Birth Control = Sexism?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Notice the vast majority of birth control methods are designed for women to use. Assorted pills and devices inserted inside the woman, whereas for men there's only the condom. And that's designed less to prevent pregnancy, and more to protect the man from getting something icky - from a woman.

Is the whole birth control concept sexist?
Notice the vast majority of birth control methods are designed for women to use. Assorted pills and devices inserted inside the woman, whereas for men there's only the condom. And that's designed less to prevent pregnancy, and more to protect the man from getting something icky - from a woman.

Is the whole birth control concept sexist?

As opposed to this OP? Something icky from a woman? As opposed to giving something icky TO a woman? Male contraception is biochemically much more complex, and has a serious drawback - it often makes the male sterile, so the reversibility of the thing is a big issue.
Notice the vast majority of birth control methods are designed for women to use. Assorted pills and devices inserted inside the woman, whereas for men there's only the condom. And that's designed less to prevent pregnancy, and more to protect the man from getting something icky - from a woman.

Is the whole birth control concept sexist?
You never heard of vasectomies?
Notice the vast majority of birth control methods are designed for women to use. Assorted pills and devices inserted inside the woman, whereas for men there's only the condom. And that's designed less to prevent pregnancy, and more to protect the man from getting something icky - from a woman.

Is the whole birth control concept sexist?
You never heard of vasectomies?
or firing one off before sex?
Notice the vast majority of birth control methods are designed for women to use. Assorted pills and devices inserted inside the woman, whereas for men there's only the condom. And that's designed less to prevent pregnancy, and more to protect the man from getting something icky - from a woman.

Is the whole birth control concept sexist?
You never heard of vasectomies?
My right ball swelled up to the size of an orange when I had mine.
(Artificial) Birth Control has been a boon to women, world-wide, since its invention and proliferation several decades ago. Now a woman can enjoy an active sex life with essentially no concern about procreation, thus leaving her free to pursue a career, self actualization, and an infinite variety of entertaining activities (e.g., travel, advanced education) that could not have been done a few generations ago, unless she totally foreswore sexual encounters.

The ease with which a woman can make herself essentially infertile has made further research into male birth control pointless. It would be like making dramatic improvements to horse-drawn carriages after cars became available.

One might truthfully say that the cornucopia of female birth control options is the main reason why women are generally so much HAPPIER today than they were in the 40's and 50's.

[Did you see the sarcastic juice dripping from that last sentence?]
Shouldn't men also have reproductive control as well as women?...

Potential male contraceptive found in study with mice
Oct. 2, 2015 - When a protein in sperm was blocked by researchers using two immunosuppressive drugs, the mice became infertile.
Researchers in Japan may have found a method for reliable, reversible male contraception by blocking a protein in mice using two immunosuppressive drugs typically given to organ transplant patients. While the two drugs are not being recommended for use as contraceptives, researchers said the finding may lead to an option for men other than vasectomy or condoms. "It is important that we find an effective and reversible contraceptive option to allow men more control over their own reproductive futures," Masahito Ikawa, a researcher at Osaka University, told HealthDay. "The findings of this study may be a key step to giving men that control."


Currently, the only forms of contraception widely available to men are vasectomy and condoms.​

The researchers found a version of the protein calcineurin that is present only in sperm -- other forms of it exist in the body, playing a role in the immune system -- which they thought played a role in male fertility. First breeding mice whose genes for the protein had been "knocked out," the researchers found mice sperm had trouble generating the movement needed to swim to an egg for fertilization.

Having seen this, the mice were then treated with cyclosporine A and tacrolimus, immunosuppressive drugs used with transplant patients to prevent their bodies from rejecting new organs. Within 5 days, the mice were infertile, despite continuing to have sex. When the researchers stopped the treatment, it took about a week for the mice to become fertile again. The researchers said they do not recommend people using the drugs as contraceptives. The new understanding of calcineurin will fuel work to develop a drug meant to target the protein specifically to prevent pregnancy. The study is published in the journal Science.

Potential male contraceptive found in study with mice
Something tells me that the OP's fingers are sticky with jizz while he types this bullshit. Hey, asshole, most surgical birth control is done by men (vasectomy) rather than women. Is this sexist?

Why don't you get you mind off of suck dog dick and think this shit through prior to posting, you degenerate, stupid fuck!

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