Black Lives Matter publishes a children's workbook


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
Statz thought this could be a teachable moment, so that week she used a children’s book, an educational video and a worksheet to lead a discussion on racism and why people were protesting. She considered the materials neutral. The worksheet posed questions like, “What is the Black Lives Matter Movement trying to do?” and “How Do We Stop Systemic Racism?” The students seemed engaged, and asked a lot of questions, she said.

They have an answer to stop systemic racism - are we aware of the answer - what is it???
I glanced quickly through the article.

I carefully read about the mother of a child of color who alleges that Euro American students pushed her child down the stairs and also verbally assaulted her.

I think that 2020 and 2019 and 2018 and ... have shown one thing: Take such charges with a grain of salt until proved.
I don't want to downplay racism, but in the long list of really important and pressing issues its somewhere near the bottom. Sickle cell anemia. Cancer. Drug or alcohol abuse. Mental illness. Traffic accidents...things that are far more pressing issues in the poor black community. This constant focus on ahhem, err "systemic white racism" and/or police brutality is like someone with OCD fixated on GERMS and ignoring the real pressing issues.

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