Birth control is the reason everything has been falling apart since 1965


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
People don't realize how important birth control is. The reason the family has been disintegrating since 1965 is widespread use of birth control. Birth control within a marriage is a poison that harms the relationship between husband and wife, souring sex for both of them, and making it into something that is selfish.

I cannot convince you of this, since you have grown up with the idea that birth control is something that is good. However, this is a lie.

Birth control not only destroys marriages, but it is so closely linked to abortion, that once birth control is widely accepted, it is only a matter of a few years before abortion is widespread. Note that those who push abortion, push birth control first.
If birth control is used properly, an abortion doesn't happen
Yes it does, because no method of birth control is 100% effective. Unless she is sterile, a sexually active woman will eventually get pregnant, whether she is using condoms, birth control pills, IUDs, or natural family planning. And if she is having sexual intercourse with the mindset of NOT being open to human life, she is more likely to get an abortion.
It's expensive enough to raise one kid today, let alone seven. No thanks.
Well, we had three children, and we managed to pull it off. Of course, you have to stop being selfish, and I know that's asking a lot for some people.
People don't realize how important birth control is. The reason the family has been disintegrating since 1965 is widespread use of birth control. Birth control within a marriage is a poison that harms the relationship between husband and wife, souring sex for both of them, and making it into something that is selfish.

I cannot convince you of this, since you have grown up with the idea that birth control is something that is good. However, this is a lie.

Birth control not only destroys marriages, but it is so closely linked to abortion, that once birth control is widely accepted, it is only a matter of a few years before abortion is widespread. Note that those who push abortion, push birth control first.

Why should women who in this day and age both want to work and need to work to pay bills and possibly have children when they are ready? Men cannot be the soul provider for most families anymore. Some people can't afford to have children or choose to buy a house before having children so they can grow up in a nice neighborhood with good schools, not in a small apartment that might have been convenient to commute to work from.

Some apartments don't permit children. breaking leases can be expensive and finding nice new apartments are not always easy to get into.

Maybe some have children and can't afford more at that time.

Why don't you try to find good home for all the children out there that need them before expecting women to have more?

I would rather if you are going to have a number of children to have a stable and supportive extended family around by too often grandparents are living in other states. We don't have two sets of retired grandparents that can be caretakers while the parents are working any more. Child care costs are almost as much a sending kids to private schools. For low income families it is more than anyone parent makes.

Women should be free to make life choices. It is not like birth control is anything new. It is as old, if not older, than civilization and recorded history. Now you want to tell women they should not be the one to decide when ti have children?

The failing of society are far more complex. When we have more jobs than people and families have more than enough money to begin a family you might try the subject again. Right now most people are struggling to afford the children they do have or need to seek assistance from the government/taxpayer who is also struggling to make ends meet let alone putting money in saving for retirement or anything else.

Some might be starting or building their own businesses, choosing to enjoy travel while they are still young, or enjoying a more comfortable life style. Some need to put money asside for the expense of having children later on.

It is not for you to tell people when and if they should have children, they have to decide that for themselves. When they are ready and want children they will be more likely to be loved and nurtured, not a burden on parents.

A woman or couple should have children when they choose to, when they are ready and full of love to give.
It's expensive enough to raise one kid today, let alone seven. No thanks.
Well, we had three children, and we managed to pull it off. Of course, you have to stop being selfish, and I know that's asking a lot for some people.

I also have three children but when my husband became disabled I had to start a business from home while I also cared for him and the children. I was lucky, sold that business and started two others after that, which I also sold. Not everyone has the same opportunities or knowledge to do that. I wish my husband could have been the caretaker and I could have worked outside the home and things might have moved much faster and been even more successful but he could not.

Some women are on birth control because it is too dangerous for them to have children, not because they don't want them.

Care for all the children, poor, unemployed and underemployed before you overpopulate the world.
People don't realize how important birth control is. The reason the family has been disintegrating since 1965 is widespread use of birth control. Birth control within a marriage is a poison that harms the relationship between husband and wife, souring sex for both of them, and making it into something that is selfish.

I cannot convince you of this, since you have grown up with the idea that birth control is something that is good. However, this is a lie.

Birth control not only destroys marriages, but it is so closely linked to abortion, that once birth control is widely accepted, it is only a matter of a few years before abortion is widespread. Note that those who push abortion, push birth control first.
Book a train to the 1940's, grampa.
People don't realize how important birth control is. The reason the family has been disintegrating since 1965 is widespread use of birth control. Birth control within a marriage is a poison that harms the relationship between husband and wife, souring sex for both of them, and making it into something that is selfish.

I cannot convince you of this, since you have grown up with the idea that birth control is something that is good. However, this is a lie.

Birth control not only destroys marriages, but it is so closely linked to abortion, that once birth control is widely accepted, it is only a matter of a few years before abortion is widespread. Note that those who push abortion, push birth control first.
Book a train to the 1940's, grampa.

People don't realize how important birth control is. The reason the family has been disintegrating since 1965 is widespread use of birth control. Birth control within a marriage is a poison that harms the relationship between husband and wife, souring sex for both of them, and making it into something that is selfish.

I cannot convince you of this, since you have grown up with the idea that birth control is something that is good. However, this is a lie.

Birth control not only destroys marriages, but it is so closely linked to abortion, that once birth control is widely accepted, it is only a matter of a few years before abortion is widespread. Note that those who push abortion, push birth control first.

Do you have any idea how horrible it was for women, especially poor women, to have to bear child after child regardless of whether they could afford it or their bodies could handle it?
You're right. Every ejaculation deserves a name.
It's expensive enough to raise one kid today, let alone seven. No thanks.
Well, we had three children, and we managed to pull it off. Of course, you have to stop being selfish, and I know that's asking a lot for some people.

I don't think it's selfish, to understand that you can only care for so many children and make up your mind to do it to the best of your ability.
People don't realize how important birth control is. The reason the family has been disintegrating since 1965 is widespread use of birth control. Birth control within a marriage is a poison that harms the relationship between husband and wife, souring sex for both of them, and making it into something that is selfish.

I cannot convince you of this, since you have grown up with the idea that birth control is something that is good. However, this is a lie.

Birth control not only destroys marriages, but it is so closely linked to abortion, that once birth control is widely accepted, it is only a matter of a few years before abortion is widespread. Note that those who push abortion, push birth control first.
The world is already overpopulated, birth control can help.
Stop laying responsibility at the feet of women for birth control, pregnancy or abortion.

Let PP give male birth control injection like a vaccine and boosters. It is 96% effective.

Let PP do injectable vasectomies and flushes to reverse them

When a women wants to have a child she can sign a legal document with the man about responsibility for raising and support of the child and then have the injection flushed so the man's fertility returns.

Let PP do micro surgery vasectomies and reverses as well.

Let PP issue male birth control pills

I think males should be "sterilized" when they hit puberty and only reverse it when they are ready to be a father or where there is an agreement between the couple. I would add the right to donate sperm to a sperm bank before they begin whatever birth control is best for them for them to use at a later date if they so choose.

Let women live their lives without the complications of pregnancy till they are ready. Make men the heavies for birth control, not the women.

Abortions is still the law so women should have access to them but when men will be required to take responsibility for birth control, not just condom use to prevent disease, and get the woman's permission to end the birth control, then there will be desired children and fewer abortions.

Some women cannot use condoms for health reason.
Some women cannot use the pill for health reason.

Require all male teens to begin birth control till a woman is ready to be a mother to that man's child and both have decided who will be supporting the child through high school or beyond.

I'd add that any man convicted of rape should have a penectomy before going to jail.
None of you have denied that birth control has resulted in a high divorce rate, and the breakdown of the American family. That's what this thread is about.

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