the lucky mother-to-be in their group. They know how to have a good time, and hearing them laugh and be happy makes everyone in earshot feel good. I can still remember the joy and gladness of a group that was celebrating 4 or 5 years ago at a local Mexican restaurant. I never forget sounds for some reason, and I smile just to replay the tape in my mind.

Mixing of any kind doesnt disturb me. Some black ladies get angry if black males marry white women. But alot of white males are very angry if a white woman marries a black guy too. That doesnt make me angry of any kind. Even if it is my sister. Im talking from a greater perspective. From a ideological or philosophical point of view. Im for unity and peace but not sure if integration can trully fully work. Because blacks cant turn white or be like whites and whites cannot turn black or be like blacks. They will always be very different and it looks like as if often such differences bring instability and problems. Anyways to me it sounds like a liberation politics or philosophy, and only what they want is equality. Mixing can happen in moderate amounts though. If you mix everything together it will probably end in problems.
Right. But I dont think war or conflict is any solution at all. And why bloodshed? It can be done peacefully. Like owning black business, black schools, etc. I dont think they said they want war or gun fire. I think though that the white elites in the USA but also world wide disfrenchised and marginalised and colonised the black communities. It wouldnt suprise me if they introduce drugs or such things to blacks. In Africa white people own the business, the currency, everything.

I already gonour of my way to avoid businesses, large and small, thst don’t agree with my ideologies. I believe those “black supremacy” businesses would be boycotted and minimized in a variety of ways.
Right. But I dont think war or conflict is any solution at all. And why bloodshed? It can be done peacefully. Like owning black business, black schools, etc. I dont think they said they want war or gun fire. I think though that the white elites in the USA but also world wide disfrenchised and marginalised and colonised the black communities. It wouldnt suprise me if they introduce drugs or such things to blacks. In Africa white people own the business, the currency, everything.

I already gonour of my way to avoid businesses, large and small, thst don’t agree with my ideologies. I believe those “black supremacy” businesses would be boycotted and minimized in a variety of ways.

Probably. It wouldnt surprise me. Even Martin Luther King was oberserved and manipulated by the FBI. But it sounds like good ideas and liberation. Replace black with rom (gypsy ) and it is the same for me.
_HATE EMBRACING Denounce Mechee X, Vicki Dillard, Shonne Etienne.png

Hi. Keeping it REAL! When writing or speaking about black American citizens, I really wish people would distinguish responsible, reasonably well-adjusted black or American citizens of African descent, from 'PRO BLACK' American citizens much like VIOLENCE, FEAR & HATE promoting Pres. and Mrs. Obama.

Have you noticed America's large female dominated, SEGREGATION-MINDED, INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION & HATE practicing 'PRO BLACK' community that harasses, bullies, INTIMIDATES & denigrates as 'C&&NS, Sell-Outs & Traitors', our free-thinking, responsible black or American friends, neighbors & co-workers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness... ALSO well practiced at INTIMIDATING white or Americans of Euro descent with 24/7 declarations of Racism & White Supremacy, as well as adept at exploiting "WHITE GUILT" with their incessant cries of Racism and White Privilege!

Frankly, I'd like to see American people & US Congress offer REPARATIONS to segregation-minded Pro Black American citizens with one stipulation. They immediately renounce their US citizenship, and find another country to incessantly practice their unnecessary, unhealthy, HATEFUL and ILLOGICAL INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.

Once all PRO BLACK minded former-citizens have exited our country, taking with them, their venom, hate and apparent untreated emotional illness, I am certain the small population of brown and dark complected Americans remaining will begin enjoying a different, more positive American experience, as well as improved emotional and physical health.

Become enlightened, YouTube search terms: "mental health illness black community"

'Exposing 'Pro Black' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

"'Pro-Black American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll"

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
They don't call Chinatown in New York City or on the West Coast a segregated community, yet it's all Chinese. But the Chinese control it. Chinese voluntarily live there, they control it. They run it. They have their own schools. They control their own politics, control their own industry. And they don't feel like they're being made inferior because they have to live to themselves. They choose to live to themselves. They live there voluntarily. And they are doing for themselves in their community the same thing you do for yourself in your community. This makes them equal because they have what you have. But if they didn't have what you have, then they'd be controlled from your side; even though they would be on their side, they'd be controlled from your side by you.

How often have my fellow American citizens witnessed Chinese Americans HATEFULLY harrassing, threatening, bullying, INTIMIDATING or denigrating other Chinese Americans who choose to integrate their families into mainstream American culture by living outside of, or opening businesses outside of established Chinese American communities?


Probably. It wouldn't surprise me. Even Martin Luther King was observed and manipulated by the FBI. But it sounds like good ideas and liberation. Replace black with rom (gypsy ) and it is the same for me.

Good comparison. In both cases the minority’s population has no interest in integrating itself into the existing majority population.

There are only three colors I care about in this world... Red, White, ad Blue. So long as those are the colors of your Soul, I don’t care about the color of your skin at all. The problem as I see it is thst far too small a percentage of Americans have that Red White and Blue in their Soul. A Black Supremacy group cannot have those colors in their Soul. It’s judt that simple.

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