Bill Barr faces Jail TIME after AG Garland releases 'unredacted DOJ memo' on Trump-Russia probe

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Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2020

The DOJ under Barr wrongly withheld parts of a Russia probe memo, a court rules​


Nothing new, as expected, corrupt Bill Barr embellished facts in order to protect his friend and life long criminal trump, in order to avoid prosecution. The Mueller report had revealed multiple occasions in which trump had obstructed justice among other crimes. Barr's actions are against the law and may face jail time, hopefully along with his friend dj thug.

The DOJ under Barr wrongly withheld parts of a Russia probe memo, a court rules​


Nothing new, as expected, corrupt Bill Barr embellished facts in order to protect his friend and life long criminal trump, in order to avoid prosecution. The Mueller report had revealed multiple occasions in which trump had obstructed justice among other crimes. Barr's actions are against the law and may face jail time, hopefully along with his friend dj thug.
stop it, my sides are hurting. you demofks are hilarious.
SOP for William 'The Fixer" Barr and the Old GOP. Everything old is new again!

But this is not Bill Barr‘s first time playing cover-up for a Republican president who had committed crimes that rise to treason against America.

Back in 1992, the first time Bill Barr was U.S. attorney general, iconic New York Times writer William Safire referred to him as “Coverup-General Barr” because of his role in burying evidence of then-President George H.W. Bush’s involvement in “Iraqgate” and “Iron-Contra.”
Lib liars have said daily that Mueller would not conclude what was right In Front of him and with that lie fizzled out they have now hopscotched to an “I told you so” with the new victim being Barr
SOP for William 'The Fixer" Barr and the Old GOP. Everything old is new again!

But this is not Bill Barr‘s first time playing cover-up for a Republican president who had committed crimes that rise to treason against America.

Back in 1992, the first time Bill Barr was U.S. attorney general, iconic New York Times writer William Safire referred to him as “Coverup-General Barr” because of his role in burying evidence of then-President George H.W. Bush’s involvement in “Iraqgate” and “Iron-Contra.”
What was the crime?

The DOJ under Barr wrongly withheld parts of a Russia probe memo, a court rules​


Nothing new, as expected, corrupt Bill Barr embellished facts in order to protect his friend and life long criminal trump, in order to avoid prosecution. The Mueller report had revealed multiple occasions in which trump had obstructed justice among other crimes. Barr's actions are against the law and may face jail time, hopefully along with his friend dj thug.
Just as a third grader would say 'If Trump is a criminal what is Biden"?' I'm old enough to know better so I will answer. Biden is a hard line racist who before his statement of "You ain't Black if you don't vote for me". you would see him on the House of Senate breaking records of how many times the N word can be used in a sentance. As he campaigned for president he campaigned on bankrupting the oil industry. What he didn't say was he would bankrupt us to do it. He then ended the war in Afghanistan with our complete surrender throwing in 13 American lives to sweeting the pot. His actions to curve inflating is pretending it doesn't exist. A scum bag who's mind is gone but still tries to play America and any country he can for profit. Mindless that only the worthless (democRats) could think still is a functioning human. These democrats still don't see it at the pumps, or the food store, or any store as he turns America into a third world shit hole in record time. It sucks what a few 'too stupid to be ignorant' lower life forms can do to a country. They smile as they eat shit and then go back for seconds.
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