Bill Gates says U.S. recovery to take years, taxes rise

Titanic Sailor

Senior Member
Aug 31, 2009
Bill Gates says U.S. recovery to take years, taxes rise - Yahoo! News

Good article, and I agree with him on some points. I do not agree there needs to be cuts in entitlements. Going to be some angry Americans when and if you do. He's right, we need leadership, not much in the pipeline right now. I definitely think taxes need to be raised.

Here's some of my suggestions.

1. Everyone has healthcare, the costs shift to the industry and anyone making over 200K in healthcare gets taxed at 100% over that amount.

2 No denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions. Industry eats that too.

3. Every citizen will pay into Social Security, even the one fourth of public sector workers who don't now.

4. Every government worker taxed at 100% for any amount over 100k unless it's OT. If they make that in OT, then time to hire more people and make that mandatory as well. Government service returns to the job.

5. Stop the export of jobs to cheaper markets. One year waiver on layoff for loss of jobs overseas, and we sit down and figure out a way to make globalization work for Americans for a change. We are here today because government sat back and watched our people suffer, and jobs disappear. Nothing but pure greed.

6. Unfunded government pensions illegal.

7. Maybe a five year sabbatical on bright ideas and the federal government so we can pay off our debt, and especially to the Communist Chinese.

8. Tort reform for healthcare.

9. Massive reduction in income tax, but I understand that will have to wait.

10. Anyone who supports a "balanced" budget bill is the enemy. The guy/gal we want will look at a "reduced" budget bill, and understand that well over three trillion dollars a year is complete insanity.

Fill in and add where you think we need. These are the things I come up with while I'm pissed. ;)
Start with a 20 percent cut across the board on all govt depts, agencies. Stop ALL govt growth. Frankly, I'm tired of footing the bills caused by the incompetent loons in Washington.
1. Everyone has healthcare, the costs shift to the industry and anyone making over 200K in healthcare gets taxed at 100% over that amount.

How am I supposed to take you seriously after this?

I can't believe some of the ideas from people who have the balls to call themselves "Americans" these days.

I'm sorry my man, but that's just flat out fucking CRAZY.
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Start with a 20 percent cut across the board on all govt depts, agencies. Stop ALL govt growth. Frankly, I'm tired of footing the bills caused by the incompetent loons in Washington.

I believe this is called the throwing out the baby with the bathwater school of government.

We're having budget problems in Ms. right now. The legislature passed a budget that assumed revenues that haven't materialized. The Govenor is required to make budget cuts to balance the budget following legislative guidelines. The govenor is asking the legislature to alter the guidelines. If the guidelines are followed, it will require the release of from 3400 to 4000 prisonors from the state penitinery. This situation is a direct result of equally cutting all state dept. budgets.

The above situation is politically unpaletteable. Everyone is having a grand time blaming everyone else right now. Not so different from whats going on in Washington.
Start with a 20 percent cut across the board on all govt depts, agencies. Stop ALL govt growth. Frankly, I'm tired of footing the bills caused by the incompetent loons in Washington.

I believe this is called the throwing out the baby with the bathwater school of government.
Yeah....Rosemary's baby.
The only folks who should be making 200K in the health care industry are doctors, engineers, and scientists. That's the issue, health care is big business, and it should be about providing care. A real overhaul of healthcare, a real review of government regulation in healthcare, and a real review of the costs associated with healthcare. Shut down the greed, and reduce costs.

If you disagree, explain, or come up with another solution because all I've heard is complete garbage.

I don't expect some of these views to be popular, or have a snow balls chance in hell being attained. ;)

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