Oscar Wao
Victory is Mine
...if you're into tyranny, that is. Here's your beloved "regulation" in action, statists:
Anti-Chavez TV Channel Removed From Cable - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com
Anti-Chavez TV Channel Removed From Cable - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com
CARACAS, Venezuela Venezuelan cable television providers stopped transmitting a channel critical of President Hugo Chavez on Sunday, after the government cited incompliance with new regulations requiring the socialist leader's speeches be televised on cable.
Radio Caracas Television, an anti-Chavez channel known as RCTV that switched to cable in 2007 after the government refused to renew its over-the-air license, disappeared from the airwaves shortly after midnight.
RCTV was dropped just hours after Diosdado Cabello, director of Venezuela's state-run telecommunications agency, said several local channels carried by cable television have breached broadcasting laws and should be removed from the airwaves.