Black lies matter


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Sorry, its rather cringy title and rather snarky. I apologize. Race relations are rather dour right now...and, OH, coincidentally, the media cherry picks events where the cops look bad, and then opsie daisy over look the black crimes and the reason cops are so paranoid...I actually overheard a black boy say, and I quote verbatim: "I hate white people, they are ALL racist" This coming from the most psychotic violent person I've had the displeasure of experiencing. I could't imagine the difference between black thugs in the BLM or the clan right now.
Sorry, its rather cringy title and rather snarky. I apologize. Race relations are rather dour right now...
But Mary-- -- -- what have white people done? They didn't kill George Floyd, four cops did, and two of them were minorities. I thought this was supposed to bring the races together. And what about police? I've seen a lot of kneeling, are Blacks and cops closer now too?

And BLM, are they happier now? Aren't they getting their way?

What about the general populace, they should be delighted. All race relations is getting fixed.

Everyone is happier, healthier and safer now.

We're really making progress.
I thought the south was so racist. We conservatives have been claiming that the real racists are the democrats up north. Low and behold a racist shooting of a negro happened in fucking Minnesota.
I call 'em "Klan with a tan."

Blacks are their own worst enemies, they harm each other in far larger numbers than a few unfortunate police could ever do... AND, nevermind the poor black community can actually fix that themselves in house.. It's easier to blame whites and the po pos.

It's that "victim mentality." The Democrats have spent decades cultivating that in the classes they pander to.
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Protesting police excessive force, (that needs definition) VS, say...RIOTS? Um isn't that rather...what is the word here...EXCESSIVE? And Forceful? The media, lets go back to these wonderful race baiting and uninformative lap dogs of the left. Shame on them, they are responsible for these fiascos . I just read a tabloid headline, "Jesus's nose discovered on Mars". Really? Well, take the Erich Sandman fiasco. They deliberately filtered out the entire context just to make poor white boy look bad...Because so many of you are credulous fools, you buy anything they say. The media used to have patina of, I don't know, credibility and journalistic impartiality & fairness. Those days are long gone.
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I call 'em "Klan with a tan."

Blacks are their own worst enemies, they harm each other in far larger numbers than a few unfortunate police could ever do... AND, nevermind the poor black community can actually fix that themselves in house.. It's easier to blame whites and the po pos.

It's that "victim mentality." The Democrats have spent decades cultivating that in the classes they pander to.
Some of my best friends are... white. The cat is outa the bag, I like whites. Opps. Anyway, I have been around blacks enough to realize this isn't an issue. When I first heard about BLM, I thought it was about the bureau of land management. So, anyway, if boy George, er, Geo. Boyd had been white, abandoned his kids and had numerous felonies and was high and confronted cop, I rather doubt this boyo would have been given a state funeral. IF a certain political group and the media didn't arbitrarily contrive to make this an issue...
Sorry, its rather cringy title and rather snarky. I apologize. Race relations are rather dour right now...and, OH, coincidentally, the media cherry picks events where the cops look bad, and then opsie daisy over look the black crimes and the reason cops are so paranoid...I actually overheard a black boy say, and I quote verbatim: "I hate white people, they are ALL racist" This coming from the most psychotic violent person I've had the displeasure of experiencing. I could't imagine the difference between black thugs in the BLM or the clan right now.

What else can you possibly expect from a generation of angry black boys and young men taught for decades down through their hereditary lines to despise and distrust all white people, to disrespect women of all races, to seek violent crime as a cause of self-liberation and frankly, to speak like grunting animals. The music and other pop culture of our day aimed at black youth only reinforce the thug-savage appeal. Can millions of people of any culture be deprogrammed from such a cult of hatred and violence? I am not alone in my doubts.
Racism is like a placebo or Vudoo, its purely in the mind. Unlike say, extortion or intimidation, which is what the BLM or Antifa is doing. Protesting is one thing, 18 people died in Chicago last week, mostly black. Why? If black lives really matter , those unfortunate souls didn't. Something isn't adding up in the gains and loses column . Black kids murderer in drive bys, the poor innocent black kids murdered by gangs or drug dealers...let blame a few white cops instead.
Sorry, its rather cringy title and rather snarky. I apologize. Race relations are rather dour right now...
But Mary-- -- -- what have white people done? They didn't kill George Floyd, four cops did, and two of them were minorities. I thought this was supposed to bring the races together. And what about police? I've seen a lot of kneeling, are Blacks and cops closer now too?

And BLM, are they happier now? Aren't they getting their way?

What about the general populace, they should be delighted. All race relations is getting fixed.

Everyone is happier, healthier and safer now.

We're really making progress.
Going back 40 years I've seen the Jessup Smolletts syndrome going way way way back... some kind of psychoses...the sky is falling, boy that cries wolf or paranoid persecution/victim complex. I am no psychologist . Poor black culture is it's own worse enemy, and they need fix that, because its within their reach, not this stereotypical "blame da whitey" pass the buck malarkey.
I find it amusing when the black person tells you the lie...And they're too stupid to know it.

"I was driving 90 in a 35 zone and they pulled me over cuz Ize BLACK"!

No dumb just told me you got pulled over because you were driving 90 in a 35 zone.

"Dats boosheee meng...boosheee"!
Sorry, its rather cringy title and rather snarky. I apologize. Race relations are rather dour right now...and, OH, coincidentally, the media cherry picks events where the cops look bad, and then opsie daisy over look the black crimes and the reason cops are so paranoid...I actually overheard a black boy say, and I quote verbatim: "I hate white people, they are ALL racist" This coming from the most psychotic violent person I've had the displeasure of experiencing. I could't imagine the difference between black thugs in the BLM or the clan right now.
Sounds like you recognize that there are major issues around race relations. The question is are you interested in working to make them better or not? If so, do you think focusing on the oppressed group, highlighting the crime, poverty, poor education, single family house holds etc etc, calling them violent and racist for their anger against whites is going to help things?

Or perhaps shutting off the judgement for a second and opening up your ears to actually listen to their concerns, take them seriously, and allow them to feel heard... maybe that would be a more effective approach. What do you think?
I want to frame my perspective on this right now. MY grandparents came here from a bad situation in Europe 100 years ago and we had nothing to do with slavery after the fact. Way after. And immigrants, say Asian, Irish, gypsies, Jews, we all managed to fit in here. I see blacks slaughtering each other in huge numbers, drive bys and killing innocent bystanders ,but instead worry a random incidences with (drum roll please) da COPS? Why? Why this seemingly weird focus on whites and cops but NEVER the larger incidences of black on black crime? You think I am lying or race baiting? Look it up, black on black crimes surpass police brutality or hate crimes...
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Do blacks lives matter? Flashback to Rwanda genocide, or Somalia lets examine THAT. Now we have American Negros that are so reckless, We have random black people gunned down by black thugs that don't give a flying
fuck about anything... But instead...lets focus on bad cops, all twelve of them, that will fix the broken black
communities..., They aren't perfect...WHO is? This perennial blame shifting, blacks are going to sooner or later confront their inner demons...Like a line out of Shakespeare: "The fault, dear sir, lays not in our stars, but our selves."
I want to frame my perspective on this right now. MY grandparents came here from a bad situation in Europe 100 years ago and we had nothing to do with slavery after the fact. Way after. And immigrants, say Asian, Irish, gypsies, Jews, we all managed to fit in here. I see blacks slaughtering each other in huge numbers, drive bys and killing innocent bystanders ,but instead worry a random incidences with (drum roll please) da COPS? Why? Why this seemingly weird focus on whites and cops but NEVER the larger incidences of black on black crime? You think I am lying or race baiting? Look it up, black on black crimes surpass police brutality or hate crimes...
I dont deny that black on black crime is a major problem, but you gotta look beyond that at factors that cause and perpetuate that situation. Your family immigrated here and made a good life, that’s awesome. Many blacks came here by force and survived through generations of slavery and oppression. Up until the 1960s we had a legal system that discriminated against them and that doesn’t even account for the social factors they had to deal with. You and I as white people need to accept one simple thing. We don’t live the same reality that many blacks do in this country so we can’t understand their struggles in the same why that they can. if you really want to address the problem don’t pretend to relate and don’t jump to judgment and conclusions. Shut your mouth for a spell and try to listen.

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