Bill Clinton: Romney Is Running To Steal Credit For Obama’s Recovery


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Benjy Sarlin

Former President Bill Clinton told an Orlando, Fla., audience that Mitt Romney’s vague economic plan is part of a scheme to get elected, then steal credit for President Obama’s coming recovery.

Clinton cited recent reports that top economists and financial firms are predicting a strong boost to growth soon, likely matching Romney’s current pledge to create 12 million jobs over the next four years, whether or not he’s elected.

According to Clinton, America is looking at 4 percent GDP growth soon, double the current rate, as long as “we don’t mess it up.” The danger then is that Romney will win the election then “cut taxes for wealthy people,” “gut the Medicaid program,” slash aid to education and scientific research, then claim these policies as the reason an already inevitable short term bump occurred in his first term.

Despite the brief gains, Romney will “take the future out” of the budget, Clinton said, undoing Obama’s hard-fought efforts to put the country on a path to more solid gains. That means the president’s work navigating the country through the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression will be forgotten: “[Obama] won’t even get the credit, because [Romney] want to get credit for the 12 million jobs that Obama laid the foundation for.”

“Let’s give the job to the man who’s done the job so he can finish the job,” Clinton concluded. “Four more years!”

More: Bill Clinton: Romney Is Running To Steal Credit For Obama’s Recovery | TPM2012
of course ... that must be it. That's one trust worthy guy right there so I'm buying it.
holy smokes, the progressives are getting stupider every day..

WHAT recovery? 8 % unemployment, welfare exploding, more poverty under this President..
great now we have three worthless trolls on the board.

How long have I been saying this? It's about time someone told the people that Romney is hijacking Obama's efforts. I know the right will say bs. But economist forecast this long before Romney stole it. So where they lying before Romney stole it. I also wondered why Obama let him have it
How long have I been saying this? It's about time someone told the people that Romney is hijacking Obama's efforts. I know the right will say bs. But economist forecast this long before Romney stole it. So where they lying before Romney stole it. I also wondered why Obama let him have it

I'm sure Romney will also want to take the credit for Obama's 32% increase in welfare spending, along with the smell of marijuana from the oval office and kool-aid stains on the carpet.
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omg, now Romney is "hijacking" Obama's recovery..

I guess we shouldn't of RAN anyone against the dear leader, we wouldn't want him to not get his credit due..:lol:

Are you really this stupid?

Or just this Partisan?

If you haven't noticed, Lakhota is no more than a tool for the left.
He creates a thread using a partisan article without a sentence from himself.
Then, he backs it up with a stupid ass cartoon....again, not a sentence of his own.
Just my observation......
Poor Billy Clinton, Poor heart bleeds purple kool-aide for them both:eusa_boohoo:

Are you really this stupid?

Or just this Partisan?

If you haven't noticed, Lakhota is no more than a tool for the left.
He creates a thread using a partisan article without a sentence from himself.
Then, he backs it up with a stupid ass cartoon....again, not a sentence of his own.
Just my observation......

In other words a typical post. Both sides do it. Your outrage is puzzling one-sided.

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